Ever Changing Catholics

Fr. Steve came to our last council meeting on Tuesday, September 13th and presented a couple of issues weighing heavy on his mind. Across the entire country, but specific to our Archdiocese, attendance is down, at least 20%, which means Sunday collections are also significantly lower. In turn, all the various “worthy Catholic causes” are also feeling the crunch and stepping up efforts for all the area parishes to swing the collection plates a second time during Mass. The mathematics indicate that a large number of donors basically divide up the normal intended Sunday give between the two charities, resulting in both groups getting less. Many area Pastors are forced to disallow the second collections, in order to keep their own finances in check. Fr. Steve will speak to the parish about this soon. Chances are fairly high that it will be met with some resistance.

Fr. Steve has elected to continue to support Ascension Parish and most of our HNOJ favorite charities, but needs to institute a few changes at HNOJ, some yet to be determined. He is creating a groundswell discipleship movement that will need the support of our KC Council and other “bellwether” leadership groups inside HNOJ, to help support Nate and Chris and other staff members, launch the efforts need to succeed. We have always had a great community at HNOJ. In the future, he may call on our council to assist in new ways, as he has always considered us “good disciples”. Our KC Council believes we may brainstorm the topic and help Father come up with ideas. Be sure to do your best to support all of his efforts. There’s nothing easy about being a priest.

Because of the economy, the political environment and the historical and widely reported abuse in the Catholic Church, people are more emotional than normal. Trust levels are at an all-time low, across the board. The various topics are awkward to discuss and polarizing for priests and parishioners, especially the not-so-regular Mass attendee’s. The many openly public “armchair quarterbacks” love to bloviate opinions at work and social encounters, keeping wounds open and topics fresh. The mainstream media has never been an ally. As KC’s, one of our biggest duties is to support our parish priests with time, talent, treasure and prayer. We also need to pray for vocations.

If you believe in history repeating itself, this isn’t the first time the Catholic Church has ever fallen out of favor with the masses. Every once in a while, I’ve engaged in a discussion about the 13 year old Pope that was put into power by corrupt families many centuries ago. At that time, much of Europe’s populace was illiterate, uneducated, poor and oppressed people. Also, during that time-frame, ordinary parish priests; i.e. St. Francis, St. Benedict, St. Ignatius, St. Dominic and many more, were touched by God or saintly intercedents and became infused with the Holy Spirit to create numerous, robust religious orders that educated and evangelized all of Europe. Most of them incorporated the Rosary with their teachings. The Catholic Church grew at an incredible rate, in spite of the dysfunction in Rome.

It’s times like these, where God intervenes and inspires great deeds from ordinary people. Open your minds and hearts to prayer and meditation, attend mass, read the Bible and stay engaged in our wonderful HNOJ community. This, too, will pass.

Sunburn and Life Insurance??

Sunburn and Life Insurance, how can you connect them?  Well thanks to my kids, I can.  Yesterday I went to my paternal annual cousin’s day.  We gather at my Aunt’s house on the lake near Chisago city.  I told my kids to put on sunscreen before hitting the water.  Nope, they are smarter than good old Dad.  Well I now have three kids look like lobsters.  Sound advice given and now after the damage is done, that advice makes sense.  But what confuses me…. this has happened before, and before and before.  This is not the first time they have refused to listen and then get burned.

The same thing happens with life insurance.  We know we need it (the sunblock), your agent says that you need it (the advice), the refusal and then the pain of the burn.  You suddenly need it.  But there is nothing you can do with the pain (the new price).    Your health has changed, you have gotten a decade or two older.  I did not think I needed life insurance beyond this age, etc, etc, etc…  Brothers your permanent life insurance is the a lifetime sunblock that will never fail you.  Everyone needs it.  We are all going to die, we just don’t know the day nor the hour.  Too often I get a phone call from Brother Knights who have received bad news from the Doctor and then want life insurance.  Don’t delay, put on some sunblock and buy some permanent KC life insurance.  You will be thankful after a hard life in the sun.

Vivat Jesus,

David Goedtke, Your humble Field Agent

Phone: 507-720-1652

[email protected]

STAR council

We hear all this talk about Star council.  Who cares?  Well let me shed a little light on why you should care.  Star Council is the easiest way to see if a council is healthy and doing the work of Fr. McGivney.  So where to begin?  Membership, Programs, Insurance… Well first I will start with the Insurance.  Our program is by Brother Knights, For Brother Knights and their families.  Are you aware that your council, just our own little council has millions of dollars of insurance.  If something happens, our insured members will spouse, children, charities, the church itself will receive millions of dollars.  That money is real, it allows the family to continue on.  What happens when a Brother Knight dies.  Well a husband has been lost.  A child loses their father.  Our Council loses a friend.  Life Insurance suddenly becomes a real necessity.  It becomes real.  Consider the member who called me at the age of 85 and wants $375,000 of coverage and doesn’t want to pay premiums.  He is treating life insurance like a lottery ticket.  My next post.  Programs.

