Council Minutes 2009 January

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting  

Date: January 13, 2009 

The Council was called to order at 7:35 P.M by

Prayer was offered by GK Pat Karn

The roll call of officers:

Chaplain Sam Catapano A Advocate David Stumpf P
Grand Knight Pat Karn P Warden Earl Florrence P
Deputy Grand Knight James Seifert P Inside Guard Davone Yang P
Chancellor James Grube A Outside Guard William Goddard A
Recorder Dan Cincoski A Trustee 3 yr Thomas Silver P
Financial Secretary Bill Swing A Trustee 2 yr Martin Dehen P
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 yr Don Carsten A
Lecturer                              Present P     Absent A


Opening Ode Odes were voted to not be sang

  1. Opening prayer and pledge of allegiance were said


Meeting minutes were read the following amendments were made:

4th degree exemplification will be held at the NORTHLAND INN



  1. Jim Germschied has submitted his transfer from New Ulm, Mn.


Grand Knight Report:

  1. No new members at this time.
  2. We had Jim Germschied transfer into our Council.
  3. Gene Hippe “Lists” were read.
  4. Fraternal Survey – Due January 31st.
  5. Semi Annual Audit – Due February 15th
  6. District Meeting – January 15th at Long Lake, 7:00 PM
  7. E-mail by members for business solicitations


Chaplin Report – None


Treasurers Report

  1. Balance on account $4,866.58
  2. Interest on account is $4.51


Financial Secretary Report

  1. Outstanding vouchers – $1,186.37 – out,
  2. Revenues              $1,154.44 – in
  3. State Raffle Tickets – $10.00 discussion $5.00 to state and $5.00 to council
  4. Total Revenue for 2008, $16,183.70
  5. Total Expenses for 200, 10,278.11 = net of $5,905.59


Membership Local Degrees

  • January 24th at St. Vincent’s, Osseo
  • February 15th at St. Stephen’s, Anoka


Program Director – Jim Siefert

  1. Sold Fr. Arnold’s books – approximately 60 sold, about 200 left.
  2. Adoration Chapel table sign up – more people are needed.
  3. Next 6 weeks in a row – Wednesday evening Fine Dining
  4. School Staff luncheon – January 16th
  5. Cinnamon Roll on January 23, 24 and 25. See Tom Silver.
  6. Next Meeting – Feb 10


Old Business

  1. School Staff lunch on January 16th Chaired by Ed Ayd
    • Napkins and placemats required. Approx $500 cost
    • Time 11:00 til 1:00 volunteers needed.
  2. Marty Dehen commented on the year end revenue e-mail he sent out.


New Business

  1. Free throw contest – on February 7th this is a District 53 event. Registration at 12 and shooting starts at 12:30
  2. Free throw state event is February 21st with same schedule.
  3. Tootsi-Roll sales – April 24, 25 and 26.
  4. Tom Silver – issued a plea for help for cinnamon roll weekend.
  5. Tom Silver       reported about a military Mass scheduled at St. Joe’s in Rosemount with Archbishop Neinstedt. There will be a large 4th degree Honor Guard present.
  6. “Brother Knights in need” was discussed by Marty Dehen.
  7. A motion was presented and moved by Ed Ayd to give the Grand Knight authority to waive a member’s cost for council sponsored events – where there was need.       Second by Marty Dehen there was no discussion – Passed


Fourth Degree

  1. Exemplification at Northland Inn, on April 18th. Father Paul is going through. Marty strongly encouraged other members to consider going through at this event.


Good of the Order

  • All departed souls from the parish
  • Jim Seifert’s Dad had surgery
  • Dave Stumpf’s Dad has six months to live
  • Dave Scheffield’s brother 52 passed away
  • Devon’s Wife
  • Devon’s brother-in-law – heart problems
  • Tom Silver’s son Tim is being deployed in the military
  • Earl Florrence – is out of work
  • Devon – is out of work

Closing Prayers were said at 9:25 PM

Council Minutes 2008 November

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting  

Date: November 11, 2008 

The Council was called to order at 7:35 P.M by

Prayer was offered by GK Pat Karn

The roll call of officers:

Champlain Sam Catapano A Advocate David Stumpf P
Grand Knight Pat Karn P Warden Earl Florrence P
Deputy Grand Knight James Seifert P Inside Guard Davone Yang A
Chancellor James Grube P Outside Guard William Goddard P
Recorder Dan Cincoski P Trustee 3 yr Thomas Silver A
Financial Secretary Bill Swing P Trustee 2 yr Martin Dehen A
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 yr Don Carsten A
Lecturer                            Present P     Absent A


Opening Ode Odes were voted to not be sang

  1. Opening prayer and pledge of allegiance were said

Meeting minutes were read the following amendments were made.

