Fire For Discipleship and Sleep Out

2015_sleepout_logo_blk_blu_white_bkgd1-200x200We have been requested to participate with the annual SleepOut and Fire for Discipleship. This event is hosted by Holy Name of Jesus to benefit the IOCP. The event takes place from December 16th through December 17th. We as a council have signed up to participate on the evening of December 16th into 17th at midnight for one hour. Please consider joining us for prayers, companionship, brotherly discussions and supporting Chris Kostelc, Coordinator of Adult Formation; Murray Wolf, Pastoral Council Chair; and Deacon Dennis Hanson as they sleep outside in the dead of winter.

Learn more about this event here and if you are interested in participating please contact Earl Forrence

Council Minutes February 2015

  • The Council meeting was called to order at 7:29 p.m. by GK Swing.
  • Warden’s Report on Membership Card by Davone Yang
  • Opening Prayer offered by GK Swing.
  • Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
  • Roll Call of Officers:
Chaplain Fr. Andrew Stueve P Advocate Eugene Dust P
Grand Knight Bill Swing P Warden Davone Yang P
Deputy Grand Knight David Stumpf P Inside Guard Thomas Silver P
Chancellor John Rode P Outside Guard Murray Wolf A
Recorder Joe Badalucco P Trustee 3 yr Earl Forrence P
Financial Secretary Edward Hagerty P Trustee 2 yr Daniel Cincoski P
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 yr James Grube A
Lecturer Martin Dehen A Present: 12 Absent: 3


  • Non-Officer Council Members in Attendance: (13 members present for votes)
    1. Pat Karn, Deacon Dennis
    2. Deacon Dennis’ comments:
      1. Expressed appreciation for all that the KC’s do to help the Parish
      2. Mentioned the Legacy Gala and the good it does for Ascension. Dennis offered to provide a table to the KC’s.


  • Knights of Columbus Guests:
    1. None
  • Opening Ode
    1. Recited in unison by all members present.
  • Chaplain’s Report
    1. Andrew read Columbia article about Matt Burke


  • Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting
    1. Record of Council finances and actions on 01/13/2015 General Membership meeting read by Recorder Badalucco
  1. The following corrections were made:


      Add under “Unfinished Business”:  

Item a: GK Swing recommended scheduling the Bylaws Committee for Jan 18th or Jan 25th 7PM at Lunds.  He will confirm date with Trustee Grube.

      Add under “New business”

Item 2: “Intentional Discipleship” book, Study Guide, Discussion Group (Fr. Andrew)

Fr. Andrew encouraged the reading of this book.  Swing pointed out that his wife coordinates a     HNOJ book group that will be starting the review of this book on Jan 14. Others are welcome.

Item 4: The HNOJ Men’s Group (Jim Martin)

Jim Martin provided info on the Men’s Group that meets on Friday mornings & answered       questions.

Item 5: Motion was made and seconded to purchase veggie shredder at a cost of $36.       Motion       was unanimously approved.

Item 6: Motion was made and seconded to donate $120 to the Student Loan Fund. Motion was unanimously approved.

Item 7: Motion was made and seconded to donate $100 to the Holy Family Catholic Adoption Agency.  Motion was unanimously approved.

Item 8: Swing reported that the KC classified ad in the HNOJ bulletin has been dropped due to end of contract. Annual cost is $514.   David Novack offered to look into it.

  1. The Minutes of 1/13/2015 were approved with noted corrections.



  • Report of Admission Committee and Reading of Applications
    1. Alec Pahl Form 100 read.


  • Balloting for Membership (new, readmission, reapplications, transfers)
    1. Motions made and approved to accept applications by acclamation for Alec Pahl and Kevin Dwyer
  • Initiations
    1. Paul Coutinho was unable to attend January exemplification.
    2. Kory LaCroix has asked us not to give up on him
  • Grand Knight Report – Report Attached.
  • Treasurer’s Report
    1. Council account balance $3228.82 as of 02/10/2015.
    2. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report – Approved
  • Financial Secretary’s Report
    1. Total Receipts reported: $2272.50
    2. Total Disbursements reported: $2,067.87
    3. Motion to accept the Financial Secretary’s Report – Approved


  • Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouchers for Deposit
    1. See attached Receipt and Voucher reports for details
  • Report of Auditors and Trustees
    1. Plan to meet 2/22/15 to complete by-laws


