For the Good of the Order – April 9, 2019

Those for whom prayers are requested:
  • Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan
  • Dick and Mary Alice Hargarten
  • Jerry and Joanne Sisk
  • George Laurance
  • Tom Silver
  • Kim Mertens (Mark Mertens’ wife)
  • Paul Silver (Tom Silver’s brother)
  • Bill Rudolph
  • Davone Yang and his family
  • David Novack and his family
  • Father Steve and Father Evans
  • A 4th grade student at Holy Name that has become seriously ill
  • RCIA candidates and catechumens
  • Those suffering from the effects of natural disasters
  • Those preparing for marriage
  • Those in troubled marriages
  • The unborn and pro-life
  • Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis
  • All Bishops, Priests and Religious
  • For the canonization of Father Michael J. McGivney
  • The unemployed and those seeking work
  • Troubled youth
  • In thanksgiving for prayers answered
  • For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers
  • Candidates for vocations
  • Police officers
  • Armed Forces
  • All 1st responders

For the Good of the Order, March 12, 2019

Those for whom prayers are requested:

  • Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan

  • Dick and Mary Alice Hargarten

  • Jerry and Joanne Sisk

  • George Laurance

  • Tom Silver

  • Kim Mertens (Mark Mertens’ wife)

  • Paul Silver (Tom Silver’s brother)

  • Bill Rudolph

  • Davone Yang and his family

  • David Novack and his family

  • Father Steve and Father Evans

  • Mandy Johnson (Passion Play director), the Passion Play participants & crew

  • RCIA candidates and catechumens

  • Those suffering from the effects of natural disasters

  • Those preparing for marriage

  • Those in troubled marriages

  • The unborn and pro-life

  • Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis

  • All Bishops, Priests and Religious

  • The unemployed and those seeking work

  • Troubled youth

  • In thanksgiving for prayers answered

  • For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers

  • Candidates for vocations

  • Police officers

  • Armed Forces

  • All 1st responders

Knights of Columbus Council Meeting Minutes of January 8, 2019

1.   The January 8, 2019 Council meeting was called to order at 7:38 PM by Grand Knight Rode

2.  Warden’s Report on Membership Cards by Dan Cincoski

3.  Opening Prayer offered by Grand Knight Rode

4.  Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

5.  Roll Call of Officers

Office Name Present (P) Absent (A)
Chaplain             Vacant                  
Advocate            Tom Silver      P
Grand Knight   John Rode        P
Warden               Dan Cincoski             P
Dep.Grand Knight      Eugene  Dust   P
Inside Guard     Jose  Rodriguez-Belerrari      A
Chancellor      Tom Murphy      P
Outside Guard     Pat Karn      A
Recorder         Jim Grube           P
Trustee 3 Year     Dave Stumpf     P
Financial  Secretary   Ed Hagerty        P
Trustee 2  Year  Bill Swing        P
Treasurer       Mark Mertens   P
Trustee 1 Year    Earl Forrence      A
Lecturer         Marty Dehen     A
Present:   10    Absent:  4

6.  Non-Officer Council Members in Attendance (10 members present for votes):  Bill Swing also attended in his role as District #53 Deputy.

7.  Knights of Columbus Guests:  Bill Swing also attended in his role as District #53 Deputy.

8.  Opening Ode:  The Council elected to dispense with the opening ode.

9.  Chaplain’s Report:  None

10.  Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting:  The Council approved the record of the Council finances and actions of the November 13, 2018 General Membership meeting.

11.  Report of Admission Committee and Reading of Applications:  No report

12.  Balloting for Membership (new, readmission. reapplications, transfers):  No action was taken.

13.  Initiations:  None

14.  Grand Knight’s Report:  Refer to items #23, #24 and #27.

 15.  Treasurer’s Report:  The Council account balance was $6,668.57 as of January 8, 2019.  This included $0.77 interest earned in 2018.  Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was approved.