    1. Letters of suspension were issued to members who have not kept up their dues.
    2. Marty was going to contact Mike Stowe regarding his entering the knights

Grand Knight report.

    1. Sam’s request for praying the rosary for HNOJ school has gotten good response.
    2. The watch fire initiative is commencing for next April.
    3. Allison Yang won the soccer challenge for the state the second year in a row.
    4. Our six month audit report was submitted on schedule.
    5. Grand Knight has an activity report to be filled out and submitted by December 1st. Pat and Jim Siefert will work on it.
    6. Cradle of Hope, Archdioceses Prolife Fund and Birth Right of Minnesota were each given 750 from our Prolife pancake breakfast.
    7. Men’s night out is this Saturday evening.

Treasurers Report

  1. Balance on account $5,121.29.
  2. There was a $.40 expense for cash deposits over $3,000.

Financial Secretary Report

  1. Shirts and hats are being distributed to members who have ordered them. A voucher was made to the council
  2. Other vouchers and receipts were listed.
  3. A correction to the Event Ledger to change the Tootsi Roll receipts from Pro Life to Three Special Olympics and residence programs.
  4. November Breakfast will be assessed for the aprons and mitts.

Program Director – Jim Siefert

  1. Wednesday fine dining Nov 12 & 19, December 3, 10, 17.
  2. Pancake Breakfast for kitchen fund will be held on Nov 23.
  3. Table for selling Fr. Arnolds book on Dec 7 and 21 after Masses. The Benilde St. Margaret alumni publication will have an announcement on the book.
  4. Tuesday breakfast at Panera on Nov. 25 and Dec 30.
  5. Cinnamon roll weekend is January 23 to 25th.

Old Business

  1. Christmas party is December 9th.
    • A motion to increase the per person cost to $12. Motion was approved.
    • Priests will be invited and their cost will be covered by the Council.
    • Request to invite the Ladies Auxiliary to the party.
  2. HNOJ staff luncheon on January 16th       it will be catered by Margaux Catering. Volunteers are required for setup, serving and cleanup.

New Business

  1. Steve Zylla – parish staff has a Christmas party in January. They are supplying their own food and would like assistance with serving and cleanup. I will most likely be held on January 17th. Motion to have us assist with listed services was approved.
  2. Angel Auction is this Friday, November 14th.

Fourth Degree

  1. Exemplification in April at the Normandale Hotel in

Good of the Order

  • Dave Stumpf’s father
  • Davon’s Wife
  • All departed souls from the parish

Closing Prayers were said at 8:40   PM

Council Minutes 2008 October

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting  

Date, October 14, 2008 

The Council was called to order at 7:35 P.M by

Prayer was offered by GK Pat Karn

The roll call of officers:

Champlain Sam Catapano P Advocate David Stumpf A
Grand Knight Pat Karn P Warden Earl Florrence A
Deputy Grand Knight James Seifert P Inside Guard Davone Yang P
Chancellor James Grube A Outside Guard William Goddard A
Recorder Dan Cincoski P Trustee 3 yr Thomas Silver P
Financial Secretary Bill Swing P Trustee 2 yr Martin Dehen P
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 yr Don Carsten P
Lecturer                              Present P     Absent A


Opening Ode Odes were voted to not be sang

  1. Opening prayer and pledge of allegiance were said
  2. Correction to minutes of September 9 th
    1. The Scholarship for students of Ascension School for Catholic High School.
    2. Pat Karn was absent from the meeting.
    3. Minutes were approved as amended.


Admission Committee – no new membership applications were received.

  1. Bill Swing said, Mike Stowe is considering joining


Grand Knight Report –

  1. Pat wrote an article in the HNOJ newsletter regarding joining the Knights.
  2. Membership updated: 98 members, 35 insured, 63 associates, and 7 honorary life.
  3. There is a new form 100, existing form 100s can be used until the end of the year.
  4. Meeting between Sam Catapano, Pat Karn and Jim Seifert. Father Tim asked that we become more active with spirituality Sam had several ideas in the area of service to youth.
  5. Jim Seifert was acknowledged for his promoting the multitude of activities that we were involved in, in the last month.
  6. October 29th at 6:30 PM Prolife speaker Gianna Jessen, an abortion survivor, will be presenting at St. Joseph’s Hopkins, Mn.
  7. November 2th Terry Schivo will be speaking at Holy Family in Silver Lake, Mn.
  8. 40 Days for Life Saturday, October 18 after morning Mass a campaign at Regions Hospital regarding the “secret” abortion clinic that is supported by Health Partners. This is being sponsored by All in God’s Plan


