

As you may know, Bill Swing and I are re-crafting the HNOJKC.org web site archives to be more user-friendly and informative. Over time, we will be building and adding content. We hope to eventually post what we are calling, “a Knight’s guide to the Rosary.” It will be for all the public to see (not just KC’s) and tabbed for varying degrees of users between beginners and advanced Rosary users. Feel free to direct friends and relatives to the site, if something jumps out at you that you want others to read. Future articles and Lecturers reports will be written to fill content for that reason. Past articles will be tabbed and posted and a few old articles will be re-written to better serve tab headings.


We will post all the Lecturers Reports in the HNOJ KC council section as they are geared for our council and retrievable if you want to go back and read them. However, some of them will be edited down to just the content or story format and posted on some of the other tabs in the writing section of the site for all to see. Expect to see some duplication, as some of the articles are multi-purpose. Much of the last years Lecturers Reports were written with this big “…..guide” picture in mind. Bill and I are open to suggestions and ideas, as well as new content. We also intend to ask Fr. Steve to invite or let us tender an open and ongoing appeal to invite parishioners to share inspiring Rosary stories for us to post on the site, as they get sent to us.


If you or someone you know, has an inspiring story to share, but lack confidence in writing it, I would be happy to co-author it with you or them. However, we may not run everything that comes our way. It’s not an open forum or a blog for people to crank out endless material or opinions. We’re hoping for inspiring prayer and Rosary related stories. Bill and I will determine what is compatible with our web site goals.


A media page for inspiring Catholic/Christian-related books, movies and printed media articles will also be tabbed and maintained, so we will be in constant search to add good content. Please direct us or email us pertinent links, books or copies of news articles that pertain to our Rosary promotion efforts. Eventually, there will be an education tab for classes or formal presentation notes that some of our members present to various groups like the ninth and tenth graders or other pertinent instruction. If any of you teach a class or present something special and you deem it worthy of being on the site with your outline or notes, forward it to us.


Specifically to Earl, we would like to drag in or build a whole section on the Franciscan Rosaries (both sets of seven-Joys and Sorrows of Mary), so give us a hand with that. We want to encourage and even urge all members to direct people to our Rosary articles. If you have the right skills and would like to be more involved with our council, Bill would love to train you in on assisting the management of the site. Please volunteer and we will put you to work.


It seems appropriate to start with THE ORIGIN OF THE ROSARY article which will be posted in the Monthly Lecturers Report section of the web site and separated out in one or more other sections for those who surf the site later. Comments made at the Rosary Oct. 14th procession will come from this.


In the year 1208, the Blessed Virgin appeared to St. Dominic and instructed him how to build and pray the Rosary. If you recall your AP European History classes from high school, all of Europe was in a massive downward spiral of chaos, disease, debauchery, barbarianism and self-destruction. Marauding hoards were raping and pillaging every village in Europe, killing as many as they could. Rats were spreading “the plague”, also killing many people. Rome sent soldiers to intervene before all was lost. Mary wanted Dominic to use the Rosary to calm the masses by praying for real hope and change, for faith, hope and charity. It was also used by the soldiers to protect them in battle. Many miracles were recorded during this time frame, directly related to the use of the Rosary, too many to mention in this writing.

St. Dominic was born in Castile Spain in 1170. While she was pregnant, Dominic’s mother had a vision of Dominic lighting Europe on fire like a hound running with a torch in his mouth. Many of today’s Dominican Institutions depict the Dominican Order with stained glass windows featuring a star-crowned shield with a hound holding a torch in his mouth. After attending the Paris University, Dominic traveled throughout France with his Bishop to teach and share what they referred to as, “the fruits of contemplation”. Later, the Bishop, Dominic and other followers founded the “Order of Preachers” to continue that evangelical work. It later became known as the Dominicans, now serving in over eighty five different countries. “We set the world on fire”, is their motto.

 Within that same era, the Franciscans, the Carmelites, the Benedictines, the Jesuits and many other worthy and Holy Orders of the Catholic faith were founded throughout Europe by deeply spiritual priests and Catholic people guided by divine intervention. Coincidentally, but also during that same time frame, the Roman Catholic Church was in turmoil. As Catholics, we all get side-swiped by anti-Catholic historians who remind us of this short time span when we had a 13 year old Medici family Pope and what a corrupt Church we all belong to. Don’t you think it’s interesting how God directed so many different Holy Orders to be formed during that dire time frame, not just for the survival of His Church, but to magnify its world-wide impact and strength? It’s also very interesting how rapidly and wide-spread the Rosary traveled the world and became the conduit for many of those new Holy Orders to gain momentum.

The Rosary is the single most important prayer form for the entire worldwide Catholic community. Unity! More miracles are associated with the Rosary than any other prayer format. If you need a miracle, don’t wait around. Start a daily Rosary regimen right now. By the way, it’s a “two-for” i.e. the Blessed Virgin is praying it with you, every time you go. She is our “advocate” and will hand deliver your petition to God. With all the turmoil over public Catholic issues, abortion, ethnic cleansing, etc. the Rosary can have an impact on resolving overwhelming obstacles and defeating enemies. It worked before, it can work again if we all pray, together, for a miracle.


A carload of high school students are heading down the State Hwy. to a high school sporting event. Behind the wheel is a young girl, whose parents gave her permission to drive the family minivan. Piled inside are her best friends and classmates. The radio station tees up the song, “Call me Maybe” and the shotgun passenger rider cranks it up as the whole car starts to flail their arms and rock-out to the video on u-tube. The girl behind the wheel is a responsible young driver, but also likes the song. Her driver-side tire encroaches the double yellow line, but she remains in her lane as they all sing at the top of their lungs.

Up ahead is a county plow truck, heading back to the garage in the opposite direction of the girls’ van. He’s been out all day getting ready for an approaching weather system. His driver-side tires are also riding the yellow lines, as he squeezes the thermos bottle between his knees, unscrews the top and places the cup in the dash cup holder, He notices the approaching passenger van, drifting, but is confident they will stay in their lane while at the same time watches the road and adjusts over. He’s very experienced and is pouring a thermos cap full of the remaining coffee left inside the jug while at the same time glancing back and forth from the road to the cup holder.

The girls’ side mirror misses the plow by about a foot and a woosh sound is made as the two vehicles pass by one another. In comparison, it’s about the same distance from the mirror to the side of your garage door when you slowly pull the car into your garage at night, but this incidence both vehicles are traveling 60 mph. The impact would be equivalent to hitting a brick wall at 120mph. However, the plow driver kills his coffee, not the girls. (You didn’t really think I’m cold enough to have one of Past Grand Knight, Jim Grube’s County plows, nail a carload of kids, did you?) That “woosh” happens all day every day on every undivided state highway in the country, but our built in blind faith allows us to drive without a care in the world. “I’ll stay in my lane, he’ll stay in his… no problem”. You know, very well, there’s oncoming traffic, but you believe it to be other safe drivers. The distance between your two mirrors is usually a few feet. Now where did I put my cell phone charger?

The blind faith it takes to be a Christian is that simple, too. We don’t need to complicate teachings and parables and miracles. We just believe it all happens the way the Bible tells us. Woosh!

Woosh! How can the kids be graduating already? It was just September.

Woosh! How can they be going to college? They were just going to kindergarten.

A little bit of blind faith goes a long way. I think it was described as the size of a mustard seed is enough to get you to heaven.

Council Minutes January 2014


Date: 01/14/2014

  • The Council meeting was called to order at 7:34 p.m. by GK Forrence.
  • Warden’s Report on Membership Card by Trustee Grube.
  • Opening Prayer offered by GK Forrence.
  • Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
  • Roll Call of Officers:
Chaplain Advocate George Laurance
Grand Knight Earl Forrence P Warden Davone Yang
Deputy Grand Knight Bill Swing P Inside Guard John Rode
Chancellor David Stumpf P Outside Guard Craig Lyon
Recorder James Seifert P Trustee 3 yr Daniel Cincoski P
Financial Secretary Edward Hagerty P Trustee 2 yr James Grube P
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 yr Thomas Silver P
Lecturer Martin Dehen P Present: 10 Absent: 5



  • Non-Officer Council Members in Attendance: (12 present at roll call)
    1. Eugene Dust, Roman Schuh (Transferee 3rd Degree)
    2. Pat Karn (8:20 p.m.)


