Council Minutes 2009 July

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting  

Date: 07/14/2009 

The Council was called to order at 7:36 PM by GK Jim Seifert

Warden’s Report on Membership Card by Dave Sheffield

Prayer was offered by GK Jim Seifert

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Roll Call of Officers:

Chaplain Rev. Sam Catapano A Advocate David Stumpf A
Grand Knight James Seifert P Warden Davone Yang A
Deputy Grand Knight James Grube P Inside Guard David Sheffield P
Chancellor Dan Cincoski P Outside Guard Craig Lyon A
Recorder Joe Badalucco P Trustee 3 yr Patrick Karn P
Financial Secretary Bill Swing P Trustee 2 yr Thomas Silver P
Treasurer Mark Mertens A Trustee 1 yr Martin Dehen A
Lecturer Earl Forrence P                           Present 9     Absent 6


Opening Ode

            Motion to dismiss with the Opening and Closing Odes proposed, seconded and carried.

Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting

April and May meeting notes were read


Membership Director’s Report

            – No report

Report of Admissions Committee and Reading of Applications for Membership

– No report

Balloting for Membership (New members, readmissions, reapplications and transfers)

Reading of Notices of Applications in other Councils



Grand Knight’s Report

  1.             Knights of Columbus Council 13096 Activities since last meeting May 13, 2009
    1. Officer Installation for 2009-2010 Fraternal Year Holy Name of Jesus, Friday, June 5, 2009
    2. Diane V. Appreciation Dinner, Friday, June 12, 2009
    3. HNOJ Ministry Area Commission CookoutThursday, June 18, 2009Food prepared on the KC Grill
    4. Brother Knight Fr. Paul Kammen, last weekend as Associate Pastor of HNOJSaturday, June 27, 2009 Fourth Degree Honor Guard
    5. Thank you from both the outgoing and incoming Grand Knights to all Brother Knights who helped in any way with these special celebrations.
  2. New Associate Pastor of Holy Name of Jesus Fr. Joseph Quoc Vuong Arrives July 19, 2009
  3. Year For Priests
    • Commenced June 19, 2009
    • Key focus is awareness, prayer and assistance for our Priests
  4. In the News: Knightline, May 2009
    • 2008 International Soccer Challenge Champion
    • Girls, Age 14, Alison Yang, Council 13096, Plymouth MN
  5. District 53 Meeting – Hosted by Good Samaritan Council 13096
    • Thursday, July 23, 2009 7:00 pm, Holy Name of Jesus in Medina, Emmaus A. All Knights are invited to attend.
    • District Deputy, Mark Foresman, Golden Valley Council 13506
    • Beverages, sandwiches, chips, crackers, etc. provided by KC 13096 for 10-15 people.
  6. Knights of Columbus 127th Supreme Convention
    1. August 4-6, 2009
    2. Phoenix, AZ
    3. Followed by the 1st International Marian Congress on our Lady of Guadalupe August 6-8, Phoenix AZ. 15,000 participants expected.
  7. Service Program Appointments Pending
    • GL will review appointments with DGK July 16, 2009
    • GK will finalize appointments by July 27, 2009
    • Program Service Personnel Report due July 31, 2009
  8. Semi-Annual Audit Report
    • Due August 15, 2009
    • Grand Knight and Trustees to conduct audit of Financial Secretary and Treasurer records before August 11, 2009 (next Council meeting)
  9. Presentation Request before the next Council meeting
    • CT RideNet, Help local community members get a ride for medical appointments, shopping, work.
    • Become a local ambassador, certified volunteer driver, advisor or community partner.
    • St. Cloud based. Serving west Metro suburbs including Plymouth and Maple Grove
  10. Letter of Acknowledgment and Receipt
    1. 2009 Twin Cities Breast Cancer 3-Day
    2. Supported Diane Lyngdal
    3. Council donation $230.00


  1. Chaplin’s Report – No report


  1. Treasurer’s Report

Council account balance $ 8842.85 as of 6/25/2009


Financial Secretary’s Report – No report

Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouches for Deposit

Total Receipts Reported: $3640.00.


Reading of Bills and Communications

Total Disbursements Reported: $3843.12


Financial Secretary’s Report of Receipts of Meeting

Motion to accept reports approved


Report of Auditors and Trustees  – Next month


 Chancellor’s Report on Vocations – No report


Service Program Committee Reports – No report


Recruitment Activity (Membership Director)


Retention Committee Report

            Received 2 more

Outstanding of 7        


Program Director

  1. KofC social at Panera on 7/28 730 AM
  2. ProLife committee – rummage sale volume of donations were down, however very good over $10k, goes to women who make quilts who support ProLife
  3. Plan for year – plan to meet with new Program Director and follow-up with a Council activities planning meeting     

Report of Standing Committees      – No report

Unfinished Business            

  1. Adoration Chapel
  • Tom Silver presented numerous available days and times of the day.
  • Tom Silver and Earl Forrence will organize the information and distribute it to the Council.
  • At this time, the participation will be through individual member sign ups due to the numerous open slots.
  • Council may, in the future, take a designated time slot and rotate adoration commitments for the designated time slot.

