1. The March 13, 2018 Council meeting was called to order at 7:36 PM by Grand Knight Rode
2. Warden’s Report on Membership Cards by Tom Silver
3. Opening Prayer offered by Grand Knight Rode
4. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
5. Roll Call of Officers
Office Name Pres Office Name Pres
Chaplain Vacant Vac Advocate Tom Silver P
Grand Knight John Rode P Warden Vacant Vac
Dep.Grand Eugene Dust P Inside Jose A Knight Guard Rodriguez-Belerrari
Chancellor Tom Murphy A Outside Guard Pat Karn A
Recorder Jim Grube P Trustee 3 Year Dave Stumpf P
Financial Ed Hagerty P Trustee 2 Year Bill Swing P Secretary
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 Year Earl Forrence P
Lecturer Marty Dehen P
Present: 10 Absent: 3
6. Non-Officer Council Members in Attendance (12 members present for votes): Dan Cincoski, Scott Koscielniak
7. Knights of Columbus Guests: Bill Swing also attended as the District 53 Deputy. John Egan, the new Council Field Agent, also attended.
8. Opening Ode: The Council dispensed with the opening ode.
9. Chaplain’s Report: None
10. Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting: The record of the Council finances and actions of the February 13, 2018 General Membership meeting was approved. It was noted that an incorrect February 13, 2018 Council account balance was inadvertently reported, and the true balance was $5,839.26.
11. Report of Admission Committee and Reading of Applications: Grand Knight Rode reported the Council has received forms for the transfer of Joseph Varghese and Scott Koscielniak into the Council.
12. Balloting for Membership (new, readmission. reapplications, transfers): Scott Koscielniak was welcomed into admission into the Council as a transfer from Ramsey.
13. Initiations: None
14. Grand Knight’s Report:
15. Treasurer’s Report: The Council account balance was $8,166.75 as of March 13, 2018. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was approved.
16. Financial Secretary’s Report: Total Receipts reported for the period: $1,762.92 (2 batches). Total Disbursements reported for the period: $2,496.88 (8 Vouchers – $80.00, $210.00, $840.00, $500.00, $495.13, $150.00, $150.00 and $71.75). Motion to accept the Financial Secretary’s report was approved.
Motion to pay the Council bills was approved
17. Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouchers for Deposit – See Financial Secretary’s Report #16 above.
18. Report of Auditors and Trustees
19. Chancellor’s Report on Vocations – No report
20. Service Program Committee Reports
Program Director: Dave Stumpf – No report
Church Director: Earl Forrence – No report
Vocations: Tom Silver – No report
Council Service Director: Ed Ayd – No report
Culture of Life Director: Unassigned – No report
Public Relations: Unassinged – No report
Family Service Director: Jim Grube – No report
Youth Activity Director: Unassigned – No report
Membership: Dan Cincoski – No report
Recruitment: John Rode – No report
Retention: Jim Grube – No report
Lecturer: Marty Dehen – No report
HNOJ Life Commission – No report
21. Report of the Round Table Chairman – Not applicable
22. Report of Standing Committees – Not applicable
23. Unfinished Business
1 Grand Knight Rode reported that the Council needs to add five insurance members to meet its quota goal of three insurance members since the Council recently lost two insurance members.
2 Communications update: Matt Mamura has volunteered to be the website administrator, and email communications will be done by Grand Knight Rode, Bill Swing and others who volunteer. The Marketing/Social Media volunteer position still needs to be filled.
Constant Contact as a communication tool: Grand Knight Rode reported that his request to share the Holy Name of Jesus email list met with reservation on the part of the Parish. Bill Swing noted Parish staff expressed a willingness to share the Parish list four times annually with the Council. Grand Knight Rode noted that the Constant Contact monthly cost is $20, and while it may be worthwhile, Matt Mamura will research the issue further and provide a recommendation as to whether or not the Council should engage in its use.
3 Rosaries for RCIA candidates and other groups: Tom Silver reported that he has ordered 22 dozen glass bead rosaries (11 dozen blue and 11 dozen crystal) that while back ordered, are due in April.
