Council Minutes November 2010

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan Council Meeting

Date: 11/9/2010

1)       The Council was called to order at 7:41 PM by GK Jim Grube

2)       Warden’s Report on Membership Card by Earl Forrence

3)       Prayer was offered by GK Jim Grube

4)       Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

5)       Roll Call of Officers:













Chaplain Rev. Sam Catapano A Advocate David Stumpf A
Grand Knight James Grube P Warden Davone Yang P
Deputy Grand Knight Dan Cincoski P Inside Guard Patrick Kendrick P
Chancellor George Laurance P Outside Guard Craig Lyon A
Recorder Joe Badalucco P Trustee 3 yr James Seifert P
Financial Secretary Bill Swing P Trustee 2 yr Patrick Karn P
Treasurer Mark Mertens A Trustee 1 yr Thomas Silver P
Lecturer Earl Forrence P                          Present: 11  Absent:__4

6)       Non-Officer Council Members in Attendance:

a)       John Rode, Dave Brinza


7)       Knights of Columbus Guests:

a)       Mark Foresman – District Deputy


8)       Opening Ode

a)       Motion to dismiss with the Opening and Closing Odes proposed, seconded and carried.


9)       Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting

a)       Minutes of Council Meeting – October 12, 2010.  No Corrections or Additions.  Minutes were approved as read.

b)       A copy of the minutes will be distributed electronically to Council members by the Grand Knight.


10)   Report of Admission Committee and Reading of Applications

a)       None


11)   Balloting for Membership (new, readmission, reapplications, transfers)

a)       None


12)   Initiations

a)       None


13)   Grand Knight’s Report

a)       Supreme

i)         Kennedy gravesite restoration work – The KC’s are underwriting the cost of restoring legibility of the JFK inaugural address and sponsoring an essay contest on the inaugural address for high school students.

ii)       “The Posada – An Advent & Christmas Celebration”.  A booklet has been made available for families who may wish to celebrate Advent in the “Posada” tradition – brought to the New World by 16th century missionaries.


b)       Reports Filed by Field Agent David Novack on behalf of Council 13096

i)         No report.


c)       State Updates

i)         Fall Bowling Classic – November 12-14 at Lakeville, Blaine and Brooklyn Park.

ii)       The MN KC Student Loan Fund, Inc, seeks donations from Brother Knights to meet increased demand for student loans.  The fund is a Section 501©(3) non-profit corporation and all donations are tax deductible.

iii)      Light Up For Christ Councils and Brother Knights are encouraged to participate in the annual “Light Up For Christ” on December 7 by lighting home nativity scenes.

iv)     Mid year questionnaire due December 1.


d)       District  53 Update

i)         District Deputy semiannual report on Council status due December 31

ii)       District and region free throw contests will be managed by Wayzata – Shawn Leuer.  The contests will be held at HNOJ on February 12, 2011 (District) and March 4, 2011 (Region).

iii)      October Blitz – only Good Samaritan Council reported new members.

iv)     Ultrasound machine fundraising update (see elsewhere in notes).

v)       Next meeting – January 27 at HNOJ.


e)       Communications Received:

i)         HNOJ School Marathon Committee – thank you for assistance on 9/25.

ii)       Shawn Leuer – Schedule for Free Throw Contest at HNOJ.

iii)      Sabrina Mauritz, Director of Parish Life – HNOJ Sleep Out (see elsewhere in notes).


f)        Exemplifications

i)         John Rode, Greg Wacek and Randy Geerdes went through 1st, 2nd and 3rd degrees on October 30 at St, Peter’s in North St. Paul

ii)       Steve Boisclair still awaiting an opportunity to attend.


g)       Item # 22:  Unfinished business items for consideration

i)         Special Olympics Fall Classic Support

(1)     Update from Tom Silver

ii)       Financial challenge to other Councils in District 53 for an ultrasound machine             –    $7,500 for the District or $1,500 per Council

(1)     District Deputy Mark Foresman has identified the Minnetonka Life-Care Center in Hopkins as a potential site.  The site needs $2,000 to purchase materials to construct a private room in which to place an ultrasound machine.  If a room can be constructed and a machine provided, they will retain a medical director and sonographer to operate the machine.  Note:  An unnamed organization is rumored to be seeking a guidance center for pregnant women in Hopkins.  The center is rumored to be investigating the feasibility of providing abortions on site.

(2)     Motion desired:  To provide $400 for the purchase of materials for Minnetonka Life-Care Center to construct a room for the ultrasound machine

(3)      Council fundraising ideas       Alex Yang to report – no report.

            iii)  Priesthood Sunday – November 7

                      (1) Tom Silver and Jim Grube provided an update.

             iv)  Divine Mercy Sunday

                      (1)  Update from George Laurance

            v)  Round Table discussion with Father Tim – Jim Grube/Dan Cincoski

                      (1) No report.

                vii) Deb McGarry request for assistance for Bob Beidel family.

(1) No report.


h)       Item #23:  New business items for consideration

i)         Angel Auction assistance for Ladies Auxiliary – November 13.

ii)       Pancake breakfast – Novmeber 21 – proceeds go to HNOJ kitchen fund

iii)      Christmas Party

(1)     Dan Cincoski to report

iv)     HNOJ Sleep Out – Sabrina Mauritz request

(1) The sleep out is scheduled for December 4.  Sabrina invites the Knights to    get pledges and sleep out with other parishioners.