  • Chancellor’s Report on Vocations
    1. No report
  • Service Program Committee Reports – refer to attached GK Report
    1. Program Director – Unassigned – No report
    2. Church Director – Earl Forrence: No report
    3. Vocations – Tom Silver: No report
    4. Community Director – No report
    5. Culture of Life – No report
    6. Council Service – Ed Ayd: No Report.
    7. Public Relations – Unassigned: No Report.
    8. Family Service – Jim Grube: No Report.
    9. Youth Activity – Unassigned: No Report.
    10. Membership – Marty Dehen: No Report.
    11. Recruitment – Unassigned: No Report.
    12. Retention – Jim Grube – No report
    13. Lecturer – Marty Dehen: No report
    14. HNOJ Life Commission – Tom Silver, Earl Forrence: No Report.
  • Report of the Round Table Chairman
    1. Not Applicable
  • Report of Standing Committees
    1. No report
  • Unfinished Business – Refer to attached GK Report
    1. Schedule final Bylaws Committee Meeting (Dust) – One more meeting needed to complete by-laws. Trustees, GK and Advocate plan to meet 2/22 at 7 PM.
    2. Lenten Rosary Appeal (Dehen) – with input from Fr. Andrew and Fr. Steve, decision was made to defer appeal for rosary stories/testimonies for May Newsletter.
    3. HNOJ Property Enhancements (Dust & Forrence) – Need to present ideas, next Property Enhancement meeting not until March.
    4. KC Free Throw District Championship Competition 2/14/2015; $16.04 Cert Frames (Swing) – Same number of contestants and volunteers local competition. Motion made and approved to fund the purchase of frames made by GK Swing
    5. Founder’s Day, Sunday, March 22nd (Fr. Andrew) – Fr. Andrew will be speaking with Fr. Steve about plans. Question to have 4th Degree Honor Guard present was raised.
    6. Wheel Chair Mission Wheel Chair – Donated $200.00 to Wheel Chair Mission. Council received wheel chair. Recommendation was made to speak with Jona Winklemann with the Parish Pastoral Care Ministry to get ideas for donating the wheel chair.


  • New Business – Refer to attached GK Report
    1. March Membership Blitz – Recommended to delay until April/May timeframe
    2. Requests from Lori Becker, Director of Faith Formation:
      1. Sunday February 22nd: Brunch for RCIA Candidates, 11:30 AM. 46 persons.
      2. Saturday April 4th: Reception for RCIA Candidates following Easter Vigil, i.e. appetizers
  • Recommendation made to speak with Chuck Gonderinger, who does the men’s breakfasts, to get assistance with the brunch. Probably need 6 KC volunteers; GK, DGK and Tom Silver volunteered.
  • DGK will speak with Lori regarding the reception following the Easter Vigil. KCs will help with prep, serving, and clean up, but not shopping.
    1. Sea Food Buffet, March 25th, 26th, 27th – Preparation & Event (Yang)
      1. Devon needs 2 volunteers to join him in planning and prep
      2. Requested to purchase 2 frying pots, $62 – 75 each
      3. Lost Cub Foods sponsorship, got $300 in the past. Devon made an appeal for anyone who might have connections in the food/restaurant business.
      4. Estimated cost $1200.00
    2. 2014 2nd Half Semi-Annual Audit (Hagerty) – Trustees and GK to review and sign following this evening’s meeting.
    3. Pennies for Seminarians ($212). Motion made and approved
    4. Jim Campbell Religious Scholarship ($212) Motion to approve tabled until next meeting
  • Report of the Fourth Degree
    1. Bishop Cuzzens will be observing the 4th Degree Exemplification at the April 18, 2015 event in Brooklyn Park at the Marriott. Fr. Andrew will also attend. Eugene Dust invited others to join.


  • Field Agent’s Report – David Novack
    1. none
  • District Deputy’s Report – Thomas Mechels
    1. none


  • Good of the Order
    1. Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan
    2. Dick Hargarten
    3. Jerry Sisk
    4. George Laurance
    5. Kao Pafoua Yang
    6. Jim Lannan
    7. Gary Collyard
    8. Kevin Hannigan
    9. Earl Forrence as he seeks employment
    10. Bishops and Priests of the Archdiocese of St. Paul – Minneapolis
    11. “troubled” youth
    12. In Thanksgiving for prayers answered
    13. and, for all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers
  • Chaplain’s Summation
    1. No report.
  • Closing Prayer
    1. Closing Prayers were offered at 9:13 p.m.
  • Closing Ode
    1. Recited in unison by all members present.
  • Meeting Adjourned
    1. Meeting Adjourned at 9:14 p.m.

