Council Minutes 2008 August

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting  

Date: August 8, 2008 

The Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M by

Prayer was offered by GK Tom Silver

The roll call of officers:

Champlain Sam Catapano A Advocate David Stumpf A\P
Grand Knight Pat Karn P Warden Earl Florrence P
Deputy Grand Knight James Seifert A Inside Guard Davone Yang A
Chancellor James Grube P Outside Guard William Goddard P
Recorder Dan Cincoski P Trustee 3 yr Thomas Silver P
Financial Secretary Bill Swing P Trustee 2 yr Martin Dehen P
Treasurer Mark Mertens A Trustee 1 yr Don Carsten A
Lecturer   A                          Present P     Absent A


Opening Ode Odes were voted to not be sang

Opening prayer and pledge of allegiance were said

  1. Recorder read minutes of the July 8, 2008 no changes were made. Meeting minutes were approved as read.
  2. Discussion regarding Jerry Wilichwoski’s passing. Bill Swing will go ahead and order a Resolution of Condolence.
  3. Membership – Marty Dehen suggested getting a list of new parishioners from the parish.

GK Report

  1. Sunday business meeting was held July 13 and the calendar was prepared for the school year.
  2. Meetings for the Fall festival are being held on Sundays between Masses. Pat Karn, Jim Siefert and Steve Zylla attended. A discussion regarding the menu and the work we will have to perform commenced.       Knights will be encouraged to sign up for time slots.
  3. Meeting with Father Tim – was very supportive and appreciative of or involvement. He would like to have become involved in spirituality and host an event with a speaker or program that will address spirituality.

Chaplin Report

  1. Discussion with clergy that Sam would be the representative at the council meetings. Father wants the council to do something to promote our spirituality. Parish representatives would be willing to help us develop some programs.       Faith formation and Social Justice needs help. Special needs program to support those who have special needs. Male mentoring of autistic people is one area that would benefit from our abilities. There are a multitude of activity needs that we can participate and support.
  2. Father Tim said, he would participate in some of the Council meetings. Support of the Knights during fall drive. Pat would write a membership article in the fall meeting.

Treasurer’s report

  1. Balance on account $5,406.45. Check of $690.00 to the State office. We have an outstanding billing to Supreme.

Financial Officers Report

  1. Documents were distributed to GK Pat Karn and Champlin Sam
  2. We received Year “stickers” for a plaque ( that we have to get).
  3. “A Guy Thing” on September 7

Pat Karn

  1. Service Committees discussion on service programs and the council’s structuring these programs
  2. Service program chairs (list insert) Pat distributed the service program pamphlet to the program chairs in attendance.
  3. Prolife – Prolife Action Ministries is having Star Parker speak on October 6, at 6PM at Earl Brown Heritage Center

Tom Silver

  1. Checks to the Tootsi Roll recipients including the Wild West Special Olympics Team $580.50, and Western Wings Olympics Team $483.75 and Hammer Residence $580.50 and $290.25. To the State Council Fall Classic for Special Olympics.

Unfinished Business 

  1. Marty Dehen – order of flyers for the KofC — 50 Kof C Ask Me buttons, –100 “Did you Know” — 25 Welcome Backs. Rosary Cards, Financial Aid Scholarship applications, and other supplies.
  2. Pat Karn – September 28 pancake breakfast is for the HNOJ school. Pat asked Barbara Reis for more assistance from the school to help in the cafeteria. The Kof Cs will work the kitchen and money collection. Profits will be forwarded to the school for the ball field fund.

New Business

  1. Dave Stumpf – the “Soccer Challenge” the recognition of the program is not strong at the Fall Festival. Take to Chris and Nate to come up with some ideas.

Report of the Fourth Degree – none

Calendar was reviewed and approved as written.

The Council recited the Prayer of Saint Ignatius Loyola

Good of the Order

  • Dave Stumpf’s Father
  • Terry Scott
  • Dick Hargarten
  • Davone’s Wife
  • Mark Best
  • Earl Florrence

Closing prayer

Meeting adj 9:00

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