Council Minutes 2009 November

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting  

Date: 11/10/2009 

  1. The Council was called to order at 7:41 PM by GK Jim Seifert
  2. Warden’s Report on Membership Card by Dave Novack
  3. Prayer was offered by GK Jim Seifert
  4. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag 
  5. Roll Call of Officers:
Chaplain Rev. Sam Catapano A Advocate David Stumpf A
Grand Knight James Seifert P Warden Davonne Yang A
Deputy Grand Knight James Grube P Inside Guard David Sheffield P
Chancellor Dan Cincoski P Outside Guard Craig Lyon A
Recorder Joe Badalucco P Trustee 3 yr Patrick Karn A
Financial Secretary Bill Swing P Trustee 2 yr Thomas Silver P
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 yr Martin Dehen A
Lecturer Earl Forrence P                          Present 9     Absent 6


  1. Opening Ode
    • Motion to dismiss with the Opening and Closing Odes proposed, seconded and carried.
  1. Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting
    • October 13, 2009 Council meeting minutes were read and approved, with 1 correction.
    • October 13, 2009 Council meeting minutes sent to Officers and Trustees on October 22, 2009.
    • A copy of the minutes may be obtained by a member in good standing upon request of the Grand Knight.


  1. Membership Director’s Report:
    • Report of Admissions Committee and Reading of Applications for Membership
      • Application for Membership: Larry Allar, Proposed by Chuck Grabowski.
    • Balloting for Membership (New members, readmissions, reapplications and transfers)
      • New members: Larry Allar admittance: motioned by Jim Grube, 2nd by Dan Cicoski. Motion was approved.
      • Readmissions: None
      • Reapplications: None
      • Transfers: None
  2. Reading of Notices of Applications in other Councils
  • None


  1. Initiations
  • None


  1. Grand Knight’s Report – Read by GK Siefert
    1. Holy Name of Jesus Fall Fest
      • Thank You to Steve Zylla for serving as the Fall Fest Food Coordinator.
      • Thank You to the many Knights who served the Sunday lunch or helped in any way with the Fall Fest.
    2. Year for Priests
      1. Approximately 350 Prayer Cards distributed after all Masses the weekend of Oct. 24-25, 2009.
      2. We still have about 300 prayer cards to be distributed at KC events.
    3. School Staff Luncheon
      • Friday, Nov. 6, 2009.
      • Thank You, Ed Ayd, for organizing the luncheon.
      • Thank You to the Knights who helped with the event.
    4. Major Degree Exemplification
      • North St. Paul, Saturday, October 31, 2009.
      • Thank You – Bill Goddard who presented Mike Stowe for 1st, 2nd and 3rd
      • Logistic problems prevented Mike from taking the 3rd degree as scheduled.
      • Thank You, David Novack for helping out with the transportation issues that arose due to the lateness of the proceedings.
    5. US. Flag Donation to HNOJ School
      • Council 13096 will present the two flags flown over the U. S. Capitol for Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church Veterans honoring their service and remembering their dedication to Holy Name of Jesus School.
      • The presentation is on Veterans Day, Nov. 11, 2009 at 8:30 AM. All HNOJ and KC Veterans are invited to attend the presentation.
    6. Pancake Breakfast, November 22, 2009
      1. Net Proceeds to the Holy Name of Jesus Kitchen Fund.
      2. Volunteer sign up now available at
    7. Proposed U.S. and Papal Flag Donation to HNOJ
      • GK and Ed Ayd had an impromptu discussion w/Fr. Tim. This lead to follow up discussions with Dan Garry and Sonny Scott.
      • The Bishops’ Committee on the Liturgy has asked pastors not to place the flag within the sanctuary itself. That space is reserved for the altar, the ambo and the presidential chair.
      • Right of Catholic Liturgy guidelines: The American flag and any other national or civil flag (e.g. the Vatican flag) have no permanent place in the sanctuary, and that instead they are to be displayed in the vestibule, narthex or commons area.
      • HNOJ Liturgical Environment policy is that window area of the Gathering Space is to be kept free of all permanent displays. A suitable “nitch” for permanent display of the flags is not architecturally present in the Gathering Space. U.S. Flag display protocol prohibits displaying the Flag at the rear of an assembly (i.e. at the back of the worship space).
      • The Council did not approve expenditure of funds to implement the flag donation proposal.
      • New Development. Saturday 11/07/2009. Liturgy Committee approves permanent display of U.S. and Papal Flag in Gathering Space.
      • KC Cost $125 each for 3×5 flag sets from KC Catalog.
      • Resolution referred to Unfinished Business agenda.
    8. KC Perpetual Adoration Hour – For the Good of the Order
      • Every Friday, 8 PM
      • Six Knights participate at this time.
      • Jim Grube is scheduling the monthly rotation.
      • November/December rotation is set.
      • More KC Adorers invited to join the KC Adoration Hour or any other open hour. Check the HNOJ website for details.
    9. Reminder: Memorial Mass for Faithfully Departed Knights of Columbus
      • Holy Name of Jesus
      • Sunday, November 22, 2009, 8:30 AM Mass.
    10. KC Christmas Party Dec 15, 2009 (Unfinished Business)
      • Vic Tarnowski will host the party at his Medina residence.
      • We event Co-Chairmen to prepare and send the invitations, receive and tally the responses, arrange event details and represent the Council in all communications with Vic and Margoux Catering. [[email protected]].
    11. Wednesday Night Fine Dining (New Business)
      • Greg Hegi is starting a new business venture and will not head up Find Dining after December 16, 2009.
      • We need a standing task force of 3-5 members to respond to HNOJ request for the Knights of Columbus to assist with choosing new leadership of the ministry for the rest of the school year and beyond.