Treasurer report –

  1. The pancake breakfast of September 28th for HNOJ School grossed $2,591.00.
  2. The balance on account is $7,997.93.
  3. The pancake breakfast of October 12 grossed $2,313.00.
  4. A motion to distribute the net proceeds of $1,500 from the September 28 breakfast to HNOJ was passed.
  5. A motion to distribute the gross proceeds of $2,250 from the October 12 breakfast, distributed to the 3 prolife programs at $750 each.


Chaplin report – Deacon Sam

  1. Meeting regarding the charge from Fr Tim to increase programs for spirituality.
  2. Sam discussed a program for Knights to say a decade of the rosary 8:30 Monday mornings for HNOJ school children with focus on the Mysteries. Knights are encouraged to assist.
  3. Promote the Squire program for the youth for both boys and girls. Keep up the current programs are very important and the desire is to continue all of them.
  4. Rosary at noon on Wednesdays during Lent in the church. Rosary with the children at sometime in the church, lead by a Knight.
  5. The Lenten watch fire requires a rekindling for participation. Knights should be keepers and a tent or tarp cover and music would help the interest, especially getting youth involved. Pat requested a couple of Co-chairs for the watch fire this year it will come up in early April.


Dan Cincoski suggested a couples tour of the Vatican exhibit for knights and spouses.

Mission for the families sponsored by the Knights.

Financial report –

  1. Report of receipts for the supplies for the pancake breakfast, web site, and misc.
  2. Mike McDole has lapsed his membership we discussed keeping his membership active on behalf of the Council, Motion to was called and approved to support his membership.
  3. Fish fry has been moved to April 3, 2009. Devon requested assistance from the membership to prep food for the event in light of his wife’s health.
  4. The non-public school education Marathon K of Cs doled out 1300 hot dogs,
  5. Coffee at the Oct 5th event was not well supported.
  6. Father Arnold’s book sales will have to continue, we have about 400 available at $20.00 each.
  7. Faith formation on all Wednesdays except Oct 15th
  8. Special Olympics bowling at Southtown 11 AM – 5 PM November 9th.
  9. Some sets of K of C aprons for the serving line people owned by the council should be purchased and setup.


Old Business

  1. Founders Day – father Tim did not want to have a guard at Mass.
  2. Pancake Breakfast November
  3. There is an issue with the apparent separation of the Staff for Church and school.       There is a desire by Fr. Tim and other to have this go away.
  4. School Staff lunch on January 16th during the in-service training was suggested.   A motion to approve the luncheon was requested and approved the Council would host.
  5. Christmas Party is December 9th, Margaux will cater. Need some serving/cleanup people – perhaps confirmation students.
  6. There was a Suggestion that the HNOJ staff support be improved.


Fourth Degree business – One priest will be going up most of the people are waiting for the Exemplification in Brooklyn Center in April.


Good of the Order

  • Devon’s wife and family
  • Marty’s brother-in-law
  • Friend of Sam’s
  • Larraine Wilichwoski

Closing Prayers were said at 9:40 PM

Council Minutes 2008 September

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting  

Date: September 9, 2008 

The Council was called to order at 7: P.M by

Prayer was offered by GK Tom Silver

The roll call of officers:

Champlain Sam Catapano A Advocate David Stumpf P
Grand Knight Pat Karn P Warden Earl Florrence P
Deputy Grand Knight James Seifert P Inside Guard Davone Yang P
Chancellor James Grube P Outside Guard William Goddard A
Recorder Dan Cincoski P Trustee 3 yr Thomas Silver P
Financial Secretary Bill Swing P Trustee 2 yr Martin Dehen A
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 yr Don Carsten A
Lecturer   A                          Present P     Absent A


Opening Ode Odes were voted to not be sang

  1. Opening prayer and pledge of allegiance were said



  1. Change item 19, last sentence – strike ball field fund.
  2. Meeting minutes were approved as amended.


New membership applications – no new applications


Grand Knight Report – no report


Financial Secretary Report

  1. There are no new financial activities reported
  2. Existing membership status – those Knights who are not current with their dues will be issued “Notice of Intent to Suspend” documents.
  3. Calendar was reviewed and the only conflict was the fish fry on Friday, Feb. 27th with Luke 18 an alternative date of April 3 was suggested.
  4. Web site update – Web site is currently being hosted by Run spot. There are limitations on that site. Dan Garry has offered to have us move the site to the church web site.
  5. There are a lot more opportunities on this site for our content and a Knights in Commerce blog site could be set up.
  6. The supplies that Marty ordered have arrived. The aprons for the priests and Mark Best will be presented to at the Saturday fall festival events.