(2) If Council does not wish to get involved in a sleep out, help is needed to provide dinner (about 75 people) and/or breakfast (about 50 people).

(3) Action:  GK Grube is to advise Sabrina Mauritz the Knights cannot assist.

v)       Dates to Remember:

(1)     Fall Classic – November 12-14

(2)     Angel Auction – November 13

(3)     Pancake Breakfast – November 21

(4)     Social Time – November 30 @ Panera

(5)     Next Council Meeting – Christmas party


14)   Chaplain’s Report No Report

15)   Treasurer’s Report

a)       Council account balance $ 7,564.94 as of 11/9/2010

b)       Still one outstanding check to Supreme. Has been about a year. Decision made to write it off.

16)   Financial Secretary’s Report

a)       Total Receipts Reported: $ 0.00

b)       Expenses totaling $ 1,660.00

c)       Motion to accept the Treasurer’s and Financial Secretary’s reports was approved.

d)       Tax exempt status achieved for Ladies Auxiliary

e)       Council Roster Distribution Policy: (Effective 07/13/2010)

(1)     This notice is incorporated into the minutes as of the effective date.

(2)     The Council Membership Roster is provided to Council Members and is to be used exclusively for official business of Good Samaritan Council 13096.  Other uses of the Council Membership Roster are strictly prohibited.

(3)     The Financial Secretary will e-mail a quarterly roster update to Officers and Trustees.

(4)     Council Members may request a copy of the most recently updated Council Roster from the Financial Secretary at: [email protected] or 763-479-1168.

(5)     Please submit contact information changes to the Financial Secretary.


17)   Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouchers for Deposit

a)       Receipts at meeting totaling $ 0.00

b)       No motion required.


18)   Reading of Bills and Communications See Grand Knight’s Report


19)   Report of Auditors and Trustees None


20)   Chancellor’s Report on Vocations

a)       Four Ugandan seminarians scheduled to speak to Serra Club at HNOJ on 11/15 at 7 PM.


21)   Service Program Committee Reports

a)       Program Director No report

b)       Membership – Marty Dehen No report

c)       Church Service Area – George Laurance

i)         Unborn Memorial updates:

(1)     New Ulm will engrave stone and store until we are ready to install

(2)     Contract needs to be signed. Action:  GK Grube will sign the contract and send with it the down payment check of $1,600.00

ii)       Divine Mercy Sunday updates:

(1)     Sonny Scott said a Divine Mercy Sunday service would need to be proposed by Fr. Tim. Fr. Tim originally referred George Laurance to Sonny. George will go back to Fr. Tim to seek approval to proceed. Decision to proceed will be made at January’s Council meeting.

iii)      Proposal made to support Fr. Paul Kammen, who is moving to St. Hubert’s in Chanhassen. Tom Silver suggested we send a card. GK Grube will take care of sending a card on behalf of the Council.

iv)     Proposal made to send sympathy cards to Fr. Joseph and Dave Novak for the recent loss of their grandmother and mother respectively.

v)       Decision made to send a get well card to Jerry Sisk

d)       Community Service Area – Jim Seifert No report

e)       Council Service Area – Ed Ayd No report

f)        Family Service Area – Pat Kendrick

(1)     Observation shared, the church does not have a designated mother room

(a)     Suggested to get the word out that the Emmaus room can be used when available

(b)     Look for other rooms that would be appropriate and readily available

g)       Pro-Life Service Area – Pat Karn

(1)     Pat suggested we support the same three organizations as last year with the proceeds from the October pancake breakfast

(2)     Motion: To donate $600.00 to each of the three organizations carried.

h)       Youth Activity Service  Area – Open No Report


22)   Report of the Round Table Chairman

a)       No Report


23)   Report of Standing Committees

a)       No Report


24)   Unfinished Business

a)       Special Olympics volunteer support

i)         Needed volunteers responded

b)       Ultrasound Purchase Program

i)         Comments by Deputy Director, Mark Foresman:

(1)     The Ultrasound purchase initiative began in January 2009

(2)     The Minnetonka Life Care Center in Hopkins is interested, however, they need to build the space. They have the volunteers to build the room. They need to get the necessary staff to operate the ultrasound and provide the service.

(3)     Donations needed to purchase materials to build the room. Mark offered to donate $2000.00 ($400.00 per council). Donation is contingent upon the center receiving approval from the Archdiocese.

(4)     Motion to provide $400 for the purchase of materials for the Minnetonka Life-Care Center to construct a room for the ultrasound machine passed.

(5)     As a side note, Pat Karn said he met a person from the Women’s Resource Center in Osseo, and they are interested in installing an ultrasound. However, they still need to get approval from their board.

ii)       The Alpha Pregnancy Center in Savage is associated with Care Net, a pro-life organization supported by the Evangelical Church. The Archdiocese will review the evaluation from the Alpha Pregnancy Center. However, their statement of faith may disqualify them.

iii)      Mark Foresman will contact Will Cossairt at St. Agnes about the Total Life Care Center which is affiliated with the Catholic Church.

c)       Celebrate Priesthood

i)         Consensus was that the event went very well and was well received by Fathers. Tim and Joseph.


