Council Minutes 2008 August

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting  

Date: August 8, 2008 

The Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M by

Prayer was offered by GK Tom Silver

The roll call of officers:

Champlain Sam Catapano A Advocate David Stumpf A\P
Grand Knight Pat Karn P Warden Earl Florrence P
Deputy Grand Knight James Seifert A Inside Guard Davone Yang A
Chancellor James Grube P Outside Guard William Goddard P
Recorder Dan Cincoski P Trustee 3 yr Thomas Silver P
Financial Secretary Bill Swing P Trustee 2 yr Martin Dehen P
Treasurer Mark Mertens A Trustee 1 yr Don Carsten A
Lecturer   A                          Present P     Absent A


Opening Ode Odes were voted to not be sang

Opening prayer and pledge of allegiance were said

  1. Recorder read minutes of the July 8, 2008 no changes were made. Meeting minutes were approved as read.
  2. Discussion regarding Jerry Wilichwoski’s passing. Bill Swing will go ahead and order a Resolution of Condolence.
  3. Membership – Marty Dehen suggested getting a list of new parishioners from the parish.

GK Report

  1. Sunday business meeting was held July 13 and the calendar was prepared for the school year.
  2. Meetings for the Fall festival are being held on Sundays between Masses. Pat Karn, Jim Siefert and Steve Zylla attended. A discussion regarding the menu and the work we will have to perform commenced.       Knights will be encouraged to sign up for time slots.
  3. Meeting with Father Tim – was very supportive and appreciative of or involvement. He would like to have become involved in spirituality and host an event with a speaker or program that will address spirituality.

Chaplin Report

  1. Discussion with clergy that Sam would be the representative at the council meetings. Father wants the council to do something to promote our spirituality. Parish representatives would be willing to help us develop some programs.       Faith formation and Social Justice needs help. Special needs program to support those who have special needs. Male mentoring of autistic people is one area that would benefit from our abilities. There are a multitude of activity needs that we can participate and support.
  2. Father Tim said, he would participate in some of the Council meetings. Support of the Knights during fall drive. Pat would write a membership article in the fall meeting.

Treasurer’s report

  1. Balance on account $5,406.45. Check of $690.00 to the State office. We have an outstanding billing to Supreme.

Financial Officers Report

  1. Documents were distributed to GK Pat Karn and Champlin Sam
  2. We received Year “stickers” for a plaque ( that we have to get).
  3. “A Guy Thing” on September 7

Pat Karn

  1. Service Committees discussion on service programs and the council’s structuring these programs
  2. Service program chairs (list insert) Pat distributed the service program pamphlet to the program chairs in attendance.
  3. Prolife – Prolife Action Ministries is having Star Parker speak on October 6, at 6PM at Earl Brown Heritage Center

Tom Silver

  1. Checks to the Tootsi Roll recipients including the Wild West Special Olympics Team $580.50, and Western Wings Olympics Team $483.75 and Hammer Residence $580.50 and $290.25. To the State Council Fall Classic for Special Olympics.

Unfinished Business 

  1. Marty Dehen – order of flyers for the KofC — 50 Kof C Ask Me buttons, –100 “Did you Know” — 25 Welcome Backs. Rosary Cards, Financial Aid Scholarship applications, and other supplies.
  2. Pat Karn – September 28 pancake breakfast is for the HNOJ school. Pat asked Barbara Reis for more assistance from the school to help in the cafeteria. The Kof Cs will work the kitchen and money collection. Profits will be forwarded to the school for the ball field fund.

New Business

  1. Dave Stumpf – the “Soccer Challenge” the recognition of the program is not strong at the Fall Festival. Take to Chris and Nate to come up with some ideas.

Report of the Fourth Degree – none

Calendar was reviewed and approved as written.

