For the Good of the Order – January 10, 2017

Those for whom prayers are requested:

Joe & Dan Vorderbruggen

Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan

Father Marty Fleming

Dick Hargarten

Jerry Sisk

George Laurance

Deacon Sam Catapano

Lee Ann Silver (Tom Silver’s wife)

Gary Collyard

Earl Forrence

Polly Novack

Frank Renshaw’s wife Madeline

Ava (family member of Jason Touw’s fiancé)

Those preparing for marriage

Those in troubled marriages

The unborn and pro-life

Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis

Bishops and Priests of the Archdiocese of St. Paul – Minneapolis

Troubled youth

In thanksgiving for prayers answered

For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers

Candidates for vocations

Police officers

Armed forces

All 1st responders

Knights of Columbus Council Meeting Minutes of January 10, 2017

1.   The January 10, 2017 Council meeting was called to order at 7:38 PM by GK Stumpf

2.  Warden’s Report on Membership Cards by Jason Touw

3.  Opening Prayer offered by GK Stumpf

4.  Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Chaplain Vacant      V Advocate Tom Silver   P- 8:07 PM  
Grand Knight Dave Stumpf      P Warden Jason Touw      P
Deputy Grand Knight John Rode      P Inside Guard Jose Rodriguez-Belerra      A
Chancellor Eugene Dust      P Outside Guard Pat Karn      A
Recorder Jim Grube      P Trustee 3 yr Bill Swing      P
Financial Secretary Edward Hagerty      P Trustee 2 yr Earl Forrence      A
Treasurer Mark Mertens      P Trustee 1 yr Daniel Cincoski      P
Lecturer Martin Dehen      P Present:  11 Absent:  3

6.  Non-Officer Council Members in Attendance (11 members present for votes)

7.  Knights of Columbus Guests: 

8.  Opening Ode:  The Council members dispensed with the opening ode.

9.  Chaplain’s Report:  None

10.  Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting:

Record of Council finances and actions of the November 8, 2016 General Membership meeting were approved.

11.  Report of Admission Committee and Reading of Applications:  No report

12.  Balloting for Membership (new, readmission. reapplications, transfers): 

13.  Initiations:  None

14.  Grand Knight’s Report

 15.  Treasurer’s Report

The Council account balance is $8,156.80 as of December 31, 2016.  Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was Approved.

16.  Financial Secretary’s Report:  Total Receipts reported for the period:  $3,654.00 (5 batches:  $192.50, $47.00, $1,212.96, $423.54 and $1,778.00); Total Disbursements reported for the period:  $4,732.98 (14 Vouchers:  $100.00, $41.59, $125.00, $527.56, $374.10, $30.00, $1,487.74, $112.80, $400.00, $400.00, $400.00, $22.20, $53.63 and $658.36).

Motion to accept the Financial Secretary’s report – Approved

Motion to pay the Council bills – Approved

17.  Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouchers for Deposit – See Financial Secretary’s Report, #16 above.

18.  Report of Auditors and Trustees – No report

19.  Chancellor’s Report on Vocations – No report

20.  Service Program Committee Reports

Program Director:  Dave Stumpf – No report

Church Director:  Earl Forrence – No report

Vocations:  Tom Silver –  No report

Council Service Director:  Ed Ayd – No report

Culture of Life  Director:  Unassigned – No report

Public Relations:  Jason Touw reported the Marketing Subcommittee still needs help from the Council membership.

Family Service Director:  Jim Grube – No report

Youth Activity Director:  Unassigned – No report

Membership:  Dan Cincoski – Dan reported that membership records as of January 10, 2017 indicate the Council had 133 members, 54 Insurance members and 79 Associate members.

Recruitment:  John Rode – No report

Retention:  Jim Grube – No report

Lecturer:  Marty Dehen – No report

HNOJ Life Commission:  Tom Silver reported on an upcoming Pastoral Care Meeting on February 11th from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM.  Tom reported Joe Vorderbruggen and he are involved in this effort, and Tom further reported that support for the pastoral care initiative has fallen over the past many years.

21.  Report of the Round Table Chairman – Not applicable

22.  Report of Standing Committees – No report

23.  Unfinished Business

  1. Coats for Kids:  Grand Knight Stumpf and Jason Touw delivered the coats to Interfaith Outreach.
  2. Fire for Discipleship:  Attendees at the December 14th fire were Joe Floeder, John Rode, Bill Swing, Grand Knight Stumpf and Earl Forrence.
  3. Memorial Mass:  Grand Knight Stumpf represented the Council at the Mass held at St. Anne’s Catholic Church in Hamel on November 17th.
  4. District Meeting:  The meeting was held at Holy Name of Jesus on December 8th.
  5. Christmas Party Recap: 59 members sent an RSVP response and 54 attended, while 55 were paid for.  Receipts for the party amounted to $959.01.  While the cost to the Council was approximately $1,000 in 2015, preliminary figures indicate the cost to the Council may be approximately $600 in 2016.  Attendees agreed the food was great.  Areas for improvement were:  RSVP should indicate responders should note dietary needs; and, there should be greater clarity on the intent of a “White Elephant” gift exchange if it is to occur again.
  6. Christmas Eve Parking:  Agreement was reached that this event needs to be put on the calendar sooner so we can get volunteers ahead of the event.  The Friday morning men’s group is owed a debt of thanks for making this a success for the Parish.
  7. Pancake Breakfast Proceeds Kitchen Fund:  This item has been continued to the February Council meeting.