Name Tag Order

During the monthly council meeting on June 14th, 2016 the brothers present at the meeting voted to proceed with an order of name tags for all officers. As part of the motion it was agreed to allow members that wish to purchase a name tag at a discounted rate of $4.25 versus the full price of $8.50 could do so. Please complete the below form and provide us exactly as you would like it to appear on the tag. We will then place an order for you

[ccf_form id=”1538″]

Can you help at the HNOJ Rummage Sale??

We have been provided an opportunity as a council once again to provide service to our parish by volunteering for the annual Holy Name Rummage Sale.  Your muscles could come in handy for set-up for the sale this Sunday, June 19th, from 1-4PM.  Another big opportunity comes on Saturday, June 25th during clean-up from noon until 3PM.  Additionally, we could use Brother Knights during the day or evening to help unload contributions Monday through Wednesday, the 20th to the 22nd.  Finally, if anyone has use of a pickup truck, that would come in especially handy during clean-up on Saturday the 25th, as a set of clothing display racks that are borrowed from St. Thomas Church in Corcoran will have to be returned that day.

If you are available to assist please register here on the parish’s sign up genius form

New Polo Shirts

During the monthly council meeting on June 14th, 2016 the brothers present at the meeting voted to proceed with an order of new polo shirts through a new vendor of Promotional Breezes. These polo shirts will be made available for you to purchase as a member of our council.

PLEASE NOTE: The pre-order was placed at 9:38am this morning and all future orders taken via the below form will be on a first come first serve basis.

[ccf_form id=”1381″]

2015 – 2016 Knight/Family of the Year

Medina, MN – The Holy Name Knights of Columbus Good Samaritan Council held their May Meeting and would like to announce the following Awards:

Anto Pitchiah and family

The Family of the Year Award was given to the Anto Pitchiah Family for their  involvement in our Council. Anto transferred into our Council from the Basilica. Anto’s family stepped up and became involved in virtually every one of our functions.

The Knight of the Year Award was given to Jason Touw for his exceptional work on building and maintaining a new Council website. Jason transferred into our Council from the Bloomington

Council and became involved as an Officer,  he also took over the Marketing and Public Relations for our Council.

Grand Knight Dave Stumpf said “I would like to congratulate them for their involvement in our Council.”

Previous Family of the Year Award Recipients

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Previous Knight of the Year Award Recipients

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The Holy Spirit

MN State Convention
MN State Convention

I’ve tried writing this post five or six times.  We, my Brothers, serve an AWESOME GOD!  I have spend the last few days surrounded by the Holy Spirit, once again the Spirit has filled my soul and nourished me.  I feel like a dixie cup at Niagra Falls.  Truly my cup is runneth over.  Where do I begin; my weekend started with my being involved in the Honor Guard for Archbishop Hebda’s installation.  If you were there you will understand when I say the Holy Spirit filled the Cathedral.  The next morning, I attended our MN annual KC council meeting (that’s what the convention is) and Fr. Perez-Cobo started the mass with Jesus Christ is Risen; we were to respond with Alleluia, Alleluia.  Early on, it sounded as if we were in a fog.  By the end of the mass, after being fed by Jesus with His Body and Blood, I wish you could have heard the Alleluia, Alleluia!  I thought instantly of the Easter Exsultet, let these holy building shake with joy.   The words of the faithful praise our God was so beautiful.  Through out the day I saw old friends, meet new people, heard of the incredible works that our Order has/is and will do.  Guys, it is impossible for me to write how much we serve each other, our Families, our communities.  Brothers we are a force of good in this world.

Enjoying pancakes at the best council in the state with my family

I followed it up on Sunday, the Feast of Pentecost, enjoying pancakes with the best council in the state (watch out Lino Lakes, that will be another post), spending time with my family and then ending the day finally watching the movie God’s Not Dead with my wife.  Again I am humbled to see how people either deny or reject this Awesome God we serve.  Brothers, the Holy Spirit is alive and well within our council.  We accomplish nothing without the Spirit.  It is the Holy Spirit that we need to come into us, our families, our community and after he comes into our lives; Get out of the way and just let go and let God, let go and let Jesus, let go and let the Holy Spirit fill us like the Dixie cup at Niagara Falls.

Vivat Jesus,

David Novack

Your humble Field Agent


Installation of Archbishop Bernard A. Hebda

Our Archdiocese had a busy weekend with the activities that occurred for the Installation of our new Archbishop Bernard A. Hebda. The Good Samaritan Council would like to take this opportunity to congratulate him and welcome him to the Archdiocese.

Watch below the announcement of our new Archbishop Hebda and then below the full Installation Mass


Click the below image to watch the mass in its entirety courtesy of Catholic TV. 

Join Us

If you have any questions about our Council and would like to talk to someone, email us at [email protected] and we’ll get back with you.

If you are ready to join, click here Join Here  and complete the form.  Be sure to enter our Council# 13096 when filling it out.