Council Minutes 2008 October

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting  

Date, October 14, 2008 

The Council was called to order at 7:35 P.M by

Prayer was offered by GK Pat Karn

The roll call of officers:

Champlain Sam Catapano P Advocate David Stumpf A
Grand Knight Pat Karn P Warden Earl Florrence A
Deputy Grand Knight James Seifert P Inside Guard Davone Yang P
Chancellor James Grube A Outside Guard William Goddard A
Recorder Dan Cincoski P Trustee 3 yr Thomas Silver P
Financial Secretary Bill Swing P Trustee 2 yr Martin Dehen P
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 yr Don Carsten P
Lecturer                              Present P     Absent A


Opening Ode Odes were voted to not be sang

  1. Opening prayer and pledge of allegiance were said
  2. Correction to minutes of September 9 th
    1. The Scholarship for students of Ascension School for Catholic High School.
    2. Pat Karn was absent from the meeting.
    3. Minutes were approved as amended.


Admission Committee – no new membership applications were received.

  1. Bill Swing said, Mike Stowe is considering joining


Grand Knight Report –

  1. Pat wrote an article in the HNOJ newsletter regarding joining the Knights.
  2. Membership updated: 98 members, 35 insured, 63 associates, and 7 honorary life.
  3. There is a new form 100, existing form 100s can be used until the end of the year.
  4. Meeting between Sam Catapano, Pat Karn and Jim Seifert. Father Tim asked that we become more active with spirituality Sam had several ideas in the area of service to youth.
  5. Jim Seifert was acknowledged for his promoting the multitude of activities that we were involved in, in the last month.
  6. October 29th at 6:30 PM Prolife speaker Gianna Jessen, an abortion survivor, will be presenting at St. Joseph’s Hopkins, Mn.
  7. November 2th Terry Schivo will be speaking at Holy Family in Silver Lake, Mn.
  8. 40 Days for Life Saturday, October 18 after morning Mass a campaign at Regions Hospital regarding the “secret” abortion clinic that is supported by Health Partners. This is being sponsored by All in God’s Plan


Treasurer report –

  1. The pancake breakfast of September 28th for HNOJ School grossed $2,591.00.
  2. The balance on account is $7,997.93.
  3. The pancake breakfast of October 12 grossed $2,313.00.
  4. A motion to distribute the net proceeds of $1,500 from the September 28 breakfast to HNOJ was passed.
  5. A motion to distribute the gross proceeds of $2,250 from the October 12 breakfast, distributed to the 3 prolife programs at $750 each.


Chaplin report – Deacon Sam

  1. Meeting regarding the charge from Fr Tim to increase programs for spirituality.
  2. Sam discussed a program for Knights to say a decade of the rosary 8:30 Monday mornings for HNOJ school children with focus on the Mysteries. Knights are encouraged to assist.
  3. Promote the Squire program for the youth for both boys and girls. Keep up the current programs are very important and the desire is to continue all of them.
  4. Rosary at noon on Wednesdays during Lent in the church. Rosary with the children at sometime in the church, lead by a Knight.
  5. The Lenten watch fire requires a rekindling for participation. Knights should be keepers and a tent or tarp cover and music would help the interest, especially getting youth involved. Pat requested a couple of Co-chairs for the watch fire this year it will come up in early April.


Dan Cincoski suggested a couples tour of the Vatican exhibit for knights and spouses.

Mission for the families sponsored by the Knights.

Financial report –

  1. Report of receipts for the supplies for the pancake breakfast, web site, and misc.
  2. Mike McDole has lapsed his membership we discussed keeping his membership active on behalf of the Council, Motion to was called and approved to support his membership.
  3. Fish fry has been moved to April 3, 2009. Devon requested assistance from the membership to prep food for the event in light of his wife’s health.
  4. The non-public school education Marathon K of Cs doled out 1300 hot dogs,
  5. Coffee at the Oct 5th event was not well supported.
  6. Father Arnold’s book sales will have to continue, we have about 400 available at $20.00 each.
  7. Faith formation on all Wednesdays except Oct 15th
  8. Special Olympics bowling at Southtown 11 AM – 5 PM November 9th.
  9. Some sets of K of C aprons for the serving line people owned by the council should be purchased and setup.


Old Business

  1. Founders Day – father Tim did not want to have a guard at Mass.
  2. Pancake Breakfast November
  3. There is an issue with the apparent separation of the Staff for Church and school.       There is a desire by Fr. Tim and other to have this go away.
  4. School Staff lunch on January 16th during the in-service training was suggested.   A motion to approve the luncheon was requested and approved the Council would host.
  5. Christmas Party is December 9th, Margaux will cater. Need some serving/cleanup people – perhaps confirmation students.
  6. There was a Suggestion that the HNOJ staff support be improved.


Fourth Degree business – One priest will be going up most of the people are waiting for the Exemplification in Brooklyn Center in April.


Good of the Order

  • Devon’s wife and family
  • Marty’s brother-in-law
  • Friend of Sam’s
  • Larraine Wilichwoski

Closing Prayers were said at 9:40 PM

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