  • Knights of Columbus Guests:
    1. Thomas Mechels, DD
  • Opening Ode
    1. Recited in unison by all members present.
  • Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting
    1. 11/12/2013. Record of Council finances and actions read by Recorder Seifert.
    2. Correction: Treasurer’s Balance $5,913.54
    3. Minutes of 11/12/2103 Approved as Corrected.
  • Report of Admission Committee and Reading of Applications
    1. Roman J. Schuh, Transfer in, 3rd Degree, Iowa, Council 5390.
  • Balloting for Membership (new, readmission, reapplications, transfers)
    1. None
  • Initiations
    1. Kory La Croix pending admission. GK Forrence to follow-up on scheduling.
    2. Major Degree at St. Vincent de Paul, Saturday, February 1, 2014.
    3. Major Degree at North St. Paul, Saturday, March 15, 2014.
  • Grand Knight’s Report
    1. Upcoming Activities
      1. Help at the Cinnamon Roll sales – weekend of Jan 24 / 25 / 26.
      2. Seafood buffet on March 28th. Prep meeting? (Planning Meeting, Thursday, February 6, 2014 at Holy Name of Jesus at 7:00 p.m.)
        • Offer for Walleye came in this week. Devon liked but was concerned about the cost for 50lbs of fillets. (Discussion: keep event identity as “Asian Seafood” buffet. Walleye information given to Marty Dehen for inquiry).
  • Next breakfasts: (March 2, April 6 and May 4)
  1. Officer and Trustee meeting not scheduled until March.
  1. Old Business
    1. A very warm “Thank You” was received from Fr. Steve and Deacon Dennis for help with parking cars at the 4 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass. Father (thru Dennis) really wanted to know “Where did you put them all?” Was somewhat amazed when I said we had room for about another 50 cars.
      • Certainly a very warm thank you from me too.
    2. Memorial to the Unborn dedication. <My reminder for Spring>
  • Thank you to our host for the 2013 Christmas Party.
  1. K of C activity in Chapel going well? – Jim Grube. Additional volunteers welcome.
  1. Communications:
    1. From Kevin Finger – a thank you from HNOJ for the $1,250 kitchen donation. (Attachment A)
  2. District Meeting News – 12/12/13
    1. Coats for Kids is considering adding hats and gloves.
    2. Free Throw and HNOJ – Feb 8th and Mar 22nd
      • This is last year an outside organization may hold the event at HNOJ
      • Finger has given me permission for the HNOJ Knights take the activity over next year; but …
        • We as a council need to concur to pick up the responsibility – and fully support.
        • Vertus training is REQUIRED for all who attend. HNOJ can hold one for up to 50 Knights in the spring if we request. (Discussion: Ask membership to show interest in attending training at HNOJ. GK to explore training options further with Parish staff).
        • Several Knights needed to attend every free-throw activity.
      • HNOJ asked us to make a decision by March.
  • Wheelchairs – $150 each – suggested that multiple councils get together to purchase. We should consider.
  1. Tootsie Roll – order by Jan 15th (Last year the deadline was March 1. Order forms have not arrived yet).
  2. First Degree team kits are available for $299.
  1. New business
    1. Kip Walker.   As I sent out, Kip’s wife Susan is looking for general companionship help for Kip. Someone has volunteered to take him to therapy now. But I’d like one of us to bring him to our monthly meeting. Volunteers? (Suggestion: form a team to rotate transportation needs).
    2. New members & installations
  • Major degree on Feb 1st at St. Vincent in Brooklyn Park.
  1. For Marty Dehen
    • Roman Schuh; transfer from Iowa Council 5390; 319-377-4701
    • Membership Enrollment DVD arrived (Given to Marty Dehen).
  2. Prayers for the Intentions of the Holy Father
    1. For the People: That all may promote authentic economic development that respects the dignity of all peoples.


  • Chaplain’s Report
    1. No report
  • Treasurer’s Report
    1. Council account balance $3,285.65 as of 12/31/2013.
    2. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report – Approved


  • Financial Secretary’s Report
    1. Total Receipts reported: Dec: $440.00 Jan: $1,630.00 Total: $2,070.00
    2. Total Disbursements reported: Nov: 1,325.00, Dec: $1,949.61 $ Jan: $537.20 Total: $3,811.81
    3. Receipts Summary and Expenditure vouchers read by FS.
    4. Net Assets at 12/31/2013 were $3,285.65
    5. Motion to accept the Financial Secretary’s Report – Approved
  • Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouchers for Deposit
    1. No Report
  • Reading of Bills and Communications
    1. Thank you for donation to Holy Name of Jesus for Kitchen Fund.
    2. Thank you for the Rosary’s for the Troops donation.
    3. Thank you for donation to 2nd Harvest Food Bank – Maple Plain.
    4. Thank you for donation given to Cradle of Hope.
    5. Thank you for donation to Bishop Cozzens telecast, DVD of telecast received by the FS.
  • Report of Auditors and Trustees
    1. No report


  • Chancellor’s Report on Vocations
    1. No report
  • Service Program Committee Reports
    1. Program Director – Unassigned
      1. No report
  1. Membership – Marty Dehen
    1. Membership Message, email to all Council members January 2, 2014.
  1. Church Service – George Laurance plus a Co-Chairman (TBD)
    1. No report
  1. Vocations – Tom Silver
    1. No report
  1. Community Service – (Open)
    1. No report
  1. Council Service –DGK Bill Swing
    1. No report
  1. Family Service Area – Jim Grube
    1. No report
  1. Pro-Life Service Area – Pat Karn and Tom Silver
    1. No report
  1. Public Relations Area – DGK Bill Swing
    1. No report
  1. Youth Activity Service Area – (Open)
    1. No report
  1. Recruitment – (Open)
    1. No report
  1. Retention – Jim Grube
    1. No report
  1. Lecturer – Marty Dehen
    1. Report entitled “Rosary Reflections”, email to Council members December 30, 2013.
  • Report of the Round Table Chairman
    1. Not Applicable
  • Report of Standing Committees
    1. No report
  • Unfinished Business
    1. The outstanding check reported by the Treasurer in November 2013 has been recovered and voided.
    2. Motion to support Deacon Marc Paveglio with a $500.00 RSVP Seminarian donation remains on the Table for consideration at a later date. 
  • New Business
    1. Cards of Condolence have been presented to Brother Knights Tim, Dan and Joe Cavanaugh.
    2. Donation of General Mills pancake mix received from Tom and Rose Winkels. A Thank You note has been sent.
    3. 24th Annual Pro-Life Cinnamon Roll Bake and Sale, Friday-Saturday shifts mostly full, Sunday volunteers needed.
  • Report of the Fourth Degree
    1. No report
  • Field Agent’s Report – David Novack
    1. No report
  • District Deputy’s Report – Thomas Mechels
    1. Duties assumed October, 2013. First round of Council visitations complete tonight.
    2. Appreciates greatly KC Council 13096 email updates.
    3. Council activities are not getting publicity beyond each Council’s local parish community.
    4. Encourage District 53 Councils to jointly contribute to the Knights of Columbus Wheelchair Mission. Donations can be directed to local organizations and/or global recipients. Cost is $150 per wheelchair.
    5. Ready, willing and able to help the Council in any way.
  • Good of the Order
    1. Christopher “Kip” Walker
    2. The Bill Cavanaugh family
    3. George Laurance
    4. Dick Hargarten
    5. Jerry Sisk
    6. Eric Lloyd, GK Loretto Council, past District Director
    7. Kao Pafoua Yang
    8. Mickey Cincoski
    9. Jim Lannan
    10. Gary Collyard
    11. Kevin Strauss
    12. Bishops and Priests of the Archdiocese of St. Paul – Minneapolis
    13. In Thanksgiving for prayers answered
    14. and, for all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers
  • Chaplain’s Summation
    1. No report
  • Closing Prayer
    1. Closing Prayers were offered at 8:50 p.m.
    2. Prayers for the Intentions of the Holy Father: For the People: That all may promote authentic economic development that respects the dignity of all peoples.
  • Closing Ode
    1. Recited in unison by all members present.
  • Meeting Adjourned
    1. Meeting Adjourned at 8:53 p.m.

Calendar Reminders:


24th Annual Pro-Life Cinnamon Roll Bake and Sale

January 24-25-26, 2014. Many volunteers needed to bake and sell cinnamon rolls. Make it a family project. Sign up at http://hnojkc.org/index.cfm?pageid=24


Asian Seafood Buffet Planning Meeting:

Thursday, February 6, 2014 – 7:00 p.m. at Holy Name of Jesus. See Membership Report email dated January 15, 2014 for more information.


General Membership Meeting:

Tuesday, February 11, 2014 – 7:30 p.m. at Holy Name of Jesus. Check the reception desk TV monitor for the room assignment. The business meeting is preceded by the Rosary at 7:10 p.m.

Pancake Breakfast Schedule

  • Sunday, March 2, 2014, Sunday, April 6, 2014, Sunday, May 4, 2014.

Asian Seafood Buffet

  • Friday, March 28, 2014

Parish Seafood Buffet

Each year prior to the stations of the cross on Good Friday our council hosts what has become a staple for parishioners, The Annual Knights of Columbus Seafood Buffet.

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Council Minutes 2010 August

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting  

Date: 08/10/2010 

  1. The Council was called to order at 7:32 by GK Jim Grube
  2. Warden’s Report on Membership Card by Pat Kendrick
  3. Prayer was offered by GK Jim Grube
  4. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag 
  5. Roll Call of Officers:
Chaplain Rev. Sam Catapano A Advocate David Stumpf P
Grand Knight James Grube P Warden Davonne Yang A
Deputy Grand Knight Dan Cincoski P Inside Guard Pat Kendrick P
Chancellor George Laurance P Outside Guard Craig Lyon A
Recorder Joe Badalucco P Trustee 3 yr James Seifert P
Financial Secretary Bill Swing P Trustee 2 yr Patrick Karn P
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 yr Thomas Silver P
Lecturer Earl Forrence A                          Present: 11   Absent: 4_


Non-Officer Council Members in Attendance:

  • Roger Fickbohm, Ed O’Rourke


Knights of Columbus Guests:

  • None


  1. Opening Ode
  • Motion to dismiss with the Opening and Closing Odes proposed, seconded and carried.


  1. Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting
  • June 13, 2010 Council meeting minutes were read and approved.
  • A copy of the minutes will be distributed electronically to the Council members by GK Grube together with the notice of the August meeting.


