For the Good of the Order – July 11, 2017

Those for whom prayers are requested:

Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan

Father Marty Fleming

Dick and Alice Hargarten

Jerry Sisk

Dave Brinza

George Laurance

Deacon Sam Catapano

Earl Forrence

Dave Stumpf

Tom Silver

Dan Silver family on his passing (Tom Silver’s brother)

Paul Silver (Tom Silver’s brother)

Kaleigh & the Olson family (Jason Touw’s fiancé)

Dave Novack on his transition in his new Field Agent assignment

Ben Schleicher in his new role as General Agent for the KC’s and in his search for new Field Agents

Father Howe on his new assignment

Father Steve and family

Those preparing for marriage

Those in troubled marriages

The unborn and pro-life supporters

Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis

All Bishops, Priests and Religious

The unemployed and those seeking work

Troubled youth

In thanksgiving for prayers answered

For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers

Candidates for vocations

Police officers

Armed forces

All 1st responders


Knights of Columbus Council Meeting Minutes of July 11, 2017

1.   The July 11, 2017 Council meeting was called to order at 7:36 PM by GK Rode

2.  Warden’s Report on Membership Cards by Jason Touw

3.  Opening Prayer offered by GK Rode

4.  Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Chaplain Vacant  VAC Advocate Tom Silver      P
Grand Knight John Rode      P Warden Jason Touw      P
Deputy Grand Knight Eugene Dust      A Inside Guard Jose Rodriguez-Belerra      A
Chancellor Tom Murphy       P Outside Guard Pat Karn     A
Recorder Jim Grube      P Trustee 3 yr Dave Stumpf      P
Financial Secretary Edward Hagerty      P Trustee 2 yr Bill Swing      P
Treasurer Mark Mertens      P Trustee 1 yr Earl Forrence      P
Lecturer Martin Dehen      P Present:  11 Absent:  3


6.  Non-Officer Council Members in Attendance (13 members present for votes):  Jeff Sarles, Rob Sarles


7.  Knights of Columbus Guests:  General Agent Ben Schleicher, Dave Novack

8.  Opening Ode:  The Council members recited the opening ode.

9.  Chaplain’s Report:  None

10.  Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting:

The Council approved, the record of the Council finances and actions of the June 13, 2017 General Membership meeting.

11.  Report of Admission Committee and Reading of Applications:  A Form 100 in the name of Jesus Martinez was presented.

12.  Balloting for Membership (new, readmission. reapplications, transfers):  The Council voted to admit Jesus Martinez.

13.  Initiations:  None

14.  Grand Knight’s Report:  Refer to items #23 and #24.  Grand Knight Rode reported that Father Steve will address the Council at the August meeting.  It was suggested that we provide pop for meeting attendees.

Grand Knight Rode circulated a thank you card from Mark Richelson for the rosary he received for his confirmation.

 15.  Treasurer’s Report

The Council account balance was $ 7,532.50 as of the end of the first half of the year.  Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was approved.

16.  Financial Secretary’s Report:  Total Receipts reported for the period:  $30.00 (1 batch); Total Disbursements reported for the period:  $483.41 (2 Vouchers:  $300.00 and $183.41).  Motion to accept the Financial Secretary’s report – Approved

Motion to pay the Council bills – Approved

17.  Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouchers for Deposit – See Financial Secretary’s Report, #16 above.

18.  Report of Auditors and Trustees – No report

19.  Chancellor’s Report on Vocations – No report

20.  Service Program Committee Reports

Program Director:  Dave Stumpf – No report

Church Director:  Earl Forrence – No report

Vocations:  Tom Silver reported he attended a retreat in Demontreville the first weekend of June where he purchased a number of copies of “The Gift of Fatherhood”, by Father Carter H. Griffin.  Tom passed around copies for Council members to take home and read and pass along to others when finished.

Council Service Director:  Ed Ayd – No report

Culture of Life  Director:  Unassigned – No report

Public Relations:  Jason Touw reported that he and Grand Knight Rode met before the Council meeting to set up a calendar for the Marketing Committee.  The committee will meet bi-monthly on the 4th Tuesday.  Members of the committee are:  Jason Touw, Grand Knight Rode, Bill Swing, and the Public Relations Chair.

Family Service Director:  Jim Grube – No report

Youth Activity Director:  Unassigned – No report

Membership:  Dan Cincoski – No report

Recruitment:  John Rode – No report

Retention:  Financial Secretary Ed Hagerty reported 2 Council members have not yet renewed their membership for 2017.

Lecturer:  Marty Dehen – No report

HNOJ Life Commission:  No report.

21.  Report of the Round Table Chairman – Not applicable

22.  Report of Standing Committees – No report

23.  Unfinished Business

1  Rosaries for NPH – Dave Stumpf delivered rosaries on behalf of the Council.  Earl Forrence reported that the inventory of rosaries is at a level where more are needed.  Motion to purchase 2 dozen black and 2 dozen white rosaries was approved.

Cooking for Parish Committee June 15th – No further report.

3  Order KC Shirts – Jason Touw reported he has ordered 25 shirts, 4 extra large size and 21 double extra large size at a price of $14.09 each.  The total cost of the order, including delivery, is $388.01.  It was agreed the Council will continue to charge $17.00 per shirt.  Dave Stumpf volunteered to hold the inventory.

4  New Name Tags – No further report.

Rummage Sale June 18th-25th – Tom Silver reported that the rummage sale raised approximately $1,700, and thanked all Council members for their help.

