Council Minutes 2008 September

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting  

Date: September 9, 2008 

The Council was called to order at 7: P.M by

Prayer was offered by GK Tom Silver

The roll call of officers:

Champlain Sam Catapano A Advocate David Stumpf P
Grand Knight Pat Karn P Warden Earl Florrence P
Deputy Grand Knight James Seifert P Inside Guard Davone Yang P
Chancellor James Grube P Outside Guard William Goddard A
Recorder Dan Cincoski P Trustee 3 yr Thomas Silver P
Financial Secretary Bill Swing P Trustee 2 yr Martin Dehen A
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 yr Don Carsten A
Lecturer   A                          Present P     Absent A


Opening Ode Odes were voted to not be sang

  1. Opening prayer and pledge of allegiance were said



  1. Change item 19, last sentence – strike ball field fund.
  2. Meeting minutes were approved as amended.


New membership applications – no new applications


Grand Knight Report – no report


Financial Secretary Report

  1. There are no new financial activities reported
  2. Existing membership status – those Knights who are not current with their dues will be issued “Notice of Intent to Suspend” documents.
  3. Calendar was reviewed and the only conflict was the fish fry on Friday, Feb. 27th with Luke 18 an alternative date of April 3 was suggested.
  4. Web site update – Web site is currently being hosted by Run spot. There are limitations on that site. Dan Garry has offered to have us move the site to the church web site.
  5. There are a lot more opportunities on this site for our content and a Knights in Commerce blog site could be set up.
  6. The supplies that Marty ordered have arrived. The aprons for the priests and Mark Best will be presented to at the Saturday fall festival events.


Treasurer Report – balance on account is $5,406.45


Trustee Report

  1. The celebration for Joe Worshim will be held on the October 4th with a dinner at $15 per person.
    • The planning Committee is planning to start a scholarship program for Ascension Church in his name.
    • It will be held at 6:30 after Mass. Knight’s assistance is requested.
  2. Monday, Sept 22nd @ 7:00 a meeting with HOPE a group for parenting of special needs children. The speaker will be Molly Bruce.


Unfinished Business

  1. Fall Festival
  2. Saturday night awards for knights from last years activities
  3. Saturday afternoon Steve Zylla will be starting at 1 – 2 PM.
  4. Sunday morning people will be needed before the first shift (11 AM) for prep.
  5. Other Events
    • September 24th Fine dining starts on Wednesdays.
    • Saturday, September 27 is the non-public education marathon. Sign up sheets will be available for commitments throughout the day.
    • Sunday, September 28th is the HNOJ school pancake breakfast. Two to three shifts in the kitchen the school people will work the dining floor.
    • Signup on the on the website does not work.
    • K of C social last Tuesday of the month at 7:30AM @ Panara Bread
    • October 12 K of C pancake breakfast for Prolife.
    • Advertising in the bulletin has to be submitted two weeks before publishing date. Each ad has to be submitted separately for each week.
    • October 5th K of C is serving coffee and donuts after Masses during membership drive.


New Business

  1. Founders Day on Sunday, March 29th.       The Knights will be featured, a fourth degree guard will be considered. A reception will follow 10:30 Mass.
  2. Pam Patnode requested that we sponsor the sale of Father Arnolds book at HNOJ with the proceeds going to a St. John’s University Scholarship fund. Event would be after Masses on some Sunday
  3. Special Olympics – Bowling event sign up is going around.


Field Agent Report.

  1. A new series of products is coming out in the next couple of months. Pat will be calling on some members regarding the products.
  2. Election Novina for two months. Rosaries to pray for the election on the Relevant Radio web site. Say a rosary a day or as close as possible.

Good of the Order:

  • Marty Dehen’s brother-in-law
  • Pat Novak’s mother-in-law
  • Bill Conway
  • Gene Stumpf
  • Devon’s wife
  • Larrane Wilichwoski
  • Mark Best

Closing prayers

Meeting was adjourned at 8:50









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