The Council recited the Prayer of Saint Ignatius Loyola

Good of the Order

  • Dave Stumpf’s Father
  • Terry Scott
  • Dick Hargarten
  • Davone’s Wife
  • Mark Best
  • Earl Florrence

Closing prayer

Meeting adj 9:00

Council Minutes 2008 July

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting  

Date: July 8, 2008 

The Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M by

Prayer was offered by GK Pat Karn

The roll call of officers:

Champlain Sam Catapano A Advocate David Stumpf A
Grand Knight Pat Karn P Warden Earl Florrence A
Deputy Grand Knight James Seifert P Inside Guard Davone Yang A
Chancellor James Grube A Outside Guard William Goddard A
Recorder Dan Cincoski P Trustee 3 yr Thomas Silver A
Financial Secretary Bill Swing P Trustee 2 yr Martin Dehen P
Treasurer Mark Mertens A Trustee 1 yr Don Carsten A
Lecturer   A                          Present P     Absent A


Opening Ode Odes were voted to not be sang 

Opening prayer and pledge of allegiance were said

Recorder –Dan Cincoski

  1. Meeting minutes were read for the June 10th Council Meeting.
  2. Membership – Marty Dehen

Grand Knight Report

  1. new membership quota for our Council is 5 new members and 3 new insurance members. The insurance membership is separate from the new membership.
  2. Planning meeting for officers would be beneficial with a meeting this Sunday, July 13 being scheduled. Focus of the meeting is to schedule the Fall – Winter Schedule for 2008-2009 season. Meeting to be held at Lunds @ 7:00 PM.
  3. We have to submit a list of program leaders.       The list of directors from last year were reviewed by Pat Karn. Replacements for some of the positions have to be filled by August 1st. There are manuals of with a list position descriptions that is available for our review.
  4. Our insurance agent Dave Novak has suggested programs for the council beyond the council meeting. Lecturer’s Program is recommended after council meetings with a guest speaker or presider. Meeting order will be followed closely to keep the meeting moving along and on task.
  5. Father Tim wrote about his first year at HNOJ.       He had a very supportive statement regarding our Council. Our service to the church for program support is greatly appreciated.       Some guidelines regarding how we provide the support were discussed. Pat Karn


Treasurers Report – Pat Karn

  1. Balance on account $6,637.03. The Council spent $2,800 more than we took in for the last calendar year. The Grand Knight requested that we read the vouchers to know the financial activities of the council


Financial Officers Report

  1. Website hosting management cost from Jennifer for $327 for the first 6 months of 2008. Rate is $25.00 per hour.
  2. A check was submitted to Supreme for supplies.
  3. There are members with outstanding dues. Letters were sent to those members describing that their membership would be suspended.
  4. Thank you letters were read from Linda Corrigan and from the Kathleen Esh, St Josephs, Hopkins. ACCL for our contributions.


Old Business

  1. Dennis Madden – finish baseball diamonds with fund raiser pancake breakfast on September 28th. K of C will assist in the kitchen with serving by the baseball people. Motion was requested by Pat Karn and submitted by Marty Dehen, seconded by Pat Karn. Motion was carried.
  2. We discussed having K of C cards and “plates” that promote site that are available at the church.
  3. Start “the” Breakfast club to meet once a month for social gathering. Marty will send out an e-mail to the membership with a date for meeting. 

New Business 

  1. Mike Wagner – Fall Festival startup. The Festival will be Saturday and Sunday, September 13 and 14th, . Mike asked the K of C to assist with essentially all the food for the Sunday events. Mike would need a person to head up the food management. Motion was called by Jim Seifert for the Council to provide the management and operation of the Sunday food at the Festival. Motion was called without discussion.
  2. Pat Karn – request to provide past Grand Knight Tom Silver a service pin and another gift to present to Tom for his GK service. A jacket was suggested.
  3. Jim Seifert – Jerry Wilichwoski’s passing.       We will order a Resolution of Condolence for the family on behalf of the Council.
  4. Report of the 4th Degree – no report

Good of the Order

  • Family of Jerry Wilichwski
  • Mark Best
  • Davon Yang’s wife

Closing prayers were said

Meeting was adjourned at 9:15 PM

Council Minutes 2008 March

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting

March 24, 2008 


  • Jim Seifferd
  • Bill Rudolf
  • Davone Yang
  • Marty Dehen
  • Earl Forence
  • Mark Mertenes
  • Bill Swing
  • Tom Silver

7:15pm Pat Karn presented a check of $500 to deacon Fernando

7:20pm Rosary lead by Davone Yang

7:40pm Talk by Rick Scanlon- Evangelization through college campases

8:05pm Open meeting (Tom)  Davone was asked to take minutes since Recorder was absent

Minutes from last meeting (2/12/2008) were read and approved with no corrections

Marty:  Degrees examplification dates:

  • Saturday, April 5th in N. St.Paul
  • Sunday, April 6th in New Prague
  • Saturday, April 12th in Foley
  • Saturday, April 19th in Rochester for fourth degree
  • Saturday, May 3rd in Rosemount
  • Sunday, June 1st in St. Michael

-Will e-mail a draft of invitation to all members to help recruit new KC members

-Hetchler pushing off from becoming member

-Need help form every member to push for more new members

Tom: Thanks Davone’s family for the seafood buffet on 2/15/08

Davone: Thanks to Earl and Bill and all helpers

-There are some opportunities to be worked out so less mess for cleaning afterward; need better planning for a better turnout.