Treasurer Report – balance on account is $5,406.45


Trustee Report

  1. The celebration for Joe Worshim will be held on the October 4th with a dinner at $15 per person.
    • The planning Committee is planning to start a scholarship program for Ascension Church in his name.
    • It will be held at 6:30 after Mass. Knight’s assistance is requested.
  2. Monday, Sept 22nd @ 7:00 a meeting with HOPE a group for parenting of special needs children. The speaker will be Molly Bruce.


Unfinished Business

  1. Fall Festival
  2. Saturday night awards for knights from last years activities
  3. Saturday afternoon Steve Zylla will be starting at 1 – 2 PM.
  4. Sunday morning people will be needed before the first shift (11 AM) for prep.
  5. Other Events
    • September 24th Fine dining starts on Wednesdays.
    • Saturday, September 27 is the non-public education marathon. Sign up sheets will be available for commitments throughout the day.
    • Sunday, September 28th is the HNOJ school pancake breakfast. Two to three shifts in the kitchen the school people will work the dining floor.
    • Signup on the on the website does not work.
    • K of C social last Tuesday of the month at 7:30AM @ Panara Bread
    • October 12 K of C pancake breakfast for Prolife.
    • Advertising in the bulletin has to be submitted two weeks before publishing date. Each ad has to be submitted separately for each week.
    • October 5th K of C is serving coffee and donuts after Masses during membership drive.


New Business

  1. Founders Day on Sunday, March 29th.       The Knights will be featured, a fourth degree guard will be considered. A reception will follow 10:30 Mass.
  2. Pam Patnode requested that we sponsor the sale of Father Arnolds book at HNOJ with the proceeds going to a St. John’s University Scholarship fund. Event would be after Masses on some Sunday
  3. Special Olympics – Bowling event sign up is going around.


Field Agent Report.

  1. A new series of products is coming out in the next couple of months. Pat will be calling on some members regarding the products.
  2. Election Novina for two months. Rosaries to pray for the election on the Relevant Radio web site. Say a rosary a day or as close as possible.

Good of the Order:

  • Marty Dehen’s brother-in-law
  • Pat Novak’s mother-in-law
  • Bill Conway
  • Gene Stumpf
  • Devon’s wife
  • Larrane Wilichwoski
  • Mark Best

Closing prayers

Meeting was adjourned at 8:50









Council Minutes 2008 August

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting  

Date: August 8, 2008 

The Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M by

Prayer was offered by GK Tom Silver

The roll call of officers:

Champlain Sam Catapano A Advocate David Stumpf A\P
Grand Knight Pat Karn P Warden Earl Florrence P
Deputy Grand Knight James Seifert A Inside Guard Davone Yang A
Chancellor James Grube P Outside Guard William Goddard P
Recorder Dan Cincoski P Trustee 3 yr Thomas Silver P
Financial Secretary Bill Swing P Trustee 2 yr Martin Dehen P
Treasurer Mark Mertens A Trustee 1 yr Don Carsten A
Lecturer   A                          Present P     Absent A


Opening Ode Odes were voted to not be sang

Opening prayer and pledge of allegiance were said

  1. Recorder read minutes of the July 8, 2008 no changes were made. Meeting minutes were approved as read.
  2. Discussion regarding Jerry Wilichwoski’s passing. Bill Swing will go ahead and order a Resolution of Condolence.
  3. Membership – Marty Dehen suggested getting a list of new parishioners from the parish.

GK Report

  1. Sunday business meeting was held July 13 and the calendar was prepared for the school year.
  2. Meetings for the Fall festival are being held on Sundays between Masses. Pat Karn, Jim Siefert and Steve Zylla attended. A discussion regarding the menu and the work we will have to perform commenced.       Knights will be encouraged to sign up for time slots.
  3. Meeting with Father Tim – was very supportive and appreciative of or involvement. He would like to have become involved in spirituality and host an event with a speaker or program that will address spirituality.

