Knights of Columbus Council Meeting Minutes of February 13, 2018

1.   The February 13, 2018 Council meeting was called to order at 7:30   PM by GK Rode

2.  Warden’s Report on Membership Cards by Eugene Dust

3.  Opening Prayer offered by GK Rode

4.  Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

5.  Roll Call of Officers

Office              Name                   Pres            Office                         Name                    Pres  

Chaplain         Vacant                Vac           Advocate            Tom Silver                 P    

Grand Knight   John Rode       P             Warden                Vacant                       Vac

 Dep.Grand      Eugene  Dust  P             Inside                    Jose                             A                Knight                                                                   Guard            Rodriguez-Belerrari                 

Chancellor     Tom Murphy    P(7:42)Outside Guard     Pat Karn                  A

Recorder        Jim Grube             P            Trustee 3 Year     Dave Stumpf       P  

Financial         Ed Hagerty          P           Trustee 2  Year Bill Swing                   P Secretary

Treasurer      Mark Mertens   P          Trustee 1 Year    Earl Forrence         P

Lecturer         Marty Dehen      A

Present:  10        Absent:  3

6.  Non-Officer Council Members in Attendance (12 members present for votes):  Dan Cincoski, Steve Thompson, Bob Weinzerl

7.  Knights of Columbus Guests:  Bill Swing also attended as the District 53 Deputy.

8.  Opening Ode:  The Council dispensed with the opening ode.

9.  Chaplain’s Report:  None

10.  Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting:  The record of the Council finances and actions of the January 9, 2018 General Membership meeting was approved.

11.  Report of Admission Committee and Reading of Applications:

12.  Balloting for Membership (new, readmission. reapplications, transfers): 

13.  Initiations:  Jesus Martinez and Bob Weinzerl were initiated into the 1st Degree prior to the Council meeting.

14.  Grand Knight’s Report:  

15.  Treasurer’s Report:  The Council account balance was $7,480.26  as of February 13, 2018.  Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was approved.

16.  Financial Secretary’s Report:  Total Receipts reported for the period:  $2,332.00 (3 batches).  Total Disbursements reported for the period:  $63.50 (2 Vouchers – $50.00 and $13.50).  Motion to accept the Financial Secretary’s report was approved.

Motion to pay the Council bills was approved

17.  Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouchers for Deposit – See Financial Secretary’s Report #16 above.

18.  Report of Auditors and Trustees – The Financial Secretary reported that the first half year audit report is due February 15, 2018.

19.  Chancellor’s Report on Vocations – No report

20.  Service Program Committee Reports

Program Director:  Dave Stumpf – No report

Church Director:  Earl Forrence – No report

Vocations:  Tom Silver – No report

Council Service Director:  Ed Ayd – No report

Culture of Life  Director:  Unassigned – No report

Public Relations:  Unassinged – No report

Family Service Director:  Jim Grube – No report

Youth Activity Director:  Unassigned – No report

Membership:  Dan Cincoski – No report

Recruitment:  John Rode – No report

Retention:  Jim Grube – No report

Lecturer:  Marty Dehen – No report

HNOJ Life Commission – No report

21.  Report of the Round Table Chairman – Not applicable

22.  Report of Standing Committees – Not applicable

23.  Unfinished Business

General Agent Ben Schleicher Update – District Deputy Swing reported that Ben has many responsibilities given the number of Field Agent vacancies, and advised members to contact him (Swing) if they have trouble communicating with Ben.  District Deputy Swing also reported we may have a Field Agent serving the Council in a month.  For those who may wish to contact Ben, the necessary information is:  507/822-7173 or [email protected].  Grand Knight Rode did note the Council needs to increase the number of insurance members by 2 to meet this year’s goal.

2  Cinnamon Roll Preparation/Sale Summary – Tom Silver reported the cinnamon roll preparation and sale went well with a gross income of approximately $5,700 and net income of approximately $4,800.  The ACCL has identified six organizations who will each be given $800 for pro-life activities.  Tom noted that both Father Steve and Father Evans spoke of the sale from the pulpit during the Masses.