Calendar Reminders:

  • Membership “blitz” TBD
  • St. Patrick’s Part, KCs to assist, March 7th (tentative)
  • KC Breakfast, March 15th, 6:30 AM – 1:30 PM
  • Founder’s Day, March 22nd, 10:30 Mass
  • Seafood Buffet, March 27th, 5 – 9 PM
  • KC Breakfast, April 19th, 6:30 AM – 1:30 PM
  • Tootsie Roll Drive, April 25 – 26
  • Annual Awards Dinner, May 12th, 6:30 – 9:00 PM, location TBD
  • KC Breakfast, May 17th, 6:30 AM – 1:30 PM
  • State Convention, May 15 – 17, The DECC in Duluth

Respectfully Submitted,

Recorder, Joe Badalucco

Grand Knight’s Report






Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan Council 13096

Grand Knight’s Report (Meeting Agenda)

February 10, 2015


  1. Upcoming Activities
  1. Faith Formation Fine Dining, Wednesdays, February 4th and 25th
  2. Next Major Degrees: North St Paul March 14th and St Andrew’s Elk River March 21st
  3. KC Free Throw District Championship Competition, HNOJ Gym, February 14, 1:15PM
  4. CatholicManNight, February 19th, 6:30PM, St. Anne, Hamel
  5. Parishioners join Knights & Marian Prayer Group for Rosary in Adoration Chapel 8-9 PM, Feb 20th & 27th.
  1. Communications
  1. January’s Lecturer’s Report emailed to membership on 1/16/2015
  2. Bylaw Committee Meeting, January 18th (Attachment 1)
  3. Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity e-submitted 1/28/2015
    1. Vegetable shredder (approved 1/13/2015) ) received & placed with KC breakfast supplies
    2. Cinnamon Roll Weekend (Silver)
  4. Local Feb 1st Free Throw Championship (Attachment 2)
  5. Receipt and placement of Marian Icon in Adoration Chapel 2/1/2015 (Forrence, Butch, Swing)
  6. Rosary Committee Meeting at Panera 1/21/2015 (Attachment 3)
  7. Rosary Committee Meeting at HNOJ 2/1/2015 (Attachment 4)
  8. Marian Prayer Service February 6, 7PM. (Attachment 5)
    1. K of C Classified Ad in HNOJ Bulletin – $514 (Novack)
    2. State Advocate’s statement on KC tax exemption
    3. Filing of e-990N for tax year 2014 on 2/8/2015
  1. Unfinished Business
  1. Schedule final Bylaws Committee Meeting (Dust)
  2. Lenten Rosary Appeal (Dehen)
  3. HNOJ Property Enhancements (Dust & Forrence)
  4. KC Free Throw District Championship Competition 2/14/2015; $16.04 Cert Frames (Swing)
  5. Founder’s Day, Sunday, March 22nd (Fr. Andrew)
  6. Wheel Chair Mission Wheel Chair
  1. New business
  2. March Membership Blitz
    1. Requests from Lori Becker, Director of Faith Formation
      • Sunday February 22nd: Brunch for RCIA Candidates, 11:30 AM. 46 persons.
      • Saturday April 4th: Reception for RCIA Candidates following Easter Vigil, i.e. appetizers
    2. Sea Food Buffet, March 25th, 26th, 27th – Preparation & Event (Yang)
    3. 2014 2nd Half Semi-Annual Audit (Hagerty)
    4. Pennies for Seminarians ($212)
    5. Jim Campbell Religious Scholarship ($212)


Respectfully Submitted,

Bill Swing, Grand Knight

Attachment #1: Bylaw Committee Meeting, January 18th

Attendance: Eugene Dust, Earl Forrence, Jim Grube, Dan Cincoski, Bill Swing

Committee continued review of bylaws that they started at their December 7th meeting. Article V through Article VII were reviewed. A final meeting is needed to completed review of Article VII (Funds).


Attachment #2: January 31st Local Free Throw Championship
























  1. Bill Swing   Center Table   (Welcome/Prayer & Award Presentation)
  2. Gary Rieland Center Table
  3. Earl Forrence   Judge Court 1
  4. Ashley Borland   Scorer Court 1
  5. Jim Grube   Judge Court 2
  6. Tom Sliver   Scorer Court 2
  7. Chris Ritichie Registration Table
  8. Art Borland   Registration Table
  9. Jack Delaney “Runner”


Attachment #3: Rosary Committee Meeting at Panera 1/21/2015

Attendance: Wanda Sweeney, Claudith Washington, Earl Forrence, Marty Dehen, Bill Swing

Subjects discussed were: (1) Marian Icon and Marion Prayer Service, and (2) the Lenten Rosary Appeal.

