Welcome to the membership dues payment page!
Online payment of your membership dues is the preferred means of paying your membership dues since it saves time and money for both you and your KC Council. The options below allow you to pay your membership dues, as well as purchase MN Foundation Raffle Tickets ($5.00 each), using PayPal or a credit card. Know that raffle tickets should only be purchased if prior to the KC State Convention in May.
Select the appropriate payment option below given your membership type. Membership types are:
- Regular: Annual Dues $40
- Honorary, age 65 and 25 years of continuous service: Annual Dues $10
- Honorary Life:, age 70 and 25 years of continuous service: Dues are waived
You may review raffle ticket details by clicking HERE. If paying by credit card, be sure to select the “Debit or Credit Card Option” below. Once payment is received, you will be mailed your membership card as well as any raffle tickets that you may have purchased.
Thank you for your continued support of our Council and the Knights of Columbus!