Officers Installation June 22nd – Grand Knight Rode reported all went well at the installation.

 7  Council  Documents – Jason Touw and Bill Swing will meet to discuss how to get documents on line.

  8 Fall Fest Update – Dan Cincoski reported the next committee meeting will be held later in July. We will send out a call for volunteers after the August Council meeting.

 24. New Business.       

1    Schedule/Calendar of Events Review – Grand Knight Rode indicated he would like to post 2 months of upcoming planned events every month so Council members have an idea of what is upcoming.  In terms of upcoming events, Grand Knight Rode reported the District 53 meeting is to occur July 13 at 7:00 PM, with State Deputy Robert Penas scheduled to appear.  We will meet at Holy Name at 6:30 PM and car pool to the meeting.

Knights Social Event brainstorming – Grand Knight Rode expressed a desire to have quarterly informal gatherings to celebrate the many successes of the Council.  While Grand Knight Rode volunteered to host the gatherings, discussion ensued regarding the possibility of moving the gatherings around, say at Omni Brewing and other such locations.  No decision was made as to how to proceed.

Invite a Knight our Meeting brainstorming – Grand Knight Rode suggested that we invite Council members to our meetings.  Given we have 139 members and only 14 members as regular attendees, if we can double our count, we will experience greater participation across the board.

Committee Assignment Review – Grand Knight Rode distributed a list of directors/committee chairs that could be replaced together with a list of members who could either serve in support of the directors/chairs or replace them.  For example, Joe Floeder was mentioned as a replacement of Ed Ayd as the Council Service Director, Jim Martin as the Culture of Life Director and Brian Walsh as the Youth Director.  Grand Knight Rode will revise and release the list for further consideration.

5  Date for Council Year Calendar Review – Grand Knight Rode indicated he would like to have a meeting on July 25th (for one hour) to discuss the calendar.  An email is to be sent to the Council announcing the meeting.

Public Relations Subcommittee  – Refer to #20, Service Committee Reports, Public Relations.

7  Replenishment of KC Pen Supply – Earl Forrence reported there is a need to order more KC pens.  The desired number is 250.  Tom Silver and Jason Touw volunteered to check their sources for the purchase.  Motion to provide up to $200 for the purchase was approved.  Note:  subsequently, Grand Knight Rode, via email date July 19th, authorized the purchase of 300 pens for $169.67 through Bob Labat.

25.  Report of the Fourth Degree:  Dan Cincoski reported the next exemplification will occur July 15th at St. Vincent’s in Brooklyn Park.

26.  Field Agent’s Report:  Dave Novack reported that he will no longer serve as the Field Agent for the area, as he has been reassigned to a new area.  Dave introduced General Agent Ben Schleicher who is in charge of the area Field Agents.  Ben, who lives in Windom,  noted he became a Field Agent in 2012 and has been named Agent of the Year twice, and that last year he was in the top 2% of the Field Agents world-wide.  Ben is seeking a replacement for Dave as the area Field Agent.  With Dave’s departure as the Field Agent, he will also be transferring from our Council to a Council in his service area.

Ben may be reached at:  [email protected] or 507-822-7173.

.27.  District Deputy’s Report:  No report

28.  Good of the Order:

Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan

Father Marty Fleming

Dick and Alice Hargarten

Jerry Sisk

George Laurance

Deacon Sam Catapano

Dave Brinza

Earl Forrence

Dave Stumpf

Tom Silver

Dan Silver family on his passing (Tom Silver’s brother)

Paul Silver (Tom Silver’s brother)

Kaleigh & the Olson Family (Jason Touw’s fiancé)

Dave Novack on his transition in his new Field Agent assignment

Ben Schleicher in his new role as General Agent for the KC’s and his search for new Field Agents

Father Howe on his new assignment

Father Steve and family

Those preparing for marriage

Those in troubled marriages

The unborn and pro-life

Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis

All Bishops, Priests and Religious

The unemployed and those seeking work

Troubled youth

In thanksgiving for prayers answered

For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers

Candidates for vocations

Police officers

Armed Forces

All 1st responders

29.  Closing Prayer:  The closing prayers were offered at 9:11 PM.

30.  Closing Ode:  The Council sang the closing ode.

31.  Meeting Adjourned:  The meeting was adjourned at 9:13 PM.

Closing Reminders: 

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Grube, Recording Secretary

Knights of Columbus Council Meeting Minutes of June 13, 2017

1.   The June 13, 2017 Council meeting was called to order at 7:32 PM by GK Stumpf

2.  Warden’s Report on Membership Cards by Jason Touw

3.  Opening Prayer offered by GK Stumpf

4.  Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Chaplain Vacant  VAC Advocate Tom Silver      P
Grand Knight Dave Stumpf      P Warden Jason Touw      P
Deputy Grand Knight John Rode      P Inside Guard Jose Rodriguez-Belerra      A
Chancellor Eugene Dust      P  Outside Guard Pat Karn  P 8:42
Recorder Jim Grube      P Trustee 3 yr Bill Swing      P
Financial Secretary Edward Hagerty      P Trustee 2 yr Earl Forrence      P
Treasurer Mark Mertens      P   Trustee 1 yr Daniel Cincoski      P
Lecturer Martin Dehen      A Present:  12 Absent:  2

6.  Non-Officer Council Members in Attendance ( 14  members present for votes): 

Tom Murphy, David Novack arrived at 8:13 PM

7.  Knights of Columbus Guests: 

8.  Opening Ode:  The Council members dispensed with the opening ode.

9.  Chaplain’s Report:  None

10.  Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting:

The Council dispensed with the reading of, and approved, the record of the Council finances and actions of the April 11, 2017 General Membership meeting.

