1. The September 12, 2017 Council meeting was called to order at 7: 41 PM by GK Rode
2. Warden’s Report on Membership Cards by Jim Grube
3. Opening Prayer offered by GK Rode
4. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
5. Roll Call of Officers
Office Name Pres Office Name Pres
Chaplain Vacant Vac Advocate Tom Silver P
Grand Knight John Rode P Warden Jason Touw A
Dep.Grand Eugene Dust P Inside Jose A Knight Guard Rodriguez-Belerrari
Chancellor Tom Murphy P(8:05) Outside Guard Pat Karn P(8:31)
Recorder Jim Grube P Trustee 3 Year Dave Stumpf P
Financial Ed Hagerty P Trustee 2 Year Bill Swing P Secretary
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 Year Earl Forrence P
Lecturer Marty Dehen A
Present: 11 Absent: 3
6. Non-Officer Council Members in Attendance ( 11 members present for votes):
7. Knights of Columbus Guests: Note: Bill Swing also attended as the District Deputy.
8. Opening Ode: The Council dispensed with the opening ode.
9. Chaplain’s Report: None
10. Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting: With a correction to item 27, the District Deputy Report, indicating the District Deputy’s report was delivered in written form, the Council approved the record of the Council finances and actions of the August 8, 2017 General Membership meeting.
11. Report of Admission Committee and Reading of Applications: None
12. Balloting for Membership (new, readmission. reapplications, transfers): None
13. Initiations: None
14. Grand Knight’s Report:
15. Treasurer’s Report: The Council account balance was $5,628.64 as of September 12 , 2017. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was approved.
16. Financial Secretary’s Report: Total Receipts reported for the period: $60.00 ( 1 batch). Total Disbursements reported for the period: $169.67 ( 1 Voucher). Motion to accept the Financial Secretary’s report was Approved
Financial Secretary Hagerty reported there are a number of former Council members who have left the Council but National has not accepted their departures because they have not communicated their intentions to the Council in writing.
Motion to pay the Council bills was Approved
17. Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouchers for Deposit – See Financial Secretary’s Report, #16 above.
18. Report of Auditors and Trustees – No report
19. Chancellor’s Report on Vocations – No report
20. Service Program Committee Reports
Program Director: Dave Stumpf – No report
Church Director: Earl Forrence – No report
Vocations: Tom Silver – No report
Council Service Director: Ed Ayd – No report
Culture of Life Director: Unassigned – No report
Public Relations: Jason Touw – No report
Family Service Director: Jim Grube – No report
Youth Activity Director: Unassigned – No report
Membership: Dan Cincoski – No report
Recruitment: John Rode – No report
Retention: Financial Secretary Ed Hagerty reported all Council member dues for the year have been received.
Lecturer: Marty Dehen – No report
HNOJ Life Commission: No report
21. Report of the Round Table Chairman – Not applicable
22. Report of Standing Committees – No report
23. Unfinished Business
1 Meeting with Father Steve – Grand Knight Rode reported he thought Father Steve’s meeting with the Council on August 8 went well.
2 Bill Swing serving as the new District Deputy – Refer to #27
3 District Deputy report for August 8, 2017 Council meeting – Grand Knight Rode indicated he will post the report for Council reading.
4 Painting project update – Grand Knight Rode thanked Eugene Dust and Earl Forrence for their effort and reported that new carpeting in now going in the room.
5 Calendar review update – Grand Knight reported the October 10th Big/Small Dinner conflicts with the Council meeting. The next pancake breakfast is October 8th.
24. New Business.
1 Fall Festival volunteering – Dan Cincoski reported the volunteer needs are: Thursday evening food preparation – 2; Saturday afternoon before Mass – 4; Saturday after Mass – up to 10 with the number dropping as time passes. Dan passed out a copy of the food order that has been agreed upon.
2 October 10 Big/Small Dinner – Grand Knight Rode reported the dinner conflicts with the October 10th Council meeting. We will help until 7:30 PM at which time we will retire to the Council meeting and others will take our place – believed to be the Men’s Group.