  1. Membership Director’s Report:
  • Form 100 for NA presented. Proposed by NA
  • Motion carried to accept NA application


  1. Reading of Notices of Applications in other Councils
  • None


  1. Initiations
  • None


  1. Grand Knight’s Report – Read by GK Grube
    • Note to Council Members: If you would like a roster of Council members, please contact Bill Swing @ [email protected]
    • Grand Knight Report of Council Activities since last the Council meeting June 8, 2010
      1. Supreme
        • The 2010 Supreme Convention was August 3-5 in Washington, D.C.
      2. Reports Filed by Field Agent David Novack on behalf of Council 13096
        • None were filed within the last month.
      3. State Updates
        • KC Day at Twins game – August 22, 2010
          • Tickets are still available – call Jim Burkhart @ 651-675-8389.
      4. District 53 Update
        1. Support Life Project – Ultrasound Initiative
          • Councils are interested but questions remain.
        2. Mike Koski of the Good Shepard Council is interested in being the next District Deputy.
        3. Vocation Support plaques for the RSVP program support were handed out with the Good Samaritan Council being a recipient.
        4. The State Council wants all Councils to hold a Round Table in 2010/2011.
        5. Nest meeting – October 28th at the Good Shepard Council in Golden Valley.
      5. Communications Received    From Sharon Baudler regarding the upcoming Marathon.


               Item #22: Unfinished business items for consideration

    1. Financing pledge for memorial to the unborn – $4,000
      • Update from George Laurance.
    2. Financial challenge to other Councils in District 53 for an ultrasound machine –   $7,500 for the District or $1,500 per Council.    District 53 Councils support the concept of “joined forces”, but agree the machine should be placed at a facility in, or near, the District. The State website has guidelines, forms and frequently asked questions to help Councils get familiar with the program. The Councils agree we should make our pledges in 2010, after the questions are answered.
    3. Fall Festival meal service – After Mass on September 12th
      • Update from Jim Seifert.
    4. Council fundraising ideas
      • Alex Yang to report.
    5. Should the Council designate recipient organizations for the fraternal year and seek Member donations?          This item will be considered at a future meeting.


              Item #23: New business items for consideration

    1. Council organizational meeting outcome.
    2. Marathon for Nonpublic Schools
      •   The marathon is to be held on from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm September 25th at HNOJ parking lot. The Council is asked to grill hot dogs.
      • Action: Support the Parish and grill the hot dogs as requested.
    3. Round Table discussion with Father Tim
    4. Trustee report on semi-annual audit conducted July 18th
    5. Subjects for upcoming meetings:
      • September 14 – Open House on October 5th
      • 4th Degree Exemplification



  1. Chaplin’s Report
  • No report


  1. Treasurer’s Report
  • Council account balance: $ 7052.94 as of 08/10/2010
  • Only expense was ordering of new checks
  • .Motion to accept Treasurer’s report was approved,


  1. Financial Secretary’s Report
  • Total Receipts Reported: $ 530.00
  • Expenses totaling: $_1141.22
  • Motion to accept Financial Secretary’s report was approved, with amendment of payment to Steve Zylla for kitchen item(s).


  1. Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouches for Deposit
  • Treasurers Receipts at meeting totaling: $ 0.00
  • Motion to accept was approved


  1. Reading of Bills and Communications
  • None


  1. Financial Secretary’s Report of Receipts of Meeting
  • None


  1. Report of Auditors and Trustees
  • None



  1. Chancellor’s Report on Vocations
  • Discussion about supporting Jim Lannan again this year via RSVP. Decided to hold making a motion until the September meeting.
  • Plan to discuss how we can support vocations in other ways


  1. Service Program Committee Reports
    • Program Director No report


  • Membership – Marty Dehen
  • Suggested that the DGK send a letter 2 – 3 months after new members complete degree program to encourage them to take more ownership in KC activities.
  • Everyone come up with 4 – 5 names of parish members to receive “Fr. Tim Wants You” letter


  • Church Activity – George Laurance
  • See Unfinished Business


  • Pro-Life Activity – Pat Karn
  • Need to add the 2011 Mother’s Day Pro-Life rose sale to KC calendar. Date is May 8th.


  • Community Activity – Jim Seifert
  • Update on the HNOJ Fall Festival given
  • Going with the pork sandwich. Cutting menu choices to simplify kitchen operations
  • HNOJ agreed to publicize the KC Soccer Challenge
  • Need approximately 20 KCs to volunteer


  • Council Activity- No report


  • Family Activity – No report


  • Youth Activity – No report


  1. Recruitment Activity (Membership Director)
  • See Membership Director’s Report


  1. Retention Committee Report No report


  1. Report of Standing Committees No report


  1. Unfinished Business


HNOJ Memorial to the Unborn – Council Pledge $4,000

  • Monitor the Parish Pro-Life group’s plans and timetable for implementation. George Laurance and Pat Karn to report back to Council on a regular frequency.
  • Dedicate proceeds of one Pancake Breakfast (Winter/Spring 2011) to the project. Advance publicity needed to generate interest and achieve the fund raising goal.
  • Ask for individual Council Member donations to the project. Direct appeals have to be carefully considered.
  • Ask for additional donations to the project at the designated Pancake Breakfast.

New for 8/10/2010 meeting:

  • Still work in progress. Have assured us a place in the HNOJ Cemetery.
  • The timing of completion is unknown
  • Plan to go with the amber glow memorial stone. The location designated by the   Parish will not conflict with the LaBatt Children’s Memorial.
  • Quote of $3200 is expected to hold. 50% down payment to have done now and held in storage until we are ready.
  • Because of the uncertainty of the completion date, George expressed concern that the cost of the granite monument might increase, and suggested we consider seeing what it would take to lock in the price. Upon further discussion it was agreed that the price will not rise anytime soon due to the low demand on granite.


District 53 Ultrasound Machine Challenge – $7,500 Goal

  • GK Grube to advise the 5 District 53 Councils of the Council’s intent to raise $1,500 toward the purchase of an Ultrasound machine for a Pro-Life Pregnancy Center under the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council Ultrasound matching grant program.
    • Good Samaritan Council to designate one Pancake Breakfast to raise the $1,500. Publicize the Ultrasound machine program as the purpose of the special Pancake Breakfast.
    • Ask for individual Council Member donations to the project. Direct appeal.
    • GK Grube will seek Fr. Tim Morin’s approval to ask for support from the parish for individual donations to the project because the funds will be utilized for a purpose outside of the Parish domain.
    • Reviewed program requirements. Pat Karn will contact the State Council to seek clarification of program requirements.
    • GK Grube and Pat Karn to work on details and report to the Council in September.
    • Marty Dehen plans to check with Providence Academy to see if they would be willing to help fund the purchase of the ultrasound machine.


  1. New Business
  • Minutes of the program organization meeting held August 3rd were shared with members  present.
  • GK Grube plans to speak with Medina Police about the “Blue Mass” idea
  • KCs planned to support the HNOJ walk-a-thon on 9/25. Will serve hot dogs
  • Round Table Program – GK Grube does not see a need. Put on hold for now.
  • Trustee Report reviewed by Tom Silver


  1. Fourth Degree
  • Exemplification on 10/23 in Owatonna, MN


  1. Field Agent’s Report
  • No Report


  1. District Deputy’s Report
  • No report


  1. Good of the Order
  • George Laurance’s daughter Julie
  • Tom Silver’s son Terry and family
  • Marty Dehen’s mother-in-law


  1. Chaplain’s Summation
  • None


  1. Closing Prayer
  • Closing Prayers were said at: 9:27 PM


  1. Meeting Adjourned (Closing Ode, dismissed above)
  • Meeting Adjourned at 9:27 PM

Council Minutes 2010 July

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting  

Date: 07/13/2010 

  1. The Council was called to order at _7:31_ PM by Grand Knight Jim Grube.
  2. Warden’s Report on Membership Card by Davone Yang.
  3. Prayer was offered by GK Grube.
  4. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag 
  5. Roll Call of Officers: (Jim Seifert, Meeting Recorder)
Chaplain Rev. Sam Catapano A Advocate David Stumpf P
Grand Knight James Grube P Warden Davone Yang P
Deputy Grand Knight Dan Cincoski P Inside Guard Patrick Kendrick P
Chancellor George Laurance A Outside Guard Craig Lyon A
Recorder Joe Badalucco A Trustee 3 yr James Seifert P
Financial Secretary Bill Swing P Trustee 2 yr Patrick Karn A
Treasurer Mark Mertens A Trustee 1 yr Thomas Silver P
Lecturer Earl Forrence P                          Present 8 Absent_7__


Non-Officer Council Members in Attendance:

Alexander Yang, Ed Ayd, Bill Goddard, Steve Zylla

Knights of Columbus Guests:


  1. Opening Ode
  • Motion to dismiss with the Opening and Closing Odes proposed, seconded and carried.
  1. Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting
  • Minutes of Council Meeting – June 8, 2010. No Corrections or Additions. Minutes approved as read.
  • A copy of the minutes may be obtained by a member in good standing upon request of the Grand Knight.

