Short and sweet, I want everyone to contemplate this picture, commissioned by Pope Leo the 13th, in the 1700’s. It roughly translates to:
“The Mother of God, urges you to teach, pray and use the Rosary against adversaries, hostel to the Catholic name and Institution.”
Last week, I shared this with Arch Bishop Nienstadt and suggested he make an appeal to all who pray the Rosary (several different protestant groups also use the Rosary in there prayer regimen, it’s not exclusive to just Catholics) to use it against the current adversaries, too many to mention. Also, I implore that you petition all the angels, saints and intercessors you normally use when you pray it, for those on all sides of sensitive issues at hand who are in need of a healing miracle.
There have always been and will continue to be, adversaries against the Catholic Name and Institution and the Rosary continues to be the most effective way to ward them off.
God Bless us all,