Council Minutes 2009 February

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting  

Date: February 10, 2009 

The Council was called to order at 7:3 P.M by

Prayer was offered by GK Pat Karn

The roll call of officers:


Chaplain Sam Catapano A Advocate David Stumpf A
Grand Knight Pat Karn P Warden Earl Florrence P
Deputy Grand Knight James Seifert P Inside Guard Davone Yang P
Chancellor James Grube P Outside Guard William Goddard P
Recorder Dan Cincoski P Trustee 3 yr Thomas Silver A
Financial Secretary Bill Swing P Trustee 2 yr Martin Dehen P
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 yr Don Carsten A
Lecturer                              Present P     Absent A


Opening Ode Odes were voted to not be sang

  1. Opening prayer and pledge of allegiance were said


Diane Lingdhal presented the parish policies to the council prior to the meeting.


Meeting minutes were read the following amendments were made.

  1. Raffle tickets are $5.00 with dispersions of $2.50 to council and $2.50 to state
  2. Minutes were approved with amendment.



  1. Exemplification at Bloomington the 3rd degree works out well with their excellent facility. Date: March 1.
  2. Exemplification at New Prague on March 15.


Grand Knight Report:

  1. From Tom Silver – net from Cinnamon Roll sales $4,000.00 funds will go to ACCL
  2. State Meeting will be on May 15 through 17. Registration is due by April 15.
  3. Bowling Tournaments April 18-19, 25-26 and May 2-3
  4. The HNOJ School Monday morning Rosary has been very successful.       Additional sign ups have been requested.
  5. The Deacon Sam       requested more organization for Watchfire


Chaplin Report – not present


Treasurers Report

  1. Balance $4,938.57
  2. Additional checks will have to be ordered.
  3. Request for update of authorized signatures for the council’s Wells Fargo checking account.


Financial Secretary Report –

  1. Read the list of vouchers and income
  2. Prayer cards from St. John the Baptist Council available for sale. Quantities are available at nominal costs. Cards have Archbishop Neinstedt’s image on the front.
  3. Motion was presented to provide $91 to the five dioceses within the state from the Pennies for Seminarians fund raiser.


Program Director – Jim Siefert

  1. Faith formation Feb 11 and 18.
  2. Cana Dinner Feb 14
  3. Free Throw contest Feb 21 at 12:00 PM
  4. K C social time Feb 24 at 7:30 AM at Panara
  5. Faith Formation March 4
  6. Special       Needs Station Friday March 6
  7. Pancake March 8       proceeds to K of C council
  8. K of C monthly meeting March 10
  9. K C founders day on Sunday, March 29th.


Old Business

New membership form 100s are available Bill distributed some to the membership.


New Business

  1. K of C founders day reserve a space for the council members. Submit for an intention acknowledgement at each Mass. Check for what involvement we may have at each Mass.
  2. Bill has membership rosters for distribution.


Fourth Degree – none


Field Agent – Pat

  1. Poker Night with father Paul on March 7th at 7 PM. By Father Paul’s
  2. Pat and his wife will be hosting a viewing of the movie “Fireproof”. He will put together and evening event.
  3. Pass around K of C investment programs.



Good of the Order

  • All departed souls from the parish
  • Jim Seifert’s Dad had surgery and has recovered
  • Dave Stumpf’s Dad has six months to live
  • Dave Scheffield’s brother 52 passed away
  • Devon’s Wife
  • Devon’s brother-in-law – heart surgery
  • Tom Silver’s son Tim is being deployed to Iraq
  • Earl Florrence – has found a job
  • Devon – is out of work
  • Denny Lewinski passed away from cancer and his wife has cancer

Closing Prayers were said at 9:03 PM

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