24. New Business

1.  Website Malware:  Jason Touw reported the Council website may have been infected via the website host provider.

2.  Fraternal Survey:  The survey is to be sent out to the membership, with updates on volunteer time needed by January 24th.

3.  Cinnamon Rolls for Pro Life:  Tom Silver reported the 27th annual cinnamon roll sale will be January 21/22, (with preliminary work to start on Friday, January 20) and is again sponsored by “A Community Caring for Life”.  Tom is to email a flyer  once Jason is able to get the form to Tom.  Tom reported General Mills is no longer able to allow employees to purchase the roll dough at a discount, so Tom is seeking another source.

4.  KC Free Throw Contest:  The Council sponsored contest is scheduled for January 28th from 1:30-3:30 PM.  Earl Forrence  will coordinate the event with the Wayzata Council.  Bill Swing will send a copy of the flyer to Jason for him to advertise the event.

5.  KC District Free Throw Contest:  The District sponsored contest is scheduled for February 11th from 1:30-3:30 PM at Holy Name of Jesus.  Earl Forrence will again coordinate the event.

6.  Seafood Buffet:  This event is scheduled for March 10th and is to be coordinated by Lani Schlundt.

7.  Pancake Breakfast/RCIA Brunch:  This event is scheduled for March 5th.

25.  Report of the Fourth Degree: 

Dan Cincoski reported the next exemplification is to be April 22/23 in Mankato.

26.  Field Agent’s Report:  David Novack – No report

27.  District Deputy’s Report:  Thomas Mechels – No report

28.  Good of the Order:

Joe & Dan Vorderbruggen

Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan

Father Marty Fleming

Dick Hargarten

Jerry Sisk

George Laurance

Deacon Sam Catapano

Lee Ann Silver (Tom Silver’s wife)

Gary Collyard

Earl Forrence

Polly Novack

Frank Renshaw’s wife Madeline

Ava (family member of Jason Touw’s fiancé)

Those preparing for marriage

Those in troubled marriages

The unborn and pro-life

Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis

Bishops and Priests of the Archdiocese of St. Paul – Minneapolis

Troubled youth

In thanksgiving for prayers answered

For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers

Candidates for vocations

Police officers

Armed forces

All 1st responders

29.  Closing Prayer:  The closing prayers were offered at 8:49 PM.

30.  Closing Ode:  The Council dispensed with the closing ode.

31.  Meeting Adjourned:  The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 PM.

Closing Reminders: The Cinnamon Roll activity – January 20-22

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Grube, Recording Secretary

Knights of Columbus Council Meeting Minutes of November 8, 2016

Date:  November 8, 2016

1.   The Council meeting was called to order at 7:34   PM by GK Stumpf

2.  Warden’s Report on Membership Cards by Jason Touw

3.  Opening Prayer offered by GK Stumpf

4.  Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Chaplain Vacant      V Advocate Tom Silver      P
Grand Knight Dave Stumpf      P Warden Jason Touw      P
Deputy Grand Knight John Rode      P Inside Guard Jose Rodriguez-Belerra      A
Chancellor Eugene Dust      A Outside Guard Pat Karn      A
Recorder Jim Grube      P Trustee 3 yr Bill Swing      P
Financial Secretary Edward Hagerty      P Trustee 2 yr Earl Forrence      A
Treasurer Mark Mertens      A Trustee 1 yr Daniel Cincoski      P
Lecturer Martin Dehen      P Present:  9 Absent:  5

6.  Non-Officer Council Members in Attendance (9 members present for votes)

7.  Knights of Columbus Guests: 

8.  Opening Ode:  The Council members dispensed with the opening ode.

9.  Chaplain’s Report:  None

10.  Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting:

Record of Council finances and actions of the October 11, 2016 General Membership meeting were approved.

11.  Report of Admission Committee and Reading of Applications:  Motion to accept the application of Steven Thompson (sponsored by Dan Cincoski) was approved.

12.  Balloting for Membership (new, readmission. reapplications, transfers): 

13.  Initiations:  None

14.  Grand Knight’s Report

 15.  Treasurer’s Report

The Council account balance is $5,292.75 as of November 8, 2016.Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was Approved.

16.  Financial Secretary’s Report:  Five members still owe dues for the year.Total Receipts reported for the period:  $192.50Total Disbursements reported for the period:  $794.15 ( 4 Vouchers:  $100.00. $41.00, $125.00 and $527.56)

Motion to accept the Financial Secretary’s report – Approved

Motion to pay the Council bills – Approved

17.  Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouchers for Deposit – See Financial Secretary’s Report, #16 above.

18.  Report of Auditors and Trustees – No report

19.  Chancellor’s Report on Vocations – No report

20.  Service Program Committee Reports

Program Director:  Dave Stumpf – No report

Church Director:  Earl Forrence – No report

Vocations:  Tom Silver reported that during the Serra Club meeting on Friday he intends to offer comments on how to get youth interested in religious vocations.  Jason Touw noted 3 or 4 youth interest in vocations are going to attend the Archbishop’s dinner on November 8th .  Kory LaCroix  will be taking them.