25)    New Business

a)       Christmas Party scheduled for 12/14:

i)         First invitation mailing planned for 11/14

ii)       Dan C’s sister will cater the event

iii)      BYOB event

iv)     Gift exchange is planned as in the past

v)       Dan asked for more people to stick around to help clean

vi)     Motion carried to raise attendance fee to $12.50 per person

b)       Decision made to not support the HNOJ sleep out.  GK Grube notified Sabrina Mauritz.

c)       Decision made to offer the state raffle tickets during the 11/21 pancake breakfast, instead of mailing with membership dues notices

d)       Davone Yang notified the Council members present that the World Youth Day 2011, scheduled for next August in Madrid, Spain; will cost about $3300.00 attend. Council will consider ways to help offset the costs.


26)   Report of the Fourth Degree None


27)   Field Agent’s Report None


28)   District Deputy’s Report

a)       See Unfinished Business


29)   Good of the Order

a)       Fr. Paul Kammen

b)       Dave Novak’s mother

c)       Fr. Joseph’s grandmother

d)       Jerry Sisk

e)       George Laurance’s daughter Julie

f)        Terry Silver and family


30)   Chaplain’s Summation


31)    Closing Prayer  Closing Prayers were said at: 9:26 PM


32)   Meeting Adjourned (Closing Ode, dismissed above)  Meeting Adjourned at 9:26 PM

Council Minutes September 2010

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting

Date: 9/14/2010

1)       The Council was called to order at 7:26 PM by GK Jim Grube

2)       Warden’s Report on Membership Card by Pat Kendrick

3)       Prayer was offered by GK Jim Grube

4)       Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

5)       Roll Call of Officers:













Chaplain Rev. Sam Catapano A Advocate David Stumpf P
Grand Knight James Grube P Warden Davone Yang A
Deputy Grand Knight Dan Cincoski P Inside Guard Patrick Kendrick P
Chancellor George Laurance P Outside Guard Craig Lyon A
Recorder Joe Badalucco P Trustee 3 yr James Seifert P
Financial Secretary Bill Swing P Trustee 2 yr Patrick Karn P
Treasurer Mark Mertens A Trustee 1 yr Thomas Silver P
Lecturer Earl Forrence P                          Present: 11  Absent:__4

6)       Non-Officer Council Members in Attendance:

a)       Jim O’Toole

b)       Ed Ayd

c)       John Thole

7)       Knights of Columbus Guests: None

8)       Opening Ode

a)       Motion to dismiss with the Opening and Closing Odes proposed, seconded and carried.

9)       Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting

a)       Minutes of Council Meeting – August10, 2010.  No Corrections or Additions.  Minutes approved as read.

b)       A copy of the minutes will be distributed electronically to Council members by the Grand Knight.


10)   Report of Admission Committee and Reading of Applications

a)       None


11)   Balloting for Membership (new, readmission, reapplications, transfers)

a)       None


12)   Initiations

a)       None


13)   Grand Knight’s Report

a)       Supreme

i)         The Worldwide Rosary of Guadalupon Love – September 8th from 9:00 to 10:00 PM (ET).

ii)       A World Day of Prayer for Peace – September 11th.

iii)      The Board of Directors has voted to engage the entire Order in an initiative to provide prosthetic limbs to all Haitian children who have lost an arm or leg.

b)       Reports Filed by Field Agent David Novack on behalf of Council 13096

i)         None were filed within the last month.

c)       State Updates

i)         State Soccer Challenge – October 9th at Coon Rapids

ii)       Fall Bowling Classic – November 12-14 at Lakeville, Blaine and Brooklyn Park.

iii)      The 2010 (and preliminary 2011) Major Degree Schedule is out and can be viewed on the State website.

iv)     A Council is needed to host the 2012 State KC Convention to be held May 18-20, 2012.

d)       District  53 Update

i)         District 53 Soccer Challenge – to be held at Loretto on September 25th (sign-in at 9:45 AM).  Two Council members sought from each Council to help.

e)       Communications Received:

i)         From Sharon Baudler regarding the upcoming HNOJ Walk-a-thon to be held on September 25th from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

ii)       Request of Rev. Jim Lannan for financial support for 2010/2011.

iii)      Request of Michele Kirchoff for assistance in upgrading high chairs in the Nursery.

f)        October 5th Opern House – 59 men of the Parish invited to attend.

g)       Exemplifications

i)         Members/prospective member status – Richard Synstellien needs 2nd and 3rd Degrees; John Rode needs all three Degrees; Greg Wacek needs all three Degrees.

ii)       Exemplification dates – October 2nd at the Cathedral of St. Paul for 2nd and 3rd Degrees only; October 9 at Hastings KC Hall for all three Degrees; October 30th at St. Peter’s in North St. Paul for all three Degrees.

h)       Unfinished business items for consideration

i)         Financing pledge for memorial to the unborn – $4,000

(1)     Update from George Laurance.

ii)       Financial challenge to other Councils in District 53 for an ultrasound machine –    $7,500 for the District or $1,500 per Council

(1)     Update from Jim Grube/Pat Karn

iii)      Council fundraising ideas

(1)     Alex Yang to report.

i)         New business items for consideration

i)         Rev. Jim Lannan request for financial assistance in 2010/2011.

ii)       HNOJ Walk-a-thon on September 25th – crews needed for two shifts:  9:00 AM to 11:00 AM and 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM.

iii)      Request for financial assistance in upgrade of Nursery high chairs.

iv)     Round Table discussion with Father Tim

(1)     Recommendation:  Two members to speak with Father Tim about his perceived need for Council assistance beyond what we are already doing.

v)       Divine Mercy Sunday discussion.