  1. Chaplin’s Report
  • No report


  1. Treasurer’s Report
  • Council account balance $ 6035.35 as of 11/10/2009


  1. Financial Secretary’s Report
  • Total Receipts Reported: $ 97.50
  • Expenses totaling $ 2792.40
  • Discussion about the sending of state raffle tickets to new recruits. Consensus was not to send. Instead disburse at the next Pancake Breakfast
  • Letter received from Supreme to clarify the purpose of the additional $2 to be collected for the Culture of Life Fund. To be paid from Council funds.


  1. Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouches for Deposit
  • None


  1. Reading of Bills and Communications
  • None


  1. Financial Secretary’s Report of Receipts of Meeting
  • No funds were received at the meeting.


  1. Report of Auditors and Trustees
  • None


  1. Chancellor’s Report on Vocations
  • James Lannan visited and spoke to 8th graders
  • James attended 3rd Degree Exemplification. Plans to attend 4th Degree
  • Dan Cincoski motioned to donate $500.00 to support James via RSVP. Motioned carried.
  • FS to look into how to execute the RSVP to support James


  1. Service Program Committee Reports
  • No report


  1. Recruitment Activity (Membership Director)
  • Covered in Membership Director’s Report


  1. Retention Committee Report
  • No report


  1. Program Director
    1. Director – Jim Grube
      • How did angel auction go? Went very well
      • Let DGK Grube know if you want to schedule a time slot for Perpetual Adoration
    2. Church Activity – George Laurance
      • Memorial for the unborn:
        1. Met with Dan Garry to discuss options for the proper location of the memorial within the HNOJ Cemetery
        2. Discussed plan of brining the theme of the unborn and deceased children together, since there is already a memorial for children
        3. Considering space in the NE corner of the cemetery or the area west of Holy Name Drive
        4. Can probably start work next Spring
        5. Fund raiser will be needed to collect funds. At least $4000 to erect a marker
        6. After a great deal of discussion, a motion was made by George L. to form a committee to be lead by George. Motions seconded by Bill Swing. Motion carried. Plan to solicit volunteers via the KofC website.
      • Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life (MCCL) meeting scheduled for 7:30 PM on 12/1 at Lunds. Hosted by Jordan Bauer
      • George and Tom S. attended the New Evangelization of John Paul II hosted by Dr. Christine Mugridge
      • Vocations – Tom Silver
        1. Prayer cards were handed out after Masses on 10/25
        2. Glad to hear things went well with James Lannan’s visit
        3. 3 Knights helped with the women’s retreat.
    3. Community Activity
      • No report
    4. Council Activity
      • No report
    5. Family Activity
      • No report
    6. Youth Activity
      • No report


  1. Report of Standing Committees
  • No report


  1. Unfinished Business
    1. Christmas party scheduled for 12/15
      • Need a co-chairman
      • Invitations need to go out as soon as possible. Get an email out first and follow up with formal invitations via mail
      • Need to keep track of attendees
      • Invite the Pastors
      • Volunteers:
        1. Jim Grube – lead
        2. Dan Cincoski – will help with setup the day of the party
        3. George Laurance
        4. Bill Swing
      • Motion made by Ed Ayd to charge the same amount as last year. Seconded by Jim Grube. Motion carried.
    2. Flag display:
      • Earl Forrence motioned to spend up to $350.00 to purchase US and Papal flags for display in Narthex. Motion carried.
    3. Zylla Endowment:
      • Earl Forrence motioned to make a one time donation of $500.00 to the Fr. Robert Zylla Endowment. Motion carried


  1. New Business
    1. Steve Zylla made a request to approve expenses for repairs of a second food warmer. Tom Silver motioned to hold discussion until next council meeting. Seconded by Dan Cincoski. Motion carried.
    2. Earl Forrence proposed the purchase of kitchen items. The consensus of those present is that various kitchen items need replacement. No decisions made at this time.
    3. Wednesday Fine Dining:
      1. Committee formed to explore ideas to keep Wednesday Fine Dining going after Greg Hegi leaves:
        1. Steve Zylla – lead
        2. Earl Forrence
        3. Jim Seifert
        4. Pat Kendrick
        5. Joe Badalucco


  1. Fourth Degree
  • No report


  1. Field Agent’s Report
  • No report


  1. District Deputy’s Report
  • No report


  1. Good of the Order
  • Dave Stumpf’s father who recently died
  • Mark Best
  • Tim Silver (Tom’s son)
  • All military personnel, especially soldiers at Ft. Hood
  • Davonne’s wife


  1. Chaplain’s Summation
  • None


  1. Closing Prayer
  • Closing Prayers were said at: 9:51 PM


  1. Meeting Adjourned (Closing Ode, dismissed above)
  • Meeting Adjourned at 9:52 PM

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