My Rosary . . . My Conversion

Written by Brenda Coleman

The January 2008 HNOJ KC Rosary Story 

Eighteen years ago this January, I experienced my first pilgrimage trip, going to Medjugorje, Yugoslavia, where supernatural phenomena involving visions of Mary had been capturing the attention of the world’s Catholics. I had no extraordinary devotion to Mary or the rosary, but had been feeling an increased desire to deepen my spiritual life. Choosing this particular trip had more to do with the timing (I had just become pregnant with our first child and left my career to “stay-at-home”) and having a few months to travel before I became busy with a new baby.


On the plane to Yugoslavia, I read a book describing what was happening in Medjugorje – the visions and messages of the Blessed Mother being received by six children – and the miracles experienced by some of the pilgrims who travelled there. As an engineer trained in facts and reality, I was somewhat skeptical about the phenomena of miracles. But I went, expecting a nice prayerful and uneventful trip – completely predictable and within my comfort zone.


The first day we arrived, we walked to Apparition Hill – the site of the first vision years before – to spend some time in prayer. As we prepared to pray a rosary, I pulled out my white First Communion rosary from 1964 and was startled to find that the silver metal chain had turned gold-colored – all except the crucifix, which remained silver. This, of course, was one of the “miracles” commonly occurring in Medjugorje. I was very conflicted about it – why did this happen to me? I had not really wanted to become the target of something like that – rather, I had hoped, at most, to be an observer of someone else’s experience. 


Initially, I didn’t share this with many people on the trip. But over the last 18 years, my perspective on it has matured. To this day, the rosary remains gold and the crucifix remains silver – living proof of the conversion from old to new (both of the rosary and of me). The message for me has become … life does not always happen as we want and we are given God experiences we must wrestle with. The part of me that likes control, order and predictability has been presented with a God who desires to stretch me, to show me that I need to change, however painful or uncomfortable, if I am to grow in my faith. My rosary is a physical sign of God’s desire for my conversion. Needless to say, that rosary has special significance to me even today . . . and I still pray with it, especially when I need to feel that God is still there in the painful stretching.

District Deputy Update

When you are making out your Christmas card list this year, please include the following:

A Recovering American Soldier

c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center

6900 Georgia Avenue,NW

Washington,D.C. 20307-5001


Family of the Month

          Have you chosen your Family of the Month for NOVEMBER? You have until December 15th to send in your November Family of the Month. This is a great program to recognize families in our Council’s. The form to report is easy to fill in and is in the SURGE information you received or you can do it on line.


Membership Quota’s for 2007-2008:

          Wayzata needs 8 members and 4 insurance. Loretto, Long Lake, Medina and Golden Valley need 5 members and 3 insurance. With just a little work all the Councils in District 5 should be able to make this year’s quota for membership and insurance members. We are in the last month of our second quarter of the year. Keep up the good work in recruiting new members.


Next First Degree in Loretto on Thursday, January 31st      

This next First Degree on Thursday, January 31, 2008 will start at 7:00 pm. Candidates must sign-in/register by 6:30 pm. Call me with the names of your candidates by Thursday, January 24th.

          The remaining two First Degree dates have been scheduled in Loretto for 2008: March 27, 2008 and May 29, 2008.

          All Degree’s start at 7:00 pm with sign in between 6:30 and 6:50 pm. The 1st Degree is completed and the new Knights on their way home by 8:00 pm.

          The First Degree Team NEEDS new members. If you would like to be part of a great team call me or the Team Coordinator, Ted Turnham @ 763-498-7724 today.


Major Degrees in the Metro Area: (Dates at published in our Knightly News and on the State web site)

·        Saturday, January 19, 2008 in Brooklyn Park. Contact DD Ken Ford at 612-481-0428.

·        Sunday, February 17, 2008 in Anoka. Contact DD Bob Mathewson at 763-754-2892.

·        Sunday, March 2, 2008 in Bloomington. Contact DD mark Ruddy at 763-744-6464.

·        Saturday, April 5, 2008 in No. St. Paul. Contact DD Mike Schilling at 651-738-3626.

·        Sunday, April 20, 2008 in St. Michael. Contact DD Bryan Nichols at 763-682-1748.

·        Saturday, May 3, 2008 in Rosemount. Contact DD Peter Kay at 651-423-5225.


HELP WANTED! New District Deputy Needed

          A new District Deputy will be needed in our District 5 by July 1, 2008. Please have your Councils pray and ask members if they would like to serve a four year term. I have a CD on DD duties if you have an interested Knight, I would be happy to sit down and discuss everything I do as your Call me today for more information. This would be a good time to start learning about the position. Council Grand Knights have an interest form to submit. Pray, think and then volunteer today.


Reports DUE: (Remember to send the DD a copy).

          December 1, 2007 Mid Year Questionnaire Due.


