Council Minutes May 21 2019

  1.   The May 21, 2019 Council meeting was held at Latuff’s Restaurant and was called to order by Grand Knight Rode.
  2. Warden’s Report on Membership Cards by Dan Cincoski – No report
  3. Opening Prayer offered by Grand Knight Rode
  4. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag – No pledge
  5. Roll Call of Officers
Office Name Present (P)
Chaplain             Vacant                  
Grand Knight            John Rode      P
Dep.Grand Knight   Eugene Dust       P
Chancellor           Tom Murphy          P
Recorder      Jim Grube  P
Fin. Secretary     Ed Hagerty     P
Treasurer Mark Mertens      P
Lecturer    Marty Dehen A
Advocate     Tom Silver         P
Warden    Dan Cincoski   P
Inside Guard   Jose Rodriguez-Belerrari    A
Outside Guard Pat Karn       A
Trustee 3 Year Dave Stumpf   P
Trustee 2 Year    Bill Swing      p
Trustee 1 Year        Earl Forrence     P
Present: 11     Absent:  3
  1. Non-Officer Council Members in Attendance (18 members present for votes): Gregg Pulles, Vic Tarnowski, John Kniefel, Robert Kohns. Tom Lee, Nathan Lee, George Brockway
  2. Knights of Columbus Guests:
  3. Opening Ode: There was no opening ode.
  4. Chaplain’s Report: None
  5. Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting: No action was taken.
  6. Report of Admission Committee and Reading of Applications: No report
  7. Balloting for Membership (new, readmission. reapplications, transfers): No action was taken.
  8. Initiations: None
  9. Grand Knight’s Report: Refer to items #23, #24 and #27.
  10. Treasurer’s Report:  The Council account balance was $8,723.53 as of May 21, 2019.
  11. Financial Secretary’s Report:  Total Receipts reported for the period: $1,986.00; Total Disbursements reported for the period:  $3,053.71 (9 vouchers:  $39.24, $50.00, $476.71, $50.00, $117.76, $800.00, $920.00, $500.00 and $100.00).
  12. Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouchers for Deposit – See Financial Secretary’s Report #16.
  13. Report of Auditors and Trustees – No report
  14. Chancellor’s Report on Vocations – No report
  15. Service Program Committee Reports
  • Program Director:  Dave Stumpf – No report
  • Faith Director:  Earl Forrence – No report
  • Vocations Chairman:  Tom Silver – No report
  • Community Director:  Chris Kostelc – No report
  • Life Director:  Pat Karn – No report
  • Health Servcies; Stephen Johnson – No report
  • Public Relations: Matt Mamura – No report
  • Family Director:  Jim Grube – No report
  • Membership Director: John Rode – No report
    • Recruitment Committee 1:  Dan Cincoski – No report
    • Recruitment Committee 2:  Dave Stumpf – No report
    • Recruitment Committee 3:  Mark Mertens – No report
  • Retention Committee: Ed Hagerty – No report.
  • Insurance Promotion: Tom Murphy – No report
  • Chaplain: Not assigned
  • Lecturer: Marty Dehen – No report
  1. Report of the Round Table Chairman – Not applicable
  2. Report of Standing Committees – No report
  3. Unfinished Business – No business
  4. New Business
  5. Grand Knight Rode announced the Tom Silver family (LeeAnn and Jeff) as the Council’s Family of the Year. Congratulations to the family!
  6. Grand Knight Rode announced Bill Swing as the Council’s Knight of the Year. Congratulations to Bill!
  7. Grand Knight Rode presented the officer ballot for the 2019/2020 fraternal year for consideration by the Council. The ballot was as follows:
      • Grand Knight – Eugene Dust
      • Deputy Grand Knight – Tom Murphy
      • Chancellor – Open for nomination
      • Recorder – Jim Grube
      • Financial Secretary – Ed Hagerty
      • Treasurer – Mark Mertens
      • Lecturer – Marty Dehen
      • Advocate – Tom Silver
      • Warden – Dan Cincoski
      • Inside Guard – Tom Lee
      • Outside Guard – Pat Karn
      • Trustee 3 Year – John Rode
      • Trustee 2 Year – Dave Stumpf
      • Trustee 1 Year – Bill Swing

A nomination from the floor placed Greg Pulles’ name in consideration for the Chancellor position.  By unanimous voice vote Greg Pulles was added to the slate of officers, and the slate was elected by unanimous voice vote.

  1. Report of the Fourth Degree – No report
  2. Field Agent’s Report – District Deputy Swing written report noted that the position remains vacant, and calls should go to General Agent David Goedtke:


[email protected]

12 South Marshall Avenue

Springfield, MN 56087

  1. District Deputy’s Report: District Deputy Swing submitted a written report for May, 2019.  Following are the subjects addressed in his report.
    • State Convention: May 17-19 in Alexandria
    • Recruitment: Members needed by Holy Name by June 30th – 6 members and 3 insurance members
    • Supreme Convention District 53 ad: All five Councils have elected to help pay for an ad.
    • Financial Secretary: Ed Hagerty has completed his 3 year term and agreed to continue for another term.
    • Supreme Convention: To be held in Minneapolis August 3 through August 8.
  2. Good of the Order: No report
  3. Closing Prayer: The closing prayers were offered.
  4. Closing Ode: There was no closing ode.
  5. Meeting Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Grube, Recording Secretary

Council Meeting Minutes April 9 2019

The April 9, 2019 Council meeting was called to order at 7:34 PM by Grand Knight Rode