Tom: Thanks to helpers for showing up to help with Pancake Breakfast on 3/2/08

Treasurer(Bill) reported:

 Balance $6,580.23

Seafood Buffet 2/15/08

     $1,013.00 receipts

      -$757.04 expenses

      $255.96 net

Pancake Breakfast 3/2/08

      $2,109.18 receipts

     –$867.00 expenses

      $1,242.18 net

Council Approved 3 Checks of $87.00 each to: -Student loan

– Jim Cambel

– Seminarian

Bill Swing: – 19 Membership dues are due in

– Handed out member list (as of Jan. 2008) to all attendees

Marty Dehen: Fund for Dave Mazureck.

Individual contributions/donations to the council then council will turn around with a check to Dave

Marty: Motion council to donate $500 on top of member’s donation. Council to write a check not to exceed $1,750.00, including the council’s fund of $500.00 and members’ donation. Second and Council Approved

Marty’s Report: Mark Best needs help on Passion Play this coming Friday.

Needs Help handing out rosaries on Thursday after dress rehearsal.

Jim Seiffert: 5 more Wednesdays of Fine Dinning including this Wednesday (3/12/08)

Marty: Read special thanks from Karen Quinby regarding posting of Rosary Stories in bulletin

Tom: -Next Pancake Breakfast on 4/13/08

– Heads up on electing new officers and serving altar servers. Both are coming up soon.

Council pray for numerous members and family members of the council.

9:30pm  Tom: Closing meeting with prayers for all.

Guys:  I’ve attached an MS doc file containing 2 pics of fernando receiving the check.  I am using MS Vista so let me know if you can’t open it.  I will send it thru other mean.


Council Minutes 2008 February

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting  

Date: February 12, 2008 

The Council was called to order at 7:35 P.M by

Prayer was offered by GK Tom Silver

The roll call of officers:

Champlain Sam Catapano A Advocate Bill Hanson A
Grand Knight Tom Silver P Warden Lenard Lopez A
Deputy Grand Knight Pat Karn P Inside Guard Davone Yang P
Chancellor Randy Barenburg A Outside Guard Graig Lyon A
Recorder Dan Cincoski P Trustee 3 yr Marty Dehen P
Financial Secretary Bill Swing A Trustee 2 yr Don Carsten A
Treasurer Mark Mertens A Trustee 1 yr Bill Rudolph A
Lecturer   A                          Present P     Absent A


Opening Ode Odes were voted to not be sang

  1. Opening prayer and pledge of allegiance were said

Three new members were introduced to the Council

  1. The Council has 3 new members, they are; Steve Johnson, Joe Batallucco and Sean Carroll.

Recorder Dan Cincoski

  1. Meeting Minutes of January 8, 2008: Meeting minutes were read the following corrections were requested .
    1. New member is Leo Steffel not Teshler.
    2. The 2009 fourth degree will be held at the Normandy Inn.
    3. Meeting minutes were approved with the above corrections.

Membership – Marty Dehen

  1. Steve Johnson, Joe Batalucco and Sean Carroll were in attendance at tonight’s meeting.
  2. The next 1st through 3rd Exemplification will be held in Anoka, on Sunday, February 17th.
  3. The next major exemplification is March 2nd in Bloomington.
  4. Dick Anthony was approved as a new member by unanimous vote of the council.

Grand Knight – Tom Silver

  1. Cinnamon Roll Sale – all but 3 packages were sold very successful event. Net was slightly over $3600.00.
  2. Membership drive to 100 members as stated by Marty Dehen is strongly encouraged.
  3. Balance on account forwarded by Mark Mertens to Tom Silver for reading $5,818.80
  4. A Peace card from the Hammer residence members was sent to our Council for our commitment to their residences.
  5. A thank you card to the Knights for the Christmas Party by Eric Lloyd and his wife Stevie.
  6. Fernando Ortega was here last week to participate in the weekend Masses.