Council Visits, etc. in December 2007:

·        Saturday, December 1st, Visit Breakfast with Santa at Council #13506

·        Sunday, December 2nd, Visit Pancake Breakfast at Council #13096

·        Sunday, December 9th, Loretto #9601 20th Christmas/Award Dinner @ 4:00 pm

·        Monday, December 10th, DD VISIT to Wayzata #3758, 7:30 pm

·        Tuesday, December 11th, Visit Christmas Party at Medina #13096, 7:00 pm

·        December 13-16, Annual Retreat to Demontreville.

·        Wednesday, December 19th, Loretto #9601 Mass/Meeting 5:30 pm

·        Tuesday, December 25thMERRY CHRISTMAS


Future Events – Plan Now:

·        Thursday, January 17, 2008 DISTRICT 5 MEETING AT LONG LAKE, 7:00 PM

·        District 5 Free Throw Championships, Saturday, February 9, 2008 at Holy Name,

          Medina. 2:00 pm Registration. 2:15 Start

·        Region 11 Free Throw Championships, Saturday, March 1, 2008 at Holy Name,

          Medina. 2:00 pm Registration. 2:15 Start


Please read and share with your membership and friends.

DD Eric Lloyd                                            


Revised: 11/29/07, EFL/efl: E-mailed on 11/29/07

Council Minutes 2007 November

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting  

Date: November 13, 2007

The Council was called to order at 7:45 P.M by GK Tom Silver

Prayer was offered by GK Tom Silver

The roll call of officers:

Champlain Sam Catapano A Advocate Bill Hanson A
Grand Knight Tom Silver P Warden Lenard Lopez A
Deputy Grand Knight Pat Karn P Inside Guard Davone Yang A
Chancellor Randy Barenburg P Outside Guard Graig Lyon A
Recorder Dan Cincoski P Trustee 3 yr Marty Dehen A
Financial Secretary Bill Swing P Trustee 2 yr Don Carsten A
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 yr Bill Rudolph P
Lecturer   A                          Present P     Absent A


Presentation before the Council Meeting By Diane Lyngdal 

Diane discussed HNOJ policy and Father Tim’s directive that HNOJ have the safest of environments for vulnerable people of any type. Many of the parishioners and all of the staff have gone through certified training courses on Safe Environment Training.   Because of the Knights involvement with many parish activities, Diane recommends that the every member take the training and become certified. She will set up a special session for us and schedule it with her. 


Opening Ode Odes were voted to not be sang

  1. Opening prayer and pledge of allegiance were said

Recorder – Dan Cincoski 

  1. Dan read the minutes from the Council Meeting of October 9, 2007. The following items were added:
    1. At he Marathon for non-public education 1124 hot dogs were served by our Council.
    2. The pancake breakfast and silent auction for the baseball field were successful. The silent auction brought in $1,968.00 Dennis read the list of donors who provided auction items.
    3. Meeting minutes were approved as amended.

New Membership

  1. the two Heshler boys and Leo Steffel have filled out form 100s.
  2. Tom Silver listed four additional men who expressed interest in joining, Tom will provide form 100s to them.
  3. Father Paul has completed exemplification for 1st through 3rd degree in October.
  4. Jim Siefert’s sun has joined the Knights at his school in Fargo ND.

Grand Knight – Tom Silver

  1. Thank you for those members that have recently joined and to those members that have transferred in from other councils.

Treasurer – Mark Mertens 

  1. Balance on account $9,094.78
  2. Proceeds of the October 28th pancake breakfast were $1,902.75.
  3. We purchased additional sausage for the December 2nd pancake breakfast.

Financial Secretary – Bill Swing

  1. All 2007 dues are paid up by current members.
  2. The membership list has been reconciled between our Council and State Supreme Council.
  3. Bill handed out a list of current members to those who desired a copy.
  4. The Owatonna Council submitted an invoice for Father Paul’s exemplification.

Trustee Reports – 

  1. Bill Rudolph was acknowledged for his continued dedication for delivering the food collected at weekend Masses to Interfaith Outreach each Monday.
  2. Randy Barenburg – There will be a blood drive during Wednesday Family Fine Dining sometime in January.
  3. Pat Karn –

Prolife pancake breakfast gross receipts were $1,902.75 proceeds will be distributed to: Birthright of Minnesota PO Box 4607, St.Paul, MN 55104

Respect Life Office Life Fund 328 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55102

Cradle of Hope Motherhood Fund 1935 Cty Road B2 W. Suite 241 Roseville, MN 55113

The Council recommended a contribution of $600 to each program. The council would provide the difference to cover the expenses of the pancake breakfast. A motion was proposed and approved by unanimous vote of the Council.