Details determined for the Marian Icon and Marion Prayer Service were:

  • Bill will receive the Icon (27” x 40” in size) from District Deputy, Tom Mechels, on Sunday February 1st.   He and HNOJ maintenance personnel will replace the current Marion picture that is on the wall in the Adoration Chapel with the Icon after the 5:30pm Mass on February 1st.  (Fr. Steve has approved this placement.  Dan Cincoski, previously GK, assures me that the Icon is wall mountable having done this before.)
  • The Icon will remain in place until the evening of the prayer service Friday February 6th.
  • The Marion Hour of Prayer Service will be held on First Friday February 6th 7 p.m.  In the Church.  The Icon will be moved to an easel in the Church for the prayer service.
  • Following the service, Bill will take possession of the Icon and deliver it to DD Tom Mechels (details to be confirmed).
  • Prayer Service Assignments:
    • Song Leader:  Pat Karn
    • “Leader” parts in service booklet:  Fr. Andrew (with the exception of the Rosary)
    • 1st Reading and Responsorial Psalm:  Claudith Washington
    • 2nd Reading:  Marty Dehen
    • Gospel:  Fr. Andrew
    • Homily:  At Fr. Andrew’s option, i.e. Pope Francis’s Homily or his own homily
    • Rosary Leader (pages 10-14): Marty Dehen. Include Marian Sorrowful Mysteries from Wanda’s book.
    • Litany: Earl Forrence
  • Recommended January 25th, Bulletin: The Knights of Columbus Council and the Marian Prayer Group are sponsoring a Marian Hour of Prayer in the Church on First Friday, February 6th at 7:00 p.m.  Led by KC Chaplain Fr. Andrew, the hour will consist of hymns, Liturgy of the Word, Homily, Prayers of Intercession, the Rosary, and the Litany of the Blessed Virgin.  All are welcome. 

Lenten Rosary Appeal

The Committee arrived at the following announcement following discussion and follow-up emails:

VATICAN CITY (AP) — Joking that he’s like a pharmacist, Pope Francis is promoting prayer as medicine for the heart.Appearing on Sunday at his studio window, Francis held up a rosary in a box designed to resemble a packet of pills, before volunteers distributed thousands of those boxes, which feature a design of a human heart.  Francis said he was recommending reciting the rosary prayer as a “spiritual medicine” that is “good for the eart.”Francis’ down-to-earth way of speaking, in a style ordinary people can readily understand, is drawing larger than usual crowds to St. Peter’s Square for his traditional weekly appearances. About 80,000 tourists and Romans packed the square on Sunday.

It is with this message from Pope Francis that the Knights and the Marian Prayer Group appeal to parishioners to embrace the Rosary during the upcoming Lenten season.  You are encouraged to join the Knights and the Marian Prayer Group in reciting the Rosary in the Adoration Chapel on Fridays February 20th, February 27th, March 6th and March 20th.

Parishioners so inspired, are also asked to write their personal rosary story that show how the Rosary has enhanced or changed their life, i.e. made them better Disciples of Christ.  Please keep your essay under 400 words.  Selected essays will be published in the May HNOJ newsletter to coincide with the Month of Mary.  Essays should be emailed no later than April 1st to Marty Dehen at [email protected].  Contact Marty at 612-558-0007 for further information.

The following modified version was approved for the February 8th bulletin following input from Fr. Andrew and Fr. Steve:

Lenten Rosary Appeal

Immediately following Pope Francis’ Angelus message on Sunday Nov. 17, 2013, after having been inspired by the Rosary, he shared the following message:

“Now I would like to recommend a medicine to you. Some of you may be wondering: “Is the Pope a pharmacist now?” It is a special medicine which will help you to benefit from the Year of Faith, as it soon will come to an end. It is a medicine that consists of 59 threaded beads; a “spiritual medicine” called Misericordin. A small box containing 59 beads on a string. This little box contains the medicine, and will be distributed to you by volunteers as you leave the Square. Take them! There is a Rosary, with which you can pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, spiritual help for our souls and for spreading love, forgiveness and brotherhood everywhere. Do not forget to take it, because it is good for you. It is good for the heart, the soul, and for life in general!”

It is with this message from Pope Francis that the Knights of Columbus and the Marian Prayer Group are encouraging parishioners to embrace the Rosary during the upcoming Lenten season. You are encouraged to join the Knights of Columbus and the Marian Prayer Group in reciting the Rosary in the Adoration Chapel at 8 p.m. on these Fridays: Feb. 20, Feb. 27, March 6 and March 20. Please mark your calendars!


Attachment #4: Rosary Committee Meeting at HNOJ 2/1/2015

Attendance: Fr. Andrew, Claudith Washington, Earl Forrence, Bill Swing

Details of the February 6th Marian Prayer Service were finalized. Final program:

  • Welcome & Introduction: Bill & Claudith
  • Hymn “Immaculate Mary”:   Pat as Song Leader; Bill accompanist
  • Leader: Fr. Andrew (with the exception of the Rosary)
  • 1st Reading and Responsorial Psalm: Claudith
  • 2nd Reading: Marty
  • Gospel & Homily:  Fr. Andrew
  • Rosary (pages 10-14): Marty. (Will include Marian Sorrowful Mysteries from Wanda’s book.)
  • Litany: Earl Forrence
  • Hymn “Hail Holy Queen and Enthroned Above” following concluding prayers