11.  Report of Admission Committee and Reading of Applications:  None

12.  Balloting for Membership (new, readmission. reapplications, transfers): 

13.  Initiations:  None

14.  Grand Knight’s Report:  Refer to items #23 and #24

 15.  Treasurer’s Report

The Council account balance is $9,415.84 as of June 12, 2017.  Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was approved.

16.  Financial Secretary’s Report:  Total Receipts reported for the period:  $2,324.03 (3 batches) of which $1,799.03 occurred in May; Total Disbursements reported for the period:  $718.72 (4 Vouchers:  $50.00, $400.23, $155.46 and $113.03).

Motion to accept the Financial Secretary’s report – Approved

Motion to pay the Council bills – Approved

17.  Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouchers for Deposit – See Financial Secretary’s Report, #16 above.

18.  Report of Auditors and Trustees – No report

19.  Chancellor’s Report on Vocations – No report

20.  Service Program Committee Reports

Program Director:  Dave Stumpf – No report

Church Director:  Earl Forrence – No report

Vocations:  Tom Silver – No report

Council Service Director:  Ed Ayd – No report

Culture of Life  Director:  Unassigned – No report

Public Relations:  Jason Touw – No report

Family Service Director:  Jim Grube – No report

Youth Activity Director:  Unassigned – No report

Membership:  Dan Cincoski – No report

Recruitment:  John Rode – No report

Retention:  Financial Secretary Ed Hagerty reported 2 Council members have not yet renewed their membership for 2017.

Lecturer:  Marty Dehen – No report

HNOJ Life Commission:  No report.

21.  Report of the Round Table Chairman – Not applicable

22.  Report of Standing Committees – No report

23.  Unfinished Business

  1.  Tootsie Roll Update – Grand Knight Stumpf reported the Council collected $1,126.00.  Motion to split the collection evenly between the Hammer Residences and the Special Olympics was approved.
  2. Knight/Family Year – Grand Knight Stumpf recalled that Eugene and Beth Dust were awarded the Family of the Year Award and that Ed Hagerty was awarded Knight of the Year, and again congratulated both for their service to the Council.
  3. Pancake Breakfast Update – Ed Hagerty reported the income was $1,799.03.
  4. RCIA Rosaries – Earl Forrence reported he handed out KC rosaries to the candidates (black to the men and white to the women), who greatly appreciated them.  Earl noted that Father Howe had spoken to the candidates about the rosary three weeks earlier.  Earl offered that it would be advisable to coordinate the rosary distribution with the Priest’s discussion of the rosary next year.
  5. State KC Convention – Grand Knight Stumpf reported that the 2018 convention will be held in Rochester.
  6. Officers List – Grand Knight Stumpf released the officer list to the Recording Secretary.

24. New Business

  1. Rosaries for NPH – Grand Knight Stumpf will deliver the rosaries on behalf of the Council.
  2. Cooking for Parish Committee – Earl Forrence reported the meal for the Parish committee members will occur June 15th.  Earl indicated three Council members are needed, and Dan Cincoski, Tom Silver, Eugene Dust and John Rode (who will arrive later) volunteered to help.
  3. KC Shirt order – It was agreed the new shirts should have the same fabric, style and Council emblem as those of the last order.  Motion to provide up to $500 for the purchase of 25 shirts was approved.
  4. Name Tag order – New name tags are needed for John Rode (Grand Knight), Dave Stumpf (Trustee), Tom Murphy (Chancellor), Eugene Dust (Deputy Grand Knight) and Dan Cincoski (Past Grand Knight).  Motion to purchase the name tags was approved.
  5. Parish Rummage Sale – Pat Karn reported the rummage sale will run from June 18th through June 24th.  Drop off will start approximately noon June 18th, with setup of tables and shelving anticipated to be completed by 4:00 PM.  Cleanup will begin at noon June 24th.  Pat reported that six Council members will be needed, and it would be good to have one of the members bring a pickup with a towing capacity of 14,000 to 15,000 pounds to help deliver larger items to parishioners.
  6. Officers Installation – Grand Knight Stumpf reported officer installation will occur June 22nd, beginning with Mass at 6:00 PM.  The installation is to occur at St Mary’s of the Lake Parish in Plymouth.  Grand Knight Stumpf asked incoming officers to attend, and indicated we need to RSVP the number of attendees.
  7. Council  Documents – Bill Swing reported some documents are already being stored on-line, but our liability insurance information and By Laws still needed to be put on-line.  In addition we need to post our history in terms of past officers and awards given to the Council.
  8. Fall Fest Update – Dan Cincoski reported he is the Council contact to the Fall Fest Planning Committee.  He will continue to advise the Council of developments at our monthly Council meetings.

25.  Report of the Fourth Degree: 

Dan Cincoski reported the next exemplification is to be held at Holy Name of Jesus in November.                                               .

26.  Field Agent’s Report:  Dave Novack spoke briefly to the Council on the need to have long term care insurance to protect families from having to bear the burden of care.  Dave reported that the average length of long term care is 2-1/2 years and that seven states are now charging the children of parents whose long term care costs are borne by the states.