  1. Warden’s Report on Membership Cards by Dan Cincoski

  2. Opening Prayer offered by Grand Knight Rode

  3. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

  4. Roll Call of Officers

Present (P)
Grand Knight           
John Rode     
Dep.Grand Knight  
Eugene Dust      
Tom Murphy         
Jim Grube 
Fin. Secretary    
Ed Hagerty    
Mark Mertens     
P (8:15 pm)
Marty Dehen
Tom Silver        
Dan Cincoski  
Inside Guard  
Jose Rodriguez-Belerrari   
Outside Guard
Pat Karn      
P (8:20 pm)
Trustee 3 Year
Dave Stumpf  
Trustee 2 Year   
Bill Swing     
Trustee 1 Year       
Earl Forrence    
Present: 11     Absent:  3
  1. Non-Officer Council Members in Attendance (11 members present for votes):
  2. Knights of Columbus Guests: Bill Swing also attended in his role as District Deputy.
  3. Opening Ode: The Council elected to dispense with the opening ode.
  4. Chaplain’s Report: None
  5. Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting: The Council approved the record of the Council finances and actions of the March 12, 2019 General Membership meeting.
  6. Report of Admission Committee and Reading of Applications: No report
  7. Balloting for Membership (new, readmission. reapplications, transfers): No action was taken.
  8. Initiations: None
  9. Grand Knight’s Report: Refer to items #23, #24 and #27.
  10. Treasurer’s Report:  The Council account balance was $8,151.60 as of April 9, 2019.  Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was approved.
  11. Financial Secretary’s Report:  Total Receipts reported for the period: $4,575.00; Total Disbursements reported for the period:  $2,127.40 (9 vouchers:  $204.83, $144.69, $500.00, $300.00, $210.00, $40.00, $140.00, $140.00 and $447.88). Motion to accept the Financial Secretary’s report was approved.
Motion to pay the Council bills was approved.
  1. Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouchers for Deposit – See Financial Secretary’s Report #16.
  2. Report of Auditors and Trustees – No report
  3. Chancellor’s Report on Vocations – No report
  4. Service Program Committee Reports
    • Program Director:  Dave Stumpf – No report
    • Faith Director:  Earl Forrence – No report
    • Vocations Chairman:  Tom Silver – No report
    • Community Director:  Chris Kostelc – No report
    • Life Director:  Pat Karn – No report
    • Health Servcies; Stephen Johnson – No report
    • Public Relations: Matt Mamura – No report
    • Family Director:  Jim Grube – No report
    • Membership Director: John Rode – No report                                                                                      Recruitment Committee 1:  Dan Cincoski – No report                                                                   Recruitment Committee 2:  Dave Stumpf – No report                                                              Recruitment Committee 3:  Mark Mertens – No report
    • Retention Committee: Ed Hagerty – Ed reported that 34 members still owe dues.
    • Insurance Promotion: Tom Murphy – No report
    • Chaplain: Not assigned
    • Lecturer: Marty Dehen – No report
  1. Report of the Round Table Chairman – Not applicable
  2. Report of Standing Committees – No report
  1. Unfinished Business
  1. First Degree Exemplification – Grand Knight Rode that two new members, Wyatt Kern and Jack Tomczyk, were brought into the Council before the meeting when a 1st Degree Exemplification was held at Holy Name. A third new member, Shane Haggerty, is a transfer from Aberdeen, South Dakota.  Shane had been inactive for years so he also went through the 1st Degree Exemplification with Wyatt and Jack.  Grand Knight Rode reported a fourth person went through the exemplification, a new member for the Long Lake Council.
  1. April 8th pancake breakfast – Grand Knight Rode reported that proceeds from the pancake breakfast are to go to the West Tonka and Interfaith Outreach food shelves. It was reported that the net proceeds of the breakfast were approximately $800.00
Motion to give $400.00 each to the West Tonka and Interfaith Outreach food shelves was approved.
  1. Seafood buffet – Dave Stumpf reported that the gross proceeds for the buffet were approximately $2,700.00 while expenses were approximately $860.00, leaving an approximate net profit of $1,840.00. Motion to give $920.00 to the Knights of Columbus Auxiliary was approved.  Discussion ensued regarding the use of the remaining $920.00, and it was agreed at least $500.00 should fund a seminarian for 2019.  Motion to give $500.00 to Kyle Etzel via the RSVP program was approved
  1. Website/Communications Committee meeting – Bill Swing reported on the outcome of the website/marketing meeting held at Grand Knight Rode’s home on April 2nd, indicating Matt Mamura is no longer able to support the website. Bill provided a handout summary of the meeting, indicating he intends to strengthen the website for visits by men interested in the Council as potential members.  Bill intends to group the various documents that populate the website in a rather disparate manner, intending to group by monthly calendar occurrence.  For instance, all April, 2019 documents will be grouped together for easier access.
In addition to website content and management, the members discussed marketing of the Council and agreed we should update all our brochures and as desired, print out “business/calling cards”.  Tom Silver and Dan Cincoski showed information that we had at the 1st Degree Exemplification and information other councils have that support the marketing of both the KC’s and their respective councils.
Discussion ensued regarding the identification of someone who could take pictures at all KC sponsored events, but no one was identified.
  1. Feed My Starving Children – Grand Knight Rode reported that the Wayzata Council’s sponsored event of March 23rd was attended by District Deputy Swing, Joe Baddoluco and Joe’s son.
  1. New Business
  1. May pancake breakfast – Grand Knight Rode reminded the Council that the May pancake breakfast will be May 19. Proceeds from the breakfast are to go to the Council.  Bill Swing will send out an email blast seeking member participation.
  2. Candidate slate for upcoming Council election – Grand Knight Rode advised that the upcoming officer election will be for a new 2-year service cycle, and that some positions, namely Chancellor, need to be filled. Grand Knight Rode asked the officers present to offer recommendations directly to him.
  1. Council support for RCIA reception following Hoy Saturday service – Dave Stumpf noted that Tom Silver and he will be preparing the food for the event at 11:30 AM. Dave will solicit members for assistance, noting that the members should anticipate arriving at 10:00 PM.
  1. 137th Knights of Columbus Supreme Convention – Grand Knight Rode reminded the Council that the Supreme Convention is to be held in Minneapolis from August 3 to 8, 2019, and that volunteers are needed to assist in the handling of the convention. He noted that 800 volunteers are needed, with the majority needed to provide transportation for the many Bishops that will be present.  Refer to the District Deputy Report, #27, for more details.
  1. Supreme Convention District 53 Ad – District Deputy Swing and Past District Deputy Tom Mechels recommend that District 53 run a full black and white ad in the Supreme Convention Ad Booklet. The $250.00 cost could be split five ways – each council contributing $50.00.  The ad would include the name of each of the five councils along with the name of each Grand Knight who will be active in August at the time of the convention.  Motion to pay $50.00 as the Council’s share of the $250.00 cost was approved.
  2. Tootsie Roll sale – Grand Knight Rode reminded the Council that the Tootsie Roll sale is scheduled April 27/28. Dave Stumpf is the event coordinator, and an email blast will be sent out to solicit volunteers, as Dave indicated at least 6 people will be needed at each Mass.
  3. May Council meeting – The May Council meeting will be held May 21st at Latuff’s, and will be preceded by a meal. Members are to pay the first $10.00 of their meal cost and the Council will pick up the balance of the cost.  In addition, the Council will purchase up to 6 pitchers of beer for the members.
  4. Mothers’ Day rose sale – The Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life will again be sponsoring a rose sale Mother’s Day weekend, May 11/12. Pat Karn indicated that 4 or 5 Knights will be needed at each Mass to assist those who will be present for the sales.
  5. Financial Secretary reappointment – Grand Knight Rode reported that Ed Hagerty had agreed to remain as the Holy Name Council Financial Secretary for the next three year term. The Council has filled out the appropriate form and submitted it to District Deputy Swing.
  6. Big/Small Dinner – Jim Grube reported that the next Big/Small Dinner is scheduled for May 14th. Jim noted that 6 to 8 members are needed to serve the dinner.  He will solicit help after getting specifics from Nate Reinhardt.
  7. Watchfire – Earl Forrence reported he has signed the Knights up for the 9:00 – 11:00 AM Saturday time slot for the watchfire. Earl will again lead the recitation of the Franciscan Rosary.  Bill Swing will send out an email blast to the membership advising of the watchfire activity.
  8. Rosaries for Confirmation class – Earl Forrence reported he will be giving rosaries and rosary cards to the Confirmation class on May 1st. Motion to purchase 1,000 KC rosary cards was approved.
  9. Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine visit – Bill Swing indicated he is involved in the organization of a bus trip to La Crosse, WI on August 4th to visit the shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe. More information is to follow.
  10. Kip Walker fundraiser – Dave Stumpf handed out flyers advertising a “Kegs for Kip” fundraiser intended to raise money for the purchase of a handicap equipped van so Sue Walker could drive Kip to destinations instead of having to rely on other means of transportation. Due to a brain tumor, Kip is no longer able to walk and the van is needed for Sue to get him about in a more normal manner.  The event is to occur May 23rd from 5:00 to 9:00 PM at the Excelsior Brewing Company.  Motion to donate $100.00 was approved.

25.  Report of the Fourth Degree – Dan Cincoski reported the spring exemplification will occur in Bloomington, May 3-5. Dan also reported that 2nd and 3rd Degree Exemplifications are to occur May 3rd.

26.  Field Agent’s Report – District Deputy Swing reported that John Egan has resigned his position as Field Agent, the position is now vacant, and calls should go to General Agent David Goedtke:


[email protected]

12 South Marshall Avenue

Springfield, MN 56087

27. District Deputy’s Report: District Deputy Swing submitted a written report for April, 2019.  Following are the subjects addressed in his report.
    1. Recruitment – District Deputy Swing offered the following membership information as of March 28th:
      •  Wayzata: +5 members (5 gain, 0 loss); +2 insurance (2 gain, 0 loss)
      • Loretto: 0 members (0 gain, 0 loss); 0 insurance (0 gain, 0 loss)
      • Long Lake: +1 members (2 gain, 1 loss); 0 insurance (0 gain, 0 loss)
      • Medina: 0 members (0 gain, 0 loss); 0 insurance (0 gain, 0 loss)
      • Golden Valley: +2 members (3 gain, 1 loss); 0 insurance (0 gain, 0 loss)


        On-line Membership and Prospect Landing Page:  District Deputy Swing noted he had heard from councils indicating they are unfamiliar with the details on how the on-line membership and the prospect landing page work.   District Deputy Swing recommended the councils create their own prospect landing page by going to:

        Regarding on-line membership, if a man wishes to sign up on-line, he may go to

    2. State Convention: The 2019 convention will be held May 17 – 19th at Arrowwood Resort and Conference Center, Alexandria.    Grand Knight Rode indicated he intends to attend, and he will solicit participation from Eugene Dust.  Necessary actions include:

        • The Financial Secretary must mail in Delegate Credentials form

        • Delegates must register on-line

        • Delegates must reserve their room

    3. 1st Degree schedule – The schedule is:

      Medina – Tuesday, April 9th – 6:00 PM                                                                                             Golden Valley – Tuesday, May 14th -6:00 PM
    4. Supreme Convention – A Signup Genius link is available through the State Council website for volunteers to sign up to help.  Information on the upcoming convention may be read at:

28.Good of the Order:

    • Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan
    • Dick and Mary Alice Hargarten
    • Jerry and Joanne Sisk
    • George Laurance
    • Tom Silver
    • Kim Mertens (Mark Mertens’ wife)
    • Paul Silver (Tom Silver’s brother)
    • Bill Rudolph
    • Davone Yang and his family
    • David Novack and his family
    • Father Steve and Father Evans
    • A 4th grade student at Holy Name who has become seriously ill
    • RCIA candidates and catechumens
    • Those suffering from the effects of natural disasters
    • Those preparing for marriage
    • Those in troubled marriages
    • The unborn and pro-life
    • Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis
    • All Bishops, Priests and Religious
    • The canonization of Father Michael J. McGivney
    • The unemployed and those seeking work
    • Troubled youth
    • In thanksgiving for prayers answered
    • For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers
    • Candidates for vocations
    • Police officers
    • Armed Forces
    • All 1st responders

29. Closing Prayer: The closing prayers were offered at 9:11 PM.

30.  Closing Ode:  The Council dispensed with the closing ode.

31. Meeting Adjourned:  The meeting was adjourned at 9:12 PM.

Closing Reminders:                                                                                                                                          