New Business

  1. Friday, November 16th is the Angel Auction hosted by the Women’s Auxiliary. The proceeds will go the Battered Women’s Shelter
  2. Council Christmas Party will be held December 11 at Vic Tarnowski’s. Dan Cincoski will contact his sister Peggy to coordinate the catering.
  3. Pancake breakfast will be held on December 2nd. The proceeds will go the HNOJ kitchen operation.
  4. Prolife Sunday will be the last weekend in January 2008. This is the Cinnamon Roll event.
  5. Ed Ayd suggested offering some funds for the Spanish class at HNOJ. Every year Ed and Jan Ayd bring in Spanish materials for the class from their trips to Mexico.   A motion was submitted to fund the class with $500. from the Council.       The motion was carried by unanimous vote. It was added that the Council could fund a different ed program each year.
  6. A recommendation was submitted to have name tags for all of the Council members to wear at church events.


  • Dick Hargarten
  • Davone Yang’s wife
  • Bill Conway
  • Sam Pesner, Randy’s brother-in-law
  • Sidney Owens – cancer patient
  • Marty Dehen

Closing Prayers were said at 8:50   PM

Respectfully Submitted by Dan Cincoski

Council Minutes 2007 September

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting  

Date: September 11, 2007 

The Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M by

Prayer was offered and pledge of allegiance to the Flag were led by GK Tom Silver

The roll call of officers:

Champlain Sam Catapano A Advocate Bill Hanson A
Grand Knight Tom Silver P Warden Lenard Lopez A
Deputy Grand Knight Pat Karn A Inside Guard Davone Yang P
Chancellor Randy Barenburg P Outside Guard Graig Lyon A
Recorder Dan Cincoski P Trustee 3 yr Marty Dehen P
Financial Secretary Bill Swing P Trustee 2 yr Don Carsten A
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 yr Bill Rudolph P
Lecturer   A                          Present P     Absent A


Opening Ode Odes were voted to not be sang 

Dan Cincoski –Recorder

  1. Reading of Minutes from the July 2007 Council Meeting:
  2. Addition to item 11. “Motion was approved for greens fees of $135.00”
  3. Meeting minutes were approved with above correction.


Marty Dehen – Membership

  1. Father Tim will be available for September 22nd exemplification.
  2. Father Paul will go for his exemplifications of first to third, Saturday, October 20th at North St. Paul, Marty is seeking members to attend.
  3. Bill Swing stated that, David Novak is our new insurance agent. David is becoming a member of our Council.


Tom Silver – Grand Knight Report

  1. Thank you to all active Knights for their support of our various events.


Mark Mertens – Treasurer Report

  1. Balance on account $5,593.06
  2. Tom Silver will be added as a signer to the bank accounts.


Bill Swing – Financial Secretary Report

  1. There are two vouchers to sign.
  2. Embroidered aprons for Fathers Tim and Paul were purchased and will be completed in time to present one to Father Tim at the Fall Festival. Father Paul will receive his after his becoming a full member in October.
  3. There will be a membership meeting by Bill Swing and Marty Dehen regarding persons with outstanding dues payments. Discussion during the meeting identified eleven members in question and some changes will be made to reconcile the list.
  4. Second half auditors report was submitted to the Supreme Council on schedule.


Service Programs –

Pat Karn

  1. The Prolife pancake breakfast is being moved to October 28th. The church administration and kitchen has been informed of the change.

Marty Dehen

  1. Stories and articles are being solicited and organized. People who have volunteered or are being approached so far are; Tom Silver, Brenda Colman, Devon Yang, Father Arnold and Marty Dehen.


Unfinished Business

  1. Dennis, HNOJ Pancake Breakfast for the ball field fund raising will be September 30th there will be a silent auction taking place in the Good Samaritan Hall at the time of the breakfast. The items will be sports memorabilia and game tickets, stc.
  2. Tim Cavinah, (sp Cavanaugh) Fall Festival – reminded us of the sign up board in the narthex, burgers, brats, hot dogs and pulled port will be served on both Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon. Knights should signup for as much time as they can give. Dave Stumpf will manage the soccer challenge.
  3. The “Carbo loading” Pasta Dinner for the Saturday HNOJ marathon will be held Friday, September 28 the marathon is seeking help for the food stands for the Saturday marathon.
  4. Fine Dining begins, Wednesday, September 12th. Major events will bel October 24, January 30 and April 30.


New Business

  1. Ken Melrose will be speaking at the HNOJ Men’s Group event on Friday, September 21 with dinner before, please attend if you can.       Ken was the former CEO of Toro.


Good of the Order

Closing Prayers were said at 8:40   PM

Officers Minutes 2006 October

K of C Officers Meeting of October 22, 2006 

FS Report: 

  • Summary of Events
  • Membership: 21 members unpaid. Discuss strategy: i.e. notice to unpaid members. Notice should request missing email address & other info, i.e. degrees,
  • Correspondence:
    • From Joseph B. Stanek, Pharmacy Director:  Thanks Bill……………..I do try to volunteer for events……am not usually able to make the meetings…the emails are a lifeline! Regards.
    • Letter from Sister Lois of St Scholastica Monastery
  • Link to K of C site now exist from HNOJ site.