(1)     Recommendation:  Reach conclusion on whether on not to support.

vi)     Re-introduction to the 4th Degree

(1)     Presentation by Dan Cincoski

vii)    Special Olympics Fall Classic – 40 volunteers needed.

(1)     Recommendation:  Express support and willingness to provide volunteers.

j)        Upcoming meetings:

(1)     Officer and Trustee meeting – 7:00 PM  September 26th at Lunds

(2)     Council Meeting – October 12th (Rosary at 7:10 PM, meeting follows immediately)


14)   Chaplain’s Report

a)       No Report


15)   Treasurer’s Report

a)       Council account balance $ 6438.87 as of 9/14/2010


16)   Financial Secretary’s Report

a)       Total Receipts Reported: $ 25.00

b)       Expenses totaling $ 73.05

c)       Motion to accept the Treasurer’s and Financial Secretary’s reports was approved

d)       Council Roster Distribution Policy: (Effective 07/13/2010)

(1)     This notice is incorporated into the minutes as of the effective date.

(2)     The Council Membership Roster is provided to Council Members and is to be used exclusively for official business of Good Samaritan Council 13096.  Other uses of the Council Membership Roster are strictly prohibited.

(3)     The Financial Secretary will e-mail a quarterly roster update to Officers and Trustees.

(4)     Council Members may request a copy of the most recently updated Council Roster from the Financial Secretary at: [email protected] or 763-479-1168.

(5)     Please submit contact information changes to the Financial Secretary.

17)   Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouchers for Deposit

a)       Receipts at meeting totaling $ 0.00

b)       Motion to accept was approved/disapproved


18)   Reading of Bills and Communications


19)   Report of Auditors and Trustees


20)   Chancellor’s Report on Vocations

a)       George Laurance proposals:

i)         Continue to support Deacon Jim Lannan

ii)       Consider supporting another seminarian

iii)      Read letter from Jim Lannan

iv)     Motion carried to donate $500.00 this Fall to Deacon Jim via RSVP

v)       Proposal to support Celebrate Priesthood on 10/31. Motion carried to purchase cake to be served after Mass in honor of Fr. Tim and Fr. Joseph. Will also make arrangements for a special blessing to be offered during Mass.


21)   Service Program Committee Reports

a)       Program Director No Report

b)       Membership – Marty Dehen  No Report

c)       Church Service Area – George Laurance

(1)     Proposal to look at arranging a service in honor of Divine Mercy Sunday(Sunday after Easter).

(2)     George Laurance will discuss with Sonny Scott

d)       Community Service Area – Jim Seifert

(1)     Country Days event went well

(2)     Soccer Challenge had better participation this year

e)       Council Service Area – Ed Ayd No Report

f)        Family Service Area – Pat Kendrick No Report

g)       Pro-Life Service Area – Pat Karn

(1)     George Laurance informed council about 40 Days for Life and the 24×7 prayer vigil in front of Regents Hospital in St. Paul.

(2)     George offered to get Pro-Life rosaries to be handed out at the October pancake breakfast

h)       Youth Activity Service  Area – Open   No Report

22)   Report of the Round Table Chairman  No Report

23)   Report of Standing Committees No Report

24)   Unfinished Business

a)       Memorial for the Unborn

i)         Motion carried to make down payment of $1600.00 to hold price on the monument

ii)       New Ulm Memorials will hold monument until we are ready to erect the memorial

iii)      New Ulm Memorial will move the Labatt children’s memorial at no charge to the location of the memorial to the unborn

iv)     Received $750.00 from Ladies KC Auxiliary to help fund the purchase of the monument

v)       Motion carried to include Ladie’s KC Auxiliary in any advertisement about the memorial to the unborn.

b)       Ultrasound Purchase Program

i)         New information shows that it could cost $20 – 60k to purchase

ii)       Hold on making a decision until the October council meeting

iii)      Was recommended that someone check with State to see what they can share about what is involved in participating in the program

c)       Support for the Walk-a-thon

i)         Need 10 KC’s to help support the event

(1)     5 from about 9 AM – 11 AM

(2)     5 from about 11 AM – 1:30 PM

25)    New Business

a)       Support of HNOJ nursery

i)         Motion carried to purchase four (4) high chairs for the HNOJ nursery. Cost is approx. $100.00 each.

ii)       Ed  Ayd volunteered to place order via

iii)      Will look at putting KC plaques on the chairs

b)       Support of Fall Bowling Classic. Tom Silver will act as POC

c)       Ladie’s KC Auxiliary annual Angel Sale scheduled for November. Motion carried to provide following support:

i)         Setup

ii)       Cooking

iii)      Serving

iv)     cleaning

26)   Report of the Fourth Degree No Report

27)   Field Agent’s Report No Report

28)   District Deputy’s Report No Report

29)   Good of the Order

a)       Bill Goddard and family

b)       Terry Silver and family

c)       George Laurance’s daughter Julie

30)   Chaplain’s Summation

31)    Closing Prayer

a)       Closing Prayers were said at: 9:40 PM

32)   Meeting Adjourned (Closing Ode, dismissed above)

a)       Meeting Adjourned at 9:41 PM

Holy Week Live with Pope Francis

We pulled together links to all the live streams with Pope Francis throughout the upcoming Holy Week. These streams are live from the Vatican and powered by Radio Vatican. All of these can also be found on You can full screen these videos by clicking the little square icon in the bottom right corner of each video as they start to play.