16.  Financial Secretary’s Report:  Total Receipts reported for the period: $1,035.00 (1 batch); Total Disbursements reported for the period:  $2,565.25 (8 vouchers:  $121.13, $60.50, $99.00, $84.62, $400.00, $400.00, $400.00 and $1,000.00).  Motion to accept the Financial Secretary’s report was approved. Motion to pay the Council bills was approved.

17.  Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouchers for Deposit – See Financial Secretary’s Report, #16 above.

18.  Report of Auditors and Trustees – No report

19.  Chancellor’s Report on Vocations – No report

20.  Service Program Committee Reports

  • Program Director:  Dave Stumpf – No report
  • Faith Director:  Earl Forrence – No report
  • Vocations Chairman:  Tom Silver – No report
  • Community Director:  Chris Kostelc – No report
  • Life Director:  Pat Karn – No report
  • Health Servcies;  Dr. Stephen Johnson – No report
  • Public Relations:  Matt Mamura – No report
  • Family Director:  Jim Grube – No report       
  • Membership Director:  John Rode – No report
  • Recruitment Committee 1:  Dan Cincoski – No report
  • Recruitment Committee 2:  Dave Stumpf – No report
  • Recruitment Committee 3:  Mark Mertens – No report
  • Retention Committee:  Ed Hagerty reported that a number of Council members failed to pay their 2018 dues.  This report sparked a discussion regarding what the Council should do relative to the delinquent members.
  • Insurance Promotion:  Tom Murphy – No report
  • Chaplain:  Not assigned
  • Lecturer:  Marty Dehen – No report

21.  Report of the Round Table Chairman – Not applicable

22.  Report of Standing Committees – No report

23.  Unfinished Business

1.  Our Lady Help of Persecuted Christians Icon residence at Holy Name – District Deputy Bill Swing noted that the icon was prominently displayed in the Adoration Chapel from December 10th to December 20th.  District Deputy Swing advised that Frank Renshaw  represented HNOJ Administrative staff for placement of the icon.

2.  Growing the order – Grand Knight Rode expressed to the Council his desire to have the Council meet for a separate meeting to discuss how the Council can increase its membership.  The meeting is to occur January 29th at 7:00 PM at John’s home – 2025 Black Oaks Lane North, Plymouth.  Grand Knight Rode intends to include John Egan, our Field Agent.  Grand Knight Rode will make sure an email blast is sent out to the membership.

3.  District 53 meeting – District Deputy Swing advised the Council that the criteria for the issuance of state awards have been made more restrictive, thus state awards will be harder to receive in the future.

District Deputy Swing mentioned the four pillars of the Faith in Action model:  faith, family, community and life.  Please refer to his report under #27.

4.  Christmas Eve parking – Eugene Dust reported Jim Grube coordinated the parking activities in his absence on December 24, 2018.  Jim reported that a number of members, together with family members and parishioners made the work a success.  Jim and Tom Silver noted that the act of wishing families a Merry Christmas as they left their vehicles helped the parishioners “get into the spirit” as they walked into Church.

5.  Free throw competition – Grand Knight Rode reported Bill Swing, Joe Badalucco and he met to discuss the competition and decided to forego the 2019 cycle in favor of preparation for the 2020 cycle.  Further information is contained in the District Deputy’s report – #27.

24.  New Business

1.  Cinnamon roll weekend – Tom Silver reported the weekend will be January 25-27.  Bill Swing volunteered to send a flyer to the membership soliciting help.  Tom indicated the greatest need is Friday evening cleanup and Sunday morning sales.  Tom reported that Josh Phinney, a manager at Hy-Vee grocery store, has offered to provide a price break for the rolls and frosting.

2.  Council receipt of Columbian Award – Grand Knight passed around among the Council the Columbian Award plaque the Council earned last fraternal year.

3.  1st Degree Exemplification – The next exemplification is scheduled for 6:00 PM April 9th.  Tom Murphy is to take the lead in the coordination of activities related to the exemplification.