Lecturer Dehen reported he distributed 70 to 80 rosaries to the 9th Grade Passion Play class. He advised that he explained to them the history of the rosary and the Knights of Columbus, noting that saying the rosary is a good way to slow life down for a while. He also noted that he asked Lois Preisler from Centerville, MN to provide 200 hand made rosaries to the Council. Ms. Preisler sent the requested rosaries that she and a group of women had made, together with 100 Divine Mercy Chaplet brochures for the Council’s use. Motion to pay $200 to Ms. Preisler for the rosaries was approved.
Tom Silver reminded the Council that the Divine Mercy Chaplet is recited at 3:00 PM and the rosary is recited at 7:00 PM on “Relevant Radio” 1330 on the AM radio dial.
Lecturer Dehen and Earl Forrence distributed rosaries to the RCIA candidates during the course of the Council meeting.
4 Warming cart repair: It was noted that the warming cart was repaired by Parish staff after they were able to purchase the replacement parts for approximately $100. Motion to release $1,500 from the sponsored pancake breakfast to the Parish Kitchen Fund was approved.
24. New Business
1 Pancake breakfast schedule: Tom Silver reported that the next pancake breakfast is to occur March 18, with the last breakfast scheduled for April 15. He also noted the Parish calendar has a breakfast scheduled for May 6. The Council agreed that it would not host the May 6 breakfast but would instead be the hospitality host after both the 8:30 and 10:30 Masses. Tom will coordinate the May 6 change with Parish staff.
2 Seafood Buffet – Dave Stumpf reminded the Council that the seafood buffet is March 23. Dave reported that Lani Schlundt and her friends will prepare the egg rolls and all that need be done is to warm them.
Davone Yang has volunteered to fry the rice, and Tom Silver will deliver the cod for baking. Steve Zilla has volunteered to make the macaroni and cheese and cheese pizzas will also be available for those who do not wish to partake of either the Asian menu or the fish menu. Finally, cake will also be available for dessert.
The KC Auxiliary will again assist in the final preparation and serving. Bill Swing will send out an email to the Council with information regarding needed member support.
3 RCIA reception: Dave Stumpf reported that the RCIA reception after the Holy Saturday Mass will feature fewer food garnishments than in the past and the number of Knights needed to serve the attendees will be fewer as a result. Dave will reach out to those who have served in the past to again serve the Parish.
4 Tootsie Roll sale: Dave Stumpf reported that the Tootsie Rolls have been ordered for the April 21/22 weekend. Dave noted he will need assistance for both the sales and coordination of the sales at certain Masses.
5 April Council family event: Grand Knight Rode advised that the next Council family event is to occur April 17 at Latuff’s. More information will be available as we approach the date.
6 State convention: The state convention is scheduled for May 18 in Rochester. Grand Knight Rode and Deputy Grand Knight Dust are tentatively identified as the Council representatives. Chancellor Murphy was identified as an alternate in the event either of the two are not able to attend.
Bill Swing will prepare and distribute a draft of the Overall Program Entry form to Council Officers for their review. The completed form is due by March 31st to qualify for the State Convention award.
7 Earl Forrence reported that he has reserved the 3:00 – 5:00 PM time of the March 31 watchfire for the Council when he will lead attendees in the Franciscan Rosary.
8 Pancake breakfast proceeds distribution: Discussion ensued regarding the distribution of the February and March pancake breakfast proceeds to area food shelves and for Seminarians. No agreement was reached and the issue was continued to the April Council meeting.
9 Parishioner donation: A parishioner has expressed a desire to donate a blanket to the Council for raffle at an upcoming pancake breakfast. The Council will seek comment from Parish staff regarding the legalities of the Council raffling the blanket in anticipation of an April 15 raffle opportunity.
10 Pastoral care opportunity: Tom Silver reported that Father Evans alerted him to an opportunity to help lift the spirits of Gary Ascher. Gary suffers from advanced Parkinson’s Disease and has trouble getting out of the house. While a number of parishioners have volunteered to visit Gary, they are all women, and Gary would appreciate some male companionship. Gary likes to play cribbage as a past time. Tom indicated he would forward the email he had received from Father Evans to the Council.