27.  District Deputy’s Report:  No report

28.  Good of the Order:

Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan

Father Marty Fleming

Dick Hargarten

Jerry Sisk

George Laurance

Deacon Sam Catapano

Dave Brinza

Earl Forrence

Dan Silver (Tom Silver’s brother)

Paul Silver (Tom Silver’s brother)

Kaleigh & the Olson Family (Jason Touw’s fiancé)

Polly Novack (Dave Novack’s wife)

Those preparing for marriage

Those in troubled marriages

The unborn and pro-life

Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis

Bishops, Priests and Religious of the Archdiocese of St. Paul – Minneapolis

Troubled youth

In thanksgiving for prayers answered

For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers

Candidates for vocations

Police officers

Armed Forces

All 1st responders

Father Steve and Family

29.  Closing Prayer:  The closing prayers were offered at 8:56 PM.

30.  Closing Ode:  The Council dispensed with the closing ode.

31.  Meeting Adjourned:  The meeting was adjourned at 8:57 PM.

Closing Reminders: 

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Grube, Recording Secretary

For the Good of the Order – June 13, 2017

Those for whom prayers are requested:

Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan

Father Marty Fleming

Dick Hargarten

Jerry Sisk

Dave Brinza

George Laurance

Deacon Sam Catapano

Earl Forrence

Dan Silver (Tom Silver’s brother)

Paul Silver (Tom Silver’s brother)

Kaleigh & the Olson Family (Jason Touw’s fiancé)

Polly Novack (Dave Novack’s wife)

Father Howe on his new assignment

Father Steve and Family

Those preparing for marriage

Those in troubled marriages

The unborn and pro-life

Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis

Bishops, Priests and Religous of the Archdiocese of St. Paul – Minneapolis

Troubled youth

In thanksgiving for prayers answered

For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers

Candidates for vocations

Police officers

Armed forces

All 1st responders

Knights of Columbus Council Meeting Minutes of April 11, 2017

1.   The April 11, 2017 Council meeting was called to order at 8:20  PM by GK Stumpf

2.  Warden’s Report on Membership Cards by Jim Grube in place of Jason Touw

3.  Opening Prayer offered by GK Stumpf

4.  Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Chaplain Vacant  VAC Advocate Tom Silver      P
Grand Knight Dave Stumpf      P Warden Jason Touw      A
Deputy Grand Knight John Rode      P Inside Guard Jose Rodriguez-Belerra      A
Chancellor Eugene Dust      P Outside Guard Pat Karn      A
Recorder Jim Grube      P Trustee 3 yr Bill Swing      P
Financial Secretary Edward Hagerty      P Trustee 2 yr Earl Forrence      A
Treasurer Mark Mertens      P     Trustee 1 yr Daniel Cincoski      P
Lecturer Martin Dehen      P  Present:  10 Absent: 4


6.  Non-Officer Council Members in Attendance (11 members present for votes):  Dave Novack

7.  Knights of Columbus Guests: Jim Krautkremer of St. Gerard’s Parish in Brooklyn Park

8.  Opening Ode:  The Council members dispensed with the opening ode.

9.  Chaplain’s Report:  None

10.  Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting:

The record of Council finances and actions of the March 14, 2017 General Membership meeting were approved.

11.  Report of Admission Committee and Reading of Applications:  None

12.  Balloting for Membership (new, readmission. reapplications, transfers):  Jim Krautkremer reported he has moved to Plymouth and is now attending Holy Name of Jesus, so he is considering transferring to the Good Samaritan Council.

13.  Initiations:  None

14.  Grand Knight’s Report:  Nate Reinhardt addressed the Council at 7:30 PM, before the Council meeting was called to order.  Nate reported to the Council that the Parish would like to hold Big/Small Dinners quarterly to welcome new parishioners in a more timely manner.  Nate handed out information on Mass attendance since 2011, and explained the “Roadmap to Discipleship” and how to invite parishioners to become more active in the faith.  Nate finished with an explanation on the “Parish-wide Integration Strategy”.

Grand Knight Stumpf passed around a letter from Father Steve thanking the Council for its $1,5000 donation to the Parish kitchen fund.

 15.  Treasurer’s Report

The Council account balance is $7,194.66 as of April 11, 2017.  Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was approved.

16.  Financial Secretary’s Report:  Total Receipts reported for the period:  $2,635.99 (1 batch); Total Disbursements reported for the period:  $2,082.96(7 Vouchers:  $118.49, $282.51, $134.00, $134.00, $413.96, $500.00, $500.00).

Motion to accept the Financial Secretary’s report – Approved

Motion to pay the Council bills – Approved

17.  Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouchers for Deposit – See Financial Secretary’s Report, #16 above.

18.  Report of Auditors and Trustees – No report

19.  Chancellor’s Report on Vocations – No report

20.  Service Program Committee Reports

Program Director:  Dave Stumpf – No report

Church Director:  Earl Forrence – No report

Vocations:  Tom Silver reported May 16 will be a Catholic Men’s Night at Holy Name of Jesus.  Tom indicated the Knights will be asked to support the evening’s activities.

Council Service Director:  Ed Ayd – No report

Culture of Life  Director:  Unassigned – No report

Public Relations:  Jason Touw – No report

Family Service Director:  Jim Grube – No report

Youth Activity Director:  Unassigned – No report

Membership:  Dan Cincoski reported the Council membership stands at 136, with 56 Insurance members and 80 Associate members, as of  April 11, 2017.

Recruitment:  John Rode – No report

Retention:  Financial Secretary Ed Hagerty reported 8 Council members have not yet renewed their membership for 2017.

Lecturer:  Marty Dehen – No report

HNOJ Life Commission:  No report.

