1. The April 10, 2018 Council meeting was called to order at 7:36 PM by Grand Knight Rode
2. Warden’s Report on Membership Cards by Earl Forrence
3. Opening Prayer offered by Grand Knight Rode
4. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
5. Roll Call of Officers
Office Name Pres Office Name Pres
Chaplain Vacant Vac Advocate Tom Silver P
Grand Knight John Rode P Warden Vacant Vac
Dep.Grand Eugene Dust A Inside Jose A Knight Guard Rodriguez-Belerrari
Chancellor Tom Murphy p Outside Guard Pat Karn P (7:46)
Recorder Jim Grube P Trustee 3 Year Dave Stumpf P
Financial Ed Hagerty P Trustee 2 Year Bill Swing A Secretary
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 Year Earl Forrence P
Lecturer Marty Dehen P
Present: 10 Absent: 3
6. Non-Officer Council Members in Attendance (11 members present for votes): Dan Cincoski
7. Knights of Columbus Guests:
8. Opening Ode: The Council dispensed with the opening ode.
9. Chaplain’s Report: None
10. Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting: The record of the Council finances and actions of the March 13, 2018 General Membership meeting was approved.
11. Report of Admission Committee and Reading of Applications: A Form 100 was submitted by Dave Stumpf on behalf of Nathan Lee.
12. Balloting for Membership (new, readmission. reapplications, transfers): Motion to accept Nathan Lee’s application for admission to membership was approved.
13. Initiations: None
14. Grand Knight’s Report:
15. Treasurer’s Report: The Council account balance was $11,111.97 as of April 10, 2018. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was approved.
16. Financial Secretary’s Report: Total Receipts reported for the period: $4,064.04 (2 batches). Total Disbursements reported for the period: $1,262.48 (6Vouchers – $136.55, $86.15, $10.00, $82.54, $12.97 and $934.27). Motion to accept the Financial Secretary’s report was approved.
Motion to pay the Council bills was approved
17. Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouchers for Deposit – See Financial Secretary’s Report #16 above.
18. Report of Auditors and Trustees
19. Chancellor’s Report on Vocations – No report
20. Service Program Committee Reports
Program Director: Dave Stumpf – No report
Church Director: Earl Forrence – No report
Vocations: Tom Silver – No report
Council Service Director: Ed Ayd – No report
Culture of Life Director: Unassigned – No report
Public Relations: Unassinged – No report
Family Service Director: Jim Grube – No report
Youth Activity Director: Unassigned – No report
Membership: Grand Knight Rode reported that the most recent report indicates the membership stands at 145; however, the report includes Sam Catapano who recently passed away. The actual membership should be 144.
Recruitment: John Rode – No report
Retention: Financial Secretary Hagerty reported that 25 members still have dues outstanding.
Lecturer: Marty Dehen – No report
HNOJ Life Commission – No report
21. Report of the Round Table Chairman – Not applicable
22. Report of Standing Committees – Not applicable
23. Unfinished Business
1 April Knights of Columbus family event – Grand Knight Rode reminded the Council that the event is scheduled for April 24 (Tuesday) at 6:30 PM. We will meet at Latuff’s and the focus of our discussions will be recruitment and new members. Members are urged to invite prospective members. As in the past, spouses are invited to attend.
2 Rosaries for various groups – Earl Forrence and Grand Knight Rode will be distributing rosaries to Confirmation students on May 9 at 7:00.
Earl Forrence reported he has rosaries for the NPH children and will make them available to those who will be making the trip to the orphanage.
It was reported we have only one bag of pocket/ring rosaries left, so a future purchase will be necessary.
3 State Knights of Columbus convention – The state convention will be May 18 – 20 in Rochester. Grand Knight Rode and Chancellor Murphy will represent the Council, attending on the 19th.
4 Watchfire report – Earl Forrence reported that the Council’s time slot for the watchfire was Saturday from 3:00 to 5:00 PM. He noted that 3 members attended the watchfire and recited the Franciscan Rosary.
5 Seafood buffet update – Dave Stumpf thanked the Council for the excellent showing of Knights as volunteers for the event. It was reported that the event grossed approximately $1,993 with approximately $910 in expenses, producing a net profit of approximately $1,083. Motion to donate $500 to the Knights of Columbus Auxiliary was approved.