Attachment #5: Marian Prayer Service February 6, 7PM

Tootsie Roll Drive

Each year the Knights of Columbus host the Tootsie Roll Drive in conjunction with all other KOFC councils worldwide to help support children with special needs

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Grand Knight Report August 2015


a) Thank you from Father Andrew

Unfinished Business

a) Painting of Church
b) Restore pavers on walkway of Ballfield
c) 1st 2nd 3rd Degree Exemplifications Sept 17th and 20th.

d) Council Bylaws

New Business

  1. a)  Fall Festival
  2. b)  2015-2016 Calendar
  3. c)  1St Quarter Audit
  4. d)  RSVP Program
  5. e)  Coats for Kids
  6. f)  Knights Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest
  7. g)  Back to School Bracelets?

Respectfully submitted, Dave Stumpf, Grand Knight

Council Minutes July 2014

Below are the minutes from the July Meeting. Click here to download the KC Council Meeting Minutes July 14 2015 PDF version

  1. 1)  The Council meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by GK Stumpf
  2. 2)  Warden’s Report on Membership Card by Earl Forrence
  3. 3)  OpeningPrayerofferedbyGKStumpf
  4. 4)  Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

5) Roll Call of Officers: OFFICE

Grand Knight Deputy Grand Knight Chancellor
Financial Secretary Treasurer


Dave Stumpf John Rode Eugene Dust Jim Grube Edward Hagerty Mark Mertens Martin Dehen

Pres OFFICE Advocate

P Warden
P Inside Guard P Outside Guard P Trustee 3 yr
P Trustee 2 yr
P Trustee 1 yr
A Present: 10

NAME Pres Tom Silver A Davone Yang A John Gooley P Pat Karn A Bill Swing P Earl Forrence P Daniel Cincoski P

Knights of Columbus Good Samaritan Council 13096 Membership Meeting Minutes

Absent: 4 6) Non-OfficerCouncilMembersinAttendance:(14memberspresentforvotes)

a) Mike Zylla was present for Unfinished Business item b. HNOJ Enhancements only

7) Knights of Columbus Guests:

a) No guests present

8) Opening Ode

a) The Council dispensed with the reading of the Opening Ode

9) Chaplain’sReport

a) None

10) Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting

a) Record of Council finances and actions of the June 9, 2015 General Membership meeting read by Recorder Jim Grube. Motion to approve the record as read – Approved

11) Report of Admission Committee and Reading of Applications

  1. a)  Daniel Walsh
  2. b)  Brian Walsh
  3. c)  Kory LeCroix
  4. d)  JoeRuhland

e) Matthew Mamura

12) Balloting for Membership (new, readmission, reapplications, transfers)
a) Motion: To approve Matthew Mamura (sponsor Dave Stumpf) – Approved

13) Initiations

a) Options available for the 5 who have been approved for acceptance into the Council include:

  1. North Saint Paul at 5:30 PM on August 25
  2. Anoka at 9:00 AM September 20
  3. 1st Degree by Good Samaritan Council

14) Grand Knight Report – Report Attached.

  1. a)  Scrapbook submitted at Convention – While the scrapbook did not win a state award it was a goodcompilation of the many accomplishments of the year
  2. b)  Father Andrew’s 6/18 Appreciation Evening –The evening was a success. Special thanks to Bill Swingfor picking up the cake
  3. c)  6/25 Officer Installation – 9 of 14 officers were present for the installation
  4. d)  Report of Officers Chosen for Term
  5. e)  Columbian Award Application – The Council will receive the Officers’ Award of Excellence fromDistrict DeputyTom Mechels
  6. f)  Thank you from Hammer – For contribution from the Tootsie Roll sales
  7. g)  Thank you from Northern Stars – For contribution from the Tootsie Roll sales

15) Treasurer’s Report

  1. a)  Treasurer Mark Mertens reported the Council account balance was $4,657.23 as of July 14, 2015
  2. b)  Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report – Approved

16) Financial Secretary’s Report

  1. a)  Financial Secretary Hagerty reported:
    1. i)  Total Receipts reported: $134.40$104.40 State Convention reimbursement$30.00 membership dues
    2. ii)  Total Disbursements reported: $1,495.03$300.00 to Loretto Council for Officer installation
      $24.49 to Past Grand Knight Bill Swing for Fr. Andrew’s cake
      $817.50 to State Knights of Columbus for per capita dues owed
      $318.75 to Supreme for per capita dues owed
      $34.29 to Financial Secretary Ed Hagerty for Franciscan rosaries and envelopes
  2. b)  Motion to accept the Financial Secretary’s Report – Approved
  3. c)  Motion made to pay bills – Approved

17) Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouchers for Deposit

a) See Financial Secretary’s Report – #16 above.