3  District 53 First Degree Ceremony Schedule- February 13 at Holy Name of Jesus at 6:00 PM:  Grand Knight Rode reported that Jesus Martinez and Bob Weinzerl were initiated into the 1st Degree before the Council meeting (see #13 above).  Grand Knight Rode also reported that additional 1st Degree ceremonies are scheduled to occur on May 15 at Loretto (SS Peter & Paul) at 6:15 PM and June 12 at Holy Name of Jesus at 6:00 PM.

4  Free Throw Contest Update – Grand Knight Rode reported that Council contest occurred January 21 at St. Bart’s School as a joint effort of the Holy Name and Wayzata Councils.  Four of our Council members attended in support of the contest.  A total of 3 youth participated at the Council contest (2 from our Council and 1 from the Wayzata Council).  The District contest was held at Good Shepard School in Golden Valley.  District Deputy Swing helped coordinate the award presentation and 1 additional Council member attended in support of the contest.  A total of 11 youth advanced to the regional contest with the 2 youth from our Council proceeding.

5  Tootsie Roll Sale – Grand Knight Rode reported that the Tootsie Roll order is due February 15, and Financial Secretary Hagerty and Dave Stumpf reported the order had been placed.  Of specific interest is the fact that the Parish calendar has the sale scheduled for April 21/22 instead of the normal last Saturday/Sunday of April.  The change has occurred to avoid conflict with First Communion activities on April 28/29.

6  Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity – Grand Knight Rode thanked Bill Swing for his work in compiling the report.

7  February KC Family Social Event – Grand Knight Rode indicated he prefers to postpone the event to April to avoid conflicts with calendars in late February/March.  Grand Knight Rode solicited ideas for the event from the membership.

24. New Business

1  Pancake Breakfast/RCIA Brunch – Grand Knight Rode reported that the next pancake breakfast is to occur simultaneously with the RCIA brunch – on February 18

2  Big/Little Dinner – Grand Knight Rode reported that the next dinner is scheduled for February 22, and that 6 to 8 Knights are needed to assist.

3  Seafood Buffet – Grand Knight Rode reminded the members that the Seafood Buffet is scheduled for March 23.  Lani Schlundt will again coordinate the buffet preparation and event itself.  Dave Stumpf reported that Lani and her friends will make that egg rolls without assistance from the Council.  Motion to provide $500 to Lani to purchase food and materials for the event was approved.

4  Communications Update – Grand Knight Rode reported that he had met with Bill Swing and Matt Mamura to discuss the use of the Council website and electronic communications.  Bill Swing indicated that the fundamental question is, “What are we trying to accomplish?”, and followed up indicating that the two most important foundational aspects of electronic communications are the maintenance of an updated Council calendar and updated Council membership information.

Grand Knight Rode noted the Marketing position needs to be filled and that Matt Mamura is looking at website content and searching for an effective backup for the protection of the electronic information retained on the website.  Bill Swing indicated he can update the Council membership information and provide some website information updates.

5  Constant Contact as a Communications Tool – Bill Swing presented the concept of broad-based electronic communications to men of the Parish in a manner used by Jim Martin and Chris Kostelc when they have information on the Men’s Ministry.  Bill noted that the Parish office has the basic information used by Jim/Chris but the information will not be provided to the Council.  Bill also noted the Parish staff did offer to provide a quarterly “snapshot” of the information, not direct access to it.  This issue remains an ongoing issue as the Council seeks ways to get in touch with the men of the Parish.

6  Rosaries for RCIA Candidates – Earl Forrence reported that the Council is to present rosaries to the candidates and sponsors on March 30 at 7:15 PM.  The candidates are to receive the blue or crystal glass bead versions and the sponsors will receive the black or white KC versions.