Tootsie Roll sale – April 27/28

Mothers’ Day rose sale – May 11/12

Big/Small Dinner – May 14

Pancake breakfast – May 19

Council meeting including dinner at Latuff’s – May 21                                                                                   

Respectfully submitted,       

im Grube, Recording Secretary

Council Meeting Minutes March 12, 2019

  1. The March 12, 2019 Council meeting was called to order at 7:34 PM by Grand Knight Rode

  2. Warden’s Report on Membership Cards by Dan Cincoski

  3. Opening Prayer offered by Grand Knight Rode

  4. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

  5. Roll Call of Officers



    Present (P)




    Grand Knight           

    John Rode     


    Dep.Grand Knight  

    Eugene Dust      



    Tom Murphy         



    Jim Grube 


    Fin. Secretary    

    Ed Hagerty    



    Mark Mertens     



    Marty Dehen



    Tom Silver        



    Dan Cincoski  


    Inside Guard  

    Jose Rodriguez-Belerrari   


    Outside Guard

    Pat Karn      


    Trustee 3 Year

    Dave Stumpf  


    Trustee 2 Year   

    Bill Swing     


    Trustee 1 Year       

    Earl Forrence    


    Present:   10    Absent:  4

  6. Non-Officer Council Members in Attendance (10 members present for votes):

  7. Knights of Columbus Guests:

  8. Opening Ode:  The Council elected to dispense with the opening ode.

  9. Chaplain’s Report:  None

  10. Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting:  The Council approved the record of the Council finances and actions of the February 12, 2019 General Membership meeting.

  11. Report of Admission Committee and Reading of Applications:  Discussion took place regarding the interest Chris Hupp has in the Knights of Columbus.  Chris has indicated he would be interested in joining after his son, Caleb, a sophomore, graduates from high school.

  12. Balloting for Membership (new, readmission. reapplications, transfers):  No action was taken.

  13. Initiations:  None

  14. Grand Knight’s Report:  Refer to items #23, #24 and #27.

  15. Treasurer’s Report:  The Council account balance was $5,146.56 as of March 12, 2019.  Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was approved.

  16. Financial Secretary’s Report:  Total Receipts reported for the period: $0.00; Total Disbursements reported for the period:  $1,010.00 (3 vouchers:  $500.00, $300.00 and $210.00).  Motion to accept the Financial Secretary’s report was approved.  Motion to pay the Council bills was approved.

  17. Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouchers for Deposit – See Financial Secretary’s Report #16.

  18. Report of Auditors and Trustees – No report

  19. Chancellor’s Report on Vocations – No report

  20. Service Program Committee Reports

    • Program Director:  Dave Stumpf – No report
    • Faith Director:  Earl Forrence – No report
    • Vocations Chairman:  Tom Silver – No report
    • Community Director:  Chris Kostelc – No report
    • Life Director:  Pat Karn – No report
    • Health Servcies; Stephen Johnson – No report
    • Public Relations: Matt Mamura – No report
    • Family Director:  Jim Grube – No report
    • Membership Director: John Rode – No report
      • Recruitment Committee 1:  Dan Cincoski – No report
      • Recruitment Committee 2:  Dave Stumpf – No report
      • Recruitment Committee 3:  Mark Mertens – No report
    • Retention Committee: Ed Hagerty – No report
    • Insurance Promotion: Tom Murphy – No report
    • Chaplain: Not assigned
    • Lecturer: Marty Dehen – No report
  21. Report of the Round Table Chairman – Not applicable

  22. Report of Standing Committees – No report

  23. Unfinished Business

    1. Growing the Order – Grand Knight Rode advised that five members of the Council met at his home on February 19th regarding adding to the Council membership.  A list of potential candidates had been distributed to the membership subsequent to the meeting.

    2. First Degree Exemplification – Grand Knight Rode reminded the Council that the next exemplification is scheduled for April 9th. Tom Murphy is to coordinate the ceremony, with Wyatt Kern a possible candidate for exemplification.  Refer to the District Deputy Report, #27, for other exemplification dates and times.

    3. March 10th pancake breakfast – Grand Knight Rode noted that the March 10th pancake breakfast was cancelled due to the weather, but the Council did sponsor hospitality after both the 8:30 and 10:30 Masses. In addition the Council coordinated with various Parish volunteers to serve the RCIA Candidates and Catechumens breakfast after the 10:30 Mass.

  24. New Business

    1. Website meeting – Grand Knight Rode indicated he intends to hold a meeting regarding the status of the Council’s website when Bill Swing is available, perhaps April 2nd. Grand Knight Rode noted we need to get volunteers who have experience with website work to help maintain the site, and experience with marketing to assist in our marketing endeavors.  He invited the membership to let him know if they had any interest or know someone who might.

    2. Rosary distribution – Earl Forrence reported that he will be distributing rosaries to the various groups as follows: 

      • RCIA – April 9th during the time of the Council meeting and again on April 10

      • 19  KC rosaries plus 12 crystal bead rosaries for the RCIA team and sponsors 

      •  Confirmation students  – May 1st at 7:30 PM – 130 crystal bead rosariesMarty Dehen noted he distributed rosaries to the Passion Play participants on March 11th.

    3. Church master planning – Grand Knight Rode reported that Chris Gibbs is inviting comments from the Parishioners regarding the use of space on the campus. Earl Forrence noted that the Parish Life Committee has discussed the needs of the various ministries and others such as the Knights of Columbus.  Discussion continued regarding the need for better technology support in the meeting rooms such as laptop computer connections to wall-mount monitors.

    4. 137th Knights of Columbus Supreme Convention – Grand Knight Rode reminded the Council that the Supreme Convention is to be held in Minneapolis from August 3 to 8, 2019, and that volunteers are needed to assist in the handling of the convention.  He noted that 800 volunteers are needed, with the majority needed to provide transportation for the many Bishops that will be present.  Refer to the District Deputy Report, #27, for more details.

    5. Seafood buffet – Grand Knight Rode reminded the members that the buffet is scheduled for March 22nd. Dave Stumpf noted that approximately 15 member and auxiliary volunteers met Saturday from approximately 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM to make 450 egg rolls.

    6. Future pancake breakfasts – Grand Rode reminded the members that the final two pancake breakfasts are scheduled for April 7 and May 19. Proceeds from the April 7 breakfast are to go to food shelves.

    7. Feed My Starving Children initiative – Grand Knight Rode reminded the members the Wayzata Council will be sponsoring a food packing event on March 23. Refer to the District Deputy Report #27 for specifics.

  25. Report of the Fourth Degree – Dan Cincoski reported the spring exemplification will occur in Bloomington, May 3-5.  Dan also mentioned that the March 18th officers meeting at the Medicine Lake KC Hall is open to those interested in going through the Fourth Degree exemplification.

  26. Field Agent’s Report – John Egan is the Council’s Field Agent.  John’s contact information is:  email – [email protected] cell phone – 763-234-1477 and address – 8920 100th Avenue North, Maple Grove, MN 55322

  27. District Deputy’s Report:  District Deputy Swing submitted a written report for March, 2019.  Following are the subjects addressed in his report.

    1. Recruitment – District Deputy Swing reported that three of the five councils of the district have experienced growth through January 31st. District Deputy Swing noted that March is blitz month and urged the councils to continue promotion of membership.

    2. New Hispanic Council forming in Long Lake – District Deputy Swing noted that St. George Council Grand Knight Ed Rundel and he were collaborating to form an Hispanic Council in Long Lake. Anyone interested in learning more about the new K of C council being formed are encouraged to contact either Grand Knight Rundel, District Deputy Swing or Latino Ministry Coordinator Melba Reyes at 612-296-7584.  Approximately 12 Hispanic men at St. George are hoping to reach the required 20 members to charter the council. It was noted that St. George’s has a vibrant Hispanic community which celebrates Mass in Spanish every Sunday at 5:00 PM.

    3. Feed My Starving Children – The Wayzata Council is sponsoring a “Feed My Starving Children” packing session Saturday, March 23rd from 9:00 to 11:00 AM at the Chanhassen facility. The event is open to all councils, family and friends, and participation will satisfy the council’s “Helping Hands” program requirement under the Community category.  RSVP by contacting GK Ken Brcka at [email protected] or 612-386-0159.

    4. 1st Degree schedule – The schedule is:

      •  Medina – Tuesday, April 9th 6:00PM

      • Golden Valley – Tuesday, May 14th -6:00 PM

      • District Deputy Swing asked that councils with candidates for exemplification email him and the hosting grand knight at least one week in advance of the degree ceremony to allow sufficient time to prepare, noting that if there are no candidates, i.e. the hosting council does not hear from him or any other councils, the degree will be considered cancelled.

    5. Major Degree Exemplification schedule – The schedule is as follows:                Saturday, March 16th St Andrews, Elk River – 1st degree start 8:30 AM; 2nd degree  10:00 AM, 3rd degree follows 2nd.  Host – District Deputy Ray Dixon (316-706-7751)  District Deputy Swing noted it is time for our District to sponsor a major degree exemplification and asked the Grand Knights to get in touch with him to discuss the need..