Council Service Director:  Ed Ayd – No report

Culture of Life  Director:  Unassigned – No report

Public Relations:  Jason Touw – No report

Family Service Director:  Jim Grube – No report

Youth Activity Director:  Unassigned – No report

Membership:  Dan Cincoski – No report

Recruitment:  John Rode – No report

Retention:  Jim Grube – No report

Lecturer:  Marty Dehen – No report

HNOJ Life Commission:  Earl Forrence/Tom Silver – No report

21.  Report of the Round Table Chairman – Not applicable

22.  Report of Standing Committees – No report

23.  Unfinished Business

  1. Divine Mercy Image – Dan Cincoski reported the image has arrived, but a location for its exhibition has yet to be determined.
  2. Christmas Party Dec.13th – Forster’s Catering will again cater the event at Vic Tarnowski’s home.  The members selected beef as the main course with a cost of $18.45/plate (compared to $26.10/plate in 2015).  Tom Silver will supply coffee and Jose Rodriguez-Belerra will supply water.  John Rode will rent the chairs (43 were rented in 2015).  The cost of providing the postcard invitations was $53.63 ($49.63 for postage and $7.00 for cutting).   Members will be able to pay via PayPal or cash/check.
  3. Pancake Breakfast –  November 13th with proceeds going to the Kitchen Fund.
  4. Memorial Mass St. Anne’s Nov.17th 7 pm.
  5.  Coats for kids delivery – Grand Knight Stumpf will deliver the coats.
  6. Marketing – Jason Touw  reported that malware had infected the web site.  GoDaddy helped Jason clean the site.
  7. Pro-Life Donation – Motion to donate $400 to the following organizations:  Cradle of Hope; Archdiocese of St. Paul – Minneapolis; Southwest Options for Women – Approved

24. New Business

1. Star Council Award – Will be presented by David Whatmuff of the State Council at the November 9th Fine Dining at 6:00 PM.

2. Special Olympics – Will be held November  11th-13th where it is expected that 2,000 athletes will participate.

3. Rosaries for Chapel – Motion – to provide 15 each (black and white) – Approved

4. Fire for Discipleship December14th from  8:00 to 9:00 PM – This issue was tabled.

5. District Meeting – Will be at Holy Name December 8th at 7:00 PM.

25.  Report of the Fourth Degree: 

Dan Cincoski reported the next exemplification is to be April 22/23 in Mankato

26.  Field Agent’s Report:  David Novack – No report

27.  District Deputy’s Report:  Thomas Mechels – No report

28.  Good of the Order:

Joe & Dan Vorderbruggen

Karyl Walcher on the passing of his wife Judy

Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan

Father Marty Fleming

Dick Hargarten

Jerry Sisk

George Laurance

Deacon Sam Catapano

Jim Lannan

Gary Collyard

Earl Forrence

Polly Novack

Frank Renshaw’s wife Madeline

Patrick Silver (Tom Silver’s brother)

Ava (family member of Jason Touw’s fiancé)

Those preparing for marriage

Those in troubled marriages

The unborn and pro-life

Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis

Bishops and Priests of the Archdiocese of St. Paul – Minneapolis

Troubled youth

In thanksgiving for prayers answered

For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers

Candidates for vocations

Police officers

Armed forces

All 1st responders

Fall Retreat Participants

29.  Closing Prayer:  The closing prayers were offered at  8:28  PM.

30.  Closing Ode:  The Council dispensed with the closing ode.

31.  Meeting Adjourned:  The meeting was adjourned at 8:29 PM.

Closing Reminders: Pancake Breakfast on November 13th.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Grube, Recording Secretary

For The Good of The Order – November 8, 2016

Those for whom prayers are requested:

Joe & Dan Vorderbruggen

Karyl Walcher on the passing of his wife Judy

Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan

Father Marty Fleming

Dick Hargarten

Jerry Sisk

George Laurance

Deacon Sam Catapano

Patrick Silver (Tom Silver’s brother)

Jim Lannan

Gary Collyard

Earl Forrence

Polly Novack

Frank Renshaw’s wife Madeline

Ava (family member of Jason Touw’s fiancé)

Fall Retreat Participants

Those preparing for marriage

Those in troubled marriages

The unborn and pro-life

Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis

Bishops and Priests of the Archdiocese of St. Paul – Minneapolis

Troubled youth

In thanksgiving for prayers answered

For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers

Candidates for vocations

Police officers

Armed forces

All 1st responders

Knights of Columbus Council Meeting Minutes of October 11, 2016

Date: October 11, 2016

  • The Council meeting was called to order at 7:26 PM by GK Stumpf
  • Warden’s Report on Membership Cards by Jason Touw
  • Opening Prayer offered by GK Stumpf
  • Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
  • Roll Call of Officers:
Chaplain Vacant      V Advocate Tom Silver      P
Grand Knight Dave Stumpf      P Warden Jason Touw      P
Deputy Grand Knight John Rode      P Inside Guard Jose Roriguez-Belerra      P
Chancellor Eugene Dust      P Outside Guard Pat Karn      A
Recorder Jim Grube      P Trustee 3 yr Bill Swing      P
Financial Secretary Edward Hagerty      P Trustee 2 yr Earl Forrence      P
Treasurer Mark Mertens      P Trustee 1 yr Daniel Cincoski      P
Lecturer Martin Dehen      P Present:  13 Absent:  1

6.  Non-Officer Council Members in Attendance ( member present for votes)

Deacon Dennis Hanson

Kent Krager

Field Agent David Novack

7.  Knights of Columbus Guests: 

8.  Opening Ode:  The Council members dispensed with the opening ode.

9.  Chaplain’s Report:  None

10.  Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting:

Record of Council finances and actions of the September 13, 2016 General Membership meeting were  amended to correct the spelling of the name of Chancellor Eugene Dust and were approved.