4.  Knights of Columbus survey – Grand Knight Rode advised the members that the survey is due January 31, 2019, and asked that the members fill out and return their surveys as soon as possible so the roll-up and submittal can occur by the 31st.

5.  Requests for donations – Grand Knight Rode reported that he has received requests for financial assistance from St. Stephen’s, Missions, Inc. and others organizations.  After limited discussion, no further action was taken.

6.  Purchase of rosaries – Earl Forrence had advised the officers via email that the Council needs 15 each of the black and the white Knights of Columbus rosaries for the Adoration Chapel, members brought into the Council, and the RCIA candidates.  In addition, 156 each of the blue and clear crystal rosaries are needed for Confirmation candidates and the NPH orphanage.  Tom Silver volunteered to purchase the rosaries, with reimbursement to be provided.  Motion to make up to $500 available for the purchase of the rosaries was approved.  Note:  Tom subsequently purchase the crystal rosaries at a cost of approximately $300.00, including shipping cost.

7.  Council website – Bill Swing volunteered to serve as the Council’s webmaster.  The condition of the website was the subject of discussion, and Bill indicated he would work to make the website more user friendly.  Bill also asked officers to develop their postings in a Word document and submit them to him for posting on the website and email distribution to the Council.

8.  Council credit card – Treasurer Mertens reported that Wells Fargo has issued a credit card to the Council for its use.  Motion to use the credit card for business to business transactions was approved.

9.  Holy Name of Jesus school fundraiser – Grand Knight Rode reported that a representative of the school has solicited the Council for assistance in the raising of funds for the school.  Motion to give $100.00 to the school for its use in its fundraising effort was approved.

25.  Report of the Fourth Degree – Dan Cincoski reported that the Fourth Degree Knights renewed their 1st through 4th degree obligations on January 7, 2019 at St. Peter and Paul Parish in Loretto.  Those who brought swords to the event had their swords blessed.  Dan also reported the spring exemplification will occur in Bloomington, May 14/15.

26.  Field Agent’s Report – John Egan is the Council’s Field Agent.  John’s contact information is:  email – [email protected] cell phone – 763-234-1477 and address – 8920 100th Avenue North, Maple Grove, MN 55322

27.  District Deputy’s Report:  District Deputy Swing submitted a written report for January, 2019.  Following are the subjects addressed in his report.

1.  New Year message – All Council members were encouraged to embrace the four new pillars of the Faith in Action model:  faith, family, community and life, and think about how our Council may best respond.  District Deputy Swing offered what the Council should engage in each of the four categories in order to comply with the minimums of the Knights of Columbus to achieve the Columbian award.  He recommended the members refer to the website at: for more background and information.

2.  Degree schedule – The degree schedule for the year calls for an April 9, 2019 1st Degree Exemplification at 6:00 PM at Holy Name.

3.  Free throw competition – The Wayzata and Golden Valley Councils will be sponsoring local competitions.  The district competition will be held February 3, 2019 at 11:30 AM at the Good Shepard School gymnasium, with the regional competition to occur February 9, 2019 at the St. Vincent de Paul School gymnasium in Brooklyn Park.

4.  January District Deputy visits – District Deputy Swing will visit Holy Name January 8, 2019.

5.  Major Degree Exemplification schedule – The schedule is as follows:                                                  

  • January 26, 2019 – St. Vincent de Paul, Brooklyn Park, with 1st Degree at 9:00 AM, 2nd Degree at 10:30 AM and 3rd Degree following
  • February 6, 2019 – St. John Vianney, St. Paul, with 1st Degree at Noon, 2nd Degree at 1:00 PM and 3rd Degree following
  • February 23, 2019 – St. Timothy, Blaine, with 1st Degree at 9:00 AM, 2nd Degree at 10:00 AM and 3rd Degree following

6.  Supreme Convention – A website link will soon be available for Knights to select volunteer opportunities.

7.  Seminarians join free – This is a new membership offer where seminarians may join the Knights of Columbus and enjoy free membership as long as they remain in the seminary, or are ordained to the priesthood.

