Council Minutes 2009 October

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting  

Date: 10/13/2009 

  1. The Council was called to order at 7:37 PM by GK Jim Seifert
  2. Warden’s Report on Membership Card by Dave Novak
  3. Prayer was offered by GK Jim Seifert
  4. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag 
  5. Roll Call of Officers:
Chaplain Rev. Sam Catapano A Advocate David Stumpf P
Grand Knight James Seifert P Warden Davonne Yang A
Deputy Grand Knight James Grube A Inside Guard David Sheffield A
Chancellor Dan Cincoski A Outside Guard Craig Lyon A
Recorder Joe Badalucco P Trustee 3 yr Patrick Karn P
Financial Secretary Bill Swing P Trustee 2 yr Thomas Silver P
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 yr Martin Dehen P
Lecturer Earl Forrence P                          Present 9     Absent 6


  1. Opening Ode
  • Motion to dismiss with the Opening and Closing Odes proposed, seconded and carried.


  1. Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting
  • September 8, 2009 Council meeting minutes were read and approved, with 2 corrections.
  • September 8 Council meeting minutes sent to Officers and Trustees on September 18, 2009.
  • A copy of the minutes may be obtained by a member in good standing upon request of the Grand Knight.
  • September 20, 2009 Council Officer meeting minutes were read and approved.
  • September 20 Council Officer meeting minutes sent to Officers and Trustees on September 30, 2009.
  • A copy of the minutes may be obtained by a member in good standing upon request of the Grand Knight


  1. Membership Director’s Report:
    1. Report of Admissions Committee and Reading of Applications for Membership
      • Clarence “Butch” Scheulker was approved. Unable to attend the next exemplification on 10/31.
      • Unable to approve Larry Aller. No Form 100
      • Michael Stowe was approved. Did not make last exemplification
    2. Balloting for Membership (New members, readmissions, reapplications and transfers)
      1. Larry Aller possible transfer. Dave Novak checking into status. Still need Form 100