  • Complete calendar (during Officers meeting)
  • Post activities to K of C web site. Have future emails simply link to the activity page. Commit to keeping current!
  • Web site: Combine “Membership” and “Membership Area”. Remove id and pw from access membership section.
  • Web site: Include roster on web site under Membership page.
  • Web site: Add access to K of C email on Membership page:
    • [email protected]
    • id = medinaknights
    • pw = brother
    • Members should use this email when communicating to membership whenever possible.
  • Other web site issues:
    • Old material:   For example Letter from James Burkhart, Agent, is still posted..
    • Activity posted:   none   (This makes the Council look bad.)
    • Volunteer activities: only ‘Special Olympics’.
    • Who is administering the site? i.e. no information is better than incorrect or dated material.
    • In summary:   drop site altogether unless there is commitment to maintain.

Grand Knight Update Summer 2006

Another Lengthy MessageMarty_170_web
(from new Grand Knight) 

Yeah, I know, there’s a pattern starting to form here, but there’s also a lot going on.

I had a meeting with Fr. Jonathan about the upcoming year. He shed some light on the whole transition process and shared a few thoughts as well as appreciation for our presence. In particular, he most appreciates the work we do on Wednesday nights for the Religious Ed. dinner bell. The Fall Festival is coming fast and I’ll highlight our expected roll in the middle of this letter. We need all hands on deck. Also, Tom Silver and I met and I’ll finish with the direction we want to take these next two years.


There is an official hand-out from the Arch Diocese on how parishes handle a transition for new priests. Fr. Jonathan gave me a copy and I intend to have Jim Martin put it on our web site. Where ever it says “PASTOR”, Fr. Jonathan wants “Pastoral committee” inserted. Soon, he will open the door for HNOJ parishioners to join this new Pastoral committee that involves meeting with a panel of people appointed by the Arch Diocese to begin the selection process. He would like to see a broad representation of HNOJ’s finest. Many of us serve many different ministries and I urge as many as possible to sign up-the more the merrier. I specifically would like Ed Ayd, Jim Grube, Tom Silver and Mike Wagoner to be on that committee. The healthiest KC Councils in the state, have priests who are actively involved with their members and if we have choices in who becomes our next priest, it would be great if we could pick one that fits well with the KC’s. We’re at a critical stage in our growth and I don’t want to lose momentum with someone not familiar or at arms length with KC precepts.


Regardless of who becomes the next priest at HNOJ, we will support him and be what ever he needs us to be, even if it’s less than what we want. We must get behind him 100% and we must quell any kind of negative discussion or resentment within the parish or council if he is not as smart as Fr. Jonathan, as personable as Fr. Joe or as good a homilist as Fr. Arnold, and even if he doest have that much to do with the KC’s. He gave his entire being to God and His will and we will embrace him for that. Parishioners are naturally going to compare and it’s all counter productive. Many will ask us what we think of the new priest and I urge all to take the high road. Let’s not forget we have a solid school year left with Fr. Jonathan. He’s one of the most brilliant Canon Law Professors in the Arch Diocese and we should try to give him the best year he’s ever had as a priest. If any of you are having issues with church doctrine or precepts or prophecy, Fr. Jonathan can clear a lot of cob webs in a hurry. Need a spiritual tune-up? See Fr. Jon. He’s a home grown Minnesota boy and one of the most in-touch, “happening” priests around.


I asked Fr. Jonathan how we can serve him best, this year and he replied, “just keep doing what you’re doing”. He loves our breakfasts, he loves our involvement with the Fall Festival and most of all, he loves what we do on Wednesday nights. He credits the success of the program to us. In fairness to the six guys who put on the Wednesday night dinners, we could do even better if more of you would get involved. As many as 800 people get served, on the big nights. In my lengthy message #1, I referenced the need to do more, together, as families. I also mentioned the Women’s Auxiliary is struggling. Here’s an opportunity to involve your whole family with other KC families. If our wives knew each other better, they may be open to be more involved with those in the Women’s Auxiliary, later. Tom Silver is looking into some of the issues of the Women’s Auxiliary, more so, our lack of support and I’ll cover them in lengthy message #3, after we analyze the data.


Fr. Jonathan also suggested we socialized more often, and offered the HNOJ kitchen for our next dinner meeting. So here’s the official announcement:





 If you don’t like venison, Bring your own steak, chicken, pork, or sea food to cook (Howie G’s style- yourself) on the official KC grill. The council will provide milk, beer, wine, baked potatoes, green beans, salad and desert.

RSVP!!!!-RSVP!!!!-RSVP!!!!-Marty Dehen

A 10$ or good will offering will be accepted at the meeting.

We will need a small staff of kitchen volunteers.

If you have “wild game”(elk, moose, caribou, etc.) to donate, contact Marty Dehen


I expect to hear from most of you on, during or before the Fall Festival and would love someone to step forward and handle the sign-up sheets for the meeting so we know how many baked potatoes, beans, beer etc. we need.