    6. Supreme Convention – A Signup Genious link is available through the State Council website for volunteers to sign up to help. Information on the upcoming convention may be read at:

  28. Good of the Order:

    • Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan

    • Dick and Mary Alice Hargarten

    • Jerry and Joanne Sisk

    • George Laurance

    • Tom Silver

    • Kim Mertens (Mark Mertens’ wife)

    • Paul Silver (Tom Silver’s brother)

    • Bill Rudolph

    • Davone Yang and his family

    • David Novack and his family

    • Father Steve and Father Evans

    • Mandy Johnson (Passion Play director), Passion Play participants & crew members

    • RCIA candidates and catechumens

    • Those suffering from the effects of natural disasters

    • Those preparing for marriage

    • Those in troubled marriages

    • The unborn and pro-life

    • Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis

    • All Bishops, Priests and Religious

    • The unemployed and those seeking work

    • Troubled youth

    • In thanksgiving for prayers answered

    • For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers

    • Candidates for vocations

    • Police officers

    • Armed Forces

    • All 1st responders

  29. Closing Prayer:  The closing prayers were offered at 8:28 PM.

  30. Closing Ode: The Council dispensed with the closing ode.

  31. Meeting Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at 8:29 PM

Closing Reminders:  

  • Seafood Buffet – March 22nd      

  •  Pancake Breakfast – April 7th

 Respectfully submitted,                                                                                                                       

Jim Grube, Recording Secretary

Knights of Columbus Council Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2019

  1.   The February 12, 2019 Council meeting was called to order at 7:37 PM by Grand Knight Rode
  2. Warden’s Report on Membership Cards by Tom Murphy
  3. Opening Prayer offered by Grand Knight Rode
  4. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
  5. Roll Call of Officers
Office Name Present (P)
Chaplain             Vacant                  
Grand Knight            John Rode      P
Dep.Grand Knight   Eugene Dust       P
Chancellor           Tom Murphy          P
Recorder      Jim Grube  P
Fin. Secretary     Ed Hagerty     P
Treasurer Mark Mertens      P
Lecturer    Marty Dehen P
Advocate     Tom Silver         P
Warden    Dan Cincoski   A
Inside Guard   Jose Rodriguez-Belerrari    A
Outside Guard Pat Karn       P (8:33 PM)
Trustee 3 Year Dave Stumpf   P
Trustee 2 Year    Bill Swing      A
Trustee 1 Year        Earl Forrence     A
Present:   10    Absent:  4


  1. Non-Officer Council Members in Attendance (10 members present for votes):
  2. Knights of Columbus Guests:
  3. Opening Ode: The Council elected to dispense with the opening ode.
  4. Chaplain’s Report: None
  5. Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting: With a correction to 25. New Business #8 – Council Credit Card, where it was noted the card is actually a debit card, the Council approved the record of the Council finances and actions of the January 8, 2019 General Membership meeting.
  6. Report of Admission Committee and Reading of Applications: No report
  7. Balloting for Membership (new, readmission. reapplications, transfers): No action was taken.
  8. Initiations: None
  9. Grand Knight’s Report: Refer to items #23, #24 and #27.
  10. Treasurer’s Report: The Council account balance was $4,513.38 as of February 12, 2019.  Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was approved.
  11. Financial Secretary’s Report:  Total Receipts reported for the period: $1,790.00     (2 batches); Total Disbursements reported for the period:  $1,648.58 (5 vouchers:  $200.00, $491.71, $368.98, $100.00 and $487.89). Financial Secretary Hagerty also noted that the semi-annual audit has been completed and is ready for Trustee review/approval.  Motion to accept the Financial Secretary’s report was approved.

Motion to pay the Council bills was approved.

  1. Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouchers for Deposit – See Financial Secretary’s Report, #16 above. Grand Knight Rode requested that Financial Secretary Hagerty get in touch with the Holy Name School and get recognition for the $100.00 gift the Council will be giving the School to assist in its fund raising.
  2. Report of Auditors and Trustees – No report
  3. Chancellor’s Report on Vocations – No report
  4. Service Program Committee Reports
  • Program Director:  Dave Stumpf – No report
  • Faith Director:  Earl Forrence – No report
  • Vocations Chairman:  Tom Silver – No report
  • Community Director:  Chris Kostelc – No report
  • Life Director:  Pat Karn – No report
  • Health Servcies; Dr. Stephen Johnson – No report
  • Public Relations: Matt Mamura – No report
  • Family Director:  Jim Grube – No report
  • Membership Director: John Rode – No report                                                                                     Recruitment Committee 1: Dan Cincoski – No report                                                                   Recruitment Committee 2: Dave Stumpf – No report                                                              Recruitment Committee 3: Mark Mertens – No report
  • Retention Committee: Ed Hagerty reported approximately 47 members have not yet paid their 2019 dues. He will be sending out a reminder to them in February.
  • Insurance Promotion: Tom Murphy – No report
  • Chaplain: Not assigned
  • Lecturer: Marty Dehen – No report
  1. Report of the Round Table Chairman – Not applicable
  2. Report of Standing Committees – No report
  3. Unfinished Business
    1. Growing the Order – Grand Knight Rode advised the Council  that the meeting regarding adding to the Council membership will be at his home on February 19th at 7:00 PM. Grand Knight Rode will invite our Field Agent, John Egan. Finally, all members were asked to review the spreadsheet that had been distributed earlier and add any names that come to mind. In response Marty Dehen noted that Mike Kelly’s sons are now of age and would make good KC’s. Tom Silver noted that Shane and Olivia Haggerty have moved into the Parish, that Shane was a Knight approximately 15 years ago, and although he has been inactive, he appears ready to renew his role in the Knights.
  1. First Degree Exemplification – Grand Knight Rode reminded the Council that the next exemplification is scheduled for April 9th. Tom Murphy is to coordinate the ceremony, with Wyatt Kern a possible candidate for exemplification. Refer to the District Deputy Report, #27, for other exemplification dates and times.
  1. Annual survey – Grand Knight Rode reported that the annual report of member participation was completed and submitted by the January 31, 2019 due date.
  1. Cinnamon roll sale – Tom Silver reported that the weekend sale had a gross receipt of approximately $5,000.00 and a net profit of approximately $4,100.00. Tom also reported that six organizations will each receive $650.00 as a result of the sale. In addition, Tom noted that Josh Phinney, a manager at Hy-Vee grocery store, provided a price break for the rolls and frosting. Finally, Tom reported that Melissa Eckhert has expressed willingness to co-coordinate the cinnamon roll sale in the future – now a co-coordinator is needed to work with Melissa.
  1. New Business
    1. Website meeting – Grand Knight Rode indicated he intends to hold a meeting regarding the status of the Council’s website in late March, when Bill Swing is available. Grand Knight Rode noted we need to get volunteers who have experience with website work to help maintain the site and assist in our marketing endeavors.
  1. Jim Campbell Religious Fund – Grand Knight Rode advised that the Council will need to give $250.00 to the fund to be eligible for the Columbian Award. Motion to pledge $1.00 on behalf of each member of the Council was approved.
  1. Pennies for Seminarians Fund – Grand Knight Rode advised that the Council will need to give $250.00 to the fund to be eligible for the Columbian Award. Motion to pledge $1.00 on behalf of each member of the Council was approved.
  1. 137th Knights of Columbus Supreme Convention – Grand Knight Rode reminded the Council that the Supreme Convention is to be held in Minneapolis in 2019, and that volunteers are needed to assist in the handling of the convention. He noted that 800 volunteers are needed, with the majority needed to provide transportation for the many Bishops that will be present. Refer to the District Deputy Report, #27, for more details.
  1. Big/Small Dinner – Jim Grube reported that the next Big/Small Dinner is scheduled for February 26. Jim advised that 6 to 8 Knights are needed to help serve the dinner and that they are to report at 5:15. Jim will contact those who have helped in the past to see who would be able to assist.
  2. March 10 pancake and RCIA breakfast – Grand Knight Rode advised he has heard from Linda Corrigan that 45 to 50 RCIA candidates and family will be participating in their special breakfast. Tom Silver reported he will be unable to attend and coordinate the pancake breakfast and asked the Council members to work together to make the breakfast a success.
  3. Sunday hospitality – Tom Silver reported he has been advised that the Sunday 10:30 hospitality slots for March 3rd and 31st, and May 12th are currently unfilled. Grand Knight Rode exercised his authority as leader of the Council and directed Tom to advise the hospitality coordinator that the Council will fill the March 3rd 10:30 hospitality slot.
  4. Seafood buffet – The seafood buffet is scheduled for March 22, with Dave Stumpf and Davone Yang serving as coordinators. It was reported that Beth Dust will take the lead in coordinating the help of the Auxiliary. Motion to make $500.00 available for the purchase of the food, etc. was approved.