11.  Report of Admission Committee and Reading of Applications:

12.  Balloting for Membership (new, readmission. reapplications, transfers):  Motion – Approve an application for membership from George Brockway from Slayton Council 2587, who is officially inactive – Approved.

13.  Initiations:  None

14.  Grand Knight’s Report

Deacon Dennis Hanson reported on housing needs in the area.  Deacon Dennis reported Interfaith Outreach Community Partners (IOCP) is serving 4,300 families regionally with 77% of the families residing in Plymouth.  63 different languages are spoken in the homes IOCP serves.  2,184 households are in need of special assistance, and at least 409 individuals are homeless and 100 families need rental assistance. Deacon Dennis also reported that the rental vacancy rate is 2% while 5.5% is considered a full rental market.  The wait for Section 8 housing assistance is 2 to 3 years.  IOCP is a service provider for 128 apartments in 9 multi-housing buildings.  “Beacon” development is working with IOCP to open other multi-housing  buildings.  Beacon already has 27 locations across the metro that serve households in need,

Wayzata Community Church has collected $500,000 in congregation pledges to support the area housing program.  Holy Name of Jesus supports the housing initiative and will send a faith filled letter of support to IOCP.

Finally, Deacon Dennis reported that the first 3 years of earning for teachers and police officers actually place them below the poverty level.  51% of the regional households whose incomes are below the poverty level are in the suburbs.

Deacon Dennis reported that the “Fire for Discipleship” will be December 14 from 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM.  The 2016 pledge goal is $27,000.  Motion for the Knights to take the 8:00 to 9:00 PM hour for prayer for vocations – Approved.

 15.  Treasurer’s Report

The Council account balance is $5,439.23 as of October 11, 2016 with an additional $253.95 receivable from PayPal.  It was noted that the income from the Pancake Breakfast was $1,775.98 plus an additional $15.00 via PayPal.  Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was Approved.

16.  Financial Secretary’s Report

Total Receipts reported for the period:  $2,005.22

Total Disbursements reported for the period:  $670.88 ( 3 Vouchers:  $193.38. $227.50 and $250.00)

Motion to accept the Financial Secretary’s report – Approved

Motion to pay the Council bills – Approved

17.  Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouchers for Deposit – See Financial Secretary’s Report, #16 above.

18.  Report of Auditors and Trustees – No report

19.  Chancellor’s Report on Vocations – No report

20.  Service Program Committee Reports

Program Director:  Dave Stumpf – No report

Church Director:  Earl Forrence – No report

Vocations:  Tom Silver – Tom reported there is a move to work with youth so they develop an awareness of the option of religious life as a commitment, and to help them become more comfortable with the concept.  Tom also noted that the Luke 18 retreat is the weekend of October 15/16.  Jason Touw reported he will be assisting with the retreat.

Council Service Director:  Ed Ayd – No report

Culture of Life  Director:  Unassigned – No report

Public Relations:  Jason Touw – No report

Family Service Director:  Jim Grube – No report

Youth Activity Director:  Unassigned – No report

Membership:  Dan Cincoski – No report

Recruitment:  John Rode – No report

Retention:  Jim Grube – 7 members have yet to renew their Council membership for 2016/2017

Lecturer:  Marty Dehen – No report

HNOJ Life Commission:  Earl Forrence/Tom Silver – No report

21.  Report of the Round Table Chairman – Not applicable

22.  Report of Standing Committees – No report

23.  Unfinished Business

Coats for Kids – Grand Knight Stumpf directed that the order should be placed for 12 coats each for boys and girls.

Divine Mercy Image – Dan Cincoski reported that the Image was ordered the first week of October.  It appears the Image will be placed on the Gathering Space wall adjacent to the Ushers Room.

Ball Field Update – Grand Knight Stumpf reported that work on the ball field pavers has been postponed to spring, 2017.

Shirt Update – Out of 50 shirts of the initial purchase, 33 have been sold.

Fall Festival Update – Dan Cincoski reported that 1,500 meat servings (hot dogs, brats, hamburgers, etc.) were purchased and over 500 of the servings were not sold.  Dan noted that $2,000 to $2,500 more in ticket sales occurred in 2016 compared to 2015.

24. New Business

Pro-Life Donation – It was noted that the net income for the Pancake Breakfast was $1,347, however no decision was made regarding the distribution of the profit.

Pancake Breakfast – Grand Knight Stumpf reported that the next Pancake Breakfast will be November 13.  The Kitchen Fund will be the recipient of the proceeds.

