Council Minutes 2005 July

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting 

Date: July 28, 2005

The Council was called to order at 7:40 P.M by

Prayer was offered by Fr. Joseph Feders

The roll call of officers:

Chaplain Fr. Joseph Feders P Advocate Dave Stumpf A
Grand Knight Don Carsten P Warden Jim Seifert P
Deputy Grand Knight Marty Dehen A Inside Guard Bill Swing P
Chancellor Ed Ayd P Outside Guard Bryan Wernimont A
Recorder Dan Cincoski P Trustee 3 yr Bill Rudolph P
Financial Secretary Jerry Sisk P Trustee 2 yr Pat Karn A
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 yr Tom Silver P
Lecturer Mark Pedote A                          Present P     Absent A


Opening Ode Council moved and approved the dispensing with the Opening and Closing Odes.

Pledge of Allegiance and Opening Prayers Were said

Prior to the Meeting

Western Wings Special Olympics and Hammer Residence were presented with checks from the Tootsi Roll drive.

  1. Meeting in November will be held on the 3rd Thursday because of Thanksgiving Day.
  2. Dan Cincoski read the minutes from the July 24 business meeting. Minutes approved as read.\
  3. Diane Slaten is the Coffee and Donut chair for the parish. Knights discussed volunteering once a month.
  4. Change from business meeting: Fall Classic Bowling tournament for Special Olympics. K of C have now been changed to Saturday Nov. 12 from 10 until 3.
  5. Champlain Report. Fr. Feders expressed his support of the Knights and that his ability to attend the council meetings would benefit the Knights programs
  6. Treasurer report: Balance $4,297.92
  7. Reading of communications:
    1. John and Beth (Vordaerbruggen) thank you card for their daughter Leya.
  8. No report from financial secretary.
  9. Audit report will be reviewed by Trustees after this meeting.
  10. Chancellor report . The web site will be updated as described in the business meeting minutes. There will be a public site and a membership site that is secure.
  11. Membership director (Marty Dehen)
    1. New council with the need of new membership to increase size of council.
    2. KofC membership involvement programs such as golf outing, bowling, soccer kicks.
    3. Councils that have priests that are involved in the Knights programs are the councils that grow and thrive.
    4. We are gratified that Fr. Joseph has become actively involved, his active participation will be felt by the parish.
    5. Other councils say membership levels in the range of 150 works well. Because of the size and involvement of the HNOJ we can work with a larger membership. Active recruiting by all members will help our growth.
  12. Family and Vocations – Tom Silver
    1. Fernando Ortega who was not able to attend this evening will be receiving his donation of $500 when we see him next. Fernando will be sending in his form 100 and $30 for his membership to Tom. Vocation piece is in each weekly bulletin, Tom encouraged us to read it each week.
    2. Tom is a member of the Sierra Club and has expressed interest with a partnership between the two. This is the 15th anniversary of the Sierra Club at HNOJ.
  13. Squire report from Fr. Joseph.
    1. Youth program we currently have is the Life Teen is based on building faith. The Squire and Squirettes program would compliment the current youth fulfilling the fellowship and community involvement aspect.
    2. The Knights are trying to get boys to be more involved in church activities.
    3. Chris K. is interested in assisting Randy with getting boys introduced to the program.
    4. Nate would help with the younger boys 12 and above.
  14. New parish communication group will be working on the parish communications.
  15. Pancake Breakfast
    1. October 2 for Prolife, Chair: Pat Karn
    2. November 20th with bake sale
    3. October 30 for church proceeds (same weekend as the 25 and 50 year anniversary commemoration chaired by Bill Rose. The Knights pancake breakfast could be offered for free to the couples and keep both programs for this day. Bill Rose will be contacted to see if he is agreeable to coordinating the pancake breakfast with the anniversary program.
    4. No breakfast in December.
  16. Food taste fund raiser. 10 to 11 couples are signed up need more . 30 or more are desired.
  17. Faith Formation –
    1. Wednesday dining -free will offering.
    2. Two sections 4:30- 5:30 PM and 6:00- 7:00.
    3. Knight’s involvement encouraged.
  18. Fall Marathon is getting organized.
  19. Fall Festival – chairman updates – ongoing
  20. Eucharistic Congress will be coming up this fall.
  21. Good of the Order
    1. Joe brodbur
    2. Mike McDole
    3. David Mazurek
    4. Dick Hargarten
    5. Roger Fickbaum

Closing prayer was said 

Meeting Adjourned at 8:50 PM

Officers Minutes 2005 July

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Business Meeting 

Date: July 24, 2005

The Council was called to order at 7:40 P.M by

Prayer was offered by GK, Don Carsten

The roll call of officers:

Chaplain Fr. Joseph Feders E Advocate Dave Stumpf A
Grand Knight Don Carsten P Warden Jim Seifert P
Deputy Grand Knight Marty Dehen A Inside Guard Bill Swing A
Chancellor Edward Ayd P Outside Guard Bryan Wernimont A
Recorder Dan Cincoski P Trustee 3 yr Bill Rudolph A
Financial Secretary Jerry Sisk P Trustee 2 yr Pat Karn P
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 yr Tom Silver
Lecturer Mark Pedote A                          Present P     Absent A


Opening Prayers and Pledge of Allegiance were said 

  1. Treasurer report
    1. Account balance before dispersement of reimbursements and payments$4,645.62
    2. Balance of Tootsi Roll fund $80.05
  2. Financial Sec – No Report
  3. Insurance umbrella for $1,000,000 will have to be purchased for our events. We may offer coverage of other business entities if appropriate within the parish. Ladies Auxiliary and Squire events would be in this group. Coverage rate at this time is $500 with our current event load.
  4. Present checks from Tootsi Roll to Hamar Residence and Special Olympics at Thursday Council Meeting.
  5. Fall Festival –
    1. Mark Best has set up entertainment with 5 hours booked.
    2. Need chairmen yet for several events.
  6. Pancake breakfast dates:
    1.    Prolife Sunday, October 2 Chaired by Pat Karn.
    2. Sept. 26th will be canceled. Makeup for church fund. Possible date October 30
    3. October 2
    4. November 20 along with Ladies Aux bake sale.
    5. October is membership month.
    6. Ed Ayd – Use poster machine to describe the proceeds of the pancake breakfasts as they come up. Post for a week.
    7. Word out to the other 7 churches in the area.
  7. Ed Ayd on the Web Page
    1. Requires update on a regular basis and coordinate with Council News Letter.
    2. Start with events after mid September.
    3. Add calendar, events descriptions, Grand Knight – article etc.
    4. Dave Mazurek and Marty Dehen will contribute.
  8. Soccer Challenge – similar to free throw program. Set up for HNOJ school for 5th and 6th grades in September. Have to get a chairman for organization. Have Bill Swing send out a notice.
  9. Fall Special Olympics bowling program we will be providing assistance. Event will be Nov. 11, 12, 13. HNOJ is assigned for the 13th.
  10. Marathon on October 1 Bill Swing – chair.
  11. Coffee and Donuts after Mass. The ministry should be by the parish, the Knights do not wish to administer this program.

Adjourned 8:45

By Dan Cincoski

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