I had my first District Meeting with Eric Lloyd and the other 5 Grand Knights. The biggest concern from Supreme is memberships. More KC’s die each year than what get recruited. The attrition is alarming. October and April will both be official membership recruiting months. I don’t like loading up for one month. I like to see a constant effort to bring in new people. Everyone needs to dig deep and think of someone who would be a good KC. Next, you need to tell that person he would make a good KC and invite him to chat, informally, with me. Assure him there will be no high pressure to join and no high expectations to volunteer umpteen hours for stuff he’s not interested in. I will give him some interesting facts on the KC’s history and a few success stories and ask him to join.

(I will release his esophagus long enough to hear the words, “I will”) If you’re tired of being asked to volunteer too often, adding 30 new members would keep your volunteer hours in check. EVERYBODY! Think of one new guy.




We’ve been asked to increase our efforts this, coming September, to expand the Fall Festival into a limited 2 day event. Brother Knight – Mike Wagoner and his wife Mary are the co-Chairs. Brothers Hegi, and Zylla will be running the kitchen and Brother Tim Cavenaugh and wife Cindy (Forester’s Meat’s) are in charge of all the food-both days. Hopefully all the usual suspects will be operating the turbo-charged KC tractor grill that Chuck Grubowski welded up for us. There are three big additions to the festival. On Saturday morning, perspective KC candidate-Jim Terry-(golf pro) will be kicking off the first annual HNOJ golf outing. It’s not a tournament. It’s a social nine at Baker National followed by a luncheon for participants. As it “gets legs,” it may turn into a future tournament next year. Later that afternoon, following 5:00 p.m. Mass, the KC’s will be cooking pork chops for the parish dinner. Besides the normal kitchen volunteers, brother Mike Kelly and I will be looking for volunteers to set-up, cook and clean-up so the grill can be used the following day. Following dinner, Don Prisby and his musical band will be throwing a dance for the parish. The main Fall Festival will still be right after 10:30 Mass on Sunday the 17th. If you volunteer for any part of the festival, please wear your KC shirts and hats. If you need one, contact Don Carsten , he has several sizes available.


I know how difficult it is for everyone to add things to an already full calendar, so I keep alluding to the concept of “an event within an event”. I also stress the need for our wives to get the opportunity to meet each other and hopefully form bonds or comfort zones. Let’s make an effort to participate in the golf outing (if you golf) and to sit together as KC families at the various activities surrounding the Fall Festival and let’s remember to make proper introductions when we do. This is really important! As Membership Director I observe a lot of other councils. The one’s who socialize together, thrive and the one’s who don’t, struggle. In an effort to identify the various commonalities we have with one another, we are preparing and sending a survey out to everyone to fill out that identify activities we each participate in; hunting, fishing, golfing, bowling, card playing, etc. We will publish a list on the web site of common interests and make it easier to find a fourth for that foursome, next time you golf, or someone to fill the shoes of a late drop out on a Canadian fishing trip, maybe a sub for a card club or bowling league. You get the picture. If anything it’s a good reference for topics of discussion at coffee after church.


Deputy Grand Knight – Tom Silver and I have a few simple goals, this year; to have more fun, to be more organized, to be a large part of the parish transition and to grow. We also hope to identify future leaders and officers for our KC Council. Hopefully you will find yourself critical of what kind of jobs we’re all doing. In the book of Kings, God’s whisper is louder than the roar of fire, quake or wind. The whisper, in this case, comes to you so you can ask yourself what you would do different if you were Grand Knight or other officer. It forces you to determine what you think should be important. It slowly creates a subconscious visual of what you would be like in that office. We have a policy in my deer hunting camp that the person who complains about breakfast, cooks it the next day. That’s not what I’m suggesting for our council, but there isn’t any formal training on these offices, only guidelines. District Deputy, Eric Lloyd is very helpful and very available to guide and train as needed. In a busy, busy world, everyone can only do what they can or what their calendar allows. Next April, we will be nominating new officers. It’s time for some of you with solid leadership skills to step forward and work your way into the chain of command. It’s not that time consuming and usually starts with a guard or advocate or chancellor role. Many of you have wonderful gifts to share, so I ask that you “awake from your slumber” as the song goes and tell me you want a small roll in the future.


As I mentioned earlier, Tom will be doing some research on how we can be better partners with the Women’s Auxiliary. A full report will be coming soon. I’ve also asked Tom to add one small aspect to our meetings. Tom has spent many years serving on various Serra Club activities and has accumulated a vast number of moving stories of how men get called to the priesthood. Being one of our best joke tellers from a life time of marketing experience, I’m going to have Tom share one entertaining or moving story at each future meeting. A parish the size of HNOJ should have more vocations and we all need to pray about that and open our hearts to possibilities and needs. We’re supposed to be doing something like that at meetings through our lecturer, but we’ve never fully understood the importance of all the different offices in the council.