Christmas Party – The Christmas Party is scheduled for December 13, and it is to be help at Vic Tarnowski’s home.  The cost will be $20/person in 2016, the same as 2015.  It was agreed that this year’s gift exchange will be limited to $5.00 “White Elephants”.  Cindy Forster offered to cater the event at 2015 prices, but it was agreed we could reduce the number of offerings and eliminate coffee as a beverage. Bill Swing will work with Cindy.  We will rent chairs for the event, as we have in the past.

Marketing – Jason Touw reported that the email open rate is approximately 40%.  The highest link is to images, with 57% to pictures.  22% is to minutes.  We have 127 email addresses of Council members so Jason needs 48 to 72 hours to organize a release to the membership.  Finally, Jason noted he will be having the first Marketing Committee meeting at 7:00 PM on October 25th.

Free Throw Contest – The Wayzata Council will coordinate with us as they have in the past.  The local contest will occur January 28th from 1:30 to 3:30 PM.  The district contest will occur February 4th from 10:00 AM to noon.  The contests will again be held at Holy Name of Jesus.

Wayzata Council Memorial Mass – the Mass will be on November 17 at 7:00 PM at St. Anne’s Catholic Church.  Members were reminded Jerry Driscoll was the only member to pass away in the last year.

Senior High Crew – The Crew will hold its retreat November 11 – 13.  70 to 100 teens are expected to participate in the retreat.

25.  Report of the Fourth Degree: 

The next exemplification is scheduled for October 29 in Detroit Lakes.

The Nicollet Council will have its Memorial Mass on November 17 at Holy Name of Jesus.

26.  Field Agent’s Report:  David Novack – Dave reminded the members that he does have long term care policies he can provide for the members.  Dave also reminded the members to remember and pray for the fraternity of the Knights of Columbus.

27.  District Deputy’s Report:  Thomas Mechels – No report

28.  Good of the Order:

Joe & Dan Vorderbruggen

Karyl Walcher on the passing of his wife Judy

Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan

Father Marty Fleming

Dick Hargarten

Jerry Sisk

George Laurance

Deacon Sam Catapano

Jim Lannan

Gary Collyard

Earl Forrence

Polly Novack

Frank Renshaw’s wife Madeline

Father Dennis Touw (Jason Touw’s uncle who is Pastor of a Parish in England) who has health issues

Luke 18 participants

Those preparing for marriage

Those in troubled marriages

The unborn and pro-life

Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis

Bishops and Priests of the Archdiocese of St. Paul – Minneapolis

Troubled youth

In thanksgiving for prayers answered

For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers

Candidates for vocations

Police officers

Armed forces

All 1st responders

The upcoming election

29.  Closing Prayer:  The closing prayers were offered at  9:21 PM.

30.  Closing Ode:  The Council dispensed with the closing ode.

31.  Meeting Adjourned:  The meeting was adjourned at 9:22 PM.

Closing Reminders: Don’t forget to Vote!

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Grube, Recording Secretary

For the Good of the Order – September 13, 2016

Those for whom prayers are requested:

Joe & Dan Vorderbruggen

Dan Cincoski

Karyl Walcher on the passing of his wife Judy

Paul Silver (Tom’s brother)

Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan

Ann Cole (John Rode’s Mother-in-Law) on her passing on July 3rd

Father Marty Fleming

Dick Hargarten

Jerry Sisk

George Laurance

Deacon Sam Catapano

Kao Pafoua Yang

Jim Lannan

Gary Collyard

Earl Forrence

Father John Swing (Bill Swing’s brother)

Father Dennis Touw (Jason Touw’s uncle who is Pastor of a Parish in England) who has health issues

Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis

Bishops and Priests of the Archdiocese of St. Paul – Minneapolis

Father Michael McGivney

Troubled youth

In thanksgiving for prayers answered

For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers

Candidates for vocations

Police officers

Armed forces

All 1st responders

For the Good of the Order – August 9, 2016

Those for whom prayers are requested:

Joe & Dan Vorderbruggen

Dan Cincoski

Karyl Walcher on the passing of his wife Judy

Paul Silver (Tom’s brother)

Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan

Ann Cole (John Rode’s Mother-in-Law) on her passing on July 3rd

Father Marty Fleming

Dick Hargarten

Jerry Sisk

George Laurance

Deacon Sam Catapano

Kao Pafoua Yang

Jim Lannan

Gary Collyard

Earl Forrence

Father John Swing (Bill Swing’s brother)

Frank Renshaw’s wife Madeline

Father Dennis Touw (Jason Touw’s uncle who is Pastor of a Parish in England) who has health issues

Bill Jasper, a member of the Bloomington Council (friend of Jason Touw)

Robert Weinzierl Senior

Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis

Bishops and Priests of the Archdiocese of St. Paul – Minneapolis

Father Michael McGivney

Troubled youth

In thanksgiving for prayers answered

For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers

Candidates for vocations

Police officers

Armed forces

All 1st responders

For the Good of the Order

Those for whom prayers are requested:

Joe & Dan Vorderbruggen

Dan Cincoski

Ed Silver family on his passing (Tom Silver’s brother)