18) Report of Auditors and Trustees

a) No report

19) Chancellor’s Report on Vocations

a) No report

20) Service Program Committee Reports – refer to attached GK Report

  1. a)  Program Director – Unassigned – No report
  2. b)  ChurchDirector–EarlForrence:

1. Refer to Unfinished Business c) Vocations – Tom Silver: No report

  1. d)  CommunityDirector–MartyDehen:Noreport
  2. e)  Culture of Life – Pat Karn: No report
  3. f)  Council Service Director – Eugene Dust expressed willingness to accept this directorship
  4. g)  Public Relations – Unassigned: No Report.
  5. h)  Family Service Director – Jim Grube: No Report.
  6. i)  Youth Activity Director – Unassigned: No Report.
  7. j)  Membership Director – Dan Cincoski: No Report
  8. k)  Recruitment – Dave Stumpf expressed willingness to accept this roll
  9. l)  Retention – Jim Grube: One member has left the Catholic Church so his membership will terminate
  10. m)  Lecturer – Marty Dehen: No Report
  11. n)  Health Services – John Rode expressed willingness to accept this leadership role
  12. o)  Squires – Unassigned: No Report
  13. p)  HNOJ Life Commission – Tom Silver, Earl Forrence:
    1. There are 83 organizations within the Parish
    2. There is a move to have members of the groups attend Sunday Mass to be present to answerquestions about the many groups and to open doors for those entering. At this pace, it is anticipatedthe KC’s would be expected to fulfill the role twice a year
    3. There is a desire to have a brochure kiosk on wheels that could be rolled into the Gathering Spacecontaining flyers of the many organizations. The Council has been asked to either construct the kiosk or purchase it. Earl Forrence will seek more information as to the actual use of such a kiosk for further consideration by the Council.

21) Report of the Round Table Chairman

a) Not Applicable

22) Report of Standing Committees

a) No report

23) Unfinished Business
a) Designation of April 19 and May 17 Breakfast Proceeds – Tabled indefinitely due to Council account balance

  1. b)  HNOJPropertyEnhancementsCleaning of wood paneling in Good Samaritan Center – at least 4 Knights are needed on July 27 & 28 at 5:00 PM for 2 hours each day
    Paint Church walls – 5 Knights are needed for August 10 – 12 at 5:00 PM
    Restore pavers of walkway by ballfield – to be scheduled for September or October.
  2. c)  1st Degree Exemplification – refer to Initiations #3

d) Council Bylaws – Eugene Dust reported we must modify the Bylaws to conform with the template Supreme has developed
e) Women’s Day of Renewal, October 10th 4 – Tabled until September Council meeting
f0 Earl Forrence will present a proposal for the purchase of KC pens at the next Council meeting (250 were ordered the last time)

24) New Business

a) 2015-2016 Calendar and Scheduling Overview – Bill Swing will present a draft at the August Council meeting

b) Mandatory KC Reports
1. Service Program Personnel Report
2. Semi Annual Audit – A review of the Council books will occur after the August Council meeting

c) Fall Festival 9/19 – The concessions and food will be by Parish affiliated groups and individuals. Chuck Grabowski has modified the KC grill to use propane instead of charcoal
d) Records: Hard Copy & Digital – No discussion
e) School Kitchen Update

1. The student lunches will be cooked in the kitchen this school year
2. Each parish group that uses the freezer will be assigned a location
3. Each parish group that uses the refrigerator will be assigned a location

  1. f)  Father Drees has interest in transferring his KC membership to the Good Samaritan Council
  2. g)  Business cards for Dan Cincoski as Membership Director will be ordered

25) Report of the Fourth Degree

a) No Report

26) Field Agent’s Report – David Novack

a) No report

27) District Deputy’s Report – Thomas Mechels

a) No Report

28) Good of the Order

  1. a)  Tom Cincoski (Dan Cincoski’s father)
  2. b)  Ed Silver (Tom Silver’s brother)
  3. c)  Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan
  4. d)  Dick Hargarten
  5. e)  Jerry Sisk
  6. f)  George Laurance
  7. g)  Kao Pafoua Yang
  8. h)  JimLannan
  9. i)  Gary Collyard
  10. j)  Ann Prevosto (Joe Badalucco’s sister)
  11. k)  Bishops and Priests of the Archdiocese of St. Paul – Minneapolis
  12. l)  “Troubled” youth
  13. m)  In Thanksgiving for prayers answered
  14. n)  and, for all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers

29) Chaplain’s Summation

a) No report.