28.  Good of the Order:

  • Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan
  • Dick and Mary Alice Hargarten
  • Jerry and Joanne Sisk
  • George Laurance
  • Tom Silver
  • Earl Forrence
  • Paul Silver (Tom Silver’s brother)
  • Bill Rudolph
  • Davone Yang and his family
  • David Novack and his family
  • Father Steve and Father Evans
  • Those suffering from the effects of natural disasters
  • Those preparing for marriage
  • Those in troubled marriages
  • The unborn and pro-life
  • Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis
  • All Bishops, Priests and Religious
  • The unemployed and those seeking work
  • Troubled youth
  • In thanksgiving for prayers answered
  • For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers
  • Candidates for vocations
  • Police officers
  • Armed Forces
  • All 1st responders

29.  Closing Prayer:  The closing prayers were offered at 9:17 PM.

30.  Closing Ode:  The Council dispensed with the closing ode.

31.  Meeting Adjourned:  The meeting was adjourned at 9:18 PM.

Closing Reminders:   

 Respectfully submitted,                                                                                                                       

Jim Grube, Recording Secretary

Get Fr. Steve to the Priest’s Retreat!

Let’s get Father Steve to this Priest’s Retreat this summer!   See retreat details at :

Jon Hickman has been coordinating this effort.  (Thanks Jon!)  Jon presented to the Council on April 11th and followed up with this email:

As I mentioned, I think it is important that we remind men that this should be a gift in addition to their normal support of Holy Name of Jesus rather than replacing a normal contribution. This is one of the reasons I would rather see many small donations than a few larger ones. Also, many smaller donations will allow more of the men of the parish to participate in sending Fr. Steve to this retreat.

Fr. Steve is truly excited about being able to attend this retreat. While I know we have all seen him excited about events here at Holy Name of Jesus, but to see him excited about something for himself is a real treat – and well timed I believe in light of the recent loss of his sister.

As mentioned, I will prepare some envelopes to leave at the front desk for anyone interested to use in dropping of a donation. Checks if written may be made out to me. As mentioned, if we raise monies beyond the event costs and “traveling money” for Fr. Steve, we will ask him to designate where at Holy Name of Jesus the excess funds should be used.

Thank you all again for the opportunity to address the Knights as well as for your prayers for the success of our “Get Fr. Steve to the Priest’s Retreat” efforts.


Christmas Party

jpeg2015christmasAll Brother Knights and their significant others are invited to join us for the annual council Christmas Party. Over the next few days you should be receiving a postcard in the mail from us here at the council (Looks similar to the one pictured to the left) that will also lead you to this page. We plan to update this page with any last minute event information updates etc. However, we would like to ask that you please RSVP using the below link and specify your attendance and participation if you wish to in the Christmas Gift Exchange.

Should for some reason the $20 charge be a burden on you and thus hinder your attendance to the party we encourage you to ask that the cost be waived.

For more information on this event please contact Bill Swing or Dave Stumpf.

The event schedule is planned as follows:

18:30 arrival and appetizers

19:15 Dinner

20:00 Gift Exchange

Minnetonka Life Care Center Expansion Project

Cynpro lifedie Gloe, Director of the Minnetonka Life Care Center, is asking for our help with the expansion of the Center. New space previously occupied by an adjacent salon will be added. Work will involve tear down of walls, cabinets, ceiling, flooring, sheet rocking, etc. The goal is to have this project completed by mid January.

Brother Greg Wacek and his partner Dave Peterson will be providing us with the details, i.e. timing, number of volunteers, specific tasks, etc.  (You may recall that Greg completed the construction of a new room in the Center back in 2012.) Watch for these details in an upcoming announcement.

At this time, we are looking for a Knight to serve as the “Council Project Liaison”. This person would be responsible for communicating with Greg and/or Dave and coordinating KC Council volunteers. If interested, please contact Bill Swing.

A great opportunity to promote life!

Grand Knight New Year Message 2015

Happy New Year!