Jerry has been an integral part of the success of this council ever since the first day he joined. He served us well and will continue to be involved in council meetings, breakfasts and projects. Jerry Sisk has done a terrific job for the past few years and needs to take a sabbatical. He’s going through a late season career change and we’re all praying for his success. We’re currently talking to several candidates to take over as the new Financial Secretary. Please call me with input, suggestions or nominations. It’s the most important roll in the council. A good computer and skills to use it would be nice as several forms need to be filled out and sent to various KC State and Supreme departments each year. Form 100’s for new candidates and transferees all get processed by the F.S. A nominal salary and reimbursed expenses can be applied, based on our bank balance. See me for more details. We all wish Jerry all the best.


Let’s all look forward to a great year by having a strong showing at the September BBQ meeting as well as the Fall Festival.



God Bless and good luck,


Council Minutes 2005 November

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting 

Date: November 17, 2005

The Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M by

Prayer was offered by GK Don Carsten

The roll call of officers:

Champlain Fr. Joseph Feders A Advocate Dave Stumpf P
Grand Knight Don Carsten P Warden Jim Seifert P
Deputy Grand Knight Marty Dehen P Inside Guard Bill Swing P
Chancellor Ed Ayd P Outside Guard Brian Wernimont A
Recorder Dan Cincoski P Trustee 3 yr Bill Rudolph A
Financial Secretary Jerry Sisk P Trustee 2 yr Pat Karn P
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 yr Tom Silver A
Lecturer Dennis Hanson A                          Present P     Absent A

 Opening Ode Vote was passed to not sing opening or closing Odes

Pledge of Allegiance and Opening Prayers were said

  1. Meeting minutes were read a correction was made adding $30 amount to the Tootsi Roll account.

New Members

  1. Mike Kelly will submit form 100. Nomination for his acceptance into the Council was approved by unanimous vote.
  2. Bill Goddard – Nomination for his acceptance into the Council was approved by unanimous vote. May go to the exemplification this Sunday.
  3. Dan Proulx
  4. Several people took 100s at the last pancake breakfast.

Treasurer Report

  1. The balance on Council account is $4,702.90.
  2. The balance on Tootsi Roll account is $110.05

Financial Secretary

  1. Request for mid year update was made by the Supreme Council.
  2. Our current official membership is 78 with the new membership we should be at 85 by the end of the year.
  3. New membership drive of double our commitment requested by the Supreme Council will give use the newly established Star Award. We would have to have 10 new members and 6 insurance to meet the requirements.
  4. Jim Grube – Workers for the pancake breakfast, we have. First shift 14 and second shift has 12.
  5. Jim Siefert – Faith formation is on Nov 30th there are 2 in December and the first and second Wednesdays of January will be big events.
  6. The K of C apron, hotpad and glove kit we agreed on last month will be presented to Father Joseph at Faith Formation on Dec 7th.
  7. Christmas Party, Dec 22nd @ 6:30 PM. Reservations have been made at Dobbo’s with price of $17.50 per person, $35.00 per couple. Council will pay $15 per couple so the cost will be $20.       Setups will be provided for BYOB.       A motion for approval was made and it was approved. Suggestion of $10 exchange gift per person was approved.
  8. The Angel auction by Ladies Auxiliary on Friday, Nov 18.

Fourth Degree report

  1. Memorial Mass on Monday and Wakes for Knights on Tuesday and Wednesday there were two last week also.

Good of the Order

  • Jerrys Sisk’s brother, Terry
  • Mike McDole
  • Dick Hargarten
  • Roger Fickbohm
  • Dave Stumpf
  • Jerry Sisk
  • Bev Carsten
  • Joe Vorderbruggen Family
  • Mike Wagener Family
  • Bryan Wernimont Family
  • Mark Schlosser – Loretto Council

Closing prayer

Meeting Adjourned at 8:35 PM

Council Minutes 2005 August

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting 

Date: August 25, 2005

The Council was called to order at 7:33 P.M by

Prayer was offered by GK Don Carsten

The roll call of officers:

Chaplain Fr. Joseph Feders A Advocate Dave Stumpf P
Grand Knight Don Carsten P Warden Jim Seifert P
Deputy Grand Knight Marty Dehen A Inside Guard Bill Swing A
Chancellor Ed Ayd P Outside Guard Bryan Wernimont P
Recorder Dan Cincoski P Trustee 3 yr Bill Rudolph A
Financial Secretary Jerry Sisk P Trustee 2 yr Pat Karn P
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 yr Tom Silver P
Lecturer Dennis Hanson A                          Present P     Absent A


Opening Ode

Pledge of Allegiance 

  1. Motion was approved to dispense with the Opening and Closing Orders.
  2. New membership
    1. Dave Sawyer was submitted as a new member
    2. Orlando Ortega was submitted as a new member.
    3. Motion was carried for acceptance into the Council for both candidates. The first-degree exemplification will be held on October 9th.
    4. Transfer member John Thole from St Joseph the Worker.