Palm Sunday Celebration

Chrism Mass

Pope Francis celebrates the “In Coena Domini” Mass on Holy Thursday.

On Good Friday, Pope Francis presides over the Celebration of the Passion of our Lord.

The Holy Father presides over the Way of the Cross of Good Friday

On Good Friday, Pope Francis presides over the Celebration of the Passion of our Lord.

The Holy Father presides over the Easter Vigil

The Holy Father presides over the Holy Mass of Easter Day

Membership Meeting Minutes February 2016

emaillogo Date: February 9, 2016

  • The Council meeting was called to order at 7:34 p.m. by GK Stumpf
  • Warden’s Report on Membership Cards by Tom Silver
  • Opening Prayer offered by GK Stumpf
  • Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
  • Roll Call of Officers:
Chaplain Fr. John Drees    A Advocate Tom Silver P
Grand Knight Dave Stumpf P Warden Jason Touw A
Deputy Grand Knight John Rode P Inside Guard John Gooley A
Chancellor Eugene Dust P Outside Guard Pat Karn A
Recorder Jim Grube P Trustee 3 yr Bill Swing P
Financial Secretary Edward Hagerty P Trustee 2 yr Earl Forrence P
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 yr Daniel Cincoski P
Lecturer Martin Dehen P Present: 11 Absent: 4


  • Non-Officer Council Members in Attendance: (12 members present for votes)
    1. Jim Martin 
  • Knights of Columbus Guests:
    1. District Deputy Tom Mechels
  • Opening Ode
    1. The Council dispensed with the Opening Ode.
  • Chaplain’s Report
    1. None
  • Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting
    1. Record of Council finances and actions of January 12, 2016 General Membership meeting read by Recorder Jim Grube. APPROVED
  • Report of Admission Committee and Reading of Applications
    1. No report
  • Balloting for Membership (new, readmission, reapplications, transfers)
    1. No action taken.
  • Initiations
    1. Plan is to schedule own 1st degree exemplification in July for Kory LeCroix
    2. Mike Zylla attended an exemplification for the 2nd and 3rd
  • Grand Knight Report – Report Attached.
  • Treasurer’s Report
    1. Council account balance – $3,254.48 as of February 9, 2016
    2. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report – Approved
  • Financial Secretary’s Report
  1. Financial Secretary Hagerty reported:
    1. Total Receipts reported: $1,640.00 in two receipt batches
    2. Total Disbursements reported: $135.00 (2 Vouchers: $75.00 and $60.00)
  2. Motion to accept the Financial Secretary’s Report – Approved
  3. Motion made to pay bills – Approved
  • Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouchers for Deposit
    1. See Financial Secretary’s Report – #16 above.
  • Report of Auditors and Trustees
    1. No report
  • Chancellor’s Report on Vocations
    1. No report
  • Service Program Committee Reports – refer to attached GK Report
    1. Program Director – Unassigned – No report
    2. Church Director – Earl Forrence – No report
    3. Vocations – Tom Silver – No report
    4. Community Director – No report
    5. Culture of Life – No report
    6. Council Service – Ed Ayd – No report
    7. Public Relations – Jason Touw – Jim Grube reported that Jason had volunteered to hold a tutorial for the Council officers. The tutorial will be held in the school computer lab at 7:00 PM on either February 16 or 23.
    8. Family Service – Jim Grube – No report
    9. Youth Activity – Unassigned – No report
    10. Membership – Dan Cincoski reported he has been approached by a new parishioner who expressed interest in joining the Council. Dan will follow up on the expression of interest.

Dan Cincoski reported the Council has 127 active members: 52 insurance members and 75 associate members.