January 1st marks the half way point through the KC fraternal year.   This is a good time to reflect on the Council’s activities over the past six months and to consider upcoming activities.  As you make new year’s resolutions, please think about your involvement with the Council.   It’s a great bunch of guys, activities are fun, and it hits the mark as far as discipleship goes.  

It has been a busy six months.  Take a look at these pictures that I feel capture the spirit of our Council during this time:  The pictures don’t show all activities.   Here’s a comprehensive list of activities/programs that were completed:

1.      Fall Fest KC Grill

2.      Coats for Kids to IOCP

3.      Religious bracelets to HNOJ school children

4.      Rosary for the unborn at site of the Memorial for the Unborn

5.      Four RSVP scholarships to seminarians

6.      Painting of the Good Samaritan Center

7.      Building of shelving unit in storage room

8.      Wednesday evening Faith Formation fine dining

9.      “Get out the vote” program

10. Monthly lecturers reports

11. Special Needs Fall Class Bowling

12. Memorial Mass at St Anne’s with district councils

13. KC adoration chapel hour

14. Donation to Global Wheelchair Program

15. Donations to three pro-life organizations

16. Donation to HNOJ kitchen operation

17. Participation in KC Auxiliary Home Free Fund Raiser

18. KC breakfast buffets (two)

19. Tending the HNOJ-IOCP Discipleship Fire

20. Donation to IOCP discipleship program

21. Parking cars for Christmas Eve Mass

22. KC Christmas party



My appreciation to all who have contributed their time and energy to these projects!  


If there’s been a theme for this past six months, I suggest that it is “communications” – better communications with other HNOJ ministries and better communications within our Council.  Fr. Andrew has been especially helpful here and we look forward to working with him more as we move forward.  

Another significant effort started in the first half was the complete review and rewrite of the Council bylaws.  This effort, led by our Advocate and Trustees, involves a review of all facets of Council operations.  This is good for our Council as it causes us to question current processes and if necessary modify them to better support the Council’s mission.

The time ahead promises to bring many new opportunities for us to serve our parish and community – opportunities to become better disciples of Christ.   A number of 2015 activities have already been posted to the Council’s calendar at (click on “Open Item”).  Those coming up are:

  • January 13th, KC Council Meeting, 7:30PM, Staff Lounge (in the office area behind reception desk).  Rosary at 7:10PM.
  • January 23 – 25th, Annual Pro-Life Cinnamon Roll Bake Sale
  • January 31th, KC Free Throw Championship, 1:15PM, HNOJ Gym
  • February 1 – 6th, Immaculate Conception Icon, Adoration Chapel  (service time to be determined)
  • February 14th, District Free Throw Championship, 1:15PM, HNOJ Gym
  • Wednesdays January 7th, 14th, 21st & February 4th, 11th, 25th:  Faith Formation Evening: Fine Dining

Then there are also those projects that are in process or ongoing:

  • The “communications” theme will continue with Fr Andrew serving as our primary conduit to HNOJ ministries.
  • The Trustees will continue their work reviewing and rewriting the Council bylaws.
  • Discussions on “HNOJ Property enhancements” will continue. 
  • The Council completed the painting of the sacristy & the Good Samaritan Center and also the building of the requested shelving unit last November.  An “adopt an island” program will now be considered where parish groups and families would “adopt” flower bed(s) around the parish grounds.  
  •  A “rosary promotion” project would involve soliciting “inspiring Rosary essays” from parishioners and the publishing/distribution of selected essays in May, the month of Mary. 

And finally, we should make a stronger effort at growing our Council.  I ask that you make a concerted effort to share the good news of our Council with your friends and encourage them to join.

Please continue to monitor the Council web site at for the latest Council news and activity updates. 

Stay warm & have a blessed new year!