Discussion: Distribution of Minutes and Member Communications

  • For the Good of the Order distributed by Recorder to Council Members ASAP after the meeting.
  • Draft meeting minutes including merged Grand Knight Report distributed by Recorder to GK for review and approval ASAP after the meeting.
  • Recorder distributes GK approved minutes to Officers and Trustees ASAP.
  • Meeting Notice – One week prior to next meeting. Notice to include a copy of the previous meeting minutes. GK may include the upcoming GK Report and meeting agenda.       Minutes are Official Council Business and are not to be forwarded to Non-Council Members without the express permission of the Grand Knight. 
  1. Report of Admission Committee and Reading of Applications
  • Approved Applications. Membership Pending Exemplification: Greg Wacek, John Rode.
  1. Balloting for Membership (new, readmission, reapplications, transfers)
  • None
  1. Initiations
  • None
  1. Grand Knight’s Report

Grand Knight Report of Council Activities since last the Council meeting June 8, 2010

  1. Supreme Membership Report for June 30, 2010 (Fraternal Year End)
  • Total Membership 108
  • YTD Associates: Additions 15, Deductions 5, Net Growth 10, Goal 7
  • YTD Insurance: Additions 5, Deductions 3, Net Growth 2, Goal 3
  1. Reports Filed by Field Agent David Novack on behalf of Council 13096
  • Founder’s Award application.
  • Columbian Award application
  • Both reports are required for Star Council consideration.
  1. State Updates
    1.  KC Day at Twins game – August 22, 2010
      • Ticket Order forms were sent to the membership.
      • About 400 tickets still available at last report.
      • Update: very few tickets remain for the KC Day at the Twins game. Contact Jim Burkhart (651-675-8389) before ordering game tickets.
  2. Year for Priests Appreciation BBQ Dinner
    • Saturday, June 19, 2010
    • Event held in conjunction with the VBS Closing Picnic.
    • Certificates of Appreciation to be presented to Fr. Tim and Fr. Joseph.
    • Gift Cards $250 each to Fr. Tim and Fr. Joseph.
    • Dinner Tickets Sold 80.
    • Gross Proceeds: Dinner and Free Will Offering $987.
  3. District 53 Update
    • Officer and Trustee Installation
      • Hosted by Loretto Council, Thursday, June, 24, 2010.
    • Next District 53 meeting, Thursday, July 29, 2010 at 7:00 PM., hosted by DD Mark Foresman at his home.
  4. Communications Received
    • HNOJ Fall Festival September 11-12, 2010. KC’s will prepare and serve Sunday Lunch. Jim Seifert, Primary KC contact person.
    • Priest Appreciation Dinner, June 19, 2010. Thank You notes received by PGK Seifert from Fr, Tim Morin and Fr. Joseph Quoc-Vuang.
  5. Pass the Hat – June 14, 2010
    • KC’s asked to fund rental of 80 chairs for Matt Best graduation party. Total Cost $216.00
    • 15 Brother Knights responded to the gift request on behalf of the Best family.
  6. Service Program Organization
    • Church Director – George Laurance
    • Community Director – Jim Seifert
    • Council Director – Ed Ayd
    • Family Director – Pat Kendrick
    • Youth Director – Open
    • Pro-Life – Pat Karn
    • Membership Director – Marty Dehen

12.Chaplain’s Report

No Report

  1. Treasurer’s Report
  • Council account balance $ 7,122.78 as of 06/30/2010.
  • Amount reported by Treasurer to Financial Secretary.
  1. Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouchers for Deposit
  • Receipts at meeting totaling $0.00.
  1. Reading of Bills and Communications
  • None


  1. Financial Secretary’s Report
  • Total Receipts Reported: $ 1,179.40
  • Expenses totaling $ 1,915.72
  • Priests Appreciation Dinner: Gross Receipts $987.00. Total Costs $1,784.72
  • FS distributed copies of the 2009-2010 Event Ledger. Event Ledger shows receipts, disbursements and net proceeds grouped by Council sponsored event.
  • Motion to accept the Treasurer’s and Financial Secretary’s report was approved.

Council Roster Distribution Policy: (Effective 07/13/2010)

  • This notice is incorporated into the minutes as of the effective date.
  • The Council Membership Roster is provided to Council Members and is to be used exclusively for official business of Good Samaritan Council 13096. Other uses of the Council Membership Roster are strictly prohibited.
  • The Financial Secretary will e-mail a quarterly roster update to Officers and Trustees.
  • Council Members may request a copy of the most recently updated Council Roster from the Financial Secretary at: [email protected] or 763-479-1168.
  • Please submit contact information changes to the Financial Secretary.
  1. Report of Auditors and Trustees

Trustees Audit of Council financial activity for the period ended June 30, 2010 is scheduled for Sunday, July 18, 2010, 7:00 PM at Lund’s Plymouth Community Room. All interested members are invited to observe.

  1. Chancellor’s Report on Vocations

No Report

  1. Service Program Committee Reports
    • Program Director –

No Report

  • Membership – Marty Dehen

No Report

  • Church Service Area – George Laurance

No Report

  • Community Service Area – Jim Seifert
    • Holy Name of Jesus Fall Festival – September 11-12, 2010
      • Good Samaritan Council asked to provide the Sunday lunch (same as 2009)S
      • Seifert represented Council at July 12, 2010 Fall Festival Planning Committee meeting.
      • Saturday Dinner will be Pig Roast catered by Cindy Forester-Cavanaugh.
      • Left over pork will be served on Sunday (possibly in lieu of a shredded pork sandwich).
      • Seifert will contact Darlene Wedin to determine if she desires to serve any hot food from her snack trailer on Sunday.
      • KC’s will combine supply order with Cavanaugh and order supplies through HNOJ.
      • Seifert and Steve Zylla to determine Sunday Lunch food offerings and menu by July 25, 2010.
      • HNOJ has agreed to publicize the KC Soccer Challenge on Saturday and Sunday as a Fall Festival activity. PA announcements will be made during the event to encourage participation. Dave Stumpf volunteered to be the Soccer Challenge Chairman. KC volunteers needed to assist on both Saturday and Sunday. Please contact Dave to volunteer.
      • Next Fall Fest Planning Meeting, Sunday July 25, 2010 at 9:30 AM in HNOJ Fireside Room. Final arrangements to be determined.
  • Service Program Committee Reports (continued)
    • Council Service Area – Ed Ayd
      • No Report
    • Family Service Area – Pat Kendrick
      • No Report
    • Pro-Life Service Area – Pat Karn
      • No Report
    • Youth Activity Service Area – Open
      • No Report
  1. Report of the Round Table Chairman
    • No Report
  1. Report of Standing Committees

No Report

  1. Unfinished Business
    1. HNOJ Memorial to the Unborn – Council Pledge $4,000
      • Monitor the Parish Pro-Life group’s plans and timetable for implementation. George Laurance and Pat Karn to report back to Council on a regular frequency.
      • Dedicate proceeds of one Pancake Breakfast (Winter/Spring 2011) to the project. Advance publicity needed to generate interest and achieve the fund raising goal.
      • Ask for individual Council Member donations to the project. Direct appeal.
      • Ask for additional donations to the project at the designated Pancake Breakfast.
      • Ask for Fr. Tim Morin’s approval to ask for support from the parish for individual donations to the project.
    2. District 53 Untrasound Machine Challenge – $7,500 Goal
      1. GK Grube to present a challenge to each of the 5 District 53 Councils to raise $1,500 per Council toward the purchase of an Ultrasound machine for a Pro-Life Pregnancy Center under the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council Ultrasound matching grant program.
      2. Good Samaritan Council to designate one Pancake Breakfast to raise the $1,500. Publicize the Ultrasound machine program as the purpose of the special Pancake Breakfast
      3. Ask for individual Council Member donations to the project. Direct appeal.
  2. New Business
    1. Council Program Organizational Meeting
      • Tuesday, August 3, 2010, 7:00 PM, HNOJ Emmaus Room.
      • Purpose: Review Council Program Activities and establish roles and responsibilities for each major Council Program activity during the current fraternal year.
    2. Membership Open House
      • Tuesday, October 5, 2010, 7:00 PM, HNOJ Emmaus Room.
      • Invitations to be sent to invitees unable to attend the April, 2010 Open House.
      • All Council Members are asked to submit contact information of prospective Knights of Columbus ASAP to the Grand Knight and/or the Membership Director.
    3. Council Calendar Review
      • Calendar of Events for the fraternal year 2010-2011 reviewed in detail.
      • Considerable discussion among meeting attendees regarding timing of Pancake Breakfasts and fund-raising for the two major Pro-Life projects. There will be 6 Pancake Breakfasts.
      • Fall 2010 Pancake Breakfasts (Sunday, October 10, 2010 Benefit for Pro-Life Organizations. Sunday, November 21, 2010 Benefit for HNOJ Kitchen Fund).
      • Winter/Spring 2011 Pancake Breakfasts (Sundays: February 27, 2011, March 20, 2011, April 10, 2011 and May 15, 2011).
      • Seafood Buffet, Friday, March 25, 2011.
    4. Fourth Degree Membership Presentation
      • Council Meeting September 14, 2010
      • Fourth Degree Exemplification, Saturday, October 23, 2010, Owatonna, MN.
    5. Council Fund Raising Activities
      • Ideas – Ballgames “Fathers” v. “Sons”, “Knights v. Teens”; Winter Carnival.
      • Alex Yang will brainstorm ideas with Chris Kostelc and report findings to the Council.
      • “For the Good of the Order Fund” (Caution: tax exempt status jeopardized when a tax exempt organization provides funds for the benefit of an individual).
      • Question: Should the Council designate recipient organizations for the fraternal year in advance and ask for individual donations from the Members?
    6. Pancake Breakfast – HNOJ School Publicity
      • Ed Ayd to ask the new Principal if an announcement of the next weekend’s Pancake Breakfast can be included in the Thursday backpack take home reminders. Format – flyer or announcement – to be determined.
    7. KC Rosaries for the Adoration Chapel
      • Discussion was held regarding upgrading the quality of Rosaries in the Adoration Chapel.
      • Motion proposed by Ed Ayd and seconded by Dan Cincoski to buy 50 KC Rosaries at a cost of $3.00 each and to periodically place them in the Adoration Chapel. Motion was approved.
    8. Council Meeting Flag Display
      • Question: Are the United States and Knights of Columbus flags to be displayed at Council meetings?
      • Answer: Meeting protocol specifies that the United States and Knights of Columbus flags are to be displayed at their designated positions at Council meetings.
    9. Report of the Fourth Degree
      • Nicollet Assembly meetings resume in September, 2010
      • Regular meeting is the First Monday of each month.
      • Honor Guard will be present at the KC Day at the Twins game on Sunday, August 22, 2010.
      • Pre-Game Mass 10:00 – 11:00 AM. Epic Building. 110 N 5th 3 Bishops to attend. No game ticket required to attend Mass.
    10. Field Agent’s Report
      • No Report
    11. District Deputy’s Report
      • No Report
  1. Good of the Order
  • George Laurance (hospitalized today)
  • Terry Silver
  • Greg Hegi
  • Greg Hegi’s sister, Lisa
  • Bev Carsten
  • Lenise Best family
  • All Parish Priests
  1. Chaplain’s Summation 
  2. Closing Prayer
  • Closing Prayers were said at 9:23 PM
  1. Meeting Adjourned (Closing Ode, dismissed above)
  • Meeting Adjourned at 9:24 PM

