1. The January 9, 2018 Council meeting was called to order at 7:35 PM by GK Rode
2. Warden’s Report on Membership Cards by Tom Silver
3. Opening Prayer offered by GK Rode
4. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
5. Roll Call of Officers
Office Name Pres Office Name Pres
Chaplain Vacant Vac Advocate Tom Silver P
Grand Knight John Rode P Warden Vacant Vac
Dep.Grand Eugene Dust A Inside Jose A Knight Guard Rodriguez-Belerrari
Chancellor Tom Murphy P Outside Guard Pat Karn P(8:30)
Recorder Jim Grube P Trustee 3 Year Dave Stumpf P
Financial Ed Hagerty P Trustee 2 Year Bill Swing P Secretary
Treasurer Mark Mertens A Trustee 1 Year Earl Forrence A
Lecturer Marty Dehen P
Present: 9 Absent: 4
6. Non-Officer Council Members in Attendance (10 members present for votes): Dan Cincoski
7. Knights of Columbus Guests: Bill Swing also attended as the District 53 Deputy.
8. Opening Ode: The Council dispensed with the opening ode.
9. Chaplain’s Report: None
10. Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting: The record of the Council finances and actions of the November 14, 2017 General Membership meeting was approved.
11. Report of Admission Committee and Reading of Applications:
12. Balloting for Membership (new, readmission. reapplications, transfers):
13. Initiations:
14. Grand Knight’s Report:
15. Treasurer’s Report: The Council account balance was not reported due to the absence of the Treasurer.
16. Financial Secretary’s Report: Total Receipts reported for the period: $0.00. Total Disbursements reported for the period: $1,325.65 (5 Vouchers – $483.85, $100.00, $187.57, $99.00 and $455.23). Motion to accept the Financial Secretary’s report was approved.
Motion to pay the Council bills was approved
17. Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouchers for Deposit – See Financial Secretary’s Report #16 above.
18. Report of Auditors and Trustees – The Financial Secretary reported that the first half year audit report is due February 15, 2018.
19. Chancellor’s Report on Vocations – No report
20. Service Program Committee Reports
Program Director: Dave Stumpf – No report
Church Director: Earl Forrence – No report
Vocations: Tom Silver – No report
Council Service Director: Ed Ayd – No report
Culture of Life Director: Unassigned – No report
Public Relations: Unassinged – No report
Family Service Director: Jim Grube – No report
Youth Activity Director: Unassigned – No report
Membership: Dan Cincoski reported that the current membership count is 139; 55 insurance members and 84 associate members. The Council also has 3 honorary members.
Recruitment: John Rode – No report
Retention: Jim Grube – No report
Lecturer: Marty Dehen – No report
HNOJ Life Commission – No report
21. Report of the Round Table Chairman – Not applicable
22. Report of Standing Committees – Not applicable
23. Unfinished Business
1 General Agent Ben Schleicher Update – Grand Knight Rode reported there is no new information regarding Ben Schleicher’s efforts to fill our Field Agent position. For those who may wish to contact Ben, the necessary information is: 507/822-7173 or [email protected]
2 Kitchen Warming Cart Repair Proposal – Tom Silver reported that he has taken over responsibility for the warmer repair. He advised that he will purchase the needed replacement parts and seek Chuck Grabowski’s assistance in the actual repair.
3 December 6 Fire for Discipleship – Grand Knight Rode reported that a handful of Knights participated in the outing.
24. New Business
1 Cinnamon Roll Preparation/Sale – Tom Silver reminded the members that this is the 28th annual cinnamon roll preparation/sale and is scheduled for January 19 – 21. Tom distributed flyers announcing the schedule of volunteers needed to assist in the production and sale of the rolls. Tom also noted that Murray Wolf is going to make a card that will be attached to the roll bag. The card will inform the reader of the January 22 March for Life, the intended use of the funds raised and other pro-life information.