New Business

  1. A Certificate for new First Degrees by Pope Benedict XVI was issued to the three new members to the council.       The Pope is coming to USA April 15 -20.
  2. We received a membership plaque for 2006-2007 from the supreme council. We are the only Council in the district to receive a membership plaque.
  3. Bill Rudolph built a food box to be placed by the reception desk for contributions to the food shelf.       The council was asked if they would pay the expenses for building the box for $185.00. The council approved the payment by unanimous vote.       The council will get a K of C emblem to place on the box.
  4. New name tags were discussed for all members without title and a magnetic clasp the cost is $7.00 each in quantity.       A discussion regarding the attachment type was settled that all tags would be magnetic. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.

Davon Yang

  1. Seafood buffet was discussed by Davon based on an Asian cuisine they need help with prep on this Thursday starting at 4 PM and Friday afternoon from 1 PM until done. Serving will begin at 5 PM and go until 7. It will be followed by the Stations of the Cross.       Proceeds will go to the Seminarian fund.

Steve Zylla 

  1. Pancake breakfast is March 2nd. and April 13th. Request for pancake breakfast for the non-public education marathon Sunday, September 28th the proceeds would go the HNOJ school.
  2. The Tootsi Roll Drive has been shouldered by Dave Stumpf he needs more help at the stores and other public areas to participate.
  3. Pancake breakfast helpers need direction especially new people members should be aware that these people can help with a little guidance.
  4. It was suggested that we have Council handouts at all K of C events.


Deputy Grand Knight Pat Karn

  1. Pro life – Prayer service “An Hour of Prayer for Life” on Saturday, February 16th in the old church.
  2. Letters from two of the services that were paid $600 from our fall pancake breakfast “4 Life Fund” of the Archdiocese and Cradle of Hope. The Cradle of Hope was using the funds to sponsor their Pot O’ Gold Irish Sweepstakes being held this winter.

Districk Deputy Report

  1. Eric Lloyd presented the District report. A copy of the report will be e-delivered to the membership.
  2. Eric suggested that we look up the other fish fries around the area on Fridays in Lent.


Good of the Order

  • Mark Best
  • Bill Goddard’s grandson
  • Jerry Wilicowski
  • Dan Silver
  • Davon Yang’s wife and family
  • Dick Hargarden

Closing Prayers were said at 8:55   PM

Council Minutes 2007 November

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting  

Date: November 13, 2007

The Council was called to order at 7:45 P.M by GK Tom Silver

Prayer was offered by GK Tom Silver

The roll call of officers:

Champlain Sam Catapano A Advocate Bill Hanson A
Grand Knight Tom Silver P Warden Lenard Lopez A
Deputy Grand Knight Pat Karn P Inside Guard Davone Yang A
Chancellor Randy Barenburg P Outside Guard Graig Lyon A
Recorder Dan Cincoski P Trustee 3 yr Marty Dehen A
Financial Secretary Bill Swing P Trustee 2 yr Don Carsten A
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 yr Bill Rudolph P
Lecturer   A                          Present P     Absent A


Presentation before the Council Meeting By Diane Lyngdal 

Diane discussed HNOJ policy and Father Tim’s directive that HNOJ have the safest of environments for vulnerable people of any type. Many of the parishioners and all of the staff have gone through certified training courses on Safe Environment Training.   Because of the Knights involvement with many parish activities, Diane recommends that the every member take the training and become certified. She will set up a special session for us and schedule it with her. 


Opening Ode Odes were voted to not be sang

  1. Opening prayer and pledge of allegiance were said

Recorder – Dan Cincoski 

  1. Dan read the minutes from the Council Meeting of October 9, 2007. The following items were added:
    1. At he Marathon for non-public education 1124 hot dogs were served by our Council.
    2. The pancake breakfast and silent auction for the baseball field were successful. The silent auction brought in $1,968.00 Dennis read the list of donors who provided auction items.
    3. Meeting minutes were approved as amended.