Council Minutes 2010 June

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting  

Date: 6/8/2010 

  1. The Council was called to order at 7:35 PM by GK Jim Seifert
  2. Warden’s Report on Membership Card by Marty Dehen
  3. Prayer was offered by GK Jim Seifert
  4. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag 
  5. Roll Call of Officers:
Chaplain Rev. Sam Catapano A Advocate David Stumpf A
Grand Knight James Seifert P Warden Davonne Yang A
Deputy Grand Knight James Grube P Inside Guard David Sheffield A
Chancellor Dan Cincoski P Outside Guard Craig Lyon A
Recorder Joe Badalucco P Trustee 3 yr Patrick Karn P
Financial Secretary Bill Swing P Trustee 2 yr Thomas Silver P
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 yr Martin Dehen P
Lecturer Earl Forrence A                          Present 9     Absent 6


  1. Opening Ode
  • Motion to dismiss with the Opening and Closing Odes proposed, seconded and carried.
  1. Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting
    • April 13, 2010 Council meeting minutes were read and approved.
    • April 30, 2010 Special Council Meeting minutes were read and approved.
    • May 12, 2010 Annual Officer Election Meeting minutes were read and approved.
  • A copy of the minutes may be obtained by a member in good standing upon request of the Grand Knight.


  1. Membership Director’s Report:
  • Form 100 for John Rode presented. Proposed by Steve Zylla
  • Motion carried to accept John Rode’s application
  1. Reading of Notices of Applications in other Councils
  • None
  1. Initiations
  • None
  1. Grand Knight’s Report – Read by GK Siefert
    1. Supreme Membership Report for May 31, 2010
      1. Total Membership 109
      2. YTD Associates: Additions 15, Deductions 5, Net Growth 10, Goal 7
      3. YTD Insurance: Additions 5, Deductions 3, Net Growth 2, Goal 3 (1 application pending approval).
    2. Major Degree Exemplifications
      1. Church of the Epiphany, Coon Rapids, Saturday, May 1, 2010.
        1. Rob Hetchler
        2. Tom Lee
        3. Jim O’Toole
        4. Larry Winkler
        5. Alex Yang
      2. Joseph Catholic Church, Rosemount, Saturday, May 8, 2010
        1. Bill Inhofer
        2. Dave Brinza
        3. Richard Synstellien (1st Degree)
        4. Fr. Joseph Quoc-Vuong (2nd and 3rd Degree)
      3. State Convention May 15-16, 2010
        1. Attended by delegates GK Seifert and DGK Grube.
        2. Council 13096 purchased State Foundation Raffle Tickets $165.00
        3. One-half is returned to the Council.
      4. State Updates
        1. KC Day at Twins game – August 22, 2010
          1. Ticket Order forms were sent to the membership.
          2. No one has notified the Council that they ordered game tickets.
          3. Not enough interest to warrant making group transportation arrangements.
        2. Ultrasound Machine Purchase Program
          1. When a State/Local council raises one-half of the cost of an ultrasound machine for a pro-life pregnancy help center, the Supreme Council will match the other one-half of the machine’s cost.
          2. Guidelines and Application received.
          3. Program is operated under the direct supervision of the State Deputy.
      5. District 53 Update
        1. Officer and Trustee Installation
          1. Hosted by Loretto Council, June, 24, 2010.
          2. Next District 53 meeting, Thursday, July 22, 2010 at 7:00 PM., hosted by DD Mark Foresman at his home.
              1. District 53 participation in the Ultrasound Initiative will be discussed.
      6. Fundraiser for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities
        1. Tootsie Roll Weekend
        2. April 24-25, 2010
        3. Amount Collected: $1,361.23
      7. Wednesday Night Fine Dining Update
        1. This year’s program ended April 28, 2010.
        2. Program is starts again on September 29, 2010.
        3. Program staffing to be determined by Holy Name this summer.
        4. KC’s will continue in a major role.
      8. Holy Name of Jesus Living Rosary and May Crowning
        1. Wednesday, May 5, 2010.
        2. Knights of Columbus lead the Our Father Beads.
        3. Knights gave a rosary to all in attendance who want one.
      9. Pancake Breakfast – Proceeds to Council Charities
        1. Sunday, May 16, 2010
        2. Gross Receipts: $1,480
      10. Ladies Auxiliary Tax Exemption Request
        1. FS Swing: Letter to IRS sent May 19, 2010.
        2. Requesting tax exemption under IRC 501(c)(8) and the Supreme Council Group Exemption.
      11. Member Degree Status
        1. The GK has been informed that many members who transferred into the Council in the past are listed on the roster as 1st Degree but should be listed as 3rd
        2. The Retention Committee will ascertain the correct degree status of those members listed as 1st Degree members.
        3. A prescribed correction procedure will implement the necessary changes.
        4. Any member listed as 1st Degree on the Council Roster who has taken the 2nd or 3rd Degree, should notify the Financial Secretary of the discrepancy.
      12. Deceased Member
        1. Mark Best, Fourth Degree, May 17, 2010.
        2. GK was asked by members of Holy Name to have the KC’s set up a fund for the benefit of the Best Family.
          1. Knights of Columbus tax exemption is granted under IRC 501(c)(8) as a fraternal beneficiary society, order or association.
          2. The KC’s operate under a lodge system for the exclusive benefit of the members of the fraternity itself and provides for the payment of life, sick, accident or other benefits to its members of the society, order or association or their dependents (exclusively from the benefits of the insurance products sold to its members).
          3. A domestic fraternal society, order or association operating under the lodge system, may accept a contribution or gift by an individual only if such contribution or gift is to be used exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, literary, or educational purposes or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals.
          4. State Advocate, Jim Turedo advised GK Seifert that the KC’s may not be associated in any way with establishing the proposed benefit account. Such association with establishing the account could be construed under State law as the grant of a property interest by the organization for the benefit of a private individual and jeopardize the tax exemption.
          5. There are two methods available. (1) Establish an account under the Minnesota Uniform Custodial Trust Act (MN Stat. Ch.529) which requires registration of an assumed name together with a Declaration of Trust (creating an entity) or (2) find an individual who is willing to act on behalf of the family to open the account for the benefit of the family. This trusted person then directs the bank to distribute the funds to the named beneficiary upon the sole direction of the beneficiary. This method borrows from the operational concepts of Chapter 529.
          6. For future reference, Council Officers may facilitate raising funds on behalf of a named individual or family, but may not in any way execute any document, or deposit or disburse any funds in connection with such fund raising.
        3. Service Project June 5, 2010
          1. Several Knights under the direction of Bill Inhofer, dug out old shrubs, put in some new rose plants, moved a few other rose bushes, and placed bags of mulch at the Best Family residence.
          2. Thank You Bill Inhofer and everyone who physically participated in this successful service project.
      13. Year for Priests Appreciation BBQ Dinner
        1. Saturday, June 19, 2010, 6:15 PM
        2. Event being held in conjunction with the VBS Closing Picnic.
        3. Planning Committee met on Saturday, June 5, 2010.
        4. Kids Meal Basket – Free Will Offering
        5. Adult Meal Dinner – $5.00 per plate.
        6. Certificates of Appreciation to be presented to Fr. Tim and Fr. Joseph.
        7. Gift Cards to each – amount to be determined by Council resolution.
        8. Ask Fr. Tim if he wants a 4th Degree Guard at the 5:00 PM Mass.
        9. Volunteers needed on day of event.
        10. Sign up form to be posted on the Council web site.
      14. Communications Received
        1. Letter from the Mark Best Family
        2. Copy forwarded to Nicollet Assembly
      15. Council Meetings
        1. Previously scheduled Officer and Trustee Meeting, Sunday, June 27, 2010 is cancelled.
          • Next regular Council meeting, Tuesday, July 13, 2010.
  2. Chaplin’s Report
  • No report
  1. Treasurer’s Report
  • Council account balance: $ 8617.12 as of 6/8/2010
  • Check #429 still outstanding
  • Need to order more checks
  1. Financial Secretary’s Report
  • Total Receipts Reported: $ 2066.87
  • Expenses totaling: $ 1655.08
  • Motion to accept Treasurer’s and Financial Secretary’s report was approved
  1. Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouches for Deposit
  • Treasurers Receipts at meeting totaling: $ 0.00
  • Motion to accept was approved
  1. Reading of Bills and Communications
  • None
  1. Financial Secretary’s Report of Receipts of Meeting
  • No funds received at the meeting.
  1. Report of Auditors and Trustees
  • None
  1. Chancellor’s Report on Vocations
  • Dan Cincoski donated the book, Jesus – A biography from a believer by Paul Johnson to the council
  1. Service Program Committee Reports
  • No report