Paul Silver (Tom’s brother) on recent bypass surgery

Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan

Ann Cole(John Rode’s Mother-in-Law) on her passing on July 3rd

Father Marty Fleming

Dick Hargarten

Jerry Sisk

George Laurance

Deacon Sam Catapano

Kao Pafoua Yang

Jim Lannan

Gary Collyard

Earl Forrence

Father John Swing (Bill Swing’s brother) who has stage 4 cancer

Frank Renshaw’s wife Madeline

Dennis Touw (Jason Touw’s uncle) who has health issues

Bill Jasper, a member of the Bloomington Council (friend of Jason Touw)

Robert Weinzierl Senior

Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis

Bishops and Priests of the Archdiocese of St. Paul – Minneapolis

Trouble youth

In thanksgiving for prayers answered

For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers

Candidates for vocations

Police officers

Armed forces

All 1st responders

Knights of Columbus Council Meeting Minutes of July 12, 2016


Date: July 12, 2016

  • The Council meeting was called to order at 7:37 by GK Stumpf
  • Warden’s Report on Membership Card by Jason Touw
  • Opening Prayer offered by GK Stumpf
  • Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
  • Roll Call of Officers:
Chaplain Vacant Advocate Tom Silver P
Grand Knight Dave Stumpf P Warden Jason Touw P
Deputy Grand Knight John Rode P Inside Guard Jose Roriguez-


Chancellor Eugene Dust A Outside Guard Pat Karn P
Recorder Jim Grube P Trustee 3 yr Bill Swing  P
Financial Secretary Edward Hagerty P Trustee 2 yr Earl Forrence P 8:25
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 yr Daniel Cincoski P
Lecturer Martin Dehen A Present: 11 Absent: 3

6,  Non-Officer Council Members in Attendance (12 member present for votes)

Mark Pedote

7.  Knights of Columbus Guests:  None

8.  Opening Ode:  The opening ode was sung by Council members present

9.  Chaplain’s Report:  None

10.  Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting:

Record of Council finances and actions of the June 14, 2016 General Membership meeting were revised as follows: the Council account balance as of May 27, 2016 was $5,894.68; the Inside Guard name was changed to Jose Rodriguez-Belerra; and, the Public Relations Committee Chair is Jason Touw, and approved as amended.

11.  Report of Admission Committee and Reading of Applications:  No report

12.  Balloting for Membership (new, readmission. reapplications, transfers):  No action

13.  Initiations:  None

14.  Grand Knight’s Report

Kathy Jordan sent a thank-you note to the Council for its donation of 80 rosaries to NPH.

The 43rd annual KC softball tournament is scheduled for August  27 & 28.

Grand Knight Stumpf volunteered to serve as Program Director.

 15.  Treasurer’s Report

The Council account balance is $5,974.73 as of June 30, 2016.  Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was Approved.

16.  Financial Secretary’s Report

Edward Haggerty reported he has received a copy of the Parish calendar so the Council can coordinate the Council’s activities with those of the Parish.

Total Receipts reported for the period:  $290.00.

Total Disbursements reported for the period:  $972.66 (4 Vouchers:  $300.00, $186.91, $109.00 and $376.75).

Motion to accept the Financial Secretary’s report – Approved

Motion to pay the Council bills – Approved

17.  Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouchers for Deposit – See Financial Secretary’s Report, #16 above.

18.  Report of Auditors and Trustees – No report

19.  Chancellor’s Report on Vocations – No report

20.  Service Program Committee Reports

Program Director:  Dave Stumpf – No report

Church Director:  Earl Forrence – No report

Vocations:  Tom Silver – Tom reported that Warren Vala, who works for General Mills donated 5 cases of pancake mix to the Council, and in addition, donated 4 boxes himself.

Council Service Director:  Ed Ayd – No report

Culture of Life  Director:  Unassigned – No report

Public Relations:  Jason Touw:  Jason reported that viewing of the Council website continues to grow.  He reported that the highest open rate of email blasts is 7:00 AM.

Family Service Director:  Jim Grube – No report

Youth Activity Director:  Unassigned – No report

Membership:  Dan Cincoski – No report

Recruitment:  John Rode – No report

Retention:  Jim Grube – 10 members have yet to renew their Council membership for 2016/2017

Lecturer:  Marty Dehen – No report

HNOJ Life Commission:  Earl Forrence/Tom Silver – No report

21.  Report of the Round Table Chairman – Not applicable

22.  Report of Standing Committees – No report

23.  Unfinished Business

Prieze (Mark Pedote):  Mark again presented to the Council the concept of Council members becoming life coaches for people of the Parish, and demonstrated an application/tool concept to help a life coach identify social/personal issues for those who are being coached.  Mark stressed that listening is very important to the coaching concept.  He indicated it takes about an hour to go through the tool and engage the person coached.  The tool itself requires the coached individual to identify how satisfied he/she is with a number of areas in life.  When complete, the tool tabulates which areas of the coached person’s life are in balance and satisfactory while also identifying areas where gaps exist.  The idea is to look at where gaps exist and discuss with the coached person what could be done to close the gaps and bring stability/greater satisfaction to his/her life.  After discussion, the Council elected to forego the development of a life coaching program at this time.

Name tags:  Jason Touw reported that officer name tags will be distributed at the August Council meeting.