2.   Members Delinquent Dues


  • Final Collection Letters went out on or about June 13, 2009.
  • Retention Committee to follow-up with 7 individual members.

3. Knights of Columbus picnic after a 5:00 PM Saturday Mass sometime this summer.   K of C Family Week – August 8-16, 2009

        4.  Tootsie Roll Fundraiserzdfdfdfgfgfff

  • Letter of Appreciation received from Hammer Residence read by Tom Silver
  • Tom Silver is a Hammer Residence Board Member.

5.  Meat Grinder purchase approved (March 2009)

  • Acquisition status?
  • Fleet Farm has a sale on now
  • Prefer commercial grade unit
  • Jim Grube to work with Davonne Yang to acquire a unit meeting the requirements.

6.  Notification from Carl Anderson, Supreme Knight:  C Scholarship Award to Maureen Hanson, daughter of Bill Hanson

New Business

  1. Good Samaritan Council 13096 2009-2010 Fundraising Event Calendar.
    • Double check dates are on HNOJ Main Calendar
    • Send updated list to Bill Swing and Joe Badalucco
  2. Good Samaritan Council 13096 2009-2010 Activity Calendar.
  3. Welcome Reception for Fr, Joseph Quoc Vuong, TBD
  4. Fundraising Request: Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life.
    • Last donation $127.00, 05/20/2005 (no record in Treasurer Check Register)
    • Motion to donate $200.00 to Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life Approved.
  5. HNOJ School Monday morning Rosary
    • Call for volunteers, new School Year approaching.
  6. Schedule Fall Soccer Challenge during Fall Festival
    • State Challenge October 10, 2009 in Coon Rapids, MN
    • Co-Chairmen needed
    • Fall Festival, 09/13/2009
    • Idea: approach HNOJ School to hold competition during school day (Phy. Ed.)
    • Idea: hold competition during Wednesday night fine dining.
    • Council materials, check with Dave Stumpf and Don Carstens.
  7. 2009-2010 Council Membership Survey
    • Long discussion ensued
    • Does Supreme have a preset survey?
    • Targeted v. General survey?
    • Major time commitment required.
    • How do we elicit timely and wide response?
    • Challenge to understand the results.
    • Must create a responsive action plan.
    • Does a survey create unrealistic expectations among the members?
    • Youth Programs
      1. 4-5 Man Committee needed
      2. Columbian Squires?
      3. Alliance with HNOJ Boy Scouts?
      4. Alliance with Life Teen? Avoid competition.


  8. Council Communications
    • Meeting minutes distribution
    • Minutes are highly technical, primarily for official record of Council actions.
      • Recording Secretary to email official minutes to GK, DGK, Financial Secretary and Treasurer within one week of meeting.
      • GK Seifert to email minutes to all Officers and Trustees, monthly.
    • Brief Newsletter summary of last meeting to go with next meeting notice.
    •  Dan Cincoski volunteered to prepare a Newsletter format meeting summary before the next meeting
  9. Holy Name of Jesus Parish Needs
    • Earl Forrence proposed replacing the worn US Flags.
    • Earl mentioned the Adoration Chapel needs patch and paint
    • KC’s to underwrite and execute both projects.
    • Projects approved subject to HNOJ Administration
    • Ed Ayd to discuss with Dan Garry
      1. Subsequent Event (07/15/2009)
      2. HNOJ Administration approved both projects.
  10. “Memorial To The Unborn” at Holy Name
    • Main Entrance flower garden?
    • Watch Fire Grotto?
    • Near the Pro-Life memorial (driveway)
  11. Reminder: KC Social Time
    • Tuesday, July 28, 2009 7:30 AM
    • Panera Bread
  12. Next Council Meeting
    • Tuesday, August 11, 2009, 7:30 PM
    • Preceded by Rosary 7:10 PM.


  1. Fourth Degree
  • Next Exemplification, Marshall MN, Oct. 14, 2009
  • Spring 2010, Duluth, MN


  1. Field Agent’s Report

– No report


  1. District Deputy’s Report

– No report


  1. Good of the Order
  • Mark Best
  • Tim Silver (Tom’s son)
  • Dick Hargerten?
  • Earl Forrence
  •  Davon’s wife
  •  Diane Vanvalkenberg

Chaplain’s Summation

Closing Prayer

Closing Prayers were said at: 9:50 PM

Meeting Adjourned (Closing Ode, dismissed above)

Meeting Adjourned at 9: 57 PM

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