  1. Recruitment – Unassigned – No report
  2. Retention – Jim Grube – No report
  3. Lecturer – Marty Dehen – No report
  4. HNOJ Life Commission – Tom Silver, Earl Forrence – No report
  • Report of the Round Table Chairman
    1. Not Applicable
  • Report of Standing Committees
    1. No report
  • Unfinished Business
  1. a) Cinnamon Roll Update – Tom Silver submitted a written summary of the 26th Annual Pro-Life Cinnamon Roll Bake Sale that took place January 22 – 24. Over 50 volunteers baked and frosted over 1,300 rolls, with no rolls left after the Sunday 5:30 p.m. Mass. 20 Council members and family members volunteered. The sale yielded $4,600 in receipts with $4,500 to be donated to 6 Pro-Life Organizations: Pro-Life Across America, MCCL, Pro-Life Action Ministries, North Side Life Care, Birth Rite of MN, and Southwest Options in Hopkins. Each organization will receive a $750 check.
  2. b) KC Free Throw Results – GK Dave Stumpf reported the Wayzata and Holy Name Councils had 18 students participate, with 12 Council winners advancing to the District competition. 7 students are advancing to the Regional competition.
  3. c) Pancake Breakfast proceeds for Kitchen Fund. Motion: To donate $1,300 to the Kitchen Fund. Approved
  4.  d) RCIA Brunch Feb 14th – GK Dave Stumpf reported 5 Knights are to assist in presentation of the brunch.
  5.    e) Pay Pal – This issue was held over to the February 9, 2016 Council meeting.
  • New Business
    1. Feed My Starving Children – GK Dave Stumpf reported that the St. George Council is joining with St. Joseph’s Parish of New Hope for this event on February 24 from 6:00 to 8:00 PM, however it is opposite the Wednesday Night Fine Dining.
    2. Pancake Buffet March 6th – Members were urged to sign up to help.
    3. c)   Seafood Buffet March 11th – Davonne Yang has reduced the menu and will forward it to GK Dave Stumpf who will forward it to the Council. The kitchen should be available on Wednesday and Thursday evenings for food preparation.
    4. d)   RCIA Easter Vigil celebration March 26th – 6 or 7 Knights are needed to serve the attendees. Earl Forrence was authorized to purchase 13 black KC rosaries for the candidates at a $50 cost.
    5.     e) Wheelchair Mission – This issue has been tabled indefinitely.
    6.    f) Semiannual Council Audit due Feb. 15th – It will be signed after the February 9th Council meeting.
    7. g) Knights Retreat – Jim Martin reported on the retreat facilities at Christ the King Retreat Center in Buffalo and the retreat he made in January at a cost of $160. Jim has information on all the weekends for 2016 and recommended the Council consider a group attendance at a future weekend retreat.
  • Report of the Fourth Degree
    1. Exemplification is scheduled for April 16 in St. Cloud.
    2. Dan Cincoski will be the next Comptroller effective July1
    3. Ed Ayd will be the next Navigator effective July 1`
    4. Eugene Dust will be the next Scribe effective July 1
  • Field Agent’s Report – David Novack
    1. No report
  • District Deputy’s Report – Thomas Mechels
    1. DD Tom Mechels reported the State Convention will be May 14/15 in St. Cloud
    2. Officer installation will occur on June 17 in Long Lake
    3. DD Tom Mechels congratulated the Council for all its works for the Parish and public.
  • Good of the Order
    1. Joe & Dan Vorderbruggen and family on the death of Joe’s daughter Adrianna while serving our country overseas.
    2. Ed Silver (Tom Silver’s brother)
    3. Paul Silver (Tom Silver’s brother)
    4. Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan
    5. Mike Zylla
    6. Father Marty Fleming
    7. Dick Hargarten
    8. Jerry Sisk
    9. George Laurance
    10. Kao Pafoua Yang
    11. Jim Lannan
    12. Gary Collyard
    13. Earl Forrence
    14. Nina Osorio mother of 2 children (Jason Touw friend)
    15. Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis
    16. Bishops and Priests of the Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis
    17. “Troubled youth”
    18. In thanksgiving for prayers answered
    19. For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers
  • Chaplain’s Summation
    1. No report.
  • Closing Prayer
    1. Closing Prayers were offered at 8:50 p.m.
  • Closing Ode
    1. The Council dispensed with the Closing Ode.
  • Meeting Adjourned
    1. Meeting Adjourned at 8:51 p.m.

Calendar Reminders:

  • Breakfast Buffet – March 6
  • Seafood Buffet – March 11

Knights host their annual Free Throw Championship.

MEDINA , MN – The Good Samaritan Knights of Columbus Council 13096 hosted the District-Wide Free Throw Competition for kids ages 9 – 14 at Holy Name of Jesus on January 30th, 2016.  12 kids participated, and each competed in their own age group.  Each contestant got the chance to shoot 25 free throws, and those who made the most free throws in their bracket went on to regionals.  Many free throws were made and a good time was had by all!  Thank you to everyone who helped to make this event possible.


Our Condolence to the Vorderbruggen Family

Medina, MN – January 16, 2016 – The Good Samaritan Knights of Columbus Council 13096 sends their sincere condolences to Brother Knight Joe Vorderbruggen, Dan Vorderbruggen and all of the Vorderbruggen Family in the loss of Adrianna Vorderbruggen who passed serving our country and who’s memorial mass was celebrated at our home parish of Holy Name of Jesus earlier this morning. Our prayers are with your family!

Below is a video clip talking about Adrianna and the other 5 service members killed in the attacks.

Council Meeting Minutes November 2015

Download Now from the November 2015 Meeting

Coming Soon online version of minutes. We are working to get the online version copied into the website ASAP. Till then please download the latest meeting minutes from November 2015

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan Council 13096

Membership Meeting Minutes 

Date: November 10, 2015

  • The Council meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by GK Stumpf
  • Warden’s Report on Membership Card by Jason Touw
  • Opening Prayer offered by GK Stumpf
  • Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
  • Roll Call of Officers:
Chaplain Fr. John Drees    A Advocate Tom Silver P
Grand Knight Dave Stumpf P Warden Davone Yang A
Deputy Grand Knight John Rode P Inside Guard John Gooley P
Chancellor Eugene Dust A Outside Guard Pat Karn P 8:32
Recorder Jim Grube P Trustee 3 yr Bill Swing P
Financial Secretary Edward Hagerty P Trustee 2 yr Earl Forrence A
Treasurer Mark Mertens A Trustee 1 yr Daniel Cincoski P
Lecturer Martin Dehen P Present: 10 Absent: 5


  • Non-Officer Council Members in Attendance: (11 members present for votes)
    1. Jason Touw


  • Knights of Columbus Guests:
    1. District Deputy Tom Mechels


  • Opening Ode
    1. Recited in unison by all members present.