25. Report of the Fourth Degree – Eugene Dust reported the Sweetheart Dance occurred Sunday, February 10th. In addition, Eugene noted the spring exemplification will occur in Bloomington, May 3-5.

26. Field Agent’s Report – John Egan is the Council’s Field Agent. John’s contact information is: email – [email protected] cell phone – 763-234-1477 and address – 8920 100th Avenue North, Maple Grove, MN 55322

27. District Deputy’s Report: District Deputy Swing submitted a written report for February, 2019. Following are the subjects addressed in his report.

  1. Recruitment – District Deputy Swing noted that Supreme will build a custom Prospect Landing Page for each council that can be used on a phone, tablet or computer. The site may be accessed when talking to prospective members, and their information can be entered into the site. In a matter of seconds the prospective members will receive a personalized email from the Grand Knight of the council.

There is now an on-line application for prospective members at:

Finally, either a representative of the State Council or the Regional Director, Keith Heitkamp (612-819-8272) are available to help where needed.

  1. New Hispanic Council forming in Long Lake – Anyone interested in learning more about the new K of C council being formed at St. George in Long Lake are encouraged to contact Latino Ministry Coordinator Melba Reyes at 612-296-7584. Approximately 12 Hispanic men at St. George are hoping to reach the required 20 members to charter the council.

It was noted that St. George’s has a vibrant Hispanic community which celebrates Mass in Spanish every Sunday at 5:00 PM.

  1. Feed my starving children – Fr. George Council is sponsoring a “Feed My Starving Children” packing session Saturday, March 23rd from 9:00 to 11:00 AM at the Chanhassen facility. The event is open to all councils, family and friends.
  2. 1st Degree schedule – The schedule is:
    1. Loretto – Thursday, February 21st – 6:00 PM
    2. Long Lake – Thursday, March 7th – 6:00 PM
    3. Medina – Tuesday, April 9th – 6:00 PM
    4. Golden Valley – Tuesday, May 14th -6:00 PM
  3. Major Degree Exemplification schedule – The schedule is as follows:                                                 February 9, 2019 – St. John Vianney, St. Paul, with 1st Degree at Noon, 2nd Degree at 1:00 PM and 3rd Degree following

February 23, 2019 – St. Timothy, Blaine, with 1st Degree at 9:00 AM, 2nd Degree at 10:00 AM and 3rd Degree following

  1. Free throw competition – The Wayzata Council had 22 participants and the Golden Valley Council had 13 participants. The District competition is scheduled for February 3rd at the Good Shepherd School gym. Winners of the District competition will advance to the Regional competition on February 9th at the St. Vincent de Paul School gym in Brooklyn Park. The State competition will be held on March 30th at the Cathedral High School Gym in St. Cloud.
  2. Supreme Convention – A signup genious link will soon be available through the State Council website for volunteers to sign up to help. Information on the upcoming convention may be read at:
  1. Faith in Action – District Deputy Swing provided the following Faith in Action explanation;
  2. Good of the Order:
  • Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan
  • Dick and Mary Alice Hargarten
  • Jerry and Joanne Sisk
  • George Laurance
  • Tom Silver
  • Earl Forrence
  • Kim Mertens (Mark Mertens’ wife)
  • Paul Silver (Tom Silver’s brother)
  • Bill Rudolph
  • Davone Yang and his family
  • David Novack and his family
  • Rita Ward (Marty Dehen’s mother) on her passing
  • Father Steve and Father Evans
  • Those suffering from the effects of natural disasters
  • Those preparing for marriage
  • Those in troubled marriages
  • The unborn and pro-life
  • Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis
  • All Bishops, Priests and Religious
  • The unemployed and those seeking work
  • Troubled youth
  • In thanksgiving for prayers answered
  • For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers
  • Candidates for vocations
  • Police officers
  • Armed Forces
  • All 1st responders
  1. Closing Prayer: The closing prayers were offered at 8:49 PM.
  2. Closing Ode: The Council dispensed with the closing ode.
  3. Meeting Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 PM.

Closing Reminders:                                                                                                                                                       Growing the Order meeting – February 19 at 7:00 PM at John Rode’s home Big/Small Dinner – February 26                                                                                                                                                Pancake breakfast – March 10

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Grube, Recording Secretary

Knights of Columbus Council Meeting Minutes of January 8, 2019

1.   The January 8, 2019 Council meeting was called to order at 7:38 PM by Grand Knight Rode

2.  Warden’s Report on Membership Cards by Dan Cincoski

3.  Opening Prayer offered by Grand Knight Rode

4.  Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

5.  Roll Call of Officers

Office Name Present (P) Absent (A)
Chaplain             Vacant                  
Advocate            Tom Silver      P
Grand Knight   John Rode        P
Warden               Dan Cincoski             P
Dep.Grand Knight      Eugene  Dust   P
Inside Guard     Jose  Rodriguez-Belerrari      A
Chancellor      Tom Murphy      P
Outside Guard     Pat Karn      A
Recorder         Jim Grube           P
Trustee 3 Year     Dave Stumpf     P
Financial  Secretary   Ed Hagerty        P
Trustee 2  Year  Bill Swing        P
Treasurer       Mark Mertens   P
Trustee 1 Year    Earl Forrence      A
Lecturer         Marty Dehen     A
Present:   10    Absent:  4

6.  Non-Officer Council Members in Attendance (10 members present for votes):  Bill Swing also attended in his role as District #53 Deputy.

7.  Knights of Columbus Guests:  Bill Swing also attended in his role as District #53 Deputy.

8.  Opening Ode:  The Council elected to dispense with the opening ode.

9.  Chaplain’s Report:  None

10.  Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting:  The Council approved the record of the Council finances and actions of the November 13, 2018 General Membership meeting.

11.  Report of Admission Committee and Reading of Applications:  No report

12.  Balloting for Membership (new, readmission. reapplications, transfers):  No action was taken.

13.  Initiations:  None

14.  Grand Knight’s Report:  Refer to items #23, #24 and #27.

 15.  Treasurer’s Report:  The Council account balance was $6,668.57 as of January 8, 2019.  This included $0.77 interest earned in 2018.  Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was approved.

16.  Financial Secretary’s Report:  Total Receipts reported for the period: $1,035.00 (1 batch); Total Disbursements reported for the period:  $2,565.25 (8 vouchers:  $121.13, $60.50, $99.00, $84.62, $400.00, $400.00, $400.00 and $1,000.00).  Motion to accept the Financial Secretary’s report was approved. Motion to pay the Council bills was approved.

17.  Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouchers for Deposit – See Financial Secretary’s Report, #16 above.

18.  Report of Auditors and Trustees – No report

19.  Chancellor’s Report on Vocations – No report

20.  Service Program Committee Reports

  • Program Director:  Dave Stumpf – No report
  • Faith Director:  Earl Forrence – No report
  • Vocations Chairman:  Tom Silver – No report
  • Community Director:  Chris Kostelc – No report
  • Life Director:  Pat Karn – No report
  • Health Servcies;  Dr. Stephen Johnson – No report
  • Public Relations:  Matt Mamura – No report
  • Family Director:  Jim Grube – No report       
  • Membership Director:  John Rode – No report
  • Recruitment Committee 1:  Dan Cincoski – No report
  • Recruitment Committee 2:  Dave Stumpf – No report
  • Recruitment Committee 3:  Mark Mertens – No report
  • Retention Committee:  Ed Hagerty reported that a number of Council members failed to pay their 2018 dues.  This report sparked a discussion regarding what the Council should do relative to the delinquent members.
  • Insurance Promotion:  Tom Murphy – No report
  • Chaplain:  Not assigned
  • Lecturer:  Marty Dehen – No report

21.  Report of the Round Table Chairman – Not applicable

22.  Report of Standing Committees – No report

23.  Unfinished Business

1.  Our Lady Help of Persecuted Christians Icon residence at Holy Name – District Deputy Bill Swing noted that the icon was prominently displayed in the Adoration Chapel from December 10th to December 20th.  District Deputy Swing advised that Frank Renshaw  represented HNOJ Administrative staff for placement of the icon.

2.  Growing the order – Grand Knight Rode expressed to the Council his desire to have the Council meet for a separate meeting to discuss how the Council can increase its membership.  The meeting is to occur January 29th at 7:00 PM at John’s home – 2025 Black Oaks Lane North, Plymouth.  Grand Knight Rode intends to include John Egan, our Field Agent.  Grand Knight Rode will make sure an email blast is sent out to the membership.

3.  District 53 meeting – District Deputy Swing advised the Council that the criteria for the issuance of state awards have been made more restrictive, thus state awards will be harder to receive in the future.

District Deputy Swing mentioned the four pillars of the Faith in Action model:  faith, family, community and life.  Please refer to his report under #27.

4.  Christmas Eve parking – Eugene Dust reported Jim Grube coordinated the parking activities in his absence on December 24, 2018.  Jim reported that a number of members, together with family members and parishioners made the work a success.  Jim and Tom Silver noted that the act of wishing families a Merry Christmas as they left their vehicles helped the parishioners “get into the spirit” as they walked into Church.