Council Minutes 2010 February

Knights of Columbus

Good Samaritan

Council Meeting  

Date: 2/9/2010


  1. The Council was called to order at 7:35 PM by GK Jim Seifert
  2. Warden’s Report on Membership Card by Earl Forrence
  3. Prayer was offered by GK Jim Seifert
  4. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag 
  5. Roll Call of Officers:
Chaplain Rev. Sam Catapano A Advocate David Stumpf A
Grand Knight James Seifert P Warden Davonne Yang A
Deputy Grand Knight James Grube P Inside Guard David Sheffield A
Chancellor Dan Cincoski P Outside Guard Craig Lyon A
Recorder Joe Badalucco P Trustee 3 yr Patrick Karn A
Financial Secretary Bill Swing P Trustee 2 yr Thomas Silver P
Treasurer Mark Mertens P Trustee 1 yr Martin Dehen A
Lecturer Earl Forrence P                          Present 8     Absent 7


  1. Opening Ode
  • Motion to dismiss with the Opening and Closing Odes proposed, seconded and carried.


  1. Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting
    • January 12, 2010 Council meeting minutes were read and approved.
    • January 12, 2010 Council meeting minutes were sent to Officers and Trustees on January 27, 2009.
    • A copy of the minutes may be obtained by a member in good standing upon request of the Grand Knight.



  1. Membership Director’s Report:


  1. Reading of Notices of Applications in other Councils
  • None


  1. Initiations
  • 2 on 1/16/2010
    1. Tom Myers
    2. Butch Schuelke


  1. Grand Knight’s Report – Read by GK Siefert
    1. Report filed by FS Bill Swing on January 30, 2010.
    2. FS Bill Swing filed the Tax Exempt Organization Notice Form 990-N for the year calendar ending 12/31/2009.
    3. The IRS accepted the filing on February 1, 2010
      1. Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity (Form 1728)
        • 10 Individual Fraternal Activity surveys returned (11% of membership).
        • Survey sample results used to project total Council fraternal activity.
        • Report filed by FS Bill Swing on January 30, 2010
        • GK recommendation for next year:
          1. Distribute the Individual Fraternal Activity survey form at the Christmas Party.
          2. Send out the Individual Fraternal Activity survey form with the annual dues statement to be returned to the Council with the dues payment.
          3. Make the Individual Fraternal Activity survey form available at the January Council meeting.
      2. Council Partnership Profile with Special Olympics
      3. Annual Report of Tax Exempt Organization
      4. Council Growth and Development Form
        • GK Jim Seifert mailed the Survey form to Supreme Council February 8, 2010.
      5. Wednesday Night Fine Dining Update
        • Ken Grogg, the Holy Name Parish volunteer has obtained full-time employment and is unable to head up the program.
        • Contingency plans: Steve Zylla plans to pre-cook food on Sunday or Tuesday.
        • The Program needs 1-2 more persons to come in at 2 p.m. on Wednesday to help Jim Franzen with food preparation and setup for serving at 5:15 p.m.
        • The program also needs 1-2 more regular volunteers. Weekly staffing count between 5-8 pm varies widely.
      6. Council Liability Insurance
        • FS Bill Swing has obtained competitive proposals for Liability insurance coverage.
        • Insurance budget authorization to be sought at tonight’s Council meeting.
        • Grand Knight, Financial Secretary and Trustees to make final decision.
      7. Major Degree Exemplifications
        1. Vincent de Paul, Osseo, Saturday, January 16, 2010
          • Butch Schuelke and Tom Myers, presented by DGK Jim Grube, completed 1st-2nd-3rd degree.
        2. Upcoming Degree Exemplifications
          • KC Hall, Anoka, Sunday, February 14, 2010 (moved up from 02/21/2010)
          • Council 13096 has 1 3rd degree candidate pending (Mike Stowe).
          • Council 13096 has 1 1st-2nd-3rd degree application pending (Larry Allar).
        3. Marian KC Hall, Bloomington, Sunday, March 7, 2010
        4. Peters Church, North St. Paul, Saturday, March 20, 2010
  2. KC Perpetual Adoration Hour – For the Good of the Order
  • Every Friday, 8 PM
  • Eight Knights participate at this time.
  • Consider officially filling the 9-10 PM hour (currently open).
  • Jim Grube is scheduling the monthly rotation.
  • More KC Brothers are invited to join the KC Adoration Hour or any other open hour. Check the HNOJ website or contact Jim Grube for details.
  1. 1st Qtr Service Program Events
  • Wednesday Night Fine Dining
    • Feb 10, Feb 24, Mar 3, Mar 10
    • Spring / Easter Break – 3 weeks
    • Program resumes – All 4 Wednesday’s in April
  • Council Meetings
    • Tue, Mar 9, 2010 7:10 pm Rosary, 7:30 pm Call to Order
    • Sun, Mar 21, 2010 7:00 pm – Quarterly Officer Meeting @ Lund’s Plymouth Community Room
  • Seafood Buffet – Fri, Feb 26, 2010
    • Sign up to work at
    • KC’s will provide a free meal for New HNOJ Members.
  • Pancake Breakfast – Sun, Mar 7, 2010
    • Proceeds to Council charity.
    • Two more Spring 2010 breakfasts, proceeds to Council charity.
  1. April 11, 2010
  2. May 16, 2010 (Walleye Season Opener)