21.  Report of the Round Table Chairman – Not applicable

22.  Report of Standing Committees – No report

23.  Unfinished Business

1.  April Pancake Breakfast – Financial Secretary Hagerty reported the net profit for the breakfast was approximately $1,241.

2.  RCIA Easter Vigil – Grand Knight Stumpf reported that food preparation for the RCIA member reception will start at 9:00 AM Saturday, and Council members who intend to serve at the reception should report at 10:00 PM Saturday.

3.  Watchfire – The Council is scheduled for the 1:00 to 3:00 PM period on Saturday, April 15th.

4.   Tootsie Roll Sale – Grand Knight Stumpf reminded the Council the sale is to occur the weekend of April 22-23, and asked for volunteers for all Masses that weekend.

5.  Big/Small Dinner – The second dinner is to occur April 25th. Knights who will serve the meal are to report to the kitchen by 5:15 PM (10 Knights are needed).

24. New Business

1.   Jon Hickman addressed the Council before the meeting was called to order.  The purpose of Jon’s attendance was to advise the Council he is leading an effort to raise approximately $1,200 to allow Father Steve to attend a Priests’ Retreat by Dr. Scott Hahn July 10 – 13 in Wheeling West Virginia.  Jon is seeking small donations from Parish men to help finance the trip.  Jon has already paid the $450 registration.  When the Council meeting came to order a Motion – to donate $150 to support Father Steve’s attendance at the retreat was Approved.

Jon also handed out to Council members a booklet guiding the reader on a 31 day devotional novena to St. Joseph before leaving.

2.   Food Shelf Donations – Motion to donate $500 each to the West Tonka Food Shelf and the Interfaith Outreach Food Shelf was Approved.

3.   RCIA Rosaries – No action taken.

4.   Confirmation Rosaries – No action taken.

5,   New Officers – A ballot is to be developed for release to the Council in conjunction with the upcoming May Council meeting.

6.  May Council Meeting – The Council meeting is to be held at Latuff’s Pizzeria and consist of the annual dinner (at 6:00 PM) and a brief meeting where the Knight of the Year and Knight Family of the Year will be announced, together with voting on the officers for the upcoming KC year.  The dinner meeting is to be on May 9th.  The Council voted Eugene and Beth Dust as the Knight Family of the Year and Ed Hagerty as the Knight of the Year.

7.  Jim Krautkremer advised the Council that a fund raising activity the St. Gerard’s Council has used is the “Dinner of the Month Club”, where 160 cards to restaurants may be sold by the Council for $22/box which yields a $6/box profit for the Council.  After due consideration, the Council elected to forego the fund raising opportunity at this time.

25.  Report of the Fourth Degree: 

Dan Cincoski reported the next exemplification is to be April 22/23 in Mankato.

26.  Field Agent’s Report:  Dave Novack reported his wife Polly had found employment with the Mayo Clinic and thanked all for their prayers while she was unemployed.

27.  District Deputy’s Report:  No report

28.  Good of the Order:

Joe & Dan Vorderbruggen

Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan on the passing of her father

Father Marty Fleming

Dick Hargarten

Jerry Sisk

George Laurance

Deacon Sam Catapano

Dave Brinza

Gary Collyard

Earl Forrence

Paul Silver (Tom Silver’s brother)

Ava (family member of Jason Touw’s fiancé)

Jean Roozendaal on the passing of her husband Fritz

Those preparing for marriage

Those in troubled marriages

The unborn and pro-life

Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis

Bishops, Priests and Religious of the Archdiocese of St. Paul – Minneapolis

Troubled youth

In thanksgiving for prayers answered

For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers

Candidates for vocations

Police officers

Armed Forces

All 1st responders

Father Steve and Family

29.  Closing Prayer:  The closing prayers were offered at 9:10 PM.

30.  Closing Ode:  The Council dispensed with the closing ode.

31.  Meeting Adjourned:  The meeting was adjourned at 9:11 PM.

Closing Reminders: 

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Grube, Recording Secretary

For the Good of the Order – April 11, 2017

Those for whom prayers are requested:

Joe & Dan Vorderbruggen

Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan on the passing of Susan’s father

Father Marty Fleming

Dick Hargarten

Jerry Sisk

Dave Brinza

George Laurance

Deacon Sam Catapano

Gary Collyard

Earl Forrence

Paul Silver (Tom Silver’s brother)

Ava (family member of Jason Touw’s fiancé)

Jean Roozendaal on the passing of her husband Fritz

Those preparing for marriage

Those in troubled marriages

The unborn and pro-life

Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis

Bishops, Priests and Religous of the Archdiocese of St. Paul – Minneapolis

Troubled youth

In thanksgiving for prayers answered

For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers

Candidates for vocations

Police officers

Armed forces

All 1st responders

Knights of Columbus Council Meeting Minutes of March 14, 2017

1.   The March 14, 2017 Council meeting was called to order at 7:35 PM by GK Stumpf

2.  Warden’s Report on Membership Cards by Jim Grube in place of Jason Touw

3.  Opening Prayer offered by GK Stumpf

4.  Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Chaplain Vacant  VAC Advocate Tom Silver      P
Grand Knight Dave Stumpf      P Warden Jason Touw      A
Deputy Grand Knight John Rode      P Inside Guard Jose Rodriguez-Belerra      A
Chancellor Eugene Dust      A Outside Guard Pat Karn      A
Recorder Jim Grube      P Trustee 3 yr Bill Swing      A
Financial Secretary Edward Hagerty      P  Trustee 2 yr Earl Forrence      P
Treasurer Mark Mertens      P   8:05     Trustee 1 yr Daniel Cincoski      P
Lecturer Martin Dehen      P Present:  9 Absent:  5

6.  Non-Officer Council Members in Attendance ( 9  members present for votes)

7.  Knights of Columbus Guests: 

8.  Opening Ode:  The Council members dispensed with the opening ode.

9.  Chaplain’s Report:  None

10.  Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting:

With a correction in the amount of payment to be made for the Pennies for Seminarians/Jim Campbell Fund from $238 to $268, the record of Council finances and actions of the February 14, 2017 General Membership meeting were approved.