  1. Reading of Notices of Applications in other Councils   None


  1. Initiations  None


  1. Grand Knight’s Report
    1. Holy Name of Jesus Fall Fest
      1. Thank You to Steve Zylla for serving as the Fall Fest Food Coordinator.
      2. Thank You to the many Knights who served the Sunday lunch or helped in any way with the Fall Fest.
    2. Knights of Columbus Soccer Challenge
      1. 10 Participants
      2. Several ideas for improved participation discussed at the September 20, 2009 Officer meeting.
    3. Major Degree Exemplification
      1. New Brighton, Saturday, September 19, 2009.
      2. Attend with DGK Grube.
      3. Present Frank Renshaw and Pat Kendrick for 1st, 2nd and 3rd
    4. Holy Name School Non-Public Education Marathon
      1. Thank you to the 7 KC’s who cooked 1,000 hot dogs on the KC Grill at Baker Park
      2. Thank you to Chuck Grabowski for storing and keeping the KC Grill in excellent condition and transporting the KC Grill to KC, HNOJ School and HNOJ Church events this year.
      3. Collected $48 free-will offering for 300 Tootsie Rolls made available at the Marathon.
    5. KC Perpetual Adoration Hour – For the Good of the Order
      1. Every Friday, 8 PM
      2. October rotation is set.
      3. We need more KC Adorers for the KC Adoration Hour.
      4. 17 members (8 Officers, almost 20% of Council membership) worship the Blessed Sacrament one or more hours during the week.
      5. Recruiting more KC’s for Midnight 12 AM Friday Adoration hour.
      6. Friday, 9 PM just opened up.
      7. Friday, 1 AM and Friday 2 AM are also open.
    6. Pancake Breakfast – October 11, 2009
      1. 373 Tickets Sold, $2377.50 collected. $8.75 Tootsie Roll sales.
      2. Room Assignment and Signage request for Christopher Columbus video.
        • Video presented in Lunchroom, little interest.
        • One person objected to the presentation. GK invited him to watch and return to GK for discussion. No show.
        • Moved presentation to dining room. High noise level drowned out the audio.
      3. E-mail call for volunteers. 17 responded.
      4. Bill Swing prepared the web sign up form.
      5. GK assumed temporary chairmanship of the event from Steve Zylla.
    7. KC Pancake Breakfast Operating Manual
      1. Steve Zylla prepared lengthy notes from memory.
      2. GK has organized the notes, obtained clarifications and prepared a detailed operating procedure manual.
      3. Trial run and quality check on October 11, 2009.
      4. Final Draft of Manual in progress.
    8. Retention Committee
      1. Personally contacted 5 of 7 dues delinquent members.
      2. More than one phone or e-mail follow-up required in several cases.
      3. Separate Retention Committee report presented to Council for Action.
    9. Official Council Donation Receipt
      1. Provided tax research and guidelines for required donation receipt content to be provided to all donors of $250 or more to FS.
      2. Recommended to FS to issue the official receipt to all donors during the year as donations are received.
    10. Memorial Mass for Deceased Knights of Columbus
      1. Holy Name of Jesus
      2. Sunday, November 22, 2009, 8:30 AM Mass.
      3. Action Item: Add to Council Web Calendar.
    11. Announcement: Major Degree Exemplification
      1. North St. Paul, Saturday, October 31, 2009, 8:30 AM
      2. Must pre-register candidates by Sunday, October 25, 2009.
      3. Council 13096 has approved 2 candidates.
      4. FS in receipt of all completed Form 100 applications.
      5. Two Council Officers to accompany candidates – Call for volunteers.
    12. District 53 Meeting
      1. Loretto, October 8, 2009.
      2. Attended by GK Seifert and DGK Grube
      3. Council 13096 Quarterly Activities Report provided to attending Grand Knights and District Deputy. (Copy available to members in good standing upon request of the Grand Knight.
    13. District Communications
      1. Announcement: “Be Not Afraid – Building a Culture of Life and Love” a conference for Teens and Parents.
        • Friday, October 30 and Saturday, October 31, 2009.
        • John the Baptist Catholic Church, New Brighton, MN.
        • Cost $25 per person, family discounts apply.
        • Conference brochure forwarded Cris Kostelc, HNOJ Youth Minister.
      2. Joint Fraternal and Agency Membership Growth and Retention Meeting, September 25, 2009
        • Meeting handouts provided to District 53 GK by DD53
        • Membership recruitment ideas – roll-playing scripts.
        • Ideas for coordinating a successful Church Membership Drive.
    14. Supreme Updates (none)


  1. Chaplin’s Report   No report


  1. Treasurer’s Report
  • Council account balance $ 8675.14 as of 10/13/2009


  1. Financial Secretary’s Report
  • Total Receipts Reported: $ 2559.91
  • Expenses totaling $ 776.32
  • Motion to accept the Treasurer’s and Financial Secretary’s reports was approved


  1. Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouches for Deposit
  • Receipts at meeting totaling $30.00
  • Motion to accept was approved


  1. Reading of Bills and Communications   None


  1. Financial Secretary’s Report of Receipts of Meeting
  • No funds were received at the meeting.


  1. Report of Auditors and Trustees
  • None


  1. Chancellor’s Report on Vocations
  • James Lannan has been in contact with Chancellor
  • James will speak 11/4 to 8th graders about vocations
  • James has been invited to attend our November council meeting. Has not replied yet.


