- The KC’s will pay for the Catholic education of the children of any dues paying member who is killed in the line of duty as a policeman, fire and rescue or armed serviceman, until they are done going to school- including college & post grad.
- The KC’s lobbied Eisenhower, in 1954 to add the words, “under God” to the Pledge of Allegiance?
- The KC’s spent 7 million dollars in 1956 to successfully overturn the Supreme Court ruling to abolish parochial schools?
- The KC’s donated over 165 million dollars each of the last 4 years for numerous worthy Catholic causes?
- The KC’s support a multi-million dollar grant and scholarship program for members and their children, with special dispensation to Seminarians?
- The KC’s pay for the uplink costs associated with broadcasting Papal events and down links around the world for Christmas and Holy Week Masses?
- The KC’s at HNOJ tithe 10% of all funds raised within the HNOJ Parish to official Catholic Seminarian related funds?
- The KC’s at HNOJ have given away over 2000 Rosaries to parishioners, while the National KC’s give away over 10,000 Rosaries each month- world wide?
- The KC’s at HNOJ have served over 10,000 meals on Wednesday nights for the Religious Education Program hosted by the Parish?
- The KC’s at HNOJ have served food at:
- The VBS Picnic
- The School Marathon
- The Staff Appreciation Dinner
- The Fall Festival
- Cinnamon Roll Sunday
- The Lenten Oriental Stir Fry