11.  Report of Admission Committee and Reading of Applications:  Dan Cincoski reported that Larry Deeney is transferring from the Crystal Council, and Nicholas Gabriel is transferring from the Broken Bow, Nebraska Council.

12.  Balloting for Membership (new, readmission. reapplications, transfers):  Dan Cincoski reported a Form 100 is still pending from Eric Carlson.

13.  Initiations:  None

14.  Grand Knight’s Report

 15.  Treasurer’s Report

The Council account balance is $ 9,136.49 as of March 14, 2017.  Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was approved.

16.  Financial Secretary’s Report:  Total Receipts reported for the period:  $6,024.77 (5 batches:  $1,237.00, $885.00, $190.00, $180.00 and $3,532.77); Total Disbursements reported for the period:  $2,396.78 (5 Vouchers:  $16.95, $210.00, $70.00, $599.83 and $1,500.00).

Motion to accept the Financial Secretary’s report – Approved

Motion to pay the Council bills – Approved

17.  Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouchers for Deposit – See Financial Secretary’s Report, #16 above.

18.  Report of Auditors and Trustees – No report

19.  Chancellor’s Report on Vocations – No report

20.  Service Program Committee Reports

Program Director:  Dave Stumpf – No report

Church Director:  Earl Forrence – No report

Vocations:  Tom Silver reported that Father Bryan Pedersen, Pastor of the Church of the Sacred Heart spoke at the March 10 Serra Club meeting where he discussed the impact the Catholic faith had on his family as a child when his parents converted to Catholicism from the Episcopalian Church.

Council Service Director:  Ed Ayd – No report

Culture of Life  Director:  Unassigned – No report

Public Relations:  Jason Touw – No report

Family Service Director:  Jim Grube – No report

Youth Activity Director:  Unassigned – No report

Membership:  Dan Cincoski reported the Council membership stands at 134 , with 55 Insurance members and 79  Associate members, as of March 1, 2017

Recruitment:  John Rode – No report

Retention:  Financial Secretary Ed Haggerty reported 23 Council members have not yet renewed their membership for 2017.

Lecturer:  Marty Dehen – No report

HNOJ Life Commission:  No report.

21.  Report of the Round Table Chairman – Not applicable

22.  Report of Standing Committees – No report

23.  Unfinished Business

  1. Big/Small Dinner – Grand Knight Stumpf reported Nate Reinhardt sent a thank you email to members who served the Big/Small Dinner and also asked that the Council repeat its efforts at the April 25th dinner.  Those who help are to arrive at 5:15 PM.
  2. Pancake Breakfast/RCIA Brunch – Grand Knight Stumpf reported that the Council’s efforts were well received.
  3. Seafood Buffet – Grand Knight Stumpf reported Lani Schlundt is considering coordinating next year’s buffet.  Motion to provide $250 to the KC Auxiliary was approved
  4. RSVP  – Grand Knight Stumpf advised that the report of support for Seminarians is due April 1.  Motion to provide $500 each in support of Bryce Evans of St. Thomas Parish in Corcoran and Matthew Shireman of St. Therese Parish in Deephaven was approved.

24. New Business

1. Passion Play Rosaries – Lecturer Dehen reported he presented rosaries to the 9th Grade Passion Play cast on March 13th, discussing the history of the rosary and the KC’s.

2. April 2nd Pancake Breakfast – It was noted that a number of area schools will be on Spring break on April 2nd.

3. Founders Day Mass March 29th Official date – Discussion ensued regarding timing of a Mass and opinion favored April 23 when we will be selling Tootsie Rolls.

4. Watchfire – Earl Forrence signed up the Council for 1:00 -3:00 PM April 15th.

5. RCIA Reception April 15th – Grand Knight Stumpf reported food preparation will occur in the morning.  As in past years Council members will be serving at the reception which is to occur immediately after the evening Mass.  Volunteers are to report at 9:00 PM.  Dave will send out a request for Council member help.

6. Tootsie Roll April 22-23rd – There was no further discussion regarding this item.

7. Big/Small Dinner – As a follow-up to item 1 of Unfinished Business, Grand Knight Stumpf reported 10 Knights will be needed to help serve the April 25th dinner.

8. Officers for next year – Discussion ensued on the subject and Dan Cincoski reported he is looking over the Council roster for potential officers in fulfillment of the responsibility of the Trustee 1 Year position.

9. State Convention – Discussion ensued regarding the upcoming convention scheduled for May 19-21 in Brooklyn Park.  Dave Stumpf and John Rode are the Council’s designated representatives with Earl Forrence designated as an alternate.

10. Rosary Distribution – Earl Forrence reported he is scheduled to give rosaries to the Confirmation class on April 26th at 7:00 PM.  In addition, he is working on a schedule of delivery of rosaries to the RCIA Candidates.

11. Archdiocesan Men’s Conference – The conference is scheduled for 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM March 18.  Men will  be carpooling from Holy Name.