6 RCIA reception update – Dave Stumpf thanked those who volunteered to assist in the celebration of the RCIA candidates welcome into the Catholic faith and the Parish. Dave noted that the buffet was simplified from previous years yet was adequate for the event.
7 RSVP candidates – It was noted that we are still seeking the identity of 2 seminarians to receive our Council’s $500 RSVP donations. While Father Evans has been asked to help identify potential recipients, we have yet to complete the task. Tom Silver noted that Joe Floeder has a relative in the seminary who may be a candidate for one of the RSVP donations.
24. New Business
1 Pancake breakfast – Tom Silver reminded the Council that the next pancake breakfast is scheduled for April 15. An email blast seeking help has been released, and a second will be sent out after this meeting. It was agreed to have the 2017 leftover Tootsie Rolls available for donations at the breakfast with proceeds going to the Special Olympics. Tom will speak with Deb Floeder to see if she can make a graphic we could tape onto a large jar in which donations may be placed.
it was decided to advertise that proceeds from the breakfast will go to help seminarians we support through the RSVP process. Tom will speak with Deb Floeder to see if she can make a graphic that may be mounted as a sign.
2 Big/Little dinner – The next Big/Little dinner is scheduled for April 17. Six Knights are needed for the dinner service. An email blast will be sent to the Council seeking help.
3 Men’s breakfast – The next men’s breakfast is scheduled for April 20, after the 6:45 AM Mass.
4 Tootsie Roll sale – The Tootsie Roll sale is scheduled for April 21/22.
5 Mothers’ Day rose sale – The annual Mother’s Day rose sale will occur the weekend of May 12/13.
6 First Degree Exemplification – Grand Knight Rode reported that the next First Degree Exemplification for Holy Name of Jesus is scheduled for June 12 at 6:00 PM.
7 District 53 installation of officers – Grand Knight Rode reported that the officer installation for the next KC year will be June 21. The Good Shepherd Council in Golden Valley will host the event, and each Council will be assessed $300 to help offset the Good Shepherd Council’s costs.
8 Current officer slate – Motion to appoint Matt Mamura as the Communications Subcommittee (to the Public Relations Committee) Chair, and Grand Knight Rode as the Youth Activity Director was approved. Earl Forrence volunteered to offer his name in candidacy as the Council Warden. His name will be submitted to the Council for a vote during the May meeting.
9 Condolence for Sam Catapano family – Grand Knight Rode reported that Bill Swing will generate a Resolution of Condolence for the Sam Catapano family on Sam’s passing. Grand Knight Rode and Past Grand Knights Stumpf and Swing will sign the resolution.
10 Marty Dehen reported he and his wife Carrie attended Mass at St. Joseph the Worker Church in Maple Grove where they noted the Church bulletin had a brief note about membership in the Knights of Columbus. This generated Council conversation, and it was concluded that we should seek a similar note in the Holy Name of Jesus Church bulletin.
11 May 6 hospitality – Tom Silver reminded the Council that the Parish calendar had erroneously included a pancake breakfast on May 6, while our last breakfast will be April 15. As a result the Council will host the hospitality after the 8:30 and 10:30 Masses on May 6. Tom indicated 6 members will be needed for each Mass, and it was agreed that an email blast should be sent out to the membership seeking volunteers.
12 May Council meeting – Grand Knight Rode reminded the Council that the May 8 Council meeting will be held at Latuff’s as in the past, and invited the members to offer recommendations for Knight and Knight Family of the Year to him.
13 Cash drawer for fund raisers – Financial Secretary Hagerty was authorized to purchase a cash drawer for use at fund raisers. Use of a drawer to divide the cash into specific denomination slots will make the change making and counting processes easier.
14 MAC Committee appreciation dinner – Earl Forrence reminded the Council we cook dinner for the MAC Committee members at their June meeting. This year the meeting will be June 21, the same evening as the installation of officers at Good Shepherd Church in Golden Valley. An email will be sent to the Council seeking help for the dinner preparations and cleanup.
15 Parish Life Committee – Earl Forrence reported the committee has a membership of only 4 and is responsible for approximately 60 ministries serving the Parish, and Father Steve wishes to get more involved with the committee. Earl noted the committee needs to grow in membership to conduct the business Father Steve envisions as its duty.