3 Free Throw Challenge site – Grand Knight Rode reported Holy Name can no longer sponsor the challenge, either at the Council or District levels. District Deputy Swing noted the Wayzata Council is no longer interested in participating in either the local or District challenge.
4 October dinner event – After much discussion it was agreed the dinner will be held 7:00 PM October 17th at Latuff’s. It was agreed the Council will pay for the food and attendees will pay for alcoholic beverages. Spouses and potential members are invited to attend.
5 Field Agent update – District Deputy Swing had no new information on Bill Schleicher’s efforts to fill the position.
6 Bill Swing volunteer opportunity – Bill mentioned his wife Laurie seeks 4 volunteers to serve at the Women’s Evening of Reflection meal to occur November 9 from 6:00 to 8:30 PM. The meal will be catered so the Knights are needed to serve in the Emmaus Room with food staging to occur in the Fireside Room. We are also asked to clean up after the meal.
7 First Degree scheduling – After discussion regarding the possibility of sponsoring a First Degree exemplification at Holy Name, the preferred time is November; however, no formal action was taken.
8 Sunday hospitality – Tom Silver reported he received a thank you email from Michelle Schatz for the Council sponsoring coffee and donuts after the August 27th 10:30 Mass. He also indicated help is needed for the September 24th 10:30 Mass. After discussion, the Council expressed willingness to help.
9 Recruitment brochure – Grand Knight Rode noted the KC website has an excellent recruitment brochure and indicated he will investigate how to get copies for our use.
10 Coats of Kids – After discussion a motion to provide up to $500 for the purchase of 12 coats for boys and 12 coats for girls was approved. Tom Silver volunteered to check with the Women’s Knitting Club to see if they would like to knit hats and mittens.
25. Report of the Fourth Degree – Dan Cincoski noted the next exemplification will be October 21 in Marshall with attire being a dark suit and white shirt. Dan noted the new 4th degree “uniform” will be a dark blue blazer and gray slacks, black shoes and a beret. Ceremonial swords are still to be used.
26. Field Agent’s Report – No report
27. District Deputy’s Report – District Deputy Bill Swing reported he has completed his first circuit of the District #53 Councils. He reported the Loretto Council is struggling, and that both the Golden Valley and Long Lake Councils include a prayer for vocations at the end of Council meetings. He also mentioned that the Wayzata Council brings in an outside speaker to Council meetings occasionally. He indicated recruitment is vitally important to most Councils and offered he is available and willing to do whatever he can do to help our Council.
District Deputy Swing mentioned he went to Lacrosse where a new Council is starting up.
The 2017 Memorial Mass will be held November 14 at 7:00 PM at St. Anne’s, sponsored by the Wayzata Council.
The District free throw contest will occur February 2, 2018 at a location to be determined.
The December 12th District meeting will be held at Holy Name.
District Deputy Swing indicated his position normally is a four year commitment.
28. Good of the Order:
Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan
Father Marty Fleming
Dick and Alice Hargarten
Jerry Sisk
George Laurance
Deacon Sam Catapano
Dave Brinza
Earl Forrence
Dave Stumpf
Tom Silver
Paul Silver (Tom Silver’s brother)
Kaleigh & the Olson Family (Jason Touw’s fiancé)
Dave Novack on his transition in his new Field Agent assignment
Ben Schleicher in his new role as General Agent for the KC’s and his search for new Field Agents
Father Steve
Matthew Larson on his entry into St. John Vianney seminary
Those affected by hurricanes Harvey and Irma
Those preparing for marriage
Those in troubled marriages
The unborn and pro-life
Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis
All Bishops, Priests and Religious
The unemployed and those seeking work
Troubled youth
In thanksgiving for prayers answered
For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers
Candidates for vocations
Police officers
Armed Forces
All 1st responders
29. Closing Prayer: The closing prayers were offered at 8:53 PM.
30. Closing Ode: The Council dispensed with the closing ode, but did listen to the reading of a prayer for vocations.
31. Meeting Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 PM.
Closing Reminders: Hospitality after the September 24th 10:30 Mass; Pancake breakfast – October 8; Big/Small Dinner – October 10
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Grube, Recording Secretary