Chaplin Report

  1. Discussion with clergy that Sam would be the representative at the council meetings. Father wants the council to do something to promote our spirituality. Parish representatives would be willing to help us develop some programs.       Faith formation and Social Justice needs help. Special needs program to support those who have special needs. Male mentoring of autistic people is one area that would benefit from our abilities. There are a multitude of activity needs that we can participate and support.
  2. Father Tim said, he would participate in some of the Council meetings. Support of the Knights during fall drive. Pat would write a membership article in the fall meeting.

Treasurer’s report

  1. Balance on account $5,406.45. Check of $690.00 to the State office. We have an outstanding billing to Supreme.

Financial Officers Report

  1. Documents were distributed to GK Pat Karn and Champlin Sam
  2. We received Year “stickers” for a plaque ( that we have to get).
  3. “A Guy Thing” on September 7

Pat Karn

  1. Service Committees discussion on service programs and the council’s structuring these programs
  2. Service program chairs (list insert) Pat distributed the service program pamphlet to the program chairs in attendance.
  3. Prolife – Prolife Action Ministries is having Star Parker speak on October 6, at 6PM at Earl Brown Heritage Center

Tom Silver

  1. Checks to the Tootsi Roll recipients including the Wild West Special Olympics Team $580.50, and Western Wings Olympics Team $483.75 and Hammer Residence $580.50 and $290.25. To the State Council Fall Classic for Special Olympics.

Unfinished Business 

  1. Marty Dehen – order of flyers for the KofC — 50 Kof C Ask Me buttons, –100 “Did you Know” — 25 Welcome Backs. Rosary Cards, Financial Aid Scholarship applications, and other supplies.
  2. Pat Karn – September 28 pancake breakfast is for the HNOJ school. Pat asked Barbara Reis for more assistance from the school to help in the cafeteria. The Kof Cs will work the kitchen and money collection. Profits will be forwarded to the school for the ball field fund.

New Business

  1. Dave Stumpf – the “Soccer Challenge” the recognition of the program is not strong at the Fall Festival. Take to Chris and Nate to come up with some ideas.

Report of the Fourth Degree – none

Calendar was reviewed and approved as written.

The Council recited the Prayer of Saint Ignatius Loyola

Good of the Order

  • Dave Stumpf’s Father
  • Terry Scott
  • Dick Hargarten
  • Davone’s Wife
  • Mark Best
  • Earl Florrence

Closing prayer

Meeting adj 9:00

Council Minutes 2008 July

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting  

Date: July 8, 2008 

The Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M by

Prayer was offered by GK Pat Karn

The roll call of officers:

Champlain Sam Catapano A Advocate David Stumpf A
Grand Knight Pat Karn P Warden Earl Florrence A
Deputy Grand Knight James Seifert P Inside Guard Davone Yang A
Chancellor James Grube A Outside Guard William Goddard A
Recorder Dan Cincoski P Trustee 3 yr Thomas Silver A
Financial Secretary Bill Swing P Trustee 2 yr Martin Dehen P
Treasurer Mark Mertens A Trustee 1 yr Don Carsten A
Lecturer   A                          Present P     Absent A


Opening Ode Odes were voted to not be sang 

Opening prayer and pledge of allegiance were said

Recorder –Dan Cincoski

  1. Meeting minutes were read for the June 10th Council Meeting.
  2. Membership – Marty Dehen

Grand Knight Report

  1. new membership quota for our Council is 5 new members and 3 new insurance members. The insurance membership is separate from the new membership.
  2. Planning meeting for officers would be beneficial with a meeting this Sunday, July 13 being scheduled. Focus of the meeting is to schedule the Fall – Winter Schedule for 2008-2009 season. Meeting to be held at Lunds @ 7:00 PM.
  3. We have to submit a list of program leaders.       The list of directors from last year were reviewed by Pat Karn. Replacements for some of the positions have to be filled by August 1st. There are manuals of with a list position descriptions that is available for our review.
  4. Our insurance agent Dave Novak has suggested programs for the council beyond the council meeting. Lecturer’s Program is recommended after council meetings with a guest speaker or presider. Meeting order will be followed closely to keep the meeting moving along and on task.
  5. Father Tim wrote about his first year at HNOJ.       He had a very supportive statement regarding our Council. Our service to the church for program support is greatly appreciated.       Some guidelines regarding how we provide the support were discussed. Pat Karn


Treasurers Report – Pat Karn

  1. Balance on account $6,637.03. The Council spent $2,800 more than we took in for the last calendar year. The Grand Knight requested that we read the vouchers to know the financial activities of the council


Financial Officers Report

  1. Website hosting management cost from Jennifer for $327 for the first 6 months of 2008. Rate is $25.00 per hour.
  2. A check was submitted to Supreme for supplies.
  3. There are members with outstanding dues. Letters were sent to those members describing that their membership would be suspended.
  4. Thank you letters were read from Linda Corrigan and from the Kathleen Esh, St Josephs, Hopkins. ACCL for our contributions.