  • Council Corporate Mass
    • March 21, 2010 10:30 a.m. Mass.
    • Council and Families special seating section
    • Receive the Eucharist together.
    • Navy suit / sport coat jacket.
    • Mass is to commemorate Founder’s Day – Mon, Mar 29, 2010 (Monday in Holy Week).
    • Bulletin announcement
  • Nomination Committee Activation – Call for Nominations
    • Knight of the Year
    • Family of the Year
    • Outstanding Service Program
  • Reminder: Panera Social Time
    • Tue, Feb 23 7:30 am
    • Tue, Mar 30 7:30 am
  1. District Updates
  • DGK Jim Grube attended District 53 meeting January 14, 2010
  • March Membership Blitz – “Power of 10” program.
  • KC Recruitment Brochure template.
  • KC Free Throw Contest Dates
    • Saturday, Feb. 13, 2010 @ Holy Name, District Level Event
    • Saturday, Feb. 27, 2010 @ Holy Name, Regional Level Event
  • Levy Restaurants Fund Raising Opportunity
    • Staffing Xcel Energy Center events
    • Wayzata Council wants to partner with at least one other Council
  1. Each Council to provide 4 members and a supervisor (contact)
  2. 6-7 hour shifts, starting 2-3 hours before the event.
  • Tootsie Roll Weekend
    • April 24-25, 2010
    • We need to locate site(s) for Friday, Saturday funds solicitation
    • Holy Name of Jesus is the District 53 drop site.
    • Each Council to order 2 extra cases for distribution to military service personnel in Iraq and Afghanistan
    • Order Due date March 1, 2010
  • KC Day at Twins game – August 22, 2010
  • Next District 53 meeting, Thursday, April 8, 2010, hosted by Wayzata Council.



  1. State Updates
  • Food for Families Report Due March 1, 2010
  • State Forms Due April 10, 2010
    • Year End Program Report
    • State Council Service Program Award Entry Form
    • State Council Service Awards Entry Forms
    • Knight of the Year
    • Family of the Year
  • State Convention
    • May 14-16, 2010, St. Cloud
    • State Raffle Tickets available for purchase at tonight’s Council meeting.
  1. Supreme Updates
  • Membership Statement as of 01/29/2010
    • Total Membership 96
    • Year to Date Change -2
    • Percent of Quota (7) Achieved 0%



  1. Chaplin’s Report
  • No report


  1. Treasurer’s Report
  • Council account balance: $ 4828.48 as of 2/9/2010
  • Check cashed by Jim Lannan for RSVP
  • Tootsie Roll account minimum balance is $250.00 to avoid service fees. Need to get to that amount.