GK report

  1. Letter from Dale Robinson – Interest for new field agents was forwarded to Kathy Roth. There are some strong incentives for people who recruit new agents.

Treasurer’s report

  1. $3,642.62 balance on account

Financial Secretary Report

  1. 5 to 10 additional knights needed for the food-testing program. Financial impact to the Council would be very favorable with this program. 18 members or spouses have signed up. Must be 18 to 65 years old.
  2. Fall Festival we need assistance with food serving and ticket sales. The tickets serve as money for all of the activities; cash will not be traded at booths and events.
    1. This week – announcements at each Mass.
    2. Trying to get $25,000 in funds. Raffle will be cash prizes for winners.
  3. Jerry’s wedding anniversary will be celebrated on September 11 at 10:30 Mass. Cake and coffee after Mass.

Randy regarding the Squires Program

  1. Has talked to Chris Kostelc, Fr. Joseph and Nate Reinhardt. They are getting 10 boys to get the program off the ground.

Jim Siefert

  1. Faith Formation for Wednesday evening meal service. Passed around a signup sheet.

Pat Karn

  1. Prolife Sunday Pancake Breakfast will be October 2 and will coincide with the Prolife Sunday for the Church.
  2. Rumage sale collected over $14,000 towards prolife and related programs.

Church Director -Tom Silver

  1. Orlando Ortega is still in Illinois and when he comes back he will be given his check and will be given a schedule for his first degree.
  2. Archdiocese is putting on a dinner for the year of the Eucharist. Every priest in the diocese is invited and laypeople can go the cost is $40 per plate. Date of dinner is September 13.
  3. Discussion with Chuck Grabowski regarding the big barbeque grill for the Council.
  4. Assistance needed at booth for this Sunday for Fall Festival.

New Business

  1. No activity for the 4th degree except for wakes and funerals

District Deputy Report – Eric Lloyd

  1. Membership quota for the Council – 5 new members
  2. Insurance quota for the Council – 3 members
  3. First degree at Loretto, Sept 29th
  4. List of important dates were listed for this fall.
  5. New soccer challenge for boys and       girls, is similar to basketball throw. Good Samaritan Council will run the soccer challenge at the Fall Festival.       Age range 10 to 14.

Good of the Order

  • Mike McDole
  • Joe V.
  • Dick Hargarten
  • Mark Schlosser
  • Roger Fickbaum

Closing prayer said

Meeting Adjourned at 8:35

Officers Minutes 2005 August

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Business Meeting 

Date: August 21, 2005

The Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M by

Prayer was offered by GK, Don Carsten

The roll call of officers:

Champlain Fr. Joseph Feders E Advocate Dave Stumpf P
Grand Knight Don Carsten P Warden Jim Seifert A
Deputy Grand Knight Marty Dehen A Inside Guard Bill Swing A
Chancellor Edward Ayd P Outside Guard Brian Wernimont A
Recorder Dan Cincoski P Trustee 3 yr Bill Rudolph A
Financial Secretary Jerry Sisk P Trustee 2 yr Pat Karn A
Treasurer Mark Mertens A Trustee 1 yr Tom Silver A
Lecturer Dennis Hanson A                          Present P     Absent A

Opening Prayers and Pledge of Allegiance were said 

Report from Jerry Sisk:

  1. Balance on account approximately $3,041.00
  2. Fall Festival is coming up soon. Council will be hosting ticket sales and managing several events. Jerry has a list. Next Sunday there will be a table at the back of church for information and raffle ticket sales. Council members will be asked to volunteer.
  3. Need more people to sign up for food tasting so we can get at least a minimum of thirty people to get the project started.
  4. Jerry and his wife will be having a celebration of their 40th Wedding anniversary on September 11.
  5. New form 100 was received from David Sawyer. The Council will vote at the Council Meeting on Thursday.

Don Carsten

  1. Correspondence from Dale Robinson, Dale is looking for field agents for the Knights insurance program. There will be a training session on September 27th for interested members. Discussion – we will contact Kathy Roth who heads up the displaced parishioners program for possible candidates.
  2. Family Faith Formation – Jim Siefert is in charge of the workforce for the Wednesday evening program.
  3. Bill Rose was contacted regarding the conflict with the 25/50 anniversary program and the pancake breakfast. Don and Bill have worked out a solution that is favorable to both programs.
  4. Marathon will be held on October 1,2005 for the fund raiser for parochial education.

Mark Pedote

  1. Mark had a meeting with Father Feders regarding the Rosary before Council Meetings. Fr. Would like to formalize this excellent opportunity be calling the saying of the Rosary at 7 PM before every Council Meeting.
  2. Other spiritual events that Fr. Suggested were; prayer group, retreat, and reconciliation for membership.
  3. Suggestion to pool efforts for parish groups for the Eucharistic Congress being held October 7 and 8 a the State Capital and St. Paul Cathedral.
  4. Discussion on a prayer line or other form of spiritual communications.