Shirts:  The logo proof was offered for viewing and approval.  Motion to approve the proof – Approved.  It was noted that 6 Council members had expressed an interest in purchasing shirts in the July Council meeting.  A notice will be sent to the membership indicating the Council will take orders for shirts through July 31.  The anticipated cost will be $17.00/shirt.

Rummage sale:  It was reported that over $15,000 was taken in at this year’s rummage sale.  Grand Knight Stumpf thanked those who volunteered time to help make the rummage sale a success again this year.

24. New Business

Program reports:  Grand Knight Stumpf reported the Council reports are due and indicated he intended to report a status quo condition for activities and hours volunteered.

Caps:  Jason Touw exhibited the type of cap that could be purchased through Promotional Breezes with a setup cost of $60.00 and approximately $9.22/cap.  After discussion, the Council elected to forego action.

Event calendar:  Refer to #16 above where Edward Hagerty reported on his receipt of the Parish calendar.

District Meeting:  The next district meeting will be at 7:00 PM July 14 at Good Shepard Council in Golden Valley.

Divine Mercy Image:  Dan Cincoski reported he had spoken with Father Steve about the purchase of 2 images of the Holy Mother to be located in the Church at a place of Father’s choosing.  Motion to approve the expenditure of up to $525 for the purchase of images of the Holy Mother – Approved.

John Rode volunteered to serve as the Chair of the Recruitment Committee.

25.  Report of the Fourth Degree:  Exemplification will occur July 23 at 11:00 AM at Epiphany Church in Coon Rapids.  Lunch will follow.

26.  Field Agent’s Report:  David Novack – No report

27.  District Deputy’s Report:  Thomas Mechels – No report

28.  Good of the Order:

Joe & Dan Vorderbruggen

Dan Cincoski

Ed Silver family on his passing (Tom Silver’s brother)

Paul Silver (Tom’s brother) on recent bypass surgery

Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan

Ann Cole (John Rode’s Mother-in-Law) on her passing on July 3rd

Father Marty Fleming

Dick Hargarten

Jerry Sisk

George Laurance

Deacon Sam Catapano

Kao Pafoua Yang

Jim Lannan

Gary Collyard

Earl Forrence

Father John Swing (Bill Swing’s brother) who has stage 4 cancer

Frank Renshaw’s wife Madeline

Dennis Touw (Jason Touw’s uncle) who has health issues

Bill Jasper, a member of the Bloomington Council (friend of Jason Touw)

Robert Weinzierl Senior

Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis

Bishops and Priests of the Archdiocese of St. Paul – Minneapolis

Trouble youth

In thanksgiving for prayers answered

For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers

Candidates for vocations

Police officers

Armed forces

All 1st responders

30.  Closing Prayer:  The closing prayers were offered at 9:25 PM.

31.  Closing Ode:  The Council dispensed with the closing ode.

32.  Meeting Adjourned:  The meeting was adjourned at 9:26 PM.

Closing Reminders: None








Council Meeting Minutes of June 14, 2016

  • The Council meeting was called to order at 7:35 PM by GK Stumpf
  • Warden’s Report on Membership Card by Jason Touw
  • Opening Prayer offered by GK Stumpf
  • Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
  • Roll Call of Officers:
Chaplain Vacant Advocate Tom Silver    P
Grand Knight Dave Stumpf    P Warden Jason Touw    P
Deputy Grand Knight John Rode     P Inside Guard John Gooley    A
Chancellor Eugene Dust    P Outside Guard Pat Karn    P
Recorder Jim Grube    P Trustee 3 yr Bill Swing    P
Financial Secretary Edward Hagerty    A Trustee 2 yr Earl Forrence    P
Treasurer Mark Mertens    P Trustee 1 yr Daniel Cincoski    P
Lecturer Martin Dehen    A Present: 11 Absent: 3


  • Non-Officer Council Members in Attendance: (12 members present for votes)  David Stavitzski
    1. Knights of Columbus Guests:  None
    2. Opening Ode:  The Council dispensed with the Opening Ode
    3. Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting The Record of Council finances and actions of the April 12, 2016 General Membership meeting read by Recorder Jim Grube Approved
    4. Report of Admission Committee and Reading of Applications – None
    5. Report Balloting for Membership (new, readmission, reapplications, transfers)
    6. Initiations – None
    7. Initiations Grand Knight Report   a)  The Family of the Year Award was presented to the Anto Pitchiah family and the Knight of the Year Award was given to Jason Touw; .b)  Tootsie Roll sales update – the reported sales were $2,112.12. Angela Bernhardt of the Hammer Residences sent an email of thanks for the Council’s support of the North Stars Special Olympics team;  c)  Officer Installation – scheduled for June 16th St Georges Long Lake with Mass at 6:00 PM; d) the Council has 136 members: 52 insurance members and 84 associate members; e)Pancake breakfast proceeds – the reported sales were $1,524.35 plus $121.30 via PayPal for a $1,645.65 total; f) Officers for 2016-2017 were confirmed; g) Wanda Sweeney and the Jordan sent a thank you note for rosary donation to NPH and included a $50 donation to the Council. 
    8. Treasurer’s Report:  Council account balance $5,984.08 as of May 27, 2016.  Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report – Approved
    9. Financial Secretary Hagerty reported:  Total Receipts reported: $2,133.08 and total disbursements reported: $534.78 (2 Vouchers: $$221.71 and $313.07).  Motion to accept the Financial Secretary’s Report – Approved.  Motion made to pay bills – Approved
    10. Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouchers for Deposit.  See Financial Secretary’s Report – #9 above.
    11. Report of Auditors and Trustees:  No report
    12. Chancellor’s Report on Vocations:  No report
    13. Service Program Committee Reports – refer to attached GK Report
  1.  Program Director – Unassigned – No Report
  2. Church Director – Earl Forrence: No Report
  3. Vocations – Tom Silver reported that Lee Ann and he attended the ordination of nine new Priests in May. He reported there were five Bishops and over 180 people in attendance, Dan Cincoski participated as a member of the 4th  Tom also reported on the installation of Archbishop Bernard Hebda.
  4. Community Director – No Report
  5. Culture of Life – No Report
  6. Council Service – Ed Ayd: No Report.
  7. Public Relations – Unassigned: No Report.
  8. Family Service – Jim Grube: No Report.
  9. Youth Activity – Unassigned: No Report.
  10. Membership – Dan Cincoski: No Report
  11. Recruitment – Unassigned: No Report.
  12. Retention – Jim Grube: No Report
  13. Lecturer – Marty Dehen: No Report
  14. HNOJ Life Commission – Tom Silver, Earl Forrence: No Report