  1. Service Program Committee Reports   No report


  1. Recruitment Activity (Membership Director)
  • Covered in Membership Director’s Report


  1. Retention Committee Report
    1. Members with 2009 Annual Dues in Delinquent Status (7)
      • Status: Member contacted. Member promised to pay. No response (1).
      • Action: Notice of Intent to Suspend Sent 10/05/2009
      • Suspension Recommendation or Withdrawal Pending: Mike McDole
      • Status: Repeated attempts to contact member by phone. No response. (2).
      • Action: Notice of Intent to Suspend Sent 10/05/2009
      • Suspension Recommendation or Withdrawal Pending: Terry Pumper, Carl Engebos (Written offer made to assist Engebos with transfer to another Council in the vicinity of his residence. Field Agent Novack made a personal visit to his last known address – no one home. Novack left a note for Engebos to call him. Engebos has not contacted Novack). Status: Members contacted (4).
      • Resolution: Member Paid (2): Bill Corrigan, Mike Leuer
      • Resolution: Voluntary Withdrawal (1): Mike Dougherty
      • Resolution: Request for Temporary Financial Hardship Waiver Granted (1): Name Withheld in Confidence
    2. Notification to the Council:
      • Granted Waiver for Temporary Financial Hardship by Grand Knight (1): Name Withheld in Confidence
    3. Recommendations to the Council:
      1. Dues Delinquent Members Outstanding: 4
      2. Accept Voluntary Withdrawal (1): Mike Dougherty – Motion approved to accept withdrawal, 2 opposed
      3. Initiate Suspension for Non Payment of Annual Dues – Financial Hardship not cited by member or member failed to respond to demand for payment by the deadline granted. (3): Mike McDole, Terry Pumper, Carl Engebos – Motion approved to suspend Pumper and Engebos. Motion to suspend Mike McDole withdrawn after discussion. McDole may have associated himself with another council. Dave Novack will check into it)


  1. Program Director
    1. Pro-Life report:
      1. KC Ladies’ Auxiliary angel scheduled for November 7th
        • Looking for volunteers to be an auctioneer
        • Knights to take care of cooking and clean up
      2. 40 Days for Life: 9/23 – 11/1
        • Looking to close down abortion clinic at Regents Hospital in St. Paul
        • Everyone is encouraged to come and join in the 24×7 prayer vigil
        • Hospital is located by 94 and 35E
      3. Healthcare Reform – none of the current proposed bills explicitly exclude the use of federal dollars to pay for abortions.
      4. Pat Karn made a motion to round up the proceeds from the October 11 pancake breakfast to $1,800 and split 3 ways with selected pro-life organizations. Motion was approved. Pat will look for new organizations.
    1. Director – Jim Grube, no report
    2. Church Activity
      • One of the tenets of the KofC is to support Eucharistic Adoration. It is important that we fill the open hours where we can.
    3. Community Activity
    4. Council Activity
      1. No report
    5. Family Activity
      1. No report
    6. Youth Activity
      1. No report


  1. Report of Standing Committees   No report


  1. Unfinished Business
    1. Veteran’s Day
      1. Committee formed to coordinate presentation and display of flags
        1. Dennis Madden, Earl Forrence, George Laurance
      2. Waiting on reply from Sonny Scott about the papal flag
    2. Memorial for unborn:
      1. Pastor Fr. Tim prefers to place the memorial in the HNOJ Cemetery
      2. Meeting scheduled for 10/22 to meet with Dan Garry to discuss options
    3. Special Olympics Fall Classic Bowling
      1. Scheduled for 11/15
      2. KofC major sponsor
      3. Need volunteers
    4. October membership “blitz’ continues
    5. Christmas party scheduled for 12/15


  1. New Business
    1. Next council meeting is Tuesday, 11/10/2009 at HNOJ. Meeting room TBA
    2. Recommendation was made to replace the events monitor in the Gathering Space
    3. Plans made to hand out prayer cards in honor of all priests after Masses the weekend of 10/24
      1. Volunteers:
        1. Saturday, 5 PM Mass: Steve Zylla, Bill Goddard
        2. Sunday, 8:30 AM Mass: Jim Seifert, George Laurance, & Tom Silver
        3. Sunday, 10:30 AM Mass: Joe Badalucco
        4. Sunday, 5:30 PM Mass: Earl Forrence & son, Dave Stumpf
  2. Fourth Degree   No report   No report


  1. Field Agent’s Report   No report


  1. District Deputy’s Report


  1. Good of the Order
  • Mark Best
  • Tim Silver (Tom’s son) and all soldiers for safe return
  • Earl Forrence for work
  • Davonne’s wife
  • All priests


  1. Chaplain’s Summation   None


  1. Closing Prayer
  • Closing Prayers were said at: 9:45 PM


  1. Meeting Adjourned (Closing Ode, dismissed above)
  • Meeting Adjourned at 9:46 PM

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