Council Minutes 2009 September

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting  

Date: 09/08/2009 

  1. The Council was called to order at 7:35 PM by GK Jim Seifert
  2. Warden’s Report on Membership Card by Warden Davonne Yang
  3. Prayer was offered by GK Jim Seifert
  4. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag 
  5. Roll Call of Officers:
Chaplain Rev. Sam Catapano A Advocate David Stumpf P
Grand Knight James Seifert P Warden Davonne Yang P
Deputy Grand Knight James Grube A Inside Guard David Sheffield A
Chancellor Dan Cincoski P Outside Guard Craig Lyon A
Recorder Joe Badalucco P Trustee 3 yr Patrick Karn P
Financial Secretary Bill Swing P Trustee 2 yr Thomas Silver P
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 yr Martin Dehen P
Lecturer Earl Forrence P                           Present 11     Absent 4


  1. Opening Ode
  • Motion to dismiss with the Opening and Closing Odes proposed, seconded and carried.
  1. Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting
    • August minutes were read and approved.
    • August minutes sent to Officers and Trustees August 20, 2009.
  • A copy of the minutes may be obtained by a member in good standing upon request of the Grand Knight.


  1. Membership Director’s Report:
    1. Report of Admissions Committee and Reading of Applications for Membership
      1. 2 applicants to be voted on in October:
        1. Clarence “Butch” Scheulke
        2. Larry Aller
    2. Balloting for Membership (New members, readmissions, reapplications and transfers)   No report
  1. Reading of Notices of Applications in other Councils
  • None
  1. Initiations
  • None
  1. Grand Knight’s Report

Read by GK Seifert

  1. Grand Knight Activities since last Council meeting August 11, 2009
  2. Fraternal Assistance
    • GK has obtained guidance from State Council Officers on the proper procedures for handling fraternal assistance.
    • State and Supreme apparently do not have an established Benevolent Fund.
    • Fraternal Assistance is handled at the local Council level from the proceeds of a fundraiser or from dues.
    • Directing proceeds from charitable gaming to a private individual violates Minnesota statutes.
    • Council general funds as approved by the membership and individual designated contributions are being distributed to the member in need on a weekly basis.
    • FS and GK have advised Trustees of the amount distributed thus far.
  3. Minnesota Knights Webmail System
    • GK now has access to the webmail system
    • All communications are now being forwarded to GK personal email account.
  4. Holy Name of Jesus Fall Fest
    • Represented Council at planning meetings August 20, 2009.
    • Volunteer request for Sunday, September 13, 2009 sent to Council members August 29, 2009
    • Sign up at
  5. Community Transportation (CT) RideNet
    • Program information literature is available for reference at tonight’s Council meeting (Note: The same information is in the Holy Name of Jesus pamphlet rack. GK to turn over literature to HNOJ for future posting).
  6. Semi-Annual Audit Report
    • Filing completed by August 15, 2009
    • A copy is available to Council members in good standing upon request of the Grand Knight.
  7. Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration
    • Adoration recruitment message emailed by GK to all Council members August 29, 2009.
    • Adoration recruitment message posted to
  8. Major Degree Exemplification
    • New Brighton, Saturday, September 19, 2009, 8:00 AM
    • Must confirm number of candidates by Monday, September 14 (5 days). Council 13096 has approved 3 candidates. FS in receipt of all 3 Form 100.
    • Council Officers to accompany candidates – Call for volunteers.
  9. District Updates
    • Seminarians RSVP Program communications received August 18, 2009.
    • Copy forwarded to Chancellor Cincoski on September 9, 2009.
  10. State Council Updates
    • State Master’s Letter received August 18, 2009
    • Pledge of Allegiance “Born and Unborn”: On occasion at the end of the pledge we hear the words “with liberty and justice for all, born and unborn.” The Supreme Master has requested the vocal phrase “born and unborn” be omitted when recited. There are still court cases pending to remove the words “under God” from the pledge. We do not want to give our opponents any fuel by departing from the Pledge of Allegiance as written.
  11. Supreme Updates (none)


  1. Chaplin’s Report
  • No report
  1. Treasurer’s Report
  • Council account balance $ 5955.23 as of 8/27/2009
  1. Financial Secretary’s Report
  • Expenses totaling $ 4124.55
  • Motion to accept the Treasurer’s and Financial Secretary’s reports was approved
  1. Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouches for Deposit
  • Total Receipts Reported: $ 2785.00
  • Motion to accept was approved
  1. Reading of Bills and Communications
  • None
  1. Financial Secretary’s Report of Receipts of Meeting
  • No funds were received at the meeting.
  1. Report of Auditors and Trustees
  • None
  1. Chancellor’s Report on Vocations
  • No report (Call for report omitted in error).
  1. Service Program Committee Reports
  • No report