Other business

  1.  Audit was completed after the July Council Meeting and sent into State Supreme Council.
  2. Web site update: Don Carsten submitted notes to Ed Ayd and Ed expressed a desire to get a monthly Grand Knight article or report from Don.
  3. Pictures of the officers for the Web page.
  4. Liability insurance for the Council events has been purchased and in in force.

Closing prayer said and meeting adjourned at 8:35

By Dan Cincoski

Council Minutes 2005 July

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting 

Date: July 28, 2005

The Council was called to order at 7:40 P.M by

Prayer was offered by Fr. Joseph Feders

The roll call of officers:

Chaplain Fr. Joseph Feders P Advocate Dave Stumpf A
Grand Knight Don Carsten P Warden Jim Seifert P
Deputy Grand Knight Marty Dehen A Inside Guard Bill Swing P
Chancellor Ed Ayd P Outside Guard Bryan Wernimont A
Recorder Dan Cincoski P Trustee 3 yr Bill Rudolph P
Financial Secretary Jerry Sisk P Trustee 2 yr Pat Karn A
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 yr Tom Silver P
Lecturer Mark Pedote A                          Present P     Absent A


Opening Ode Council moved and approved the dispensing with the Opening and Closing Odes.

Pledge of Allegiance and Opening Prayers Were said

Prior to the Meeting

Western Wings Special Olympics and Hammer Residence were presented with checks from the Tootsi Roll drive.

  1. Meeting in November will be held on the 3rd Thursday because of Thanksgiving Day.
  2. Dan Cincoski read the minutes from the July 24 business meeting. Minutes approved as read.\
  3. Diane Slaten is the Coffee and Donut chair for the parish. Knights discussed volunteering once a month.
  4. Change from business meeting: Fall Classic Bowling tournament for Special Olympics. K of C have now been changed to Saturday Nov. 12 from 10 until 3.
  5. Champlain Report. Fr. Feders expressed his support of the Knights and that his ability to attend the council meetings would benefit the Knights programs
  6. Treasurer report: Balance $4,297.92
  7. Reading of communications:
    1. John and Beth (Vordaerbruggen) thank you card for their daughter Leya.
  8. No report from financial secretary.
  9. Audit report will be reviewed by Trustees after this meeting.
  10. Chancellor report . The web site will be updated as described in the business meeting minutes. There will be a public site and a membership site that is secure.
  11. Membership director (Marty Dehen)
    1. New council with the need of new membership to increase size of council.
    2. KofC membership involvement programs such as golf outing, bowling, soccer kicks.
    3. Councils that have priests that are involved in the Knights programs are the councils that grow and thrive.
    4. We are gratified that Fr. Joseph has become actively involved, his active participation will be felt by the parish.
    5. Other councils say membership levels in the range of 150 works well. Because of the size and involvement of the HNOJ we can work with a larger membership. Active recruiting by all members will help our growth.
  12. Family and Vocations – Tom Silver
    1. Fernando Ortega who was not able to attend this evening will be receiving his donation of $500 when we see him next. Fernando will be sending in his form 100 and $30 for his membership to Tom. Vocation piece is in each weekly bulletin, Tom encouraged us to read it each week.
    2. Tom is a member of the Sierra Club and has expressed interest with a partnership between the two. This is the 15th anniversary of the Sierra Club at HNOJ.
  13. Squire report from Fr. Joseph.
    1. Youth program we currently have is the Life Teen is based on building faith. The Squire and Squirettes program would compliment the current youth fulfilling the fellowship and community involvement aspect.
    2. The Knights are trying to get boys to be more involved in church activities.
    3. Chris K. is interested in assisting Randy with getting boys introduced to the program.
    4. Nate would help with the younger boys 12 and above.
  14. New parish communication group will be working on the parish communications.
  15. Pancake Breakfast
    1. October 2 for Prolife, Chair: Pat Karn
    2. November 20th with bake sale
    3. October 30 for church proceeds (same weekend as the 25 and 50 year anniversary commemoration chaired by Bill Rose. The Knights pancake breakfast could be offered for free to the couples and keep both programs for this day. Bill Rose will be contacted to see if he is agreeable to coordinating the pancake breakfast with the anniversary program.
    4. No breakfast in December.
  16. Food taste fund raiser. 10 to 11 couples are signed up need more . 30 or more are desired.
  17. Faith Formation –
    1. Wednesday dining -free will offering.
    2. Two sections 4:30- 5:30 PM and 6:00- 7:00.
    3. Knight’s involvement encouraged.
  18. Fall Marathon is getting organized.
  19. Fall Festival – chairman updates – ongoing
  20. Eucharistic Congress will be coming up this fall.
  21. Good of the Order
    1. Joe brodbur
    2. Mike McDole
    3. David Mazurek
    4. Dick Hargarten
    5. Roger Fickbaum

Closing prayer was said 

Meeting Adjourned at 8:50 PM

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