  • Chaplain’s Report
    1. None


  • Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting
    1. Record of Council finances and actions of the October 13, 2015 General Membership meeting read by Recorder Jim Grube. Approved


  • Report of Admission Committee and Reading of Applications
    1. None


  • Balloting for Membership (new, readmission, reapplications, transfers)
    1. None
  • Initiations
    1. Nick Gonderinger was initiated at St. Joseph the Worker in Maple Grove on October 29th
    2. Kent Krager was initiated at St. Joseph the Worker in Maple Grove on October 29th
    3. Plan is to schedule own 1st degree exemplification for Kory LeCroix
    4. It was noted that the Council has brought in eight new members in September and October


  • Grand Knight Report – Report Attached.
  1. a) Communications:
  2. Deacon Michael McClellan sent a thank you note to the Council for our RSVP support this year.
  3. Lauri Becker sent an email thanking the Council for our support of Women’s Day at HNOJ.
  4. Steve Zylla was thanked for his donation of kitchen utensils.


  • Treasurer’s Report
    1. Council account balance $4,738.55 as of November 5, 2015.
    2. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report – Approved


  • Financial Secretary’s Report
  1. Financial Secretary Hagerty reported:
    1. Total Receipts reported: $560.00 (Dues; donation and shirt sale)
    2. Total Disbursements reported: $2,754.91 (8 Vouchers: 4 @ $500.00; $190.69; $105.48; $440.00 and $18.74)
  2. Motion to accept the Financial Secretary’s Report – Approved
  3. Motion made to pay bills – Approved


  • Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouchers for Deposit
    1. See Financial Secretary’s Report – #16 above.


  • Report of Auditors and Trustees
    1. No report


  • Chancellor’s Report on Vocations
    1. No report


  • Service Program Committee Reports – refer to attached GK Report
    1. Program Director – Unassigned: No report
    2. Church Director – Earl Forrence: No report
    3. Vocations – Tom Silver: No report
    4. Community Director – No report
    5. Culture of Life – No report
    6. Council Service – Ed Ayd: No report.
    7. Public Relations – Unassigned: No report.
    8. Family Service – Jim Grube: No report.
    9. Youth Activity – Unassigned: No report.
    10. Membership – Dan Cincoski: No report
    11. Recruitment – Unassigned: No report.
    12. Retention – Jim Grube: No report
    13. Lecturer – Marty Dehen: No report
    14. HNOJ Life Commission – Tom Silver, Earl Forrence: No report


  • Report of the Round Table Chairman
    1. Not Applicable
  • Report of Standing Committees
    1. No report


  • Unfinished Business
  1. a)   Public Relations Update – Jason Touw gave an overview of the Council’s updated website pages and   links. Jason noted that Kaleigh Olson assisted in the update of the Council’s website. Jason noted we should have a goal of providing the Council members an email every two weeks and if we are able to generate enough content, every week. Jason emailed the Council members on November 9th with 109 successes and 2 bounce backs (98.2%) success. Jason also noted that Brother Joe Badulocco’s daughter will help in the graphic design of certain aspects of the website. Grand Knight Stumpf authorized the launch of the new website: Jason will send an email out to the Council providing direction on how to access the website.
  2. b) Back to school bracelets – 456 bracelets were delivered for approximately 400 students and 50 staff at a cost of $86.64 plus shipping for a $105.48 total.
  3. c) As authorized previously 24 Coats for Kids were purchased (12 each for boys and girls), and the Knitting Club has completed the knitting of scarves and caps for 24, again 12 each for boys and girls.
  4. d) KC pens approval – upon review of options, it was decided to order 300 pens at $0.37/each, plus delivery.