New Membership

  1. the two Heshler boys and Leo Steffel have filled out form 100s.
  2. Tom Silver listed four additional men who expressed interest in joining, Tom will provide form 100s to them.
  3. Father Paul has completed exemplification for 1st through 3rd degree in October.
  4. Jim Siefert’s sun has joined the Knights at his school in Fargo ND.

Grand Knight – Tom Silver

  1. Thank you for those members that have recently joined and to those members that have transferred in from other councils.

Treasurer – Mark Mertens 

  1. Balance on account $9,094.78
  2. Proceeds of the October 28th pancake breakfast were $1,902.75.
  3. We purchased additional sausage for the December 2nd pancake breakfast.

Financial Secretary – Bill Swing

  1. All 2007 dues are paid up by current members.
  2. The membership list has been reconciled between our Council and State Supreme Council.
  3. Bill handed out a list of current members to those who desired a copy.
  4. The Owatonna Council submitted an invoice for Father Paul’s exemplification.

Trustee Reports – 

  1. Bill Rudolph was acknowledged for his continued dedication for delivering the food collected at weekend Masses to Interfaith Outreach each Monday.
  2. Randy Barenburg – There will be a blood drive during Wednesday Family Fine Dining sometime in January.
  3. Pat Karn –

Prolife pancake breakfast gross receipts were $1,902.75 proceeds will be distributed to: Birthright of Minnesota PO Box 4607, St.Paul, MN 55104

Respect Life Office Life Fund 328 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55102

Cradle of Hope Motherhood Fund 1935 Cty Road B2 W. Suite 241 Roseville, MN 55113

The Council recommended a contribution of $600 to each program. The council would provide the difference to cover the expenses of the pancake breakfast. A motion was proposed and approved by unanimous vote of the Council.

New Business

  1. Friday, November 16th is the Angel Auction hosted by the Women’s Auxiliary. The proceeds will go the Battered Women’s Shelter
  2. Council Christmas Party will be held December 11 at Vic Tarnowski’s. Dan Cincoski will contact his sister Peggy to coordinate the catering.
  3. Pancake breakfast will be held on December 2nd. The proceeds will go the HNOJ kitchen operation.
  4. Prolife Sunday will be the last weekend in January 2008. This is the Cinnamon Roll event.
  5. Ed Ayd suggested offering some funds for the Spanish class at HNOJ. Every year Ed and Jan Ayd bring in Spanish materials for the class from their trips to Mexico.   A motion was submitted to fund the class with $500. from the Council.       The motion was carried by unanimous vote. It was added that the Council could fund a different ed program each year.
  6. A recommendation was submitted to have name tags for all of the Council members to wear at church events.


  • Dick Hargarten
  • Davone Yang’s wife
  • Bill Conway
  • Sam Pesner, Randy’s brother-in-law
  • Sidney Owens – cancer patient
  • Marty Dehen

Closing Prayers were said at 8:50   PM

Respectfully Submitted by Dan Cincoski

Council Minutes 2007 September

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting  

Date: September 11, 2007 

The Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M by

Prayer was offered and pledge of allegiance to the Flag were led by GK Tom Silver

The roll call of officers:

Champlain Sam Catapano A Advocate Bill Hanson A
Grand Knight Tom Silver P Warden Lenard Lopez A
Deputy Grand Knight Pat Karn A Inside Guard Davone Yang P
Chancellor Randy Barenburg P Outside Guard Graig Lyon A
Recorder Dan Cincoski P Trustee 3 yr Marty Dehen P
Financial Secretary Bill Swing P Trustee 2 yr Don Carsten A
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 yr Bill Rudolph P
Lecturer   A                          Present P     Absent A


Opening Ode Odes were voted to not be sang 

Dan Cincoski –Recorder

  1. Reading of Minutes from the July 2007 Council Meeting:
  2. Addition to item 11. “Motion was approved for greens fees of $135.00”
  3. Meeting minutes were approved with above correction.


Marty Dehen – Membership

  1. Father Tim will be available for September 22nd exemplification.
  2. Father Paul will go for his exemplifications of first to third, Saturday, October 20th at North St. Paul, Marty is seeking members to attend.
  3. Bill Swing stated that, David Novak is our new insurance agent. David is becoming a member of our Council.


