Council Minutes 2005 November

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting 

Date: November 17, 2005

The Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M by

Prayer was offered by GK Don Carsten

The roll call of officers:

Champlain Fr. Joseph Feders A Advocate Dave Stumpf P
Grand Knight Don Carsten P Warden Jim Seifert P
Deputy Grand Knight Marty Dehen P Inside Guard Bill Swing P
Chancellor Ed Ayd P Outside Guard Brian Wernimont A
Recorder Dan Cincoski P Trustee 3 yr Bill Rudolph A
Financial Secretary Jerry Sisk P Trustee 2 yr Pat Karn P
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 yr Tom Silver A
Lecturer Dennis Hanson A                          Present P     Absent A

 Opening Ode Vote was passed to not sing opening or closing Odes

Pledge of Allegiance and Opening Prayers were said

  1. Meeting minutes were read a correction was made adding $30 amount to the Tootsi Roll account.

New Members

  1. Mike Kelly will submit form 100. Nomination for his acceptance into the Council was approved by unanimous vote.
  2. Bill Goddard – Nomination for his acceptance into the Council was approved by unanimous vote. May go to the exemplification this Sunday.
  3. Dan Proulx
  4. Several people took 100s at the last pancake breakfast.

Treasurer Report

  1. The balance on Council account is $4,702.90.
  2. The balance on Tootsi Roll account is $110.05

Financial Secretary

  1. Request for mid year update was made by the Supreme Council.
  2. Our current official membership is 78 with the new membership we should be at 85 by the end of the year.
  3. New membership drive of double our commitment requested by the Supreme Council will give use the newly established Star Award. We would have to have 10 new members and 6 insurance to meet the requirements.
  4. Jim Grube – Workers for the pancake breakfast, we have. First shift 14 and second shift has 12.
  5. Jim Siefert – Faith formation is on Nov 30th there are 2 in December and the first and second Wednesdays of January will be big events.
  6. The K of C apron, hotpad and glove kit we agreed on last month will be presented to Father Joseph at Faith Formation on Dec 7th.
  7. Christmas Party, Dec 22nd @ 6:30 PM. Reservations have been made at Dobbo’s with price of $17.50 per person, $35.00 per couple. Council will pay $15 per couple so the cost will be $20.       Setups will be provided for BYOB.       A motion for approval was made and it was approved. Suggestion of $10 exchange gift per person was approved.
  8. The Angel auction by Ladies Auxiliary on Friday, Nov 18.

Fourth Degree report

  1. Memorial Mass on Monday and Wakes for Knights on Tuesday and Wednesday there were two last week also.

Good of the Order

  • Jerrys Sisk’s brother, Terry
  • Mike McDole
  • Dick Hargarten
  • Roger Fickbohm
  • Dave Stumpf
  • Jerry Sisk
  • Bev Carsten
  • Joe Vorderbruggen Family
  • Mike Wagener Family
  • Bryan Wernimont Family
  • Mark Schlosser – Loretto Council

Closing prayer

Meeting Adjourned at 8:35 PM

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