5.  Free throw competition – Grand Knight Rode reported Bill Swing, Joe Badalucco and he met to discuss the competition and decided to forego the 2019 cycle in favor of preparation for the 2020 cycle.  Further information is contained in the District Deputy’s report – #27.

24.  New Business

1.  Cinnamon roll weekend – Tom Silver reported the weekend will be January 25-27.  Bill Swing volunteered to send a flyer to the membership soliciting help.  Tom indicated the greatest need is Friday evening cleanup and Sunday morning sales.  Tom reported that Josh Phinney, a manager at Hy-Vee grocery store, has offered to provide a price break for the rolls and frosting.

2.  Council receipt of Columbian Award – Grand Knight passed around among the Council the Columbian Award plaque the Council earned last fraternal year.

3.  1st Degree Exemplification – The next exemplification is scheduled for 6:00 PM April 9th.  Tom Murphy is to take the lead in the coordination of activities related to the exemplification.

4.  Knights of Columbus survey – Grand Knight Rode advised the members that the survey is due January 31, 2019, and asked that the members fill out and return their surveys as soon as possible so the roll-up and submittal can occur by the 31st.

5.  Requests for donations – Grand Knight Rode reported that he has received requests for financial assistance from St. Stephen’s, Missions, Inc. and others organizations.  After limited discussion, no further action was taken.

6.  Purchase of rosaries – Earl Forrence had advised the officers via email that the Council needs 15 each of the black and the white Knights of Columbus rosaries for the Adoration Chapel, members brought into the Council, and the RCIA candidates.  In addition, 156 each of the blue and clear crystal rosaries are needed for Confirmation candidates and the NPH orphanage.  Tom Silver volunteered to purchase the rosaries, with reimbursement to be provided.  Motion to make up to $500 available for the purchase of the rosaries was approved.  Note:  Tom subsequently purchase the crystal rosaries at a cost of approximately $300.00, including shipping cost.

7.  Council website – Bill Swing volunteered to serve as the Council’s webmaster.  The condition of the website was the subject of discussion, and Bill indicated he would work to make the website more user friendly.  Bill also asked officers to develop their postings in a Word document and submit them to him for posting on the website and email distribution to the Council.

8.  Council credit card – Treasurer Mertens reported that Wells Fargo has issued a credit card to the Council for its use.  Motion to use the credit card for business to business transactions was approved.

9.  Holy Name of Jesus school fundraiser – Grand Knight Rode reported that a representative of the school has solicited the Council for assistance in the raising of funds for the school.  Motion to give $100.00 to the school for its use in its fundraising effort was approved.

25.  Report of the Fourth Degree – Dan Cincoski reported that the Fourth Degree Knights renewed their 1st through 4th degree obligations on January 7, 2019 at St. Peter and Paul Parish in Loretto.  Those who brought swords to the event had their swords blessed.  Dan also reported the spring exemplification will occur in Bloomington, May 14/15.

26.  Field Agent’s Report – John Egan is the Council’s Field Agent.  John’s contact information is:  email – [email protected] cell phone – 763-234-1477 and address – 8920 100th Avenue North, Maple Grove, MN 55322

27.  District Deputy’s Report:  District Deputy Swing submitted a written report for January, 2019.  Following are the subjects addressed in his report.

1.  New Year message – All Council members were encouraged to embrace the four new pillars of the Faith in Action model:  faith, family, community and life, and think about how our Council may best respond.  District Deputy Swing offered what the Council should engage in each of the four categories in order to comply with the minimums of the Knights of Columbus to achieve the Columbian award.  He recommended the members refer to the website at: for more background and information.

2.  Degree schedule – The degree schedule for the year calls for an April 9, 2019 1st Degree Exemplification at 6:00 PM at Holy Name.

3.  Free throw competition – The Wayzata and Golden Valley Councils will be sponsoring local competitions.  The district competition will be held February 3, 2019 at 11:30 AM at the Good Shepard School gymnasium, with the regional competition to occur February 9, 2019 at the St. Vincent de Paul School gymnasium in Brooklyn Park.

4.  January District Deputy visits – District Deputy Swing will visit Holy Name January 8, 2019.

5.  Major Degree Exemplification schedule – The schedule is as follows:                                                  

  • January 26, 2019 – St. Vincent de Paul, Brooklyn Park, with 1st Degree at 9:00 AM, 2nd Degree at 10:30 AM and 3rd Degree following
  • February 6, 2019 – St. John Vianney, St. Paul, with 1st Degree at Noon, 2nd Degree at 1:00 PM and 3rd Degree following
  • February 23, 2019 – St. Timothy, Blaine, with 1st Degree at 9:00 AM, 2nd Degree at 10:00 AM and 3rd Degree following

6.  Supreme Convention – A website link will soon be available for Knights to select volunteer opportunities.

7.  Seminarians join free – This is a new membership offer where seminarians may join the Knights of Columbus and enjoy free membership as long as they remain in the seminary, or are ordained to the priesthood.

28.  Good of the Order:

  • Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan
  • Dick and Mary Alice Hargarten
  • Jerry and Joanne Sisk
  • George Laurance
  • Tom Silver
  • Earl Forrence
  • Paul Silver (Tom Silver’s brother)
  • Bill Rudolph
  • Davone Yang and his family
  • David Novack and his family
  • Father Steve and Father Evans
  • Those suffering from the effects of natural disasters
  • Those preparing for marriage
  • Those in troubled marriages
  • The unborn and pro-life
  • Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis
  • All Bishops, Priests and Religious
  • The unemployed and those seeking work
  • Troubled youth
  • In thanksgiving for prayers answered
  • For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers
  • Candidates for vocations
  • Police officers
  • Armed Forces
  • All 1st responders

29.  Closing Prayer:  The closing prayers were offered at 9:17 PM.

30.  Closing Ode:  The Council dispensed with the closing ode.

31.  Meeting Adjourned:  The meeting was adjourned at 9:18 PM.

Closing Reminders:   

 Respectfully submitted,                                                                                                                       

Jim Grube, Recording Secretary

Knights of Columbus Council Meeting Minutes of November 13, 2018

1.   The November 13, 2018 Council meeting was called to order at 7:33  PM by Grand Knight Rode

2.  Warden’s Report on Membership Cards by Dan Cincoski

3.  Opening Prayer offered by Grand Knight Rode

4.  Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

5.  Roll Call of Officers

Office              Name                   Pres            Office                         Name                    Pres  

Chaplain         Vacant                Vac           Advocate            Tom Silver                 P    

Grand Knight   John Rode       P             Warden                Dan Cincoski            P

 Dep.Grand      Eugene  Dust  P             Inside                    Jose                             A                Knight                                                                  Guard            Rodriguez-Belerrari                 

Chancellor     Tom Murphy     P             Outside Guard     Pat Karn                  P 8:15 

Recorder        Jim Grube            P             Trustee 3 Year     Dave Stumpf      P  

Financial         Ed Hagerty        P              Trustee 2  Year Bill Swing                 P   Secretary

Treasurer      Mark Mertens  P              Trustee 1 Year    Earl Forrence       P

Lecturer         Marty Dehen     A

Present:  12     Absent:  2

6.  Non-Officer Council Members in Attendance (12 members present for votes): 

7.  Knights of Columbus Guests:  Bill Swing also attended in his role as District #53 Deputy.  Father Steve also stopped in briefly to thank the Knights for all they do for the Parish.

8.  Opening Ode:  The Council dispensed with the opening ode.

9.  Chaplain’s Report:  None

10.  Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting:  The record of the Council finances and actions of the October 9, 2018 General Membership meeting was approved. 

11.  Report of Admission Committee and Reading of Applications:  Darrell Kutchmarek has submitted a Form 100 for transfer into the Council from a Council in Wisconsin.  Kory Kutchmarek has submitted a Form 100 for transfer into the Council.

12.  Balloting for Membership (new, readmission. reapplications, transfers):  No voting on the two Form 100 submittals by the Kutchmareks occurred because they are transfers.

13.  Initiations:  None

14.  Grand Knight’s Report:  Refer to #23, #24 and #27.  Grand Knight Rode also reported receipt of a $50.00 donation from the Roman Schuh family in appreciation for the Knights support of the family on the recent passing of Roman.

Grand Knight Rode reported that Patrick Hofkes has moved and will be transferring to the Forest Lake Council.

15.  Treasurer’s Report:  The Council account balance was $7,110.25 as of November 13, 2018.  This figure includes a $50 increase in the October pancake breakfast proceeds.  Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was approved.

16.  Financial Secretary’s Report:  Total Receipts reported for the period:  $1,527.92 (1 batch).  Total Disbursements reported for the period:  $2,760.84(5 Vouchers – $160.00, $487.93, $1,500.00, $525.01, $87.90).  The $1,500.00 disbursement was acknowledgement of a $1,500.00 donation to the Parish last fraternal year for the Kitchen Fund related to the November, 2017 pancake breakfast that had not been incorporated into the books.  Motion to accept the Financial Secretary’s report was approved.