30) Closing Prayer

a) Closing Prayers were offered at 9:07 PM

31) Closing Ode

a) The Council dispensed with the reading of the Closing Ode

32) Meeting Adjourned

a) Meeting Adjourned at 9:08 PM

Calendar Reminders:

 None

Respectfully Submitted, Recorder, Jim Grube


The Knights of Columbus use the rosary as their most important tool to fight against enemies of the Catholic Church. We also use it to petition for spiritual guidance, worthy causes and curative therapy. Prayed in unison or all alone, it is a very powerful prayer format. Many of us dedicate a daily rosary to a wide variety of worthy causes. We encourage you to try something new this coming Lenten Season. Instead of or in addition to giving something up for Lent, why don’t you consider praying the rosary, if for no other reason than for your own peace of mind. We’re not in the business of pedaling miracles, but since the 1208 beginning of the rosary, more miracles have been attributed to the rosary than any other prayer format. If you happen to be completely consumed by all that life is throwing your way, wouldn’t it almost be miraculous, if you could actually achieve twenty minutes of deeply spiritual peace of mind with the aid of a simple rosary?
Our Council has recently partnered with the Marian Prayer Group in promoting the rosary during the upcoming Lenten season. (This partnership has already resulted in a beautiful Marian Hour of Prayer that took place on 1st Friday, February 6th.)    As published in the bulletins, the Knights and the Marian Prayer Group are appealing to parishioners to embrace the Rosary during Lent by encouraging them to join us in reciting the Rosary in the Adoration Chapel at 8 p.m. on Fridays February 20th, February 27th, March 6th and March 20th.   We hope to see a good number of Knights present at these Rosaries. Mark your calendars!  (The 1st one, Feb 20th, is this coming Friday.)
I encouraged you also to take a look at the rosary assays that have been published to our Council’s web site at . Find them under the tab “Inspirational Readings”.    If so inspired, I invite you to write and submit your own essay which we may add to the site.   Your essay could address a coincidental blessing that has changed your life in an inspiring way because of the rosary. If you shy away from writing, I can write it for you. We could do this over coffee or lunch. Please pray about it and contact me with your story.
And finally, if you would like a rosary, we have hundreds of them to give away and numerous wallet sized “how to pray the rosary” booklets. Just contact me.

Council Minutes January 2015

Date: 01/13/2015


1) The Council meeting was called to order at 7:29 p.m. by GK Swing.

2) Warden’s Report on Membership Card by Davone Yang

3) Opening Prayer offered by GK Swing.

4) Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

5) Roll Call of Officers:

Chaplain Fr. Andrew Stueve P Advocate Eugene Dust P
Grand Knight Bill Swing P Warden Davone Yang P
Deputy Grand Knight David Stumpf P Inside Guard Thomas Silver P
Chancellor John Rode P Outside Guard Murray Wolf A
Recorder Joe Badalucco P Trustee 3 yr Earl Forrence P
Financial Secretary Edward Hagerty P Trustee 2 yr Daniel Cincoski P
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 yr James Grube A
Lecturer Martin Dehen P    
      Present: 13 Absent: 2












6) Non-Officer Council Members in Attendance: (13 members present for votes)

  1. a) Pat Karn, David Novack, Jim Martin


7) Knights of Columbus Guests:

  1. a) District Deputy Tom Mechels


8) Opening Ode

  1. a) Recited in unison by all members present.


9) Chaplain’s Report

  1. a) Fr. Andrew read Archbishop Lori’s article about Reconciliation in Columbia magazine.


10) Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting

  1. a) Record of Council finances and actions on 11/11/2014 General Membership meeting read by Recorder Badalucco
  2. b) Minutes of 11/11/2014 – Approved as Read.


11) Report of Admission Committee and Reading of Applications

  1. a) None


12) Balloting for Membership (new, readmission, reapplications, transfers)

  1. a) None


13) Initiations

  1. a) Pending: GK Swing to accompany Kory LaCroix and Marty Dehen will accompany Paul Coutinho to 1/24 and 1/31 Major Degrees. See attached GK report for details.
  2. b) Council discussed planning the scheduling of a recruiting event as in the past. GK and Lecturer will meet to brainstorm ideas.


14) Grand Knight Report – Report Attached.