Tom Silver – Grand Knight Report

  1. Thank you to all active Knights for their support of our various events.


Mark Mertens – Treasurer Report

  1. Balance on account $5,593.06
  2. Tom Silver will be added as a signer to the bank accounts.


Bill Swing – Financial Secretary Report

  1. There are two vouchers to sign.
  2. Embroidered aprons for Fathers Tim and Paul were purchased and will be completed in time to present one to Father Tim at the Fall Festival. Father Paul will receive his after his becoming a full member in October.
  3. There will be a membership meeting by Bill Swing and Marty Dehen regarding persons with outstanding dues payments. Discussion during the meeting identified eleven members in question and some changes will be made to reconcile the list.
  4. Second half auditors report was submitted to the Supreme Council on schedule.


Service Programs –

Pat Karn

  1. The Prolife pancake breakfast is being moved to October 28th. The church administration and kitchen has been informed of the change.

Marty Dehen

  1. Stories and articles are being solicited and organized. People who have volunteered or are being approached so far are; Tom Silver, Brenda Colman, Devon Yang, Father Arnold and Marty Dehen.


Unfinished Business

  1. Dennis, HNOJ Pancake Breakfast for the ball field fund raising will be September 30th there will be a silent auction taking place in the Good Samaritan Hall at the time of the breakfast. The items will be sports memorabilia and game tickets, stc.
  2. Tim Cavinah, (sp Cavanaugh) Fall Festival – reminded us of the sign up board in the narthex, burgers, brats, hot dogs and pulled port will be served on both Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon. Knights should signup for as much time as they can give. Dave Stumpf will manage the soccer challenge.
  3. The “Carbo loading” Pasta Dinner for the Saturday HNOJ marathon will be held Friday, September 28 the marathon is seeking help for the food stands for the Saturday marathon.
  4. Fine Dining begins, Wednesday, September 12th. Major events will bel October 24, January 30 and April 30.


New Business

  1. Ken Melrose will be speaking at the HNOJ Men’s Group event on Friday, September 21 with dinner before, please attend if you can.       Ken was the former CEO of Toro.


Good of the Order

Closing Prayers were said at 8:40   PM

Officers Minutes 2006 October

K of C Officers Meeting of October 22, 2006 

FS Report: 

  • Summary of Events
  • Membership: 21 members unpaid. Discuss strategy: i.e. notice to unpaid members. Notice should request missing email address & other info, i.e. degrees,
  • Correspondence:
    • From Joseph B. Stanek, Pharmacy Director:  Thanks Bill……………..I do try to volunteer for events……am not usually able to make the meetings…the emails are a lifeline! Regards.
    • Letter from Sister Lois of St Scholastica Monastery
  • Link to K of C site now exist from HNOJ site.


  • Complete calendar (during Officers meeting)
  • Post activities to K of C web site. Have future emails simply link to the activity page. Commit to keeping current!
  • Web site: Combine “Membership” and “Membership Area”. Remove id and pw from access membership section.
  • Web site: Include roster on web site under Membership page.
  • Web site: Add access to K of C email on Membership page:
    • [email protected]
    • id = medinaknights
    • pw = brother
    • Members should use this email when communicating to membership whenever possible.
  • Other web site issues:
    • Old material:   For example Letter from James Burkhart, Agent, is still posted..
    • Activity posted:   none   (This makes the Council look bad.)
    • Volunteer activities: only ‘Special Olympics’.
    • Who is administering the site? i.e. no information is better than incorrect or dated material.
    • In summary:   drop site altogether unless there is commitment to maintain.

Council Minutes 2005 November

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting 

Date: November 17, 2005

The Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M by

Prayer was offered by GK Don Carsten

The roll call of officers:

Champlain Fr. Joseph Feders A Advocate Dave Stumpf P
Grand Knight Don Carsten P Warden Jim Seifert P
Deputy Grand Knight Marty Dehen P Inside Guard Bill Swing P
Chancellor Ed Ayd P Outside Guard Brian Wernimont A
Recorder Dan Cincoski P Trustee 3 yr Bill Rudolph A
Financial Secretary Jerry Sisk P Trustee 2 yr Pat Karn P
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 yr Tom Silver A
Lecturer Dennis Hanson A                          Present P     Absent A

 Opening Ode Vote was passed to not sing opening or closing Odes

Pledge of Allegiance and Opening Prayers were said

  1. Meeting minutes were read a correction was made adding $30 amount to the Tootsi Roll account.

New Members

  1. Mike Kelly will submit form 100. Nomination for his acceptance into the Council was approved by unanimous vote.
  2. Bill Goddard – Nomination for his acceptance into the Council was approved by unanimous vote. May go to the exemplification this Sunday.
  3. Dan Proulx
  4. Several people took 100s at the last pancake breakfast.