Motion to pay the Council bills was approved

17.  Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouchers for Deposit – See Financial Secretary’s Report #16 above.

18.  Report of Auditors and Trustees – No report

19.  Chancellor’s Report on Vocations – No report

20.  Service Program Committee Reports

Note:  The following are newly named positions fashioned to coincide with the new “Faith in Action” motto of the Knights of Columbus – effective July 1st 2018.

  • Program Director:  Dave Stumpf – No report
  • Faith Director:  Earl Forrence – No report
  • Vocations Chairman: Tom Silver – No report
  • Community Director:  Chris Kostelc – No report
  • Life Director: Pat Karn – No report.
  • Health Services: Dr Stephen Johnson – No report
  • Public Relations: Matt Mamura – No report
  • Family Director: Jim Grube – No report.
  • Membership Director: John Rode – No Report.
  • Recruitment Committee 1:  Dan Cincoski – No report
  • Recruitment Committee  2: Dave Stumpf – No report.
  • Recruitment Committee 3: Mark Mertens – No report.
  • Retention Chairman: Ed Hagerty reported there are seven Knights who have yet to pay their 2018 dues.  Grand Knight Rode reported receipt of an email from a Knight indicating a desire to place his service “on hold” for an undetermined period, and indicated he will contact the Knight for further conversation.
  • Insurance Promotion: Tom Murphy – No report.
  • Chaplain: Unassigned
  • Lecturer:  Marty Dehen – No report

21.  Report of the Round Table Chairman – Not applicable

22.  Report of Standing Committees

HNOJ Life Commission – No report.

23.  Unfinished Business

Designation of October 7 pancake breakfast proceeds – Motion to donate $400.00 each to: Cradle of Hope; Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis; and, Southwest Options for Women from the proceeds of the pancake breakfast was approved.

2  November pancake breakfast recap – Tom Silver reported that the gross receipts for the breakfast were approximately $1,439.00, noting that while the attendance after the first Mass was poor, the second Mass attendance brought the total for the day to general conformity with our experience.

Discussion ensued regarding how we attain a count of attendees, primarily through the use of tickets.  While it was reported Vic Tarnowski will be picking up a roll of tickets, members discussed how to move attendees through both the breakfast purchase point and the food lines.  It was decided to purchase a counter and use that as a means to track attendees.

Discussion also ensued regarding advertising for the breakfast.  It was agreed we need to get the breakfast announced at the “60 Seconds to Connect” one week before the breakfast.  Bill Swing will ask Michelle Hudlow to make sure the announcement occurs the week before the breakfast.  Tom Silver will ask Deb Floeder to make up flyers that offer a “suggested $7.00 donation”.  It was also suggested that we include in the bulletin announcement that we have “to go” boxes for those who cannot stay, but would like to purchase a breakfast.  At the completion of the discussion, Motion to provide $1,000.00 to the Kitchen Fund was approved, noting that it really is not properly titled, but practically recognized.

Note on the balance of the breakfasts:  The confirmed dates of the breakfasts in 2019 are March 10, April 7 and May 19

3  Coats for Kids – Ed Hagerty reported he delivered two dozen coats to Interfaith Outreach.  Dan Cincoski reported knit caps have been completed and will be delivered there, too.

4  Special Olympics Bowling – Refer to District Deputy Swing’s report, #27 below.

District 53 Memorial Mass – The Mass was held November 2 at 7:00 PM at St. Mary’s of the Lake Catholic Church, with three of our Council’s Knights who had passed away in the previous year recognized:  Ed Ayd, Deacon Sam, and Roman Schuh.  The Holy Name Council provided refreshments and cake after the Mass, and District Deputy Swing expressed his thanks on behalf of the District.

Tootsie Roll sale – Given conflicts in April the desired weekend is May 4/5.

District Office installation Mass – The desired date is July 11, 2019.

24. New Business

Icon of Our Lady Help of Persecuted Christians – Refer to District Deputy Swing’s report, #27 below.

2  Habitat for Humanity – Refer to District Deputy Swing’s report, #27 below.

3  Growing the order – Grand Knight Rode noted he intends to call a January meeting to address this issue more completely.  The Council did discuss ways to make connections with younger men of the Parish, and Chris Kotelc was mentioned as a good person to help making such connections.  It was noted that Supreme has a boiler plate internet letter that adjusts to the Council sending an information request from a prospective member in such a way as to seem the letter actually comes from the Parish of the inquiry.  The Men’s Friday was also identified as a possible connection to Parish men.

4  Christmas party – The December 11th Christmas party will again be held at Vic Tarnowski’s home (435 Pleasant Ridge Road).  The event will again be catered by Cynthia Cavanaugh.  Grand Knight Rode and Tom Murphy will make sure we have approximately 50 chairs for attendees.  Much discussion was held regarding the gift exchange, with focus on the amount being spent on gifts and the “white elephant” concept.  Bill Swing will put together the electronic invitation to the Council and will provide clarity on the gift exchange.

As last year, the Council will provide the refreshments and a sheet cake for dessert  to reduce catering costs.

5  Christmas Eve Mass parking – Eugene Dust will again coordinate the parking support provided by the Knights.

6  Free throw contest – The local free throw contest may be held January 19, 2019 at St. Peter & Paul’s Catholic School in Loretto.  Joe Badalucco is the Council’s volunteer coordinator.  Grand Knight Rode will get in touch with Joe to get work underway in December.

7  December Council meeting – The December meeting will be canceled in favor of the Christmas party.

8  Special needs Christmas dinner – Frank Renshaw is coordinating the dinner that is to occur December 7 at 6:00.  Any Knights interested in helping should contact Frank.

9  Support for transportation of Ascension School students to Holy Name – Ed Hagerty reported that Ascension Parish needs to rent a bus to transport school students to Holy Name for the one day student exchange.  During discussion it was mentioned that the Council may wish to finance the bus rental on behalf of both the Parish and Council.  Ed will get more information on this and report to the Council at the January meeting.

10  Habitat for Humanity opportunity at Paradise, California – Bill Swing sent out an email to the Council regarding the hardship Paradise, California has faced as a result of the “Campfire” forest fire.

11  Dave Stumpf reported Lani Schlundt will be in Hawaii the date of the upcoming Seafood Buffet this Lent.  Dave was asked to speak with Lani about how the Council could make this work with her help up-front.  Dave will report to the Council at its January meeting.

25.  Report of the Fourth Degree –  Dan Cincoski reported that the fall exemplification occurred October 26/27 at the Hampton Inn in Lino Lakes, and that Grand Knight Rode went through the exemplification.  Dan also reported the spring exemplification will occur in Bloomington.

26.  Field Agent’s Report – John Egan is the new District 53 Field Agent.  John’s contact information is:  email – [email protected] cell phone – 763-234-1477 and address – 8920 100th Avenue North, Maple Grove, MN 55322.

27.  District Deputy’s Report

1.  Membership – District Deputy Swing offered that while the District 53 Councils have been quite active, little progress has been made to increase membership.  District Deputy Swing would like to host a round table discussion in January, repeating Grand Knight Rode’s intent to get the Council together in January.

2.  Our Lady Help of Persecuted Christians Icon – The State Council has delivered the icon, one of seven being circulated across the state, to the District for residence among the councils on a rotational basis.  The icon is intended to raise awareness of the plight of Christians persecuted for their faith.  The icon is to reside in Holy Name December 10 through December 20.  District Deputy Swing will work with Frank Renshaw on its placement in the Adoration Chapel.

3. Special Olympics bowling tournament – The Special Olympics bowling tournament will be held December 1st at Bowlero Bowling Center, 7545 Brooklyn Boulevard, Brooklyn Park.  The Districts’ service time is 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM.  The registration link for volunteers is:

4.  First Degree and Major Degree  schedules – The Long Lake Council will sponsor a First Degree Exemplification on December 6 at 6:00 PM.  District Deputy Swing urged the District 53 Councils to host an exemplification shortly after January 1.

5.  Habitat for Humanity – District Deputy Swing reported that four Knights and one spouse worked on Saturday, October 27th from 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM; Location – 3015 Thomas Avenue North, Minneapolis.

6.  Memorial Mass – The Memorial Mass will be hosted by the Wayzata Council.  It is to be held Friday, November 2 at 6:00 PM at St. Mary’s of the Lake Catholic Church.

7.  Free Throw competition – The District competition will occur February 2 at Good Shepherd Catholic School in Golden Valley.  District Deputy Swing advised that non-Catholics may participate.

8.  Invitation to Council events – The Wayzata Council will be hosting a pancake breakfast November 18 from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM at St. Anne’s Parish Hall.

9.  Council visits – District Deputy Swing will visit the Medina Council on November 13..

10.  District 53 meeting – District Deputy Swing noted the next District meeting will occur on December 13 at 7:00 PM at his home in Maple Plain.

11.  Per capita report – District Deputy Swing advised that all Councils are in good standing, current on their per capita and reports.