25. Report of the Fourth Degree – Dan Cincoski reported that the next 4th Degree Exemplification is to occur at Brainerd (Cragun’s) April 20/21. Dan invited Council members to contact him with questions, noting that only two members of the Nicollet Assembly are scheduled to attend at this point.
Dan also reported the following schedule of Honor Guards for the Friday Stations of the Cross: March 9 at St. Anne’s in Hamel; March 16 at St. Bart’s in Wayzata; March 23 at St. Vincent De Paul in Brooklyn Park; March 23 at St. Peter and Paul in Loretto.
26. Field Agent’s Report – John Egan introduced himself as the District 53 Field Agent. John’s contact information is: email – [email protected] cell phone – 763-234-1477 and address – 8920 100th Avenue North, Maple Grove, MN 55322.
John has been a member of the Father George Council. He operated a small business for 19 years before working in the technology field for 8 years.
John offered a heartening story on his life challenges as he noted that in 2015 he was diagnosed with cancer and given two years to live. John received treatment that has cured him of his cancer.
John noted that his son is a pilot deployed in Afghanistan and is expected to return later this year. He noted he also has two daughters, one who recently graduated for college and one who is enrolled in St. Catherine’s University.
27. District Deputy’s Report – District Deputy Bill Swing had issued a written report earlier. Issues addressed in the report were:
1 Tootsie Roll orders: Our Council will receive 4 boxes.
2 Field Agent: See #26.
3 St. Patrick Day dinner: The Long Lake Council will sponsor a dinner at 5:00 PM on March 17 at the St. George Community Center.
4 Holy Name’s Seafood Buffet: See #24, 2.
5 District Free Throw Contest: District Deputy Swing thanked the Good Shepherd Council for hosting the competition, and noted that all 9 participants advanced to the regional competition on February 24 at St. Vincent De Paul in Brooklyn Park.
6 District #53 1st Degree Exemplification schedule: May 15 at 6:15 PM in Loretto and June 12 at 6:00 PM in Medina.
Additional items included:
Holy Family Icon: The icon is scheduled to be in the District in May. District Deputy Swing will develop a schedule. For the Holy Name Council, we will have to coordinate the visitation date and related specifics with Father Steve.
Slate of Council officer candidates: Since this is year 2 of the 2 year officer service, there need not be a slate of candidates released for voting. However the slate of returning officers will be announced at the Council’s May meeting.
28. Good of the Order:
Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan
Dick and Alice Hargarten
Jerry Sisk
George Laurance
Tom Silver
Paul Silver (Tom Silver’s brother)
Dave Brinza
Bill Rudolph
John Egan as he begins his new role as the District Field Agent and for John’s family as they await the safe return of their son from deployment in Afghanistan
The Shallbetter family (Carrie (Marty) Dehen) on the condition of Carrie’s mother
Dave Novack on his transition in his new Field Agent assignment
In remembrance of Lucille Swing (Bill Swing’s mother) on the anniversary of her passing
Bishop Donald Kettler of the St. Cloud Diocese and the Parish of ST. Mary in Melrose as they address the replacement of their Church after the 2016 fire
Davone Yang and family
Father Steve
RCIA candidates
Those 4th Degree Knights of Columbus who are struggling with the conversion in attire they will be asked to accept
Those suffering from the effects of natural disasters
Those victims and survivors of mass shooting incidents
Those preparing for marriage
Those in troubled marriages
The unborn and pro-life
Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis
All Bishops, Priests and Religious
The unemployed and those seeking work
Troubled youth
In thanksgiving for prayers answered
For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers
Candidates for vocations
Police Officers
Armed Forces
All 1st responders
29. Closing Prayer: The closing prayers were offered at 9:12 PM.
30. Closing Ode: The Council dispensed with the closing ode.
31. Meeting Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at 9:13 PM.
Closing Reminders:
Men’s Breakfast – March 16
Pancake Breakfast – March 18
Seafood Buffet – March 23
Watch Fire – March 31
RCIA Reception – March 31
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Grube