Treasurer Report

  1. The balance on Council account is $4,702.90.
  2. The balance on Tootsi Roll account is $110.05

Financial Secretary

  1. Request for mid year update was made by the Supreme Council.
  2. Our current official membership is 78 with the new membership we should be at 85 by the end of the year.
  3. New membership drive of double our commitment requested by the Supreme Council will give use the newly established Star Award. We would have to have 10 new members and 6 insurance to meet the requirements.
  4. Jim Grube – Workers for the pancake breakfast, we have. First shift 14 and second shift has 12.
  5. Jim Siefert – Faith formation is on Nov 30th there are 2 in December and the first and second Wednesdays of January will be big events.
  6. The K of C apron, hotpad and glove kit we agreed on last month will be presented to Father Joseph at Faith Formation on Dec 7th.
  7. Christmas Party, Dec 22nd @ 6:30 PM. Reservations have been made at Dobbo’s with price of $17.50 per person, $35.00 per couple. Council will pay $15 per couple so the cost will be $20.       Setups will be provided for BYOB.       A motion for approval was made and it was approved. Suggestion of $10 exchange gift per person was approved.
  8. The Angel auction by Ladies Auxiliary on Friday, Nov 18.

Fourth Degree report

  1. Memorial Mass on Monday and Wakes for Knights on Tuesday and Wednesday there were two last week also.

Good of the Order

  • Jerrys Sisk’s brother, Terry
  • Mike McDole
  • Dick Hargarten
  • Roger Fickbohm
  • Dave Stumpf
  • Jerry Sisk
  • Bev Carsten
  • Joe Vorderbruggen Family
  • Mike Wagener Family
  • Bryan Wernimont Family
  • Mark Schlosser – Loretto Council

Closing prayer

Meeting Adjourned at 8:35 PM

Council Minutes 2005 August

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting 

Date: August 25, 2005

The Council was called to order at 7:33 P.M by

Prayer was offered by GK Don Carsten

The roll call of officers:

Chaplain Fr. Joseph Feders A Advocate Dave Stumpf P
Grand Knight Don Carsten P Warden Jim Seifert P
Deputy Grand Knight Marty Dehen A Inside Guard Bill Swing A
Chancellor Ed Ayd P Outside Guard Bryan Wernimont P
Recorder Dan Cincoski P Trustee 3 yr Bill Rudolph A
Financial Secretary Jerry Sisk P Trustee 2 yr Pat Karn P
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 yr Tom Silver P
Lecturer Dennis Hanson A                          Present P     Absent A


Opening Ode

Pledge of Allegiance 

  1. Motion was approved to dispense with the Opening and Closing Orders.
  2. New membership
    1. Dave Sawyer was submitted as a new member
    2. Orlando Ortega was submitted as a new member.
    3. Motion was carried for acceptance into the Council for both candidates. The first-degree exemplification will be held on October 9th.
    4. Transfer member John Thole from St Joseph the Worker.

GK report

  1. Letter from Dale Robinson – Interest for new field agents was forwarded to Kathy Roth. There are some strong incentives for people who recruit new agents.

Treasurer’s report

  1. $3,642.62 balance on account

Financial Secretary Report

  1. 5 to 10 additional knights needed for the food-testing program. Financial impact to the Council would be very favorable with this program. 18 members or spouses have signed up. Must be 18 to 65 years old.
  2. Fall Festival we need assistance with food serving and ticket sales. The tickets serve as money for all of the activities; cash will not be traded at booths and events.
    1. This week – announcements at each Mass.
    2. Trying to get $25,000 in funds. Raffle will be cash prizes for winners.
  3. Jerry’s wedding anniversary will be celebrated on September 11 at 10:30 Mass. Cake and coffee after Mass.

Randy regarding the Squires Program

  1. Has talked to Chris Kostelc, Fr. Joseph and Nate Reinhardt. They are getting 10 boys to get the program off the ground.