15) Treasurer’s Report

  1. a) Council account balance $4664.08 as of 01/13/2015.
  2. b) Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report – Approved


16) Financial Secretary’s Report

  1. a) Total Receipts reported: $928.00
  2. b) Total Disbursements reported: $2,636.52
  3. c) See Attachment 12 for details
  4. d) Motion to accept the Financial Secretary’s Report – Approved


17) Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouchers for Deposit

  1. a) See attached Receipt and Voucher reports for details


18) Report of Auditors and Trustees

  1. a) Plan to meet 1/28/15 to complete by-laws


19) Chancellor’s Report on Vocations

  1. a) No report


20) Service Program Committee Reports – refer to attached GK Report

  1. a) Program Director – Unassigned – No report
  2. b) Church Director – Earl Forrence: No report
  3. c) Vocations – Tom Silver: No report
  4. d) Community Director – No report
  5. e) Culture of Life – No report
  6. f) Council Service – Ed Ayd: No Report.
  7. g) Public Relations – Unassigned: No Report.
  8. h) Family Service – Jim Grube: No Report.
  9. i) Youth Activity – Unassigned: No Report.
  10. j) Membership – Marty Dehen: No Report.
  11. k) Recruitment – Unassigned: No Report.
  12. l) Retention – Jim Grube – No report
  13. m) Lecturer – Marty Dehen: No report
  14. n) HNOJ Life Commission – Tom Silver, Earl Forrence: No Report.


21) Report of the Round Table Chairman

  1. a) Not Applicable


22) Report of Standing Committees

  1. a) No report



23) Unfinished Business – Refer to attached GK Report

  1. a) Other ideas for property enhancements to be started in Spring/Summer:
  2. Yard work and landscaping
  3. Rectory repairs


  1. b) Marian Icon Prayer Service Feb. 6th (Swing and Fr. Andrew):
  2. GK and Fr. Andrew took tour to select a place for the icon. Decided to use the space between the sanctuary and the drum area. Fr. Andrew will clear with Fr. Steve
  3. Marian Prayer group and KCs to be co-sponsors
  4. GK will solicit help for music and readings
  5. Icon on display 2/1 – morning of 2/7
  6. District will provide prayer books


  1. c) KC Free Throw Local and District Championship Competition (Swing, Attachment 10)
  2. Wayzata Council will be guests
  3. Starts at 1:15, Saturday 1/31


  1. d) Rosary promotion campaign (Dehen)
  2. Try to leverage rosary as a way to spread discipleship
  3. Like to solicit parishioners to send in essays about how the rosary has made them disciples of Christ


24) New Business – Refer to attached GK Report

  1. a) Devon needs volunteers to help purchase items prior to the weekend of the event. (Seafood Buffet occurs on 3/27/15)


  1. b) Acolyte Volunteers (Fr. Andrew)
  2. Training date TBD
  3. Funerals typically scheduled in mornings
  4. 1 volunteer so far


  1. c) Founder’s Day, Sunday, March 22nd (Fr. Andrew)
  2. Suggested to have KCs stand up during masses to recognize Founder’s Day


25) Report of the Fourth Degree

  1. a) Bishop Cuzzens will be observing the 4th Degree Exemplification at the April 18, 2015 event in Brooklyn Park at the Marriott. Fr. Andrew will also attend.


26) Field Agent’s Report – David Novack

  1. a) Insurance is up. Issued over $8.6 bill. last year


27) District Deputy’s Report – Thomas Mechels

  1. a) Will try to be at the Free Throw Contest if possible
  2. b) Will call before he comes to deliver the icon


28) Good of the Order

  1. a) Christopher “Kip” Walker
  2. b) Dick Hargarten
  3. c) Jerry Sisk
  4. d) George Laurance
  5. e) Kao Pafoua Yang
  6. f) Jim Lannan
  7. g) Gary Collyard
  8. h) Kevin Hannigan
  9. i) John Rode
  10. j) Janet Strick (Tom Lee’s mother-in-law)
  11. k) Earl Forrence as he seeks employment
  12. l) Bishops and Priests of the Archdiocese of St. Paul – Minneapolis
  13. m) “troubled” youth
  14. n) In Thanksgiving for prayers answered
  15. o) And, for all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers


29) Chaplain’s Summation

  1. a) No report.


30) Closing Prayer

  1. a) Closing Prayers were offered at 9:20 p.m.


31) Closing Ode

  1. a) Recited in unison by all members present.


32) Meeting Adjourned

  1. a) Meeting Adjourned at 9:22 p.m.


Calendar Reminders:

  • Marian Icon, Adoration Chapel, February 5th through February 6th.
  • Marian Prayer Service, Adoration Chapel, February 6th, 7pm.
  • KC Free Throw District Championship Competition, HNOJ Gym, February 14th, 1:15PM
  • Membership “blitz” TBD
  • Patrick’s Part, KCs to assist, March 7th (tentative)
  • KC Breakfast, March 15th, 6:30 AM – 1:30 PM
  • Founder’s Day, March 22nd, 10:30 Mass
  • Seafood Buffet, March 27th, 5 – 9 PM


Respectfully Submitted,

Recorder, Joe Badalucco

Fall Fest

Each year our council aids with the annual Holy Name Parish Festival. The assistance we give ranges from helping with setup, preparing food, and clean up. Below are some pictures from when we did this in 2014.

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