Council Minutes 2009 April

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting  

Date: April 14, 2009 

The Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M by

Prayer was offered by DGK James Seifert

The roll call of officers:

Chaplain Sam Catapano A Advocate David Stumpf P
Grand Knight Pat Karn A Warden Earl Florrence P
Deputy Grand Knight James Seifert P Inside Guard Davone Yang P
Chancellor James Grube P Outside Guard William Goddard P
Recorder Dan Cincoski P Trustee 3 yr Thomas Silver P
Financial Secretary Bill Swing P Trustee 2 yr Martin Dehen P
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 yr Don Carsten A
Lecturer   A                          Present P     Absent A


Opening Ode Odes were voted to not be sang

  1. Opening prayer and pledge of allegiance were said

Meeting minutes were read and approved as read.

Membership: No report

Grand Knight Report:

  1. There will be a district Meeting this Thursday in Plymouth. The District is seeking a deputy.
  2. Tootsi Rolls have arrived at the church.       The distribution will be done by Pat Karn and Dave Stumpf.
  3. May meeting will be the annual dinner meeting.       The 12th has some conflicts and Wednesday, May 13th was discussed along with some locations.       Latuff’s new location will be checked out to see if it works out. A motion was presented for the date and possible use of Latuff’s. DISCUSSION the members will pay $10 and the council will make up the difference.       Alcoholic beverages will be the knights expense. Approved with discussion items. A call chain will be set up to contact the membership.
    1. Officer nominations and voting will be prepared for the May meeting.
  4. Guy’s evening will be this Friday with Father Paul – “It’s a card thing”
  5. I will find out the date and the location of the installation of officers for the district. It will be held in June.

Chaplin Report

Treasurer Report – Council account balance $8,105.51

Financial Secretary Report –

  1. Receipts $4,281.97 – detail was reported
  2. Expenses $1,972.31 – detail was reported
    • Student Loan Fund of $91 will have to be approved for dispersement. Motion for a dollar a member was approved.
    • Member transfer – Dennis Tureson from Maple Grove.


Program Director – Jim Siefert

  1. Letter of Thanks from the Staff Appreciation dinner was read.
  2. Jim listed the events of the next month including the Pancake Breakfast, Sunday, April 19th and Tootsi Roll sale the last weekend of April.


Old Business

  1. Sea Food dinner was successful with 267 people in attendance. Father Tim was very appreciative. Money proceeds were discussed by Steve Zylla to be distributed to three parties; first for Davone Yang for a charity of his choice, second to Greg Hegi for his charity and third for HNOJ Wednesday fine dining.
  2. Devon thanked some the key people who put in a exemplary effort.
  3. Earl hosted the Knights watch fire period we wanted to thank Earl for his efforts.
  4. State Convention will be attended by David Novak and Steve Zylla.


New Business

  1. Pancake Breakfast – sign up for work times on web site. Signs up at the entrance and placards in the Narthex.
  2. For Tootsi Rolls – get permission from stores that will allow us to sell in front. Schedule attendance at Masses.
  3. Marty Dehen – All in God’s Plan would be a good program for young boys in lew of Squires. The Archdiocese manages the program for Fathers/Sons 11-13 years and Mothers/Daughters at same age. There will be program for boys on April 23rd.
  4. Knights picnic after 5 PM Mass some Saturday this summer. Further discussion will follow.


Fourth Degree

  1. Exemplification on April 18th at Northland Inn


Good of the Order

  • Gene Stumpf
  • Diane VonVelkenberg
  • Tom Silver’s Son
  • Dan Silver
  • Davone’s wife

Closing Prayers were said at 9:16 PM

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