2 Recognition of Volunteers for December 24th 3:00 PM Mass Parking – Grand Knight Rode reported that 9 Knights helped directed parking for the Masses. Eugene Dust coordinated the Knights activities by providing a map of parking areas.
4 First Degree Exemplification Schedule for District 53:
February 13 (6:00 PM) – Holy Name Council host at Holy Name (New date and time)
May 15 (6:15 PM) – Loretto Council host at Sts. Peter & Paul
June 12 (6:00PM) – Holy Name Council host at Holy Name
5 Council Free Throw Contest – The Council will partner with the Wayzata Council to conduct the contest on January 21 at St. Bart’s. Grand Knight Rode will post a request for 6 Knights to assist. Volunteers are to report to St. Bart’s at 1:00 PM.
The District Free Throw Competition is scheduled for February 11th at 11:30 in Golden Valley.
6 Tootsie Roll Sale – The Council’s order is due February 15th. Dave Stumpf advised that we should order 4 boxes.
7 Annual Fraternal Activity Survey – The survey due date is January 28.
8 February KC Family Event – The February event is to occur on February 20. Grand Knight Rode asked the members to think about what the Council could do to make the event family friendly and inviting.
9 Dave Stumpf reported that the Seafood Buffet is scheduled for March 23rd.
25. Report of the Fourth Degree – Dan Cincoski reported that a sword blessing and annual Renewal of the 4th Degree Obligations occurred January 8th. Dan also reported that the next 4th Degree Exemplification is to occur at Brainerd (Cragun’s) April 20/21
26. Field Agent’s Report – No report
27. District Deputy’s Report – District Deputy Bill Swing challenged the members to think of ways to make the Council better and make a New Year’s resolution to do so.
DD Swing also noted that Supreme offers webinars for members, and makes them available on the website for those who are unable to participate for the live webinar. The next webinar is “Keeping Recruitment Personal” and is scheduled for January 31st at 9:00 PM central time.
DD Swing noted he is attempting to gain Trustees’ access to the financial information contained at the Supreme website.
DD Swing noted that Supreme has developed a “Father Wants You” to be a Knight of Columbus and that he intends to seek Father Steve’s support for release to men of the Parish considered potential Knights.
The next Major Degree Exemplification is to occur at St. Vincent’s in Brooklyn Park on January 27th.
Annual submittal dates upcoming: April 1 for state award applications; June 30 for Star Council and Columbian Award applications.
The State Convention is scheduled for May 18-20 in Rochester.
Matt Mamura is to meet with Bill Swing about website coverage while Bill is out of town between mid-February and mid-March.
28. Good of the Order:
Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan
Earl Forrence
Dick and Alice Hargarten
Jerry Sisk
George Laurance
Tom Silver
Paul Silver (Tom Silver’s brother)
Dave Brinza
Jan Stumpf (Dave Stumpf’s wife)
Bill Rudolph
The family of Ron Rudolph (Bill Rudolph’s son) on the loss of Ron’s wife
The Shallbetter family (Carrie (Marty) Dehen) on the condition of Carrie’s mother
The family of Barb Cavanaugh (Joe Cavanaugh’s wife) on the hospice care of Barb’s father
Bill Cavanaugh (Joe Cavanaugh’s brother)
Dave Novack on his transition in his new Field Agent assignment
Ben Schleicher as General Agent for the KC’s and his search for new Field Agents
Father Steve
Those suffering from the effects of natural disasters
Those victims and survivors of mass shooting incidents
Those preparing for marriage
Those in troubled marriages
The unborn and pro-life
Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis
All Bishops, Priests and Religious
The unemployed and those seeking work
Troubled youth
In thanksgiving for prayers answered
For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers
Candidates for vocations
Police Officers
Armed Forces
All 1st responders
29. Closing Prayer: The closing prayers were offered at 8:46PM.
30. Closing Ode: The Council dispensed with the closing ode.
31. Meeting Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at 8:47 PM.
Closing Reminders: Cinnamon roll weekend – January 19-21
Men’s breakfast – January 19
Council free throw contest – January 21
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Grube