Council Minutes 2009 March

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting  

Date: March 10, 2009 

The Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M by

Prayer was offered by GK Pat Karn

The roll call of officers:

Chaplain Sam Catapano A Advocate David Stumpf A
Grand Knight Pat Karn P Warden Earl Florrence P
Deputy Grand Knight James Seifert P Inside Guard Davone Yang A
Chancellor James Grube P Outside Guard William Goddard A
Recorder Dan Cincoski P Trustee 3 yr Thomas Silver P
Financial Secretary Bill Swing P Trustee 2 yr Martin Dehen P
Treasurer Mark Mertens A


Trustee 1 yr Don Carsten A
Lecturer                              Present P     Absent A


Opening Ode Odes were voted to not be sang

  1. Opening prayer and pledge of allegiance were said


Meeting minutes were read the following amendments were made.

  1. Change David Novak for “Pat”



  1. George Laurence is our newest member.
  2. Several good exemplifications in the next few months up until May.
  3. Ideas for recruiting new members were discussed.


Grand Knight Report:

  1. Mailing for end of year applications and awards and another for programs and events to be submitted to Supreme Council.       Jim Siefert will review
  2. Knight of the year and family of the year will be discussed at a committee meeting.
  3. Steve Zylla will attend the State Meeting in St. Cloud, MN.
  4. Respect for Life Stations of the Cross is this Friday.


Chaplin Report – none


Treasurers Report – none


Financial Secretary Report –

  1. $330 in receipts will be turned in this month.
  2. There are 17 members with outstanding dues for 2009.
  3. Letters of suspension are being prepared for those members who have outstanding dues. Bill wants to be timely in going through the formal steps for withdrawal and suspensions.


Program Director – Jim Siefert

  1. Jim listed the activities and events for the coming two months


Old Business

  1. Devon Yang –
    • Fish Fry got permission for prep and fish fry on Thursday and Friday, April 2 -3
    • Asian Sea Food will serve as a promotion for the Stations of the Cross.
    • Help for both evenings is being requested.       Devon wants to supervise preparation.
    • Requires 5 – 6 people on Thursday 5 to 8 PM.
    • Requested use of a quality meat grinder and we suggested that he purchase a new one and the council will reimburse him.
    • Friday requires 6 people in the kitchen and several for hall setup from 3 ‘til 5 PM prep time and additional people from 5 until done. (about 8 PM or so).
  2. Father Paul’s poker card night with David Novak’s excellent cooking. Father wants to stay involved with card play and other activities with the men in the parish.
  3. Pancake breakfast was successful with about 801 people and gross receipts of $2,106.00.
  4. March 29th Knights Founders Day.       Working out a reserved space for the Knights and their families at 10:30 Mass.


New Business

  1. Earl is chairing Holy Week watchfire on Saturday, April 11th 1pm to 3pm. Looking for ideas for discussion and prayers.
  2. New HNOJ member night suggested by Diane Lingdahl on the Sea Food evening. The Council would sponsor family meal tickets. A motion was entered and seconded, discussion how many people would possibly be coming. It was determined that up to 50 people would be coming.       Motion was passed.
  3. Tootsi Roll sales – Tootsi Rolls have been ordered. Date of Sale is April 24, 25 and 26.


Fourth Degree

  1. Exemplification on April 18th at Northland Inn


Good of the Order

  • All departed souls from the parish
  • Don Carsten’s wife for surgery
  • George Laurence
  • Dave Stumpf’s Dad has six months to live
  • Bill Swings mother
  • Dick Hargarten
  • Devon’s Wife
  • Tom Silver’s son Tim is being deployed to Iraq

Closing Prayers were said at 9:03 PM

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