  • New Business
  1. a) Special Olympics – November 15 (actually November 13-15) at Blaine, Brooklyn Park and Lakeville
  2. b) Pancake Buffett – November 15 with proceeds going to the Kitchen Fund
  3. c) District 53 Memorial Mass, Loretto – November 17 6:00 pm with Bill Swing, John Gooley and Jim Grube identified as likely attendees.
  4. d) Knights Christmas Party – 6:30 pm December 8th with a number of members expressing willingness to help in the planning and preparations. Forster’s Meats & Catering has agreed to hold last year’s prices for the upcoming party.
  5. e) Food Service Training at Holy Name – A training session will be held November 17 from 6:30 to 8:30 with Tom Silver and Grand Knight Stumpf participating.
  6. f)   KC Free Throw Contest – The Council level contest will be January 16. The District level contest is to occur in February. There was agreement that we should ask the Wayzata Council to join us for both the Council and District contests at Holy Name. NOTE: Earl Forrence and Mark Mertens expressed interest in helping during the April officer meeting.   Father Steve must give clearance for the two contests to occur.
  7. g) Cinnamon Roll Weekend – This activity is scheduled for January 22-24. Tom Silver noted that Michelle Kirchoff coordinates the Benilde-St. Margaret’s student volunteers and we need to make sure we know their volunteer schedule.
  8. h) Office of Public Relations Program Services Director – Grand Knight Stumpf appointed Jason Touw to the director position. Jason asked that interested Council members volunteer to serve on a Public Relations Committee.
  9. i) Office of Warden – Grand Knigh Stumpf reported that Davone Yang can no longer fulfill the responsibilities of Warden and declared the office vacant. The members in attendance voted the position filled by Jason Touw.
  10. j) Jason Touw reported that PayPal could be used as a means of receiving membership dues and payments from those who attend fundraisers such as our Breakfast Buffet. After discussion it was agreed to continue consideration of the matter at a future meeting.
  11. k) Fire for Discipleship – The Parish will sponsor a Fire for Discipleship as an activity complimentary with the Interfaith Outreach sleep out. The watchfire is to be held on December 16 and 17. The Council has been signed up to attend the fire midnight December 17. The watchfire will be held at the Parish fire ring along the access road behind the school.


  • Report of the Fourth Degree
    1. Exemplification occurred on October 31 in Duluth
    2. The next exemplification is to occur on April 16 in St. Cloud
    3. The 4th Degree ladies Christmas Party is scheduled for December 8


  • Field Agent’s Report – David Novack
    1. No report


  • District Deputy’s Report – Thomas Mechels
    1. District Deputy Mechels reported that the District 53 meeting will be at Holy Name on December 10 at 7:00 pm.
    2. District Deputy Mechels reminded members to keep track of the volunteer hours.
    3. District Deputy Mechels reminded the Council of:
      1. District 53 Memorial Mass on November 17 at Loretto at 6:00 pm
      2. Special Olympics will be November 13-15


  • Good of the Order
    1. Tom Cincoski (Dan Cincoski’s father)
    2. Ed Silver (Tom Silver’s brother)
    3. Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan
    4. Father Marty Fleming
    5. Dick Hargarten
    6. Jerry Sisk
    7. George Laurance
    8. Kao Pafoua Yang
    9. Jim Lannan
    10. Gary Collyard
    11. Ann Prevosto (Joe Badalucco’s sister)
    12. Earl Forrence
    13. Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis
    14. Bishops and Priests of the Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis
    15. “Troubled youth”
    16. In thanksgiving for prayers answered
    17. For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers


  • Chaplain’s Summation
    1. No report.


  • Closing Prayer
    1. Closing Prayers were offered at 9:19 pm


  • Closing Ode
    1. Recited in unison by all members present.


  • Meeting Adjourned
    1. Meeting Adjourned at 9:20 pm


Calendar Reminders:

  • Council Christmas Party – December 8


Respectfully Submitted,

Recorder, Jim Grube

New Officer Elected at Good Samaritan Knights of Columbus

Medina, MN. – During the Good Samaritan Knights of Columbus #13096 monthly council meeting, Grand Knight Dave Stumpf called a special election for the Office of Warden.

0160_2The Brother’s present nominated and elected Brother Jason A. Touw into the role. Brother Touw is a parishoner of Holy Name of Jesus and transferred to our council back in September 2015 as a 4th degree Knight. Since joining our council Brother Touw has been very active with attendance at numerous events, meetings, and helped redesign our council website which can be viewed at Prior to joining our council Touw was a member of the Marian Council 3827 Knights of Columbus in Bloomington, MN since 2009. Brother Touw helped develop the marketing program for the Bloomington Council bringing them to receive the State Marketing award in 2014. Prior to being a member in Bloomington Touw had been a Knight in Boca Raton, FL. at Our Lady of Lourdes council  #11241 and joined the order of the Knights of Columbus in 2007 as a 3rd Degree at a ceremony at Our Lady of Mercy Council in Pompano Beach, FL. He joined the ranks of the 4th degree at a ceremony in Orlando, FL 6 months later in the spring of 2008.


Grand Knight Report November 2015

gkreport nov 15


  1. Deacon Michael McClellan
  2. E-mail from Lauri Becker
  3. Thank you to Steve Zylla
  4. 8 New Members in Sept & Oct.

Unfinished Business

  1. Public Relations Update (Jason)
  2. Back to school bracelets. (Ed)
  3. Ordered Coats for Kids (Knitting Club has scarf and caps)
  4. KC pens approval

New Business

  1. Special Olympics 11/15
  2. Pancake Buffett 11/15 Kitchen Fund
  3. District 53 Memorial Mass, Loretto 11/17 6:00 pm RSVP needed by Nov.13th.
  4. Knights Holiday Party, 6:30 pm Dec 8
  5. Food Service Training Holy Name 6:30-8:30
  6. KC Free Throw Jan?
  7. Roll Weekend Jan 22-24
  8. Office of Public Relations Program Services Director
  9. Office of Warden

Respectfully Submitted,

Dave Stumpf

Grand Knight

Join Us

If you have any questions about our Council and would like to talk to someone, email us at [email protected] and we’ll get back with you.

If you are ready to join, click here Join Here  and complete the form.  Be sure to enter our Council# 13096 when filling it out.