  1. Financial Secretary’s Report
  • Total Receipts Reported: $ 690.00
  • Expenses totaling: $ 426.17
  • 2nd half of 2009 audit report is complete
  • Motion to accept Treasurer’s and Financial Secretary’s report was approved


  1. Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouches for Deposit
  • Treasurers Receipts at meeting totaling: $ 0.00
  • Motion to accept was approved


  1. Reading of Bills and Communications
  • None


  1. Financial Secretary’s Report of Receipts of Meeting
  • No funds received at the meeting.


  1. Report of Auditors and Trustees
  • None


  1. Chancellor’s Report on Vocations
  • None


  1. Service Program Committee Reports
  • No report


  1. Recruitment Activity (Membership Director)
  • March Blitz
  • Target is 10 new members by June


  1. Retention Committee Report
  • No report


  1. Program Director
    • Director – Jim Grube
    • Church Activity – George Laurance
  • Prolife meeting held on 1/16 at Panera
    • Discussed moving the Children’s Memorial across the street by mausoleum
    • Discussed placing memorial to unborn in front of HNOJ church
    • Karen Karn took pictures of other memorials for ideas. Some are very elaborate and costly
    • George is doing cost estimates of different designs
    • Also discussing the possibility of tying the memorial to the unborn with a the Rosary walk project
    • At this time many ideas are being considered. Bottom line, the committee needs to come to the council with specific proposals and associated costs.
  • Memorial for the unborn: Feel free to attend the committee meetings
    • Community Activity
  • No report
    • Council Activity
  • No report
    • Family Activity
  • No report
    • Youth Activity
  • No report


  1. Report of Standing Committees
  • No report


  1. Unfinished Business
  • Dinner to honor priests (“Year of the Priest”). Proposed doing on 6/19. Coordinate with the VBS picnic and do as a barbecue.
  • Motion carried to allocate proceeds from the Seafood Buffet to the Food for Families Program
  • Dan C. motioned to make the Seafood Buffet a fund raiser and to raise meal prices:
    • $8.00 for adults
    • $5.00 for children under 12
    • $30.00 cap for a single family

Motion was carried

  • Father Joseph has agreed to participate in the Seafood Buffet. He will coordinate with Davonne
  • Recap of Cinnamon Roll fund raiser:
    • Netted over $3500.00
    • Could have used more help


  1. New Business
    • FS seeked approval to financial support for:
      • Student Loan Program
      • Jim Campbell Fund
      • Pennies for Seminarians
      • Motion carried to approve $261.00
    • FS report on insurance quotes:
      • 1st quote was $343/year for $1 mill. liability (Name of insurance broker?)
      • 2nd quote was $270.00/yr. from Auto Owners Insurance (Golden Valley council purchased from this company)
      • 3rd quote was $500.00/yr from McAlpine Agency
      • Motion was carried to approve up to $400.00 for a policy, subject to review and approval by the council
    • Urban Home Works – Dan C.
      • Bought 25condemned homes for $1 from city of St. Paul
      • Purchased them to be rebuilt and resold
      • Try to rebuild as multi-family dwellings
      • Check with Dan Gallagher about volunteer opportunities. Scheduled once a month


  1. Fourth Degree
  • Next exemplification is scheduled for 4/17 in Duluth
  • Dan C. has Form 400’s if anyone is interested in attending.


  1. Field Agent’s Report
  • Highly recommended reading the Supreme’s article in the Columbia magazine about the KofC’s Insurance


  1. District Deputy’s Report
  • No report


  1. Good of the Order
  • Deacon Terry Schneider’s family
  • Deacon Sam Catapano
  • Earl Forrence and family
  • Davonne Yang and his wife
  • Mark Best and family
  • Bill Cavanaugh
  • Don Carstens
  • Pat Karn and family
  • All priests
  • Tim Silver – for his recent safe return from a tour in Iraq
  • Dave Novak’s parents – thanksgiving for recent improvements in father’s health and his mother’s successful operation


  1. Chaplain’s Summation
  • None


  1. Closing Prayer
  • Closing Prayers were said at: 9:23 PM


  1. Meeting Adjourned (Closing Ode, dismissed above)
  • Meeting Adjourned at 9:24 PM


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