Jim Siefert

  1. Faith Formation for Wednesday evening meal service. Passed around a signup sheet.

Pat Karn

  1. Prolife Sunday Pancake Breakfast will be October 2 and will coincide with the Prolife Sunday for the Church.
  2. Rumage sale collected over $14,000 towards prolife and related programs.

Church Director -Tom Silver

  1. Orlando Ortega is still in Illinois and when he comes back he will be given his check and will be given a schedule for his first degree.
  2. Archdiocese is putting on a dinner for the year of the Eucharist. Every priest in the diocese is invited and laypeople can go the cost is $40 per plate. Date of dinner is September 13.
  3. Discussion with Chuck Grabowski regarding the big barbeque grill for the Council.
  4. Assistance needed at booth for this Sunday for Fall Festival.

New Business

  1. No activity for the 4th degree except for wakes and funerals

District Deputy Report – Eric Lloyd

  1. Membership quota for the Council – 5 new members
  2. Insurance quota for the Council – 3 members
  3. First degree at Loretto, Sept 29th
  4. List of important dates were listed for this fall.
  5. New soccer challenge for boys and       girls, is similar to basketball throw. Good Samaritan Council will run the soccer challenge at the Fall Festival.       Age range 10 to 14.

Good of the Order

  • Mike McDole
  • Joe V.
  • Dick Hargarten
  • Mark Schlosser
  • Roger Fickbaum

Closing prayer said

Meeting Adjourned at 8:35

Officers Minutes 2005 August

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Business Meeting 

Date: August 21, 2005

The Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M by

Prayer was offered by GK, Don Carsten

The roll call of officers:

Champlain Fr. Joseph Feders E Advocate Dave Stumpf P
Grand Knight Don Carsten P Warden Jim Seifert A
Deputy Grand Knight Marty Dehen A Inside Guard Bill Swing A
Chancellor Edward Ayd P Outside Guard Brian Wernimont A
Recorder Dan Cincoski P Trustee 3 yr Bill Rudolph A
Financial Secretary Jerry Sisk P Trustee 2 yr Pat Karn A
Treasurer Mark Mertens A Trustee 1 yr Tom Silver A
Lecturer Dennis Hanson A                          Present P     Absent A

Opening Prayers and Pledge of Allegiance were said 

Report from Jerry Sisk:

  1. Balance on account approximately $3,041.00
  2. Fall Festival is coming up soon. Council will be hosting ticket sales and managing several events. Jerry has a list. Next Sunday there will be a table at the back of church for information and raffle ticket sales. Council members will be asked to volunteer.
  3. Need more people to sign up for food tasting so we can get at least a minimum of thirty people to get the project started.
  4. Jerry and his wife will be having a celebration of their 40th Wedding anniversary on September 11.
  5. New form 100 was received from David Sawyer. The Council will vote at the Council Meeting on Thursday.

Don Carsten

  1. Correspondence from Dale Robinson, Dale is looking for field agents for the Knights insurance program. There will be a training session on September 27th for interested members. Discussion – we will contact Kathy Roth who heads up the displaced parishioners program for possible candidates.
  2. Family Faith Formation – Jim Siefert is in charge of the workforce for the Wednesday evening program.
  3. Bill Rose was contacted regarding the conflict with the 25/50 anniversary program and the pancake breakfast. Don and Bill have worked out a solution that is favorable to both programs.
  4. Marathon will be held on October 1,2005 for the fund raiser for parochial education.

Mark Pedote

  1. Mark had a meeting with Father Feders regarding the Rosary before Council Meetings. Fr. Would like to formalize this excellent opportunity be calling the saying of the Rosary at 7 PM before every Council Meeting.
  2. Other spiritual events that Fr. Suggested were; prayer group, retreat, and reconciliation for membership.
  3. Suggestion to pool efforts for parish groups for the Eucharistic Congress being held October 7 and 8 a the State Capital and St. Paul Cathedral.
  4. Discussion on a prayer line or other form of spiritual communications.

Other business

  1.  Audit was completed after the July Council Meeting and sent into State Supreme Council.
  2. Web site update: Don Carsten submitted notes to Ed Ayd and Ed expressed a desire to get a monthly Grand Knight article or report from Don.
  3. Pictures of the officers for the Web page.
  4. Liability insurance for the Council events has been purchased and in in force.

Closing prayer said and meeting adjourned at 8:35

By Dan Cincoski

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