25.  Report of the Fourth Degree: 

Dan Cincoski reported the next exemplification is to be April 22/23 in Mankato.

26.  Field Agent’s Report:  No report

27.  District Deputy’s Report:  No report

28.  Good of the Order:

Joe & Dan Vorderbruggen

Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan on the passing of her father

Father Marty Fleming

Dick Hargarten

Jerry Sisk

George Laurance

Deacon Sam Catapano

Dave Brinza

Gary Collyard

Earl Forrence

Polly Novack

Ava (family member of Jason Touw’s fiancé)

Jean Roozendaal on the passing of her husband Fritz

Those preparing for marriage

Those in troubled marriages

The unborn and pro-life

Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis

Bishops, Priests and Religious of the Archdiocese of St. Paul – Minneapolis

Troubled youth

In thanksgiving for prayers answered

For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers

Candidates for vocations

Police officers

Armed Forces

All 1st responders

Father Steve and Family

29.  Closing Prayer:  The closing prayers were offered at 8:59 PM.

30.  Closing Ode:  The Council dispensed with the closing ode.

31.  Meeting Adjourned:  The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Closing Reminders:  April 2 Pancake Breakfast

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Grube, Recording Secretary

For The Good of The Order – March 14, 2017

Those for whom prayers are requested:

Joe & Dan Vorderbruggen

Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan on the passing of Susan’s father

Father Marty Fleming

Dick Hargarten

Jerry Sisk

Dave Brinza

George Laurance

Deacon Sam Catapano

Gary Collyard

Earl Forrence

Polly Novack

Ava (family member of Jason Touw’s fiancé)

Jean Roozendaal on the passing of her husband Fritz

Those preparing for marriage

Those in troubled marriages

The unborn and pro-life

Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis

Bishops, Priests and Religous of the Archdiocese of St. Paul – Minneapolis

Troubled youth

In thanksgiving for prayers answered

For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers

Candidates for vocations

Police officers

Armed forces

All 1st responders

Knights of Columbus Council Meeting Minutes of February 14, 2017

1.   The February 14, 2017 Council meeting was called to order at 7:32 PM by GK Stumpf

2.  Warden’s Report on Membership Cards by Jim Grube in the absence of Jason Touw

3.  Opening Prayer offered by GK Stumpf

4.  Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Chaplain Vacant      V Advocate Tom Silver      P
Grand Knight Dave Stumpf      P Warden Jason Touw      A
Deputy Grand Knight John Rode      P Inside Guard Jose Rodriguez-Belerra      A
Chancellor Eugene Dust      P 7:38PM Outside Guard Pat Karn      A
Recorder Jim Grube      P Trustee 3 yr Bill Swing      A
Financial Secretary Edward Hagerty      A Trustee 2 yr Earl Forrence      P
Treasurer Mark Mertens      A Trustee 1 yr Daniel Cincoski      P
Lecturer Martin Dehen      P Present:  8 Absent:  6

6.  Non-Officer Council Members in Attendance (11 members present for votes)

David Novack, Jeff Sarles, Rob Sarles

7.  Knights of Columbus Guests: 

District Deputy Tom Mechels

8.  Opening Ode:  The Council members dispensed with the opening ode.

9.  Chaplain’s Report:  None

10.  Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting:

With a revision to the number of Council members from 113 to 133, the record of Council finances and actions of the January 10, 2017 General Membership meeting were approved.

11.  Report of Admission Committee and Reading of Applications:  No report

12.  Balloting for Membership (new, readmission. reapplications, transfers): 

13.  Initiations:  None

14.  Grand Knight’s Report

 15.  Treasurer’s Report

The Council account balance is $6,061.57 as of January 30, 2017.  Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was Approved.

16.  Financial Secretary’s Report:  Total Receipts reported for the period:  $2,312.00 (3 batches:  $1,237.00, $885.00 and $190.00); Total Disbursements reported for the period:  $778.97 (3 Vouchers:   $179.00, $99.97 and $500.00).

Motion to accept the Financial Secretary’s report – Approved

Motion to pay the Council bills – Approved

17.  Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouchers for Deposit – See Financial Secretary’s Report, #16 above.

18.  Report of Auditors and Trustees – No report

19.  Chancellor’s Report on Vocations – No report

20.  Service Program Committee Reports

Program Director:  Dave Stumpf – No report

Church Director:  Earl Forrence – No report

Vocations:  Tom Silver reported that Emily Goedtke, niece of Parishioner Lucy Backman is going to Stuebenville, Ohio to enter the Franciscan Order as a Nun.  Our prayers go out to Emily as she begins her journey.

Council Service Director:  Ed Ayd – No report

Culture of Life  Director:  Unassigned – No report

Public Relations:  Jason Touw – No report

Family Service Director:  Jim Grube – No report

Youth Activity Director:  Unassigned – No report

Membership:  Dan Cincoski reported the Council membership stands at 134, with 55 Insurance members and 79 Associate members, as of February 1, 2017

Recruitment:  John Rode – No report

Retention:  Jim Grube – No report

Lecturer:  Marty Dehen – No report

HNOJ Life Commission:  Tom Silver – No report

21.  Report of the Round Table Chairman – Not applicable

22.  Report of Standing Committees – No report

23.  Unfinished Business

  1. Cinnamon Roll Sale:  Tom Silver reported 15 Knights assisted in the preparation of the rolls and offered a special thank you to the 15 students of Benilde St. Margaret’s that also helped.  Tom reported the estimated profit to be spread among seven pro-life organizations will be $3,800 to $3,900.
  2. Council Sponsored Free Throw Contest of January 28, 2017:  Earl Forrence reported 14 Holy Name of Jesus students participated in the contest with the youngest student being six years old.  Earl anticipated most of the 14 will advance to the District competition on February 18th.
  3. Kitchen Fund:  Motion to distribute $1,500 to the kitchen fund was Approved.
  4. Fraternal Survey:  The Council report was completed and submitted.  District Deputy Tom Mechels reported he completed the Special Needs report on behalf of the Council.