Old Business

  1. Dennis Madden – finish baseball diamonds with fund raiser pancake breakfast on September 28th. K of C will assist in the kitchen with serving by the baseball people. Motion was requested by Pat Karn and submitted by Marty Dehen, seconded by Pat Karn. Motion was carried.
  2. We discussed having K of C cards and “plates” that promote site that are available at the church.
  3. Start “the” Breakfast club to meet once a month for social gathering. Marty will send out an e-mail to the membership with a date for meeting. 

New Business 

  1. Mike Wagner – Fall Festival startup. The Festival will be Saturday and Sunday, September 13 and 14th, . Mike asked the K of C to assist with essentially all the food for the Sunday events. Mike would need a person to head up the food management. Motion was called by Jim Seifert for the Council to provide the management and operation of the Sunday food at the Festival. Motion was called without discussion.
  2. Pat Karn – request to provide past Grand Knight Tom Silver a service pin and another gift to present to Tom for his GK service. A jacket was suggested.
  3. Jim Seifert – Jerry Wilichwoski’s passing.       We will order a Resolution of Condolence for the family on behalf of the Council.
  4. Report of the 4th Degree – no report

Good of the Order

  • Family of Jerry Wilichwski
  • Mark Best
  • Davon Yang’s wife

Closing prayers were said

Meeting was adjourned at 9:15 PM

District Deputy Update

HELP WANTED! New District Deputy Needed

          A new District Deputy will be needed in our District 5 by July 1, 2008. Please have your Councils pray and ask members if they would like to serve a one-year term renewable up to four years. I have a CD on DD duties if you have an interested Knight, I would be happy to sit down and discuss everything I do as your Call me today for more information. This would be a good time to start learning about the position. Council Grand Knights have an interest form and position duties for review. Pray, think and then volunteer by calling me today.


Installation of Officers: Mass, installation and dinner on Friday, June 13th

          Installation of Officers at Good Shepherd Church in Golden Valley on Friday, June 13th starting with Mass at 6:30 pm. All new officers, their wives and any other Knights are invited. Please get your numbers attending, if not done so, to GK Mark Foresman, (952-926-3390) as soon as possible for our dinner/meal count. Grand Knights may invite their priest/chaplain to attend as our guest. Grand Knights are to bring ALL their officers jewels to the installation.


Grand Knight Training Session: Wednesday, June 25th, 7:00 pm

          All Grand Knights, Deputy Grand Knights and Financial Secretaries are invited to attend this training session on Wednesday, June 25, 2008 starting at 7:00 pm and ending around 9:00pm.

          The training will take place at the Wayzata KC Hall located at 10904 South Shore Drive. Take Highway 55 to South Shore Drive; turn south and first building on your left.

          Please bring your new SURGE book and your Grand Knight Handbook for 2008-2009 (Your Financial Secretary should have this in his hands by now).

          If you have developed your calendar of activities/events for 2008-2009, please bring copies to share with the group.


District 5 Meeting, Thursday, July 10th at Sts. Peter & Paul, 7:00 pm

          Our Lady of Loretto No. 9601 will host the first District 5 meeting on Thursday, July 10, 2008 in the Parish Center of Saints Peter & Paul Church in Loretto. All Grand Knights, Deputy Grand Knights and Financial Secretaries are encouraged to attend. All officers and Knights are invited. Major item of business is the position of District Deputy.


Family of the Month

          Have you chosen your Family of the Month for June 2008? You have until July 15th to send in your June 2008 Family of the Month. This is a great program to recognize families in our Council’s. The form to report is easy to fill in and are in the SURGE information you received or you can do it on line.


Membership Quota’s for 2007-2008:

          With just a little work all the Councils in District 5 should be able to make this year’s quota for membership and insurance members. We are in our last month of our fourth quarter of the year. Keep up the good work in recruiting new members.

          Each Council should have 100% of the quota by this time. To be counted for this membership year you must mail in your Form 100’s no later than June 16th.


Reports DUE: (Remember to send the SD & DD a copy).