12.  Metro area major degrees:

November 17:  Transfiguration (6133 15th Street North, Oakdale); First Degree – 9:00 AM; Second Degree 10:15 AM; Third Degree follows immediately.

November 27:  Marian KC Hall, (Bloomington); No First Degree; Second Degree – 6:30 PM; Third Degree follows immediately.

December 1:  Mary Mother of the Church (Burnsville); First Degree – 9:00 AM; Second Degree – 10:00 AM; Third Degree follows immediately.

January 12:  St. Timothy (Blaine); First Degree – 9:00 AM; Second Degree – 10:30 AM; Third Degree follows immediately

13. Supreme Convention – Scheduled for 2019.

28.  Good of the Order:

  • Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan
  • Dick and Mary Alice Hargarten
  • Jerry Sisk
  • George Laurance
  • Tom Silver
  • Earl Forrence
  • Paul Silver (Tom Silver’s brother)
  • Bill Rudolph
  • Davone Yang and family
  • Father Steve and Father Evans
  • The family of Roman Schuh (Joni Gibbs father) on his passing
  • Those suffering from the effects of natural disasters
  • Those preparing for marriage
  • Those in troubled marriages
  • The unborn and pro-life
  • Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis
  • All Cardinals, Bishops, Priests and Religious
  • The unemployed and those seeking work
  • Troubled youth
  • In thanksgiving for prayers answered
  • For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers
  • Candidates for vocations
  • Police Officers
  • Armed Forces
  • All 1st responders

29.  Closing Prayer:  The closing prayers were offered at 9:16 PM.

30.  Closing Ode:  The Council dispensed with the closing ode.

31.  Meeting Adjourned:  The meeting was adjourned at 9:17 PM.

Closing Reminders:  Christmas Party – December 11

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Grube

Knights of Columbus Council Meeting Minutes of October 9, 2018

1.   The October 9, 2018 Council meeting was called to order at 7:35 PM by Grand Knight Rode

2.  Warden’s Report on Membership Cards by Dan Cincoski

3.  Opening Prayer offered by Grand Knight Rode

4.  Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

5.  Roll Call of Officers

Office              Name                   Pres            Office                         Name                    Pres  

Chaplain         Vacant                Vac           Advocate            Tom Silver                 P    

Grand Knight   John Rode       P             Warden                Dan Cincoski            P

 Dep.Grand      Eugene  Dust  P             Inside                    Jose                             A                Knight                                                                  Guard            Rodriguez-Belerrari                 

Chancellor     Tom Murphy     P             Outside Guard     Pat Karn                  A

Recorder        Jim Grube            P             Trustee 3 Year     Dave Stumpf      P  

Financial         Ed Hagerty        P              Trustee 2  Year Bill Swing                 P   Secretary

Treasurer      Mark Mertens  P              Trustee 1 Year    Earl Forrence       P

Lecturer         Marty Dehen     A

Present:  11     Absent:  3

6.  Non-Officer Council Members in Attendance (11 members present for votes): 

7.  Knights of Columbus Guests:  Bill Swing also attended in his role as District #53 Deputy

8.  Opening Ode:  The Council dispensed with the opening ode.

9.  Chaplain’s Report:  None

10.  Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting:  The record of the Council finances and actions of the August 14, 2018 General Membership meeting was approved. 

11.  Report of Admission Committee and Reading of Applications:  No report

12.  Balloting for Membership (new, readmission. reapplications, transfers):  None

13.  Initiations:  None

14.  Grand Knight’s Report:  Refer to #23, #24 and #27

15.  Treasurer’s Report:  The Council account balance was $5,742.29 as of October 9, 2018.  Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was approved.

16.  Financial Secretary’s Report:  Total Receipts reported for the period:  $1,683.50 (1 batch).  Total Disbursements reported for the period:  $513.93 (1 Voucher – $513.93).  Motion to accept the Financial Secretary’s report was approved.

Motion to pay the Council bills was approved

17.  Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouchers for Deposit – See Financial Secretary’s Report #16 above.

18.  Report of Auditors and Trustees – No report

19.  Chancellor’s Report on Vocations – No report

20.  Service Program Committee Reports

Noted:  The following are newly named positions fashioned to coincide with the new “Faith in Action” motto of the Knights of Columbus – effective July 1st 2018.

  • Program Director:  Dave Stumpf – No report
  • Faith Director:  Earl Forrence – No report
  • Vocations Chairman: Tom Silver reminded the Council that Priesthood Sunday is October 28th.
  • Community Director:  Chris Kostelc – No report
  • Life Director: Pat Karn – No report.
  • Health Services: Dr Stephen Johnson – No report
  • Public Relations: Matt Mamura – No report
  • Family Director: Jim Grube – No report.
  • Membership Director: John Rode – No Report.
  • Recruitment Committee 1:  Dan Cincoski – No report
  • Recruitment Committee  2: Dave Stumpf – No report.
  • Recruitment Committee 3: Mark Mertens – No report.
  • Retention Chairman: Ed Hagerty – Ed reported there are seven Knights who have yet to pay their 2018 dues.
  • Insurance Promotion: Tom Murphy – No report.
  • Chaplain: Unassigned
  • Lecturer:  Marty Dehen – No report

21.  Report of the Round Table Chairman – Not applicable

22.  Report of Standing Committees

HNOJ Life Commission – No report.

23.  Unfinished Business

Pancake breakfast recap – Tom Silver reported that gross receipts for the breakfast were approximately $1,393, but with somewhat higher expenses that normally occur with the first breakfast of the season, the net was approximately $879.

Tom noted that the number of helpers was barely adequate, but as always things got done.  We served approximately 120 after the 8:30 AM Mass and 75-80 after the 10:30 AM Mass.  It was noted that the breakfast had not been advertised during the “60 Seconds to Connect” the previous week.  Apparently Father Evans mentioned the breakfast at the 8:30 Mass, but is wasn’t known if Father Steve did so at the 10:30 Mass.  It was agreed we should have broader advertisement of the breakfast, perhaps having flyers made for distribution among the neighboring Parishes, and Parish groups, and have an advertisement in “The Spirit”.

During discussion regarding the gross receipts attention turned to the $200 the Parish had given the Council in reimbursement of its costs incurred in the RCIA breakfast last fraternal year.  Motion to combine the $200 with the amount to be distributed from the breakfast to pro-life causes was approved.  It was noted that in prior years the Council had distributed approximately $1,700 (two years ago) and approximately $1,500 (last year) to pro-life causes.

Big/Small Dinner – Jim Grube reported that the October 4th event went well and that seven Knights served the adults and children.  There is some confusion as to the actual timing of the next dinner, as the preliminary Parish calendar has the event on October 25th, with future events scheduled for February 26th, April 25th and May 2nd.  Jim will coordinate with Nate.

3  Coats for Kids – Financial Secretary Ed Hagerty reported that the coats had been ordered.

4  Special Olympics Bowling sign-up – Grand Knight Rode referred to District Deputy Swing.  This is covered further in the District Deputy report.

24. New Business

Calendar date reconciliation – Grand Knight Rode mentioned that the preliminary Parish calendar and the final calendar have a number of discrepancies that necessitate reconciliation:

The February 17th pancake breakfast may not occur because the Boy Scout pancake breakfast is to occur February 2nd making them too close to one another.  We do have breakfasts scheduled for March 10th and April 7th, so we will look at the possibility of May 19 as the replacement for February 17th.

The April 28/29 Tootsie Roll Sale conflicts with Divine Mercy Sunday and must be rescheduled.  With Palm Sunday on April 14th and Easter on April 21st, the only real option is May 4/5.

District #53 Officer installation – Holy Name is to sponsor the installation and the previously scheduled July 12th date is now being moved to Thursday, July 11 because of an undisclosed conflict.

2  Habitat for Humanity – Refer to District Deputy Swing’s report, #27 below.

25.  Report of the Fourth Degree –  Dan Cincoski reported that the fall exemplification will occur October 26/27 at the Hampton Inn in Lino Lakes.  Dan reported that first through third degree exemplification will occur on October 26.  The fourth degree exemplification will begin at noon on October 27.  Registration cost is $70 for candidates, and $35 for spouses, which includes the dinner after the exemplification.  John Rode indicated he intends to go through the exemplification.  Dan also reported the spring exemplification will occur in Bloomington.

26.  Field Agent’s Report – John Egan is the new District 53 Field Agent.  John’s contact information is:  email – [email protected] cell phone – 763-234-1477 and address – 8920 100th Avenue North, Maple Grove, MN 55322.

27.  District Deputy’s Report – District Deputy Bill Swing gave KC hats to Dan Cincoski and Dave Stumpf, as was announced at last May’s State Convention.  Dan, Dave and Tom Lee (who will receive his later) were awarded hats for their membership efforts.  District Deputy Swing had issued a written report earlier.  Issues addressed in the report were:

1.  Membership – District Deputy Swing offered to have someone from the State Council who is knowledgeable on how successful