Council Meeting Agenda June 2016


  1. Wanda Sweeny Thank you for NPH rosary donation

May Meeting Update:

a) Family/Knight of the Year Awards

b) Officers for 2016-2017

c) Tootsie Roll Update

d) Pancake Breakfast proceeds

New Business:

1 )Name tags

2 )Shirts

3) Officer Installation June 16th St Georges Long Lake 6:00

4) 4th Degree July 23

5) Rosaries

6) Rummage Sale

2015 – 2016 Knight/Family of the Year

Medina, MN – The Holy Name Knights of Columbus Good Samaritan Council held their May Meeting and would like to announce the following Awards:

Anto Pitchiah and family

The Family of the Year Award was given to the Anto Pitchiah Family for their  involvement in our Council. Anto transferred into our Council from the Basilica. Anto’s family stepped up and became involved in virtually every one of our functions.

The Knight of the Year Award was given to Jason Touw for his exceptional work on building and maintaining a new Council website. Jason transferred into our Council from the Bloomington

Council and became involved as an Officer,  he also took over the Marketing and Public Relations for our Council.

Grand Knight Dave Stumpf said “I would like to congratulate them for their involvement in our Council.”

Previous Family of the Year Award Recipients

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Previous Knight of the Year Award Recipients

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Council Meeting Agenda April 2016

April 12 Agenda


1)Thank you, Lauri Becker

  1. New Business:
  2. Mark Padote
  3. Officers for next year
  4. Pancake Breakfast Buffet
  5. RCIA Rosaries/Crosses April 19th
  6. Tootsie Roll Weekend April 30th/May 1st
  7. May Dinner Meeting May 10th.Unfinished Business
  8. Paypal/Marketing
  9. Food Shelf Donation
  10. Greg Wacek KC Grant
  11. KC Watchfire
  12. Passion Play Talk/Rosaries
  13. State Convention May 14th



KC Tootsie Roll Drive

The Knights of Columbus are holding their annual Tootsie Roll Drive for Special Olympics and other local charities that our Council  supports each year. This will happen on April 30th and May 1st after all the Masses.

Please sign up to help a great cause.




Grand Knights Report March 2016


Grand Knight Report – March 8th 2016

Unfinished Business:

  1. a) March 6th Breakfast Buffet results
  2. b) KC Free Throw Regions Feb. 27th
  3. c) Seafood Buffet March 11th
  4. d) RCIA Easter Vigil March 26th
  5. e) Pay Pal

New Business:

  1. a) Life Care Center
  2. b) Founders Day April 3rd 10:30 mass
  3. c) Pancake Breakfast Buffet April 17th.
  4. d) Tootsie Rolls for Special Olympics April 30th/May 1st
  5. e) State Convention May 13/14th. St. Cloud

Respectfully Submitted by Grand Knight Dave Stumpf


Good Samaritan Council to Host Basketball Free Throw Championship


Sign up to volunteer

Medina – MN The Good Samaritan Council 13096 will once again their annual Free Throw Championship on January 16, 2016 at 2pm which is an updated time from the previously announced. All boys and girls ages 9 to 14 are invited to participate in the local level of competition for the 2016 Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship. The local competition will be held January 16st, at 2:00PM in the Gym at Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church which is located on County 24 one mile west of State Highway 101.

The Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship is sponsored annually, with winners progressing through local, district, and state competitions. International champions are announced by the K of C international headquarters based on scores from the state-level competitions. All boys and girls 9 to 14 years old are eligible to participate and will compete in their respective age divisions. Last year more than 120,000 sharpshooters participated in over 3,600 local competitions.

All contestants on the local level are recognized for their participation in the event.  Age eligibility is determined by the age of the contestant on January 1st, 2016. Parental/guardian consent is required. Download your entry forms or contact Earl Forrence for additional information. If you wish to volunteer at the event please sign up now!

About the Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus is an international Catholic family fraternal service organization with over 1.8 million members in 15,000 local councils. Last year, Knights donated over 70 million volunteer hours and $167.5 million to charitable and benevolent causes, sponsoring projects to benefit their church, councils, communities, culture of life, families and youth.

About Good Samaritan Council 13096

The HNOJ KC’s are a Catholic men’s service organization that supports our parish priests and church community with time, talent and treasure by hosting fundraising events, Wednesday fine dining and Sunday breakfast buffets for the benefit of worthy Catholic parish causes. Our members and their families volunteer hundreds of hours of service, annually, to a wide variety of HNOJ activities. For more details visit,

Good Samaritan Knights announce appointment of PR Chair

Medina MN- November 11, 2015 –

The Good Samaritan Knights of Columbus Grand Knight Dave Stumpf appointed durging the regular business meeting Brother Jason A. Touw as the new Public Relations Committee Chair. This position is appointed by the Grand Knight and is a new role for the council.

As part of this role Touw will aid and oversee in all areas of marketing for the council. These include

  • Creation of content
  • Photography at events
  • Assistance with our new bi-weekly email newsletter
  • Updates to website
  • Press Releases
  • Flyer creation / distribution of flyers

Brother Touw is a parishoner of Holy Name of Jesus and transferred to our council back in September 2015 as a 4th degree Knight. Since joining our council Brother Touw has been very active with attendance at numerous events, meetings, and helped redesign our council website which can be viewed at Prior to joining our council Touw was a member of the Marian Council 3827 Knights of Columbus in Bloomington, MN since 2009. Brother Touw helped develop the marketing program for the Bloomington Council bringing them to receive the State Marketing award in 2014. Prior to being a member in Bloomington Touw had been a Knight in Boca Raton, FL. at Our Lady of Lourdes council #11241 and joined the order of the Knights of Columbus in 2007 as a 3rd Degree at a ceremony at Our Lady of Mercy Council in Pompano Beach, FL. He joined the ranks of the 4th degree at a ceremony in Orlando, FL 6 months later in the spring of 2008.

Coats For Kids

Launched in 2009 by the Supreme Office of the Knights of Columbus, the K of C “Coats for Kids” program has already provided more than 170,000 new coats to children in need. More than 1,200 K of C councils participated in this program in the past year and our council provides coats for kids that are in need and deliver them to the IOCP organization. Once again this year we will be participating in the project. Learn more form the below video or visit

Join Us

If you have any questions about our Council and would like to talk to someone, email us at [email protected] and we’ll get back with you.

If you are ready to join, click here Join Here  and complete the form.  Be sure to enter our Council# 13096 when filling it out.