25. Report of the Fourth Degree – Dan Cincoski reported that the next 4th Degree Exemplification is to occur at Brainerd (Cragun’s) April 20/21. Dan invited Council members to contact him with questions, noting that only two members of the Nicollet Assembly are scheduled to attend at this point.
Dan also noted that participation in the Nicollet Council is on the decline and that some members have failed to pay dues. It is speculated that the upcoming change in the regalia for the 4th Degree may have something to do with the loss of membership and/or activity of those who remain members.
26. Field Agent’s Report – John Egan is the new District 53 Field Agent. John’s contact information is: email – [email protected] cell phone – 763-234-1477 and address – 8920 100th Avenue North, Maple Grove, MN 55322.
27. District Deputy’s Report – District Deputy Bill Swing had issued a written report earlier. Issues addressed in the report were:
Tootsie Roll schedule: Holy Name will be selling Tootsie Rolls the April 21/22 weekend. DD Swing advised he would pick up the Tootsie Rolls and deliver them to the Council.
Holy Family Prayer Program and Icon: Holy Name is scheduled to host the Icon June 13 through June 20. Discussion indicates there is a need to discuss this with Father Steve to insure a successful hosting of the icon.
State and Supreme Awards: DD Swing has assisted in completing the Overall Programs Entry Form (due April 1st) to be considered by the State Council for award at the State Convention. He encourages the council to also complete the SP7 application by June 30th to qualify for Supreme’s Columbian Award.
Major Degree Exemplification: St. Gerard’s in Brooklyn Park will host the next exemplification on April 26. The 1st Degree Exemplification will begin at 6:00 PM with the 2nd Degree Exemplification at 7:00 PM. The 3rd Degree Exemplification will follow directly thereafter.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Silver Rose Program: DD Swing noted that in commemoration of our Lady of Guadalupe, one of eight silver roses being carried across North America will be the area between April 8 and April 29. DD Swing advised that if the Council wishes to participate in the program by hosting the rose and conducting a marian prayer service, we should let DD Swing know. Current available time slots are: April 15/16, April 18/19 and April 23/24. This was not discussed by the Council.
World Day of Prayer for vocations: The world day of prayer is scheduled for April 22. DD Swing noted that if the Council is unable to sponsor a prayer activity on the date, we should consider saying prayers at our Council meetings for vocations. This was not discussed by the Council.
Founders Day Mass: DD Swing advised that Archbishop Hebda celebrated Founders Day Mass on April 7 at 4:30 PM at St. Bridget’s Parish Community at the St. Austin Church campus at 4050 Upton Avenue North. The Archbishop blessed KC regalia.
Paul the Apostle of Christ: DD Swing reminded the Council that the movie has been released, noting that the film is dedicated to the persecuted Christians of today.
28. Good of the Order:
The family of Sam Catapano on his passing
Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan
Dick and Alice Hargarten
Jerry Sisk
George Laurance
Tom Silver
Paul Silver (Tom Silver’s brother)
Dave Brinza
Bill Rudolph
The Shallbetter family (Carrie (Marty) Dehen) on the passing of Carrie’s mother
John Egan as he begins his new role as the District Field Agent and for John’s family as they await the safe return of their son from deployment in Afghanistan
Davone Yang and family
Father Steve
Bishop Donald Kettler of the St. Cloud Diocese and the Parish of St. Mary in Melrose as they address the replacement of their Church after the 2016 fire
For those of the St. Paul Seminary as they continue their search for a new Rector for the Seminary
Those 4th Degree Knights of Columbus who are struggling with the conversion in attire they will be asked to accept
Those suffering from the effects of natural disasters
Those victims and survivors of mass shooting incidents
Those preparing for marriage
Those in troubled marriages
The unborn and pro-life
Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis
All Bishops, Priests and Religious
The unemployed and those seeking work
Troubled youth
In thanksgiving for prayers answered
For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers
Candidates for vocations
Police Officers
Armed Forces
All 1st responders
29. Closing Prayer: The closing prayers were offered at 8:50 PM.
30. Closing Ode: The Council dispensed with the closing ode.
31. Meeting Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at 8:51 PM.
Closing Reminders:
Pancake breakfast – April 15
Big/Little dinner – April 17
Men’s breakfast – April 20
Fourth Degree Exemplification – April 20/21
Tootsie Roll sale – April 21/22
May 6 – Hospitality after 8:30 and 10:30 AM Masses
Mothers’ Day rose sale – May 12/13
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Grube