Officers Minutes 2009 September

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Quarterly Officer and Trustee Business Meeting  

Date: 09/20/2009 

  1. The Council was called to order at 7:05 PM by GK Jim Seifert
  2. Prayer was offered by GK Jim Seifert 
  3. Roll Call of Officers:
Chaplain Rev. Sam Catapano A Advocate David Stumpf P
Grand Knight James Seifert P Warden Davonne Yang A
Deputy Grand Knight James Grube P Inside Guard David Sheffield A
Chancellor Dan Cincoski P Outside Guard Craig Lyon A
Recorder Joe Badalucco P Trustee 3 yr Patrick Karn P
Financial Secretary Bill Swing P Trustee 2 yr Thomas Silver P
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 yr Martin Dehen A
Lecturer Earl Forrence A                          Present 9     Absent 6


  1. Painting of the Chapel – complete
  2. Fall Festival – complete
    • Overall it went well
    • Suggestions for next year:
      • more cashiers
      • redesign ticket to make it easier to total amount purchased
      • look at ways to improve food service
  3. Soccer Challenge:
    • 10 participants vs. 6 last year
    • Was suggested to use the PA system next year to announce the event
    • Giving Fall Fest tickets to contestants for food, refreshments, games, etc. was suggested
  4. HNOJ School Rosary – GK Seifert still waiting to hear from Wendy Mitchell
  5. Non-Public School Marathon – Saturday, 09/26/2009
    • Shifts: 0900 – 1130 and 1130 – 1400
    • Cook approximately 1000 hot dogs
    • 2 responded to GK Seifert’s email soliciting volunteers
  6. Perpetual Adoration
    • 1 volunteer who already has a slot, need to find other volunteers first
    • Tom Silver interested in the 8 – 9 PM Friday night slot
  7. Wednesday Fine Dining
    • Greg planning to pass the “flag” the end of this year. Time to identify a replacement
    • Was suggested that we consider ways to compensate Greg for expenses incurred
  8. Pancake breakfast – Sunday, 10/11/2009
    • “Christopher Columbus – Faithful Christ Bearer” will be shown in one of the 6th grade classrooms
    • Need a point person for the egg station and other key areas. GK Seifert will look at getting point people
  9. Membership:
    • October is “blitz” month
    • GK Seifert suggested that whoever collects the Form 100 sign the form as the “Proposer”
    • When Form 100’s are reviewed at the monthly council meeting, that is when all remaining signatures are acquired
    • Frank Renshaw and Pat Kendrick completed 3rd Degree on 09/19/2009
  10. 4th Degree Exemplification in Marshall, MN on 10/17/2009
  11. District meeting scheduled in Loretto, MN on 10/08/2009. Will be attended by GK Seifert and Deputy GK Grube
  12. HNOJ Luncheon scheduled for Friday, 11/06/2009. Ed Ayd is chairman. He will notify us of the number of Knights needed to help
  13. Motion to pay vouchers in the amount of $154.33 was approved
  14. Ladies Auxiliary Angel Auction scheduled for Saturday, 11/07/2009
    • Approximately 6 Knights needed to assist
    • Knights to serve supper, Ladies will provide desserts
    • Does anyone have auctioneer experience?
    • Free will offering suggested to cover meal
  15. Veterans Day
    • Cost of Papal flag unknown. Does the parish have one? If not, look at getting one
    • Display flags on 11/08/2009 in narthex
    • GK Seifert suggested that we get a council banner
  16. Memorial Mass in November, date unknown. Add to council activities calendar when date is known
  17. Complete mid-year questionnaire about council activities by 12/01/2009 and submit. Pat Karn submitted the 2008 survey earlier this year.
  18. Will not participate in essay contest
  19. Have not participated in the free-throw contest. Carry over to next years program meeting
  20. Last item on this year’s calendar is the Christmas Party. Was moved to Tuesday, 12/15/2009. Need to get with Vic Tarnowski to confirm if it will be at his place or not.
  21. Tootsie Roll Fund raiser – should the Finance Secretary record the collections and how dollars were distributed? No need to track breakdown of how dollars were distributed.
  22. GK Seifert noted that it takes approximately $ 4000.00 /year to run the council
  23. Refund Support Vocations Program (RSVP):
    • James Lannan, a 3rd year seminarian is looking for financial support via the RSVP.
    • James sent letter to district councils
    • GK Seifert will follow up with other District Councils at the 10/08/2009 district meeting
  24. GK Seifert will provide Financial Secretary with the wording for the official receipt to be issued to donees for the Mark Best fraternal assistance appeal
    • Closing Prayers were said at: 9:09 PM
  25. Meeting adjourned at 9:09 PM


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