          June 30, 2008, Columbian Award Application DUE

          June 30, 2008, Round Table Report DUE (Wayzata Council only)

          July 1, 2008, Form 185, Election of Officers for 2008-2009 DUE

          August 1, 2008, Form 365, Program Personnel DUE


Future Events – Plan Now:

          Sunday, August 17, 2008 KC Day at the Dome

          Saturday, October 25, 2008 Fourth Degree Exemplification in Willmar, MN

Sunday, November 9, 2008 District 5 Volunteers at Fall Classic @ South Tow

           Bowl from 12:00 noon to 4:00 pm.



 I would like to thank one and all for the great four plus years as your District Deputy. I have made many new friends and enjoyed every moment of my time in attending your meetings and events. If I can ever be of assistance to any of you please contact me 24/7.

 God Bless each and every one. Your friend and brother Knight,


 Eric Lloyd, DD #5


Please read and share with your membership and friends.

Fr. Fernando’s Mass of Thanksgiving

Pictures featuring Fr. Fernando Ortega’s Mass of Thanksgiving at Holy Name of Jesus.  We at HNOJ served as Fr. Fernando’s Teaching Parish for three years prior to his ordination.  Fr. Fernando has been assigned to Divine Mercy in Fairbault.

[srizonfbalbum id=5]

Council Minutes 2008 March

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting

March 24, 2008 


  • Jim Seifferd
  • Bill Rudolf
  • Davone Yang
  • Marty Dehen
  • Earl Forence
  • Mark Mertenes
  • Bill Swing
  • Tom Silver

7:15pm Pat Karn presented a check of $500 to deacon Fernando

7:20pm Rosary lead by Davone Yang

7:40pm Talk by Rick Scanlon- Evangelization through college campases

8:05pm Open meeting (Tom)  Davone was asked to take minutes since Recorder was absent

Minutes from last meeting (2/12/2008) were read and approved with no corrections

Marty:  Degrees examplification dates:

  • Saturday, April 5th in N. St.Paul
  • Sunday, April 6th in New Prague
  • Saturday, April 12th in Foley
  • Saturday, April 19th in Rochester for fourth degree
  • Saturday, May 3rd in Rosemount
  • Sunday, June 1st in St. Michael

-Will e-mail a draft of invitation to all members to help recruit new KC members

-Hetchler pushing off from becoming member

-Need help form every member to push for more new members

Tom: Thanks Davone’s family for the seafood buffet on 2/15/08

Davone: Thanks to Earl and Bill and all helpers

-There are some opportunities to be worked out so less mess for cleaning afterward; need better planning for a better turnout.

Tom: Thanks to helpers for showing up to help with Pancake Breakfast on 3/2/08

Treasurer(Bill) reported:

 Balance $6,580.23

Seafood Buffet 2/15/08

     $1,013.00 receipts

      -$757.04 expenses

      $255.96 net

Pancake Breakfast 3/2/08

      $2,109.18 receipts

     –$867.00 expenses

      $1,242.18 net

Council Approved 3 Checks of $87.00 each to: -Student loan

– Jim Cambel

– Seminarian

Bill Swing: – 19 Membership dues are due in

– Handed out member list (as of Jan. 2008) to all attendees

Marty Dehen: Fund for Dave Mazureck.

Individual contributions/donations to the council then council will turn around with a check to Dave

Marty: Motion council to donate $500 on top of member’s donation. Council to write a check not to exceed $1,750.00, including the council’s fund of $500.00 and members’ donation. Second and Council Approved

Marty’s Report: Mark Best needs help on Passion Play this coming Friday.

Needs Help handing out rosaries on Thursday after dress rehearsal.

Jim Seiffert: 5 more Wednesdays of Fine Dinning including this Wednesday (3/12/08)

Marty: Read special thanks from Karen Quinby regarding posting of Rosary Stories in bulletin

Tom: -Next Pancake Breakfast on 4/13/08

– Heads up on electing new officers and serving altar servers. Both are coming up soon.

Council pray for numerous members and family members of the council.

9:30pm  Tom: Closing meeting with prayers for all.

Guys:  I’ve attached an MS doc file containing 2 pics of fernando receiving the check.  I am using MS Vista so let me know if you can’t open it.  I will send it thru other mean.