24. New Business

1.  Pennies for Seminarians/Jim Campbell Fund:  Motion to contribute $134 to both the funds for a total $268 was Approved

2.  KC District Free Throw Contest of February 11, 2017:  The District competition will begin at 2:00 PM at the Holy Name of Jesus gymnasium.  Earl Forrence will coordinate the competition.  Dave Stumpf report the Mound Council students will join the competition because they are unable to compete in their District.

3.  Holy Name Newcomer Welcome Dinner of February 23, 2017:  10 Knights have volunteered to serve the dinner, with attendance expected to be 75.  Volunteers are to be in the kitchen by 5:15 PM and wear KC shirts (subsequently revised to dress shirts with black slacks and dress shoes by Nate).

4.  Rosaries for RCIA Candidates:  Earl Forrence reported we have enough white and black rosaries for the candidates.  Dave Stumpf will find out when the candidates will be discussing the rosary so Earl can be present to hand out the rosaries.

5.  Pancake Breakfast RCIA Brunch of March 5, 2017:  This will be the first time we serve the RCIA brunch together with the pancake breakfast.  Dave Stumpf will confirm the expected food needs for the RCIA brunch.

6.  Seafood Buffet Food Preparation on March 4, 2017 From 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM:  Lani Schlundt will coordinate the buffet and the food preparation.  Greg Hegi and Steve Zylla will help with the cooking and baking.

7.  KC Audit Report Due in February:  Signatures of the Trustees will be required in order to have the report released.

8.  Friday Evening Movie Night:  Earl Forrence reported the Friday Evening Movie Night will resume in May.  Motion to provide up to $25 for the purchase and shipping of a “John Paul II Liberating Two Continents” DVD was Approved.

9.  KC Pens:  A new shipment of pens has been received.  Earl Forrence will deliver them to HNOJ staff for distribution and bring some for Council members at the March Council meeting.

25.  Report of the Fourth Degree: 

Dan Cincoski reported the next exemplification is to be April 22/23 in Mankato.

26.  Field Agent’s Report:  David Novack volunteered to help the Council with the development of our award applications.  Dave stressed to the Council the importance of having proper long term care coverage as the cost of long term care can be devastating.

27.  District Deputy’s Report:  Thomas Mechels reported that the Holy Family Icon will  be in the District in March and April.  It is currently scheduled to be in our Parish March 20 to April 2.  Tom also reported that the state convention will be May 19-21 at the Brooklyn Park Marriott.  Finally Tom mentioned he will be picking up tootsie rolls for the District.

28.  Good of the Order:

Joe & Dan Vorderbruggen

Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan on the passing of her father

Father Marty Fleming

Dick Hargarten

Jerry Sisk

George Laurance

Deacon Sam Catapano

Lee Ann Silver (Tom Silver’s wife)

Gary Collyard

Earl Forrence

Polly Novack

Frank Renshaw’s wife Madeline

Ava (family member of Jason Touw’s fiancé)

Dan Delmore of Gearty-Delmore Funeral Home on the passing of his father Bob

Jean Roozendaal on the passing of her husband Fritz

Those preparing for marriage

Those in troubled marriages

The unborn and pro-life

Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis

Bishops and Priests of the Archdiocese of St. Paul – Minneapolis

Troubled youth

In thanksgiving for prayers answered

For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers

Candidates for vocations

Police officers

Armed forces

All 1st responders

29.  Closing Prayer:  The closing prayers were offered at 8:37 PM.

30.  Closing Ode:  The Council dispensed with the closing ode.

31.  Meeting Adjourned:  The meeting was adjourned at 8:39 PM.

Closing Reminders: 

  1. Holy Name Newcomer Welcome Dinner on February 23rd
  2. Pancake Breakfast/RCIA Brunch on March 5
  3. Seafood Buffet Preparation – March 9 and Buffet – March 10

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Grube, Recording Secretary

For the Good of the Order – February 14, 2017

Those for whom prayers are requested:

Joe & Dan Vorderbruggen

Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan on the passing of Susan’s father

Father Marty Fleming

Dick Hargarten

Jerry Sisk

George Laurance

Deacon Sam Catapano

Lee Ann Silver (Tom Silver’s wife)

Gary Collyard

Earl Forrence

Polly Novack

Frank Renshaw’s wife Madeline

Ava (family member of Jason Touw’s fiancé)

Dan Delmore of Gearty-Delmore Funeral Home on the passing of his father Bob

Jean Roozendaal on the passing of her husband Fritz

Those preparing for marriage

Those in troubled marriages

The unborn and pro-life

Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis

Bishops and Priests of the Archdiocese of St. Paul – Minneapolis

Troubled youth

In thanksgiving for prayers answered

For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers

Candidates for vocations

Police officers

Armed forces

All 1st responders

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If you have any questions about our Council and would like to talk to someone, email us at [email protected] and we’ll get back with you.

If you are ready to join, click here Join Here  and complete the form.  Be sure to enter our Council# 13096 when filling it out.