Knights of Columbus Council Meeting Minutes of January 8, 2019

1.   The January 8, 2019 Council meeting was called to order at 7:38 PM by Grand Knight Rode

2.  Warden’s Report on Membership Cards by Dan Cincoski

3.  Opening Prayer offered by Grand Knight Rode

4.  Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

5.  Roll Call of Officers

Office Name Present (P) Absent (A)
Chaplain             Vacant                  
Advocate            Tom Silver      P
Grand Knight   John Rode        P
Warden               Dan Cincoski             P
Dep.Grand Knight      Eugene  Dust   P
Inside Guard     Jose  Rodriguez-Belerrari      A
Chancellor      Tom Murphy      P
Outside Guard     Pat Karn      A
Recorder         Jim Grube           P
Trustee 3 Year     Dave Stumpf     P
Financial  Secretary   Ed Hagerty        P
Trustee 2  Year  Bill Swing        P
Treasurer       Mark Mertens   P
Trustee 1 Year    Earl Forrence      A
Lecturer         Marty Dehen     A
Present:   10    Absent:  4

6.  Non-Officer Council Members in Attendance (10 members present for votes):  Bill Swing also attended in his role as District #53 Deputy.

7.  Knights of Columbus Guests:  Bill Swing also attended in his role as District #53 Deputy.

8.  Opening Ode:  The Council elected to dispense with the opening ode.

9.  Chaplain’s Report:  None

10.  Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting:  The Council approved the record of the Council finances and actions of the November 13, 2018 General Membership meeting.

11.  Report of Admission Committee and Reading of Applications:  No report

12.  Balloting for Membership (new, readmission. reapplications, transfers):  No action was taken.

13.  Initiations:  None

14.  Grand Knight’s Report:  Refer to items #23, #24 and #27.

 15.  Treasurer’s Report:  The Council account balance was $6,668.57 as of January 8, 2019.  This included $0.77 interest earned in 2018.  Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was approved.

16.  Financial Secretary’s Report:  Total Receipts reported for the period: $1,035.00 (1 batch); Total Disbursements reported for the period:  $2,565.25 (8 vouchers:  $121.13, $60.50, $99.00, $84.62, $400.00, $400.00, $400.00 and $1,000.00).  Motion to accept the Financial Secretary’s report was approved. Motion to pay the Council bills was approved.

17.  Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouchers for Deposit – See Financial Secretary’s Report, #16 above.

18.  Report of Auditors and Trustees – No report

19.  Chancellor’s Report on Vocations – No report

20.  Service Program Committee Reports

  • Program Director:  Dave Stumpf – No report
  • Faith Director:  Earl Forrence – No report
  • Vocations Chairman:  Tom Silver – No report
  • Community Director:  Chris Kostelc – No report
  • Life Director:  Pat Karn – No report
  • Health Servcies;  Dr. Stephen Johnson – No report
  • Public Relations:  Matt Mamura – No report
  • Family Director:  Jim Grube – No report       
  • Membership Director:  John Rode – No report
  • Recruitment Committee 1:  Dan Cincoski – No report
  • Recruitment Committee 2:  Dave Stumpf – No report
  • Recruitment Committee 3:  Mark Mertens – No report
  • Retention Committee:  Ed Hagerty reported that a number of Council members failed to pay their 2018 dues.  This report sparked a discussion regarding what the Council should do relative to the delinquent members.
  • Insurance Promotion:  Tom Murphy – No report
  • Chaplain:  Not assigned
  • Lecturer:  Marty Dehen – No report

21.  Report of the Round Table Chairman – Not applicable

22.  Report of Standing Committees – No report

23.  Unfinished Business

1.  Our Lady Help of Persecuted Christians Icon residence at Holy Name – District Deputy Bill Swing noted that the icon was prominently displayed in the Adoration Chapel from December 10th to December 20th.  District Deputy Swing advised that Frank Renshaw  represented HNOJ Administrative staff for placement of the icon.

2.  Growing the order – Grand Knight Rode expressed to the Council his desire to have the Council meet for a separate meeting to discuss how the Council can increase its membership.  The meeting is to occur January 29th at 7:00 PM at John’s home – 2025 Black Oaks Lane North, Plymouth.  Grand Knight Rode intends to include John Egan, our Field Agent.  Grand Knight Rode will make sure an email blast is sent out to the membership.

3.  District 53 meeting – District Deputy Swing advised the Council that the criteria for the issuance of state awards have been made more restrictive, thus state awards will be harder to receive in the future.

District Deputy Swing mentioned the four pillars of the Faith in Action model:  faith, family, community and life.  Please refer to his report under #27.

4.  Christmas Eve parking – Eugene Dust reported Jim Grube coordinated the parking activities in his absence on December 24, 2018.  Jim reported that a number of members, together with family members and parishioners made the work a success.  Jim and Tom Silver noted that the act of wishing families a Merry Christmas as they left their vehicles helped the parishioners “get into the spirit” as they walked into Church.

5.  Free throw competition – Grand Knight Rode reported Bill Swing, Joe Badalucco and he met to discuss the competition and decided to forego the 2019 cycle in favor of preparation for the 2020 cycle.  Further information is contained in the District Deputy’s report – #27.

24.  New Business

1.  Cinnamon roll weekend – Tom Silver reported the weekend will be January 25-27.  Bill Swing volunteered to send a flyer to the membership soliciting help.  Tom indicated the greatest need is Friday evening cleanup and Sunday morning sales.  Tom reported that Josh Phinney, a manager at Hy-Vee grocery store, has offered to provide a price break for the rolls and frosting.