Council Minutes 2008 February

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting  

Date: February 12, 2008 

The Council was called to order at 7:35 P.M by

Prayer was offered by GK Tom Silver

The roll call of officers:

Champlain Sam Catapano A Advocate Bill Hanson A
Grand Knight Tom Silver P Warden Lenard Lopez A
Deputy Grand Knight Pat Karn P Inside Guard Davone Yang P
Chancellor Randy Barenburg A Outside Guard Graig Lyon A
Recorder Dan Cincoski P Trustee 3 yr Marty Dehen P
Financial Secretary Bill Swing A Trustee 2 yr Don Carsten A
Treasurer Mark Mertens A Trustee 1 yr Bill Rudolph A
Lecturer   A                          Present P     Absent A


Opening Ode Odes were voted to not be sang

  1. Opening prayer and pledge of allegiance were said

Three new members were introduced to the Council

  1. The Council has 3 new members, they are; Steve Johnson, Joe Batallucco and Sean Carroll.

Recorder Dan Cincoski

  1. Meeting Minutes of January 8, 2008: Meeting minutes were read the following corrections were requested .
    1. New member is Leo Steffel not Teshler.
    2. The 2009 fourth degree will be held at the Normandy Inn.
    3. Meeting minutes were approved with the above corrections.

Membership – Marty Dehen

  1. Steve Johnson, Joe Batalucco and Sean Carroll were in attendance at tonight’s meeting.
  2. The next 1st through 3rd Exemplification will be held in Anoka, on Sunday, February 17th.
  3. The next major exemplification is March 2nd in Bloomington.
  4. Dick Anthony was approved as a new member by unanimous vote of the council.

Grand Knight – Tom Silver

  1. Cinnamon Roll Sale – all but 3 packages were sold very successful event. Net was slightly over $3600.00.
  2. Membership drive to 100 members as stated by Marty Dehen is strongly encouraged.
  3. Balance on account forwarded by Mark Mertens to Tom Silver for reading $5,818.80
  4. A Peace card from the Hammer residence members was sent to our Council for our commitment to their residences.
  5. A thank you card to the Knights for the Christmas Party by Eric Lloyd and his wife Stevie.
  6. Fernando Ortega was here last week to participate in the weekend Masses.

New Business

  1. A Certificate for new First Degrees by Pope Benedict XVI was issued to the three new members to the council.       The Pope is coming to USA April 15 -20.
  2. We received a membership plaque for 2006-2007 from the supreme council. We are the only Council in the district to receive a membership plaque.
  3. Bill Rudolph built a food box to be placed by the reception desk for contributions to the food shelf.       The council was asked if they would pay the expenses for building the box for $185.00. The council approved the payment by unanimous vote.       The council will get a K of C emblem to place on the box.
  4. New name tags were discussed for all members without title and a magnetic clasp the cost is $7.00 each in quantity.       A discussion regarding the attachment type was settled that all tags would be magnetic. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.

Davon Yang

  1. Seafood buffet was discussed by Davon based on an Asian cuisine they need help with prep on this Thursday starting at 4 PM and Friday afternoon from 1 PM until done. Serving will begin at 5 PM and go until 7. It will be followed by the Stations of the Cross.       Proceeds will go to the Seminarian fund.

Steve Zylla 

  1. Pancake breakfast is March 2nd. and April 13th. Request for pancake breakfast for the non-public education marathon Sunday, September 28th the proceeds would go the HNOJ school.
  2. The Tootsi Roll Drive has been shouldered by Dave Stumpf he needs more help at the stores and other public areas to participate.
  3. Pancake breakfast helpers need direction especially new people members should be aware that these people can help with a little guidance.
  4. It was suggested that we have Council handouts at all K of C events.


Deputy Grand Knight Pat Karn

  1. Pro life – Prayer service “An Hour of Prayer for Life” on Saturday, February 16th in the old church.
  2. Letters from two of the services that were paid $600 from our fall pancake breakfast “4 Life Fund” of the Archdiocese and Cradle of Hope. The Cradle of Hope was using the funds to sponsor their Pot O’ Gold Irish Sweepstakes being held this winter.

Districk Deputy Report

  1. Eric Lloyd presented the District report. A copy of the report will be e-delivered to the membership.
  2. Eric suggested that we look up the other fish fries around the area on Fridays in Lent.


Good of the Order

  • Mark Best
  • Bill Goddard’s grandson
  • Jerry Wilicowski
  • Dan Silver
  • Davon Yang’s wife and family
  • Dick Hargarden

Closing Prayers were said at 8:55   PM

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If you have any questions about our Council and would like to talk to someone, email us at [email protected] and we’ll get back with you.

If you are ready to join, click here Join Here  and complete the form.  Be sure to enter our Council# 13096 when filling it out.