7  Rosaries for Confirmation – Earl Forrence reported that the upcoming confirmation class will need nearly 14 dozen rosaries for the class.  The preferred rosary option for the class is the blue glass or crystal glass bead rosary.

8  NPH rosaries – Earl Forrence reported nearly 8 dozen rosaries will be needed for the upcoming NPH mission.  The preferred rosary option for the mission is the blue glass or crystal glass bead rosary.  As a result of items 7 and 8, motion to purchase 11 dozen blue glass and 11 dozen crystal glass bead rosaries for the confirmation class and NPH mission at a cost not to exceed $300 was approved.  Tom Silver will purchase the rosaries on behalf of the Council.

9  Rosaries for the Adoration Chapel – Earl Forrence reported that more white KC rosaries are needed for the Adoration Chapel.  Motion to purchase 2 dozen white KC rosaries at a cost not to exceed $100 was approved.  Financial Secretary Hagery will purchase the rosaries on behalf of the Council.

10  Knights of Columbus Pens – Earl Forrence reported that the Parish office is now sending out new family packets containing pens with the Parish brand instead of the KC pens.  Discussion ensued on how to ensure the “KC brand” continues to be spread among the Parish.  It was suggested that we have pens at the pancake breakfasts and when someone is to write out a check, we give the person a KC pen to use and keep.

11  Kitchen Dishwasher Repair – Earl Forrence reported the dishwasher has been repaired (completed on the afternoon of February 13) and will be ready for the upcoming pancake breakfast.

12  Kitchen Warming Cart Repair – Tom Silver and Earl Forrence reported that they would determine what is needed to repair the cart and report the need to the Council at its March meeting.  During discussion regarding the repair it was noted the Council has passed a motion to provide up to $750 for the repair, and that the money was to come from the net income of the pancake breakfast for which proceeds were to go to the Kitchen Fund.  It was noted that the Council has yet to distribute the proceeds to the Parish.

13  Pennies for Seminarians/Jim Campbell Fund – Motion to provide $300 to the program was approved.

14  RSVP support – Sponsorship of a seminarian this year was discussed.  Earl Forrence volunteered to search the seminarian roster to identify 2 seminarians the Council could support and report the outcome of the research at the March Council meeting.

25.  Report of the Fourth Degree –  Dan Cincoski reported that the next 4th Degree Exemplification is to occur at Brainerd (Cragun’s) April 20/21.  Dan invited Council members to contact him with questions.

26.  Field Agent’s Report – No report

27.  District Deputy’s Report – District Deputy Bill Swing’s report has been interspersed among the various Unfinished Business and New Business items.

28.  Good of the Order:

Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan

Dick and Alice Hargarten

Jerry Sisk

George Laurance

Tom Silver

Paul Silver (Tom Silver’s brother)

Dave Brinza

Bill Rudolph

The family of Ron Rudolph (Bill Rudolph’s son) on the loss of Ron’s wife

The Shallbetter family (Carrie (Marty) Dehen) on the condition of Carrie’s mother

Dave Novack on his transition in his new Field Agent assignment

Ben Schleicher as General Agent for the KC’s and his search for new Field Agents

Davone Yang and family

Father Steve

RCIA candidates

Those suffering from the effects of natural disasters

Those victims and survivors of mass shooting incidents

Those preparing for marriage

Those in troubled marriages

The unborn and pro-life

Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis

All Bishops, Priests and Religious

The unemployed and those seeking work

Troubled youth

In thanksgiving for prayers answered

For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers

Candidates for vocations

Police Officers

Armed Forces

All 1st responders

29.  Closing Prayer:  The closing prayers were offered at 8:36 PM.

30.  Closing Ode:  The Council dispensed with the closing ode.

31.  Meeting Adjourned:  The meeting was adjourned at 8:37 PM.

Closing Reminders:        

Men’s Breakfast – February 16

Pancake breakfast/RCIA brunch – February 18

Big/Little Dinner – February 22

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Grube


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