  1. Recruitment Activity (Membership Director)
  • See Membership Director’s Report
  1. Retention Committee Report
  • No report


  1. Program Director
    1. Director – Jim Grube
      • Plan to meet with Fr. Tim to invite him to be the Council’s Chaplain. If Fr. Tim declines, he will ask Fr. Joseph.
      • Dave Novak is transferring his membership to the Hopkins Council to help them.
    2. Church Activity – George Laurance
      • Moving forward with the Holy Name Cemetery plan for the memorial to the unborn
      • Strongly recommended that the council support the ultrasound machine initiative. See New Business section
      • Pro-Life Activity – Pat Karn
        1. 6/20 is the Parish rummage sale.
        2. Starts at 1 PM
        3. Council members are encouraged to assist with the sale or by providing goods to be sold
        4. Funds used to make quilts
    3. Community Activity
      • No report
    4. Council Activity
      • No report
    5. Family Activity
      • No report
    6. Youth Activity
      • No report


  1. Report of Standing Committees
  • No report
  1. Unfinished Business
  • See GK’s report
  • BBQ dinner to honor priests (“Year of the Priest”). Scheduled for 6/19 after 5PM Mass.
    • Serving smoked pork chop with veggies and sides for $5.00 per plate
    • Kid’s meal basket will be a free-will offering
    • Plan to have a separate table for Deacons and their families
    • Plan to commence with opening prayer for priests and some opening remarks – discussed giving attendees a chance to make remarks
    • Solicit KC volunteers via website
    • Motion carried to give Fr. Tim and Fr. Joseph a gift card for $250.00 each






  1. New Business
    • Received email from Patty Watkins requesting the KC’s assistance in cooking food on 6/17 at 5PM. Following Knights volunteered:
      • Tom Silver
      • Pat Karn
      • Ed Ayd
      • Tom Lee
    • State Ultrasound Initiative
      • Evidence shows that expecting mothers are likely to keep their babies if they see the an image of the child in the womb
      • Supreme is sponsoring a program to fund the purchase of ultrasound machines to be donated to Pro-Life centers.
      • Councils are being encouraged to band together to help raise the necessary funds. $7500.00/machine. Goal is $1500.00 per council
      • Motion carried to participate in the fund raiser
  1. Fourth Degree
  • None


  1. Field Agent’s Report
  • None
  1. District Deputy’s Report
  • No report
  1. Good of the Order
  • Lenise Best family
  • George Laurance family
  • Dan Cincoski family
  • David Novack family
  • Davone Yang family
  • Greg Hegi
  • Bev Carsten
  • Terry Silver family
  • Ed O’Rourke’s sister-in-law
  • Deacon James Lannan, pray for his vocation to the Priesthood.
  • Unemployed / Underemployed Brother Knights
  • New High School and College Graduates
  • Families in the Gulf Coast Region
  1. Chaplain’s Summation
  • None


  1. Closing Prayer
  • Closing Prayers were said at: 9:24 PM
  1. Meeting Adjourned (Closing Ode, dismissed above)
  • Meeting Adjourned at 9:25 PM

Council Minutes 2010 May

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Annual Officer Election Meeting

Latuff’s Pizzeria and Restaurant  



  1. Social hour began at 6:00 PM
  2. Meeting commenced at 7:14 PM with remarks by GK Jim Seifert
  3. Attendance of officers was noted:


Chaplain Rev. Sam Catapano A Advocate David Stumpf P
Grand Knight James Seifert P Warden Davone Yang P
Deputy Grand Knight James Grube A Inside Guard David Sheffield A
Chancellor Dan Cincoski P Outside Guard Craig Lyon P
Recorder Joe Badalucco P Trustee 3 yr Patrick Karn P
Financial Secretary Bill Swing P Trustee 2 yr Thomas Silver A
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 yr Martin Dehen P
Lecturer Earl Forrence P                          Present 11   Absent 4



  1. GK Jim Seifert’s opening remarks:
    1. GK Jim Seifert began by welcoming everyone to the annual meeting to elect the council officers
    2. GK Seifert handed out raffle entry forms for the Statewide Raffle. $5.00 per ticket and one-half of the proceeds will be given back to the Council
    3. GK read the names of new council members: 14 new and 4 transfers. Fraternal pin was presented to new members who were present.


  1. Mark Mertens collected $10.00 from each attendee to help cover cost of the dinner


  1. Announcements:
    1. GK Seifert notified attendees that George Laurance was unable to attend due to his sister’s illness.
    2. Bill Inhofer informed everyone of Mark Best’s health. Mark has been in Methodist Hospital since April 22nd and needs our prayers.


  1. Opening prayer was at 7:20 PM


  1. Continued comments by GK Seifert:
    1. Thank you to the officers who served for the past year
    2. Ballot to elect new officers was published 4 times recently
    3. Motion made to take the ballot off the table. Motion carried.


Official Officer and Trustee Ballot

Fraternal Year 2010-2011



Grand Knight              Jim Grube

Deputy Grand Knight Dan Cincoski

Chancellor                   George Laurance

Recording Secretary   Joe Badalucco

Treasurer                     Mark Mertens

Advocate                    Dave Stumpf

Warden                       Davone Yang

Inside Guard               Pat Kendrick

Outside Guard                        Craig Lyon

3-Year Trustee            Jim Seifert


Chaplain                      To Be Determined

Financial Secretary      Bill Swing

Lecturer                       Earl Forrence

2-Year Trustee            Pat Karn

1-Year Trustee            Tom Silver


Thank you to the newly elected officers


  1. Presentations by GK Seifert:
    1. Past Grand Knight pin presented to Pat Karn
    2. Joseph award given to Bill Swing
    3. Family of the Year award presented to Pat Karn and his family
    4. Knight of the Year awarded to Earl Forrence


  1. Additional announcements:
    1. Pancake breakfast this Sunday, 5/16.
    2. June 19th will sponsor a BBQ dinner to recognize Year of the Priest. Will be done in conjunction with the VBS picnic. GK Seifert asked for a volunteer to chair the event. Earl Forrence volunteered.
    3. Next Council meeting is Tuesday, 6/8 at HNOJ
    4. Pat Karn expressed appreciation to those who supported the Mother’s Day rose sale sponsored by the ACCL Approximately $750.00 was collected


  1. Closing comments:
    1. Bill Swing and members thanked Jim Seifert for his service as Grand Knight.
    2. Chuck Gonderinger let everyone know that DGK Jim Grube was unable to attend because he was attending an award ceremony at which he was being presented with an annual public works award. Only 10 such awards are given each year. Congratulations Jim!
    3. 2 tickets were donated by Bryan Wernimont to attend the “Get Motivated” event at the Target Center on Wednesday, 5/26.


  1. Good of the Order:
  • Bev Carsten
  • Greg Hegi
  • Mark Best
  • George Laurance’s sister


  1. Closing prayer at 8:25 PM

Council Minutes 2010 April

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting

Date: 4/13/2010 

  1. The Council was called to order at 7:30 PM by GK Jim Seifert
  2. Warden’s Report on Membership Card by Earl Forrence
  3. Prayer was offered by GK Jim Seifert
  4. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag 
  5. Roll Call of Officers:
Chaplain Rev. Sam Catapano A Advocate David Stumpf P
Grand Knight James Seifert P Warden Davone Yang A
Deputy Grand Knight James Grube P Inside Guard David Sheffield P
Chancellor Dan Cincoski P Outside Guard Craig Lyon A
Recorder Joe Badalucco P Trustee 3 yr Patrick Karn P
Financial Secretary Bill Swing P Trustee 2 yr Thomas Silver P
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 yr Martin Dehen P
Lecturer Earl Forrence P                          Present 12   Absent 3