  1. Recruitment Activity (Membership Director)
  • Covered in Membership Director’s Report
  1. Retention Committee Report
  • No report


  1. Program Director
    1. Church Activity
      • Chuck Grabowski manufactured a ring attachment for kitchen stove to be used when cooking with the wok
    2. Community Activity No report
    3. Council Activity
      • Plans made to paint grill. Approximate cost $20.00
      • Earl Forrence offered to assist Chuck Grabowski
    4. Family Activity – No report
    5. Youth Activity – No report 
  1. Report of Standing Committees
  • No report
  1. Unfinished Business
    1. Fall Festival items:
      1. Cook meats in kitchen, reheat on grill and move to warmer
      2. Published a menu ticket to speed up service
      3. Steve Zylla will be the food coordinator
      4. Tim asked Knights to serve cookies and donuts after 8:30 Mass. Steve said we could do cookies (Changed – Sunday Hospitality Ministry to serve coffee and cookies in the Big Tent between Masses).
    2. Soccer Challenge:
      1. Dave Stumpf reported that volunteers were ready to go for Saturday and Sunday
      2. Loretto Soccer Challenge 09/22 and 09/25/2009
      3. State Soccer Challenge is 10/10
      4. District Director asked GK to hold District Challenge at HNOJ.
    3. School rosary prayer
      1. Sam Catapano will get back to GK Seifert with start date
    4. Perpetual Adoration
      1. Start 9/11/09
      2. Time slots to be covered are: every Friday, 2 – 3 AM and 8 – 9 PM
      3. See GK Seifert’s letter @
    5. Non-public school marathon 9/26 at Baker Park
      1. Need someone to co-chair KC participation and handle communications with Event Chairperson Anne Erickson.
    6. Fine dining resumes Wednesday, 09/23/2009.
    7. Endowment for Fr. Robert Zylla (Steve’s uncle) is set up at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary
      1. Endowment is earmarked for studies in moral theology
      2. Steve looking to get the 13 councils Fr. Zylla participated in to match or exceed a donation from our Council (13096).
      3. Steve plans to formalize a motion at the October council meeting.
    8. Suspension letters for 7 members presented to GK Seifert who will attempt to contact the individuals.
    9. Earl Forrence thanked members who helped to paint the Chapel
    10. Tom Silver read thank you letter from Wild West Special Olympics. HNOJ KofC donated $426.00 from the tootsie roll fundraiser
    11. Memorial for unborn. Initial idea presented to Pastor Fr. Tim. Fr. Tim has asked for a more formal proposal.
  1. New Business
    1. Pancake breakfast on 10/11/2009
      1. Proceeds to fund ProLife
      2. Ed Ayd to place advertisements in HNOJ Bulletin and HNOJ Newsletter.
      3. Breakfast will be communicated in HNOJ School Thursday packet.
      4. Motion Approved to obtain the video “Christopher Columbus – Faithful Christ Bearer” ($3.00 shipping cost) and show the video during the breakfast.
    2. October is “Membership Blitz” month.
    3. Major Degree scheduled in New Brighton on 09/17/2009.
    4. Quarterly Officer and Trustee meeting at 7:00 PM on 09/20/2009 at Lunds – Plymouth Community Room.
    5. Next council meeting is Tuesday, 10/13/2009 at HNOJ. Meeting room TBA
    6. Motion Approved to place the flags flown over Capitol in honor of veterans in the Narthex along with Papal flag was subject to approval by HNOJ Environment Committee and Pastor Fr. Tim. Dennis Madden volunteered to discuss the proposal with Fr. Tim.
    7. Motion Approved to investigate the construction of a rosary garden on HNOJ grounds.   Dennis Madden volunteered to discuss the proposal with Fr. Tim.
  1. Fourth Degree
  • No report


  1. Field Agent’s Report
  • No report
  1. District Deputy’s Report
  • No report
  1. Good of the Order
  • Mark Best
  • Tim Silver (Tom’s son)
  • Earl Forrence
  • Davonne’s wife
  • All kids returning to school
  1. Chaplain’s Summation
  • None


  1. Closing Prayer
  • Closing Prayers were said at: 9:09 PM
  1. Meeting Adjourned (Closing Ode, dismissed above)
  • Meeting Adjourned at 9:11 PM

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