14.  Report of the Round Table Chairman:  Not Applicable

15.  Report of Standing Committees:  No Report

16.  Unfinished Business

  1. Rosaries: Earl Forrence and Jason Touw reported that 110 rosaries were handed out to teens at the recent retreat.  Earl also noted that 85 rosaries had been provided for delivery to NPH. Motion to purchase 200 glass rosaries to replenish our supply (100 blue and 100 crystal) Approved.  Tabled was discussion on the purchase of the other types of rosaries to replenish our supplies for other uses.
  2. New Business:  a)  Name tags: After much discussion, Motion Officers are to receive gold colored name tags with a raised KC emblem with the officer’s name and position included, and the Council name, number and city/state.  The name tag is to have a magnet instead of pin or clip.  The estimated cost is $8.50 each plus delivery through RSVP Enterprises Approved; b) Motion to draft a check to purchase 12 name tags for the officers, but not for Grand Knight Stumpf and Warden Touw because they have tags already Approved;  c) Motion that members may order name tags with the member paying 50% of the cost and the Council paying 50% Approved; d) Shirts: After much discussion, Motion to purchase 25 embroidered, dark blue (navy) shirts, by Promotional Breezes, Model ST 640, at $14.99/each plus a $60.00 setup charge for a $435 cost.  The shirts shall have the Good Samaritan Council #13096 information printed on the shirt with the Council’s website placed below the Council information.  The size distribution of small through extra-large  is to be determined Approved; e)  Caps: Tabled to July meeting; f) Officer installation: 6:00 PM June 16 at St. George’s of Long Lake; g) Parish Rummage sale: The rummage sale setup is scheduled for 1:00 to 4:00 PM June 19, 2016 and cleanup is scheduled for 12:00 to 3:00 PM June 25, 2016.  Help is needed for both setup and cleanup.  In addition, help is needed each night of the sale; h) Public relations: Jason Touw passed around a brochure that the Bloomington Council has used to introduce prospective members to the Knights of Columbus.  Jason also noted he has been in touch with Communications Committee members on how to share resources with one another.  Jason further noted that he posted a reminder to our Council members of the June Council meeting at 5:45 AM on June 14 and found that the greatest time of email opening for reading was at 7:00 AM.

17.  Report of the Fourth Degree:  The next Nicollet Council meeting is scheduled for July 23, 2016.

18.  Field Agent’s Report – David Novack:  No Report

19.  District Deputy’s Report – Thomas Mechels:  No Report

20.  Good of the Order

    1. Joe & Dan Vorderbruggen
    2. Dan Cincoski
    3. Ed Silver family on his passing on June 9, 2016
    4. Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan
    5. Father Marty Fleming
    6. Dick Hargarten
    7. Jerry Sisk
    8. George Laurance
    9. Deacon Sam Catapano
    10. Kao Pafoua Yang
    11. Jim Lannan
    12. Earl Forrence
    13. John Novack (son of Dave Novack) who suffered a recent concussion
    14. Kaleigh Olson & Nicole Green who lost all their belongings in a recent apartment building fire
    15. Robert Weinzierl Senior
    16. Bishops and Priests of the Archdiocese of St. Paul – Minneapolis
    17. “Troubled” youth
    18. Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis
    19. Bill Jasper, a member of the Bloomington Council (friend of Jason Touw)
    20. Frank Renshaw’s wife Madeline
    21. Father John Swing (Bill Swing’s brother) who has stage 4 cancer
    22. Gary Collyard
    23. In thanksgiving for prayers answered
    24. For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers
    25. Candidates for vocations                                                                                                                                                                                Chaplain’s Summation                                                                                                                                                                                        Closing Prayers were offered at 9:17 PM                                                                                                                                                             The Council dispensed with the Closing Ode                                                                                                                                                  Meeting Adjourned at 9:18 PM

Respectfully Submitted,

Recorder, Jim Grube



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