2.  Council receipt of Columbian Award – Grand Knight passed around among the Council the Columbian Award plaque the Council earned last fraternal year.

3.  1st Degree Exemplification – The next exemplification is scheduled for 6:00 PM April 9th.  Tom Murphy is to take the lead in the coordination of activities related to the exemplification.

4.  Knights of Columbus survey – Grand Knight Rode advised the members that the survey is due January 31, 2019, and asked that the members fill out and return their surveys as soon as possible so the roll-up and submittal can occur by the 31st.

5.  Requests for donations – Grand Knight Rode reported that he has received requests for financial assistance from St. Stephen’s, Missions, Inc. and others organizations.  After limited discussion, no further action was taken.

6.  Purchase of rosaries – Earl Forrence had advised the officers via email that the Council needs 15 each of the black and the white Knights of Columbus rosaries for the Adoration Chapel, members brought into the Council, and the RCIA candidates.  In addition, 156 each of the blue and clear crystal rosaries are needed for Confirmation candidates and the NPH orphanage.  Tom Silver volunteered to purchase the rosaries, with reimbursement to be provided.  Motion to make up to $500 available for the purchase of the rosaries was approved.  Note:  Tom subsequently purchase the crystal rosaries at a cost of approximately $300.00, including shipping cost.

7.  Council website – Bill Swing volunteered to serve as the Council’s webmaster.  The condition of the website was the subject of discussion, and Bill indicated he would work to make the website more user friendly.  Bill also asked officers to develop their postings in a Word document and submit them to him for posting on the website and email distribution to the Council.

8.  Council credit card – Treasurer Mertens reported that Wells Fargo has issued a credit card to the Council for its use.  Motion to use the credit card for business to business transactions was approved.

9.  Holy Name of Jesus school fundraiser – Grand Knight Rode reported that a representative of the school has solicited the Council for assistance in the raising of funds for the school.  Motion to give $100.00 to the school for its use in its fundraising effort was approved.

25.  Report of the Fourth Degree – Dan Cincoski reported that the Fourth Degree Knights renewed their 1st through 4th degree obligations on January 7, 2019 at St. Peter and Paul Parish in Loretto.  Those who brought swords to the event had their swords blessed.  Dan also reported the spring exemplification will occur in Bloomington, May 14/15.

26.  Field Agent’s Report – John Egan is the Council’s Field Agent.  John’s contact information is:  email – [email protected] cell phone – 763-234-1477 and address – 8920 100th Avenue North, Maple Grove, MN 55322

27.  District Deputy’s Report:  District Deputy Swing submitted a written report for January, 2019.  Following are the subjects addressed in his report.

1.  New Year message – All Council members were encouraged to embrace the four new pillars of the Faith in Action model:  faith, family, community and life, and think about how our Council may best respond.  District Deputy Swing offered what the Council should engage in each of the four categories in order to comply with the minimums of the Knights of Columbus to achieve the Columbian award.  He recommended the members refer to the website at: for more background and information.

2.  Degree schedule – The degree schedule for the year calls for an April 9, 2019 1st Degree Exemplification at 6:00 PM at Holy Name.

3.  Free throw competition – The Wayzata and Golden Valley Councils will be sponsoring local competitions.  The district competition will be held February 3, 2019 at 11:30 AM at the Good Shepard School gymnasium, with the regional competition to occur February 9, 2019 at the St. Vincent de Paul School gymnasium in Brooklyn Park.

4.  January District Deputy visits – District Deputy Swing will visit Holy Name January 8, 2019.

5.  Major Degree Exemplification schedule – The schedule is as follows:                                                  

  • January 26, 2019 – St. Vincent de Paul, Brooklyn Park, with 1st Degree at 9:00 AM, 2nd Degree at 10:30 AM and 3rd Degree following
  • February 6, 2019 – St. John Vianney, St. Paul, with 1st Degree at Noon, 2nd Degree at 1:00 PM and 3rd Degree following
  • February 23, 2019 – St. Timothy, Blaine, with 1st Degree at 9:00 AM, 2nd Degree at 10:00 AM and 3rd Degree following

6.  Supreme Convention – A website link will soon be available for Knights to select volunteer opportunities.

7.  Seminarians join free – This is a new membership offer where seminarians may join the Knights of Columbus and enjoy free membership as long as they remain in the seminary, or are ordained to the priesthood.

28.  Good of the Order:

  • Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan
  • Dick and Mary Alice Hargarten
  • Jerry and Joanne Sisk
  • George Laurance
  • Tom Silver
  • Earl Forrence
  • Paul Silver (Tom Silver’s brother)
  • Bill Rudolph
  • Davone Yang and his family
  • David Novack and his family
  • Father Steve and Father Evans
  • Those suffering from the effects of natural disasters
  • Those preparing for marriage
  • Those in troubled marriages
  • The unborn and pro-life
  • Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis
  • All Bishops, Priests and Religious
  • The unemployed and those seeking work
  • Troubled youth
  • In thanksgiving for prayers answered
  • For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers
  • Candidates for vocations
  • Police officers
  • Armed Forces
  • All 1st responders

29.  Closing Prayer:  The closing prayers were offered at 9:17 PM.

30.  Closing Ode:  The Council dispensed with the closing ode.

31.  Meeting Adjourned:  The meeting was adjourned at 9:18 PM.

Closing Reminders:   

 Respectfully submitted,                                                                                                                       

Jim Grube, Recording Secretary

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