  1. Opening Ode
  • Motion to dismiss with the Opening and Closing Odes proposed, seconded and carried.


  1. Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting
  • Minutes of the March 21, 2010 Quarterly Officer and Trustee meeting notes were read.
  • Minutes of the March 9, 2010 Council meeting were not read. They were distributed to the Officers and Trustees by DGK Jim Grube on March 20, 2010.
  1. Membership Director’s Report:
  • Motions carried to admit each of the following new members:
  • Robert Hetchler
  • James O’Toole
  • Greg Wacek
  • Larry Winkler
  • Dave Brinza
  • Thomas Lee
  • Richard Synstellien
  • Form 100 expected to be presented next month by Marty Dehen for Steve Schwartz
  1. Reading of Notices of Applications in other Councils
  1. Initiations
  1. Grand Knight’s Report – Read by GK Jim Seifert
    1. Supreme Membership Report for March 31, 2010
      1. Total Membership 101
      2. Associates: Additions 7, Deductions 5, Net Growth 2
      3. Insurance: Additions 3, Deductions 3, Net Growth 0
    2. Major Degree Exemplifications
      1. Marian KC Hall, Bloomington, Thursday, April 22, 2010
        1. First Degree Only
        2. Registration 6:15 pm
        3. Start 6:30 pm
        4. End about 7:20 pm
      2. 1st, 2nd 3rd Degree
        1. Church of the Epiphany, Coon Rapids, Saturday, May 1, 2010.
        2. St. Joseph Catholic Church, Rosemount, Saturday, May 8, 2010
    3. Good Samaritan Council presents Rosaries
      1. Approximately 100 9th Grade Passion Play participants at the Dress Rehearsal.
      2. Presented by Marty Dehen. Thank you, Brother Marty.
    4. Founder’s Day Commemoration
      • March 21, 2010, 10:30 a.m. Mass.
      • Council and Families reserved seating section
      • Received the Eucharist together.
    5. Day of the Unborn
      1. March 25, 2010, Feast of the Annunciation
      2. KC’s had the Prayer for Life published in the parish bulletin March 20-21, 2010.
    6. Holy Saturday Watch fire
      1. 3-5PM. Franciscan Rosary led by Earl Forrence.
      2. Each decade lead in turn by the six persons attending
      3. Thank you, Brother Earl
    7. Good Samaritan Council Open House
      1. April 6, 2010
      2. Seven Candidates attended
      3. Five completed membership applications
      4. GK Seifert sent Thank You letter to Fr, Tim Morin for his recruiting letter.
      5. GK Seifert sent Open House Thank You letter to the membership via email
    8. District 53 Meeting, Thursday, April 8, 2010
      1. Good Samaritan Council report prepared by DGK Grube.
      2. Meeting attended and report presented by GK Seifert.
      3. A copy of the report is available to members in good standing upon request of the Grand Knight.
      4. Officer and Trustee installation will be at Loretto, date in June, TBD.
    9. Wednesday Night Fine Dining Update
      1. Three more meals this Religious Education season.
      2. April 14, April 21, April 28
      3. The program also needs 1-2 more regular volunteers. Weekly staffing count between 5-8 pm varies widely.
    10. Archdiocesan Event
      1. Spring Forum, Reclaiming the Culture of Marriage and Life
      2. Saturday, April 17, 2010
      3. 8 AM Mass – St. Paul Seminary
      4. 9 AM to Noon, Forum – University of St. Thomas, Brady Education Center
      5. See Council email to membership for more information
    11. Holy Name of Jesus Living Rosary and May Crowning
      1. Wednesday, May 5, 2010.
      2. Knights of Columbus will lead the Our Father Beads.
      3. GK Seifert will recruit individual Knights to Lead the Our Father.
      4. Knights are giving a rosary to all in attendance who want one.
      5. Everyone is welcome.
    12. Dinner for Priests
      1. Tuesday, May 11, 2010, 6 PM Social, 7 PM Dinner
      2. Earle Brown Heritage Center, Brooklyn Center
      3. Reservations Due by April 27, 2010
      4. $50 per person
      5. Brother Frank Renshaw and Serra Club member is sponsoring Fr. Tim, Fr. Joseph and Fr. Paul.
    13. Council Meetings
      1. Wednesday May 12, 2010 – Annual Meeting
        1. See new business
      2. Tuesday, June 8, 2010
      3. Tentative – Officer and Trustee Meeting, Sunday, June 27, 2010
    14. Pancake Breakfasts – Proceeds to Council Charities
      1. Sunday, April 11, 2010, 323 tickets sold, Gross $1,900, Average $6.11
      2. Sunday, May 16, 2010
    15. Fundraiser for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities
      1. Tootsie Roll Weekend
      2. April 24-25, 2010
      3. Holy Name of Jesus is the District 53 drop site.
      4. Volunteers needed for all four weekend Masses
      5. All Councils Statewide ordered 2 cases of Tootsie Rolls for the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan
    16. District Updates
      1. KC Day at Twins game – August 22, 2010
      2. Next District 53 meeting, June, TBD, hosted by Good Shepherd Council -Golden Valley
    17. State Updates
      1. State Year End Program Reports were filed by the April 10, 2010 due date.
      2. 4th Degree Exemplification
        1. Saturday, April 17, 2010
        2. Holiday Inn and Suites, Duluth, MN
        3. Earl Forrence is the Good Samaritan Council 4th Degree candidate.
      3. State Convention
        1. May 14-16, 2010, St. Cloud
        2. GK Seifert and DGK Grube to attend.
        3. Alternate Delegates – none
        4. State Raffle Tickets available for purchase at tonight’s Council meeting.
        5. Review of State Council Resolutions in New Business agenda
      4. Supreme Updates
        1. Novena for Holy Father Pope Benedict
        2. Sunday April 11, 2010 to April 19, 2010
        3. April 19 is the 5th Anniversary of the Holy Father’s election.
        4. Prayer Cards distributed at tonight’s meeting.
        5. Prayer Card text available at KofC.org,
        6. See Council email sent to membership
      5. Holy Name of Jesus Men’s Group Events
        1. Men’s Breakfast, Friday, April 16, 2010 7:15 AM
        2. Men’s Dinner, Friday, April 30, 2010 6:30 PM
        3. Men’s Breakfast, Friday, May 14, 2010 7:15 AM


  1. Treasurer’s Report
  • Council account balance $ 5,822.45 as of 4/13/2010
  1. Financial Secretary’s Report
  • Total Receipts Reported: $ 2247.00
  • Expenses totaling: $ 1253.65
  • Net for the period: $ 993.35
  • KC Shirts and hats available for those needing any
  • Supreme Council has awarded a VIP Club “Fifteen” certificate to Marty Dehen for his recruiting achievements.
  1. Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouches for Deposit
  • Receipts at meeting totaling $ 0.00
  1. Reading of Bills and Communications
  • None
  1. Financial Secretary’s Report of Receipts of Meeting
  • No funds were received at the meeting.
  1. Report of Auditors and Trustees
  • None
  1. Chancellor’s Report on Vocations
  • Jim Lannan is working to achieve his 4th degree
  • GK Jim Seifert received Jim Lannan’s request to be supported via the RSVP program again
  • Jim Lannan is scheduled to be ordained in May 2011.
  1. Recruitment Activity (Membership Director)
  • See GK’s Report
  1. Retention Committee Report
  • See GK’s Report
  1. Program Director
    1. Director – Jim Grube
      1. Filed State Council Year End reports by the 04/10/2010 deadline
    2. Church Activity – George Laurance
      1. Placement of memorial to the unborn by main entrance to the church was not approved by Fr. Tim Morin. Fr. Tim wants it to be placed in the cemetery.
      2. Ed Ayd recommended putting project on hold if we cannot make the memorial a Prolife statement.
      3. After much discussion, George asked for more participants to attend the memorial committee meetings to evaluate other options.
    3. Pro-Life – Pat Karn
    4. See Church Activity report
    5. Youth Activity – Open
      1. No report


  1. Unfinished Business
  • Tootsie Roll fund raiser:
    • Need as many Knights as we can get to help
    • Sign up on HNOJKC website
  1. New Business
  • Ballot of elected and appointed positions shared with attendees by DGK Jim Grube, Nominating Committee Chairman.
  • Ballot Consideration tabled by GK Seifert until the May 12th annual meeting.
  • Ballot shall be published via e-mail to membership two times prior to the Annual Meeting.
  • Motion carried via email ballot of Officers and Trustees to approve collection of $10.00 from each attendee to the annual meeting at Latuff’s on May 12th. The balance of Latuff’s bill for food and non-alcoholic beverages will be paid by the Council.
  • KC BBQ June 19, 2010 6:00 PM
    • Need a chairperson to organize and coordinate the event
    • GK Jim Seifert to meet with Jennifer Ladendorf about VBS plans
    • GK note: KC BBQ and VBS Picnic are being merged.into one event.
  • Pat Karn spoke with Nancy from the Northside Life Care Center.
    • Nancy is looking for helping in raising funds.
    • Motion carried to donate $ 250.00 to the Northside Life Care Center.
  1. District Deputy’s Report
  • District Deputy mark Foresman visited the council meeting
  • Mark has been a KC since 1979
  • Currently meeting with councils to introduce himself
  • Mark will visit our council again to inspect the council’s books. He will be looking for vouchers.
  • Mark will not be able to attend the State Convention
  • Mark asked us to give the Tootsie Roll drive our full support
  1. Good of the Order
  • Sam Catapano
  • Mark Best and Family
  • Davone Yang and Family
  • George Laurance’s daughter Julie
  • Bill Hansen’s mother Lois Hansen


  1. Closing Prayer
  • Closing Prayers were said at: 9:29 PM
  1. Meeting Adjourned (Closing Ode, dismissed above)   Meeting Adjourned at 9:30 PM

Council Minutes 2010 March

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting

Date: 3/09/10

  1. The Council was called to order at 7:42 PM by GK Jim Seifert
  2. Warden’s Report on Membership Card by Warden Davonne Yang
  3. Prayer was offered by GK Jim Seifert
  4. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
  5. Roll Call of Officers:
Chaplain Rev. Sam Catapano A Advocate David Stumpf P
Grand Knight James Seifert P Warden Davonne Yang P
Deputy Grand Knight James Grube P Inside Guard David Sheffield A
Chancellor Dan Cincoski P Outside Guard Craig Lyon A
Recorder Joe Badalucco A Trustee 3 yr Patrick Karn P
Financial Secretary Bill Swing P Trustee 2 yr Thomas Silver P
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 yr Martin Dehen A
Lecturer Earl Forrence A                          Present 9   Absent 6


  1. Opening Ode
  • Motion to dismiss with the Opening and Closing Odes proposed, seconded and carried.


  1. Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting
  • February 9, 2010 Council meeting minutes were read and approved.
  • A copy of the minutes may be obtained by a member in good standing upon request of the Grand Knight.


  1. Membership Director’s Report:

GK Jim Seifert, on behalf of Marty Dehen offered the following names for consideration by the Council:

  • Readmission – Edward O’Rourke (Marty Dehen – sponsor) – approved
  • New member – Alexander Yang (Marty Dehen – sponsor) – approved
  • Transfer – John Hite – from Father George Council – approved


  1. Reading of Notices of Applications in other Councils
  • None


  1. Initiations
  • Larry Allar has completed Third Degree Exemplification
  • Alexander Yang is tentatively targeted for Exemplification on May 1, 2010 at the Church of the Epiphany in Coon Rapids (all three Degrees)


  1. Grand Knight’s Report
    1. Wednesday Night Fine Dining Update
      • The Program needs 1-2 more persons to come in at 2 p.m. on Wednesday to help Jim Franzen   with food preparation and setup for serving at 5:15 p.m.
      • The Program also needs 1-2 more regular volunteers. Weekly staffing count between 5-8 p.m. varies weekly.
    2. 4th Annual Seafood Buffet – Friday, February 26, 2010
      • 203 meals served – 180 adults and 23 children.
      • Volunteer hours (Knights and families, signed up and recognized) 142 hours.
      • Participating Council members – 13.
    3. Council Liability Insurance
      1. The Council obtained a one year General Liability insurance policy effective March 5, 2010.
      2. Annual premium is $347, including a $50 first time policy fee and 6 event coverage riders.
    4. Major Degree Exemplifications
      1. Marian KC Hall in Bloomington, Sunday, March 7, 2010.
        1. 1). Larry Allar – all three degrees (presented by Chuck Grabowski).
      2. St. Peters Church in North St. Paul, Saturday, March 20, 2010
      3. Church of the Epiphany in Coon Rapids, Saturday, May 1, 2010
    5. KC Perpetual Adoration – For the Good of the Order
      1. Every Friday at 8:00 p.m.
      2. Eight Knights are participating
      3. Jim Grube schedules the monthly rotation.Brothers are invited to participate in the Adoration Hour or at other times. Refer to   the KC website or contact Jim Grube for details.
    6. 1st Quarter Service Program Events
      1. Wednesday Night Fine Dining
        1.  March 10
        2.  Spring/Easter break – 3 weeks
        3.   Program resumes – All four Wednesday’s in April, ending April 27.
      2. Council Meetings
        1. Sunday March 21, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. – 1/4ly officer meeting at Lunds Community Room
        2. Tuesday April 13, 2010 at Holy Name of Jesus
        3. Tuesday, May 11, 2010 – Annual Meeting with date, time and location – TBD.
      3. Pancake Breakfasts – Proceeds to Council Charities
        1. April 11, 2010
        2. May 16, 2010 (walleye fishing opener)
      4. Founder’s Day Commemoration
        1. March 21st Mass at 10:30 a.m. – announcement will be placed in Bulletin
        2. Reserved seating will be available for Council members and families
        3.  Attire – navy suit/sport coat jacket
        4.  Receive Eucharist together
      5. Fundraiser for People with Intellectual Disabilities
        1. Tootsie Roll Weekend – April 24/25, 2010
        2. Volunteers needed for all four weekend Masses
      6. Nomination Committee Activation – Call for Nominations
        1. Knight of the Year
        2. Family of the Year
        3. Outstanding Service Program
        4. 2010/2011 Council Officer Nominations – to be announced at April 13 meeting
      7. Panera Social Time
        1. Tuesdays – March 30 and April 27 at 7:30 a.m.
    7. District Updates
      1. Tootsie Roll Weekend Coordination
        1. Holy Name of Jesus is the District 53 drop site.
        2. Each Council will contribute 2 cases for military personnel in Irag and Afghanistan.
      2. KC Day at the Twins – August 22, 2010
      3. Next District 53 meeting – Thursday, April 8, 2010 with Wayzata Council hosting.
    8. State Updates
      1. State Forms Due April 10, 2010
        1. Year End Program Report
        2. State Council Service Program Award Entry Form
        3. State Council Service Awards Entry Forms
        4. Knight of the Year
        5. Family of the Year
      2. 4th Degree Exemplification
        1. Saturday, April 17, 2010
        2. Holiday Inn and Suites, Duluth, MN
        3.  Application Deadline, April 4, 2010
        4. Nicollet Assembly Tux and Information night
          1. Monday, March 15, 2010, 7:00 PM
          2. Father George Council Chambers
          3. Sponsor/Proposer is encouraged to attend.
          4. Candidate spouse is invited to attend.
      3. State Convention
        1. May 14-16, 2010, St. Cloud.
        2. Grand Knight Seifert and Deputy Grand Knight Grube to attend.
        3. Alternate Delegates may attend if they desire.
        4. State Raffle Tickets available for purchase at the Council meeting.
      4. Supreme Updates
        1. Food for Families Report filed February 27, 2010
          1. Seafood Buffet reported as the participating qualified fundraising event
          2. Proceeds to be split between Interfaith Outreach and Maple Plain food banks.
        2. Membership Statement as of 02/28/2010
          1. Associate Membership 98
            1. Year to Date Change 0
            2. Percent of Quota (7), Attained 0%
          2. Insurance Membership
            1. Year to Date Change 0
            2. Percent of Quota (3) Attained 0%
          3. Day of Prayer for the Unborn Child
            1. March 24, 2010
            2. Feast of the Annunciation


  1. Chaplin’s Report
  • No Report


  1. Treasurer’s Report
  • Council account balance $6,241.25 as of March 8, 2010
  • There was a $131.00 transfer from checking to the Tootsie Roll account to avoid administrative charges.
  • Motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was approved.


  1. Financial Secretary’s Report
  • Total Receipts Reported: $3,892.00
  • Expenses totaling $2,565.93
  • Net position $1,326.07
  • RSVP payment made to Supreme
  • Motion to accept the Financial Secretary’s report was approved.


  1. Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouches for Deposit
  • Receipts at meeting totaling $0.00


  1. Reading of Bills and Communications
  • Grand Knight Jim Seifert circulated the Loretto Council newsletter and a communication from Supreme


  1. Financial Secretary’s Report of Receipts of Meeting
  • No funds were received at the meeting.


  1. Report of Auditors and Trustees
  • No Report


  1. Chancellor’s Report on Vocation
  • Chancellor Dan Cincoski is following up with Jim Lannan to see if he will continue his work with the Knights.


  1. Service Program Committee Reports
  • No Report


  1. Recruitment Activity (Membership Director)
  • Covered in Membership Director’s Report


  1. Retention Committee Report
  • There are 8 Brothers who have not yet paid their 2010 dues. Jim Grube will email them.


  1. Program Director
    1. Director – Jim Grube, no report
    2. Church Activity
      1. Divine Mercy Sunday will be April 11, 2010.
      2. The members discussed the purchase of Divine MercyChaplet cards @ 95¢/each to no resolution.
    3. Community Activity
      1. No Report
    4. Council Activity
      1. No Report
    5. Family Activity
      1. No Report
    6. Youth Activity
      1. Approximately 100 9th Graders will be putting on the Passion Play on March 19, 2010. Marty Dehen will distribute rosaries to the youth at the Thursday dress rehearsal.
    7. Pro-Life Activity
      1. Mike McCarney (a craftsman from New Ulm) met with George Laurance and Karen Karn to discuss a memorial to the unborn (see attached). The proposed memorial dimensions are: tablet – 24”x6”x36”; base – 36”x12”x6”. The tablet is to be “special” cut” and the base will have a polished top. The color options are either mahogany or amber glow. The cost for the granite memorial is $3,148 (furnished and installed).
      2. A motion by Pat Karn, seconded by Ed Ayd, authorizing George to ask permission of Father Tim to have the memorial placed in the flower garden on the east side of the Church with the understanding the Council will pay all costs for the memorial and its Installation carried.
      3. If Father Tim will not allow the memorial placement in the flower garden, the Council will have to reconsider its position on the funding of the memorial.


  1. Report of Standing Committees
  • No Report


  1. Unfinished Business
  • Grand Knight Jim Seifert reported the Seafood Buffet netted $457.93.
  • A motion by Ed Ayd, seconded by Dan Cincoski, that the Council distribute the $457.93 plus an additional $42.07, or $500.00 in total as follows: $300.00 to the Maple Plain food shelf and $200.00 to Interfaith Outreach.
  • The Council was reminded that May 11, 2010 is the date of the Year of the Priest banquet at the Earle Brown Center in Brooklyn Center.
  • The combined Year of the Priest celebration and Vacation Bible School cook out is to occur on June 19, 2010. Grand Knight Jim Seifert has reserved the kitchen and Good Samaritan Center for the festivities.


  1.      New Business
  • The Council discussed the upcoming Watch Fire activities during the Triduum. It is hoped Earl Forrence can again lead us in the recitation of the Franciscan Rosary.
  • There will be a Membership Benefits night on April 6. We are to try to get potential members to attend. Grand Knight Jim Seifert will ask Marty Dehen to write up an article for use in the Parish Newsletter and as a handout.


  1. Fourth Degree
  • No report


  1. Field Agent’s Report
  • No report


  1. District Deputy’s Report
  • No report


30,     Good of the Order

  • Deacon Terry Schneider’s family
  • Deacon Sam Catapano
  • Davonne Yang and his wife
  • Mark Best and family
  • Pat Karn and family
  • Earl Forrence and family
  • Jim Seifert and family


  1. Chaplain’s Summation
  • None


  1. Closing Prayer
  • Closing Prayers were said at: 9:10 PM


  1. Meeting Adjourned (Closing Ode, dismissed above)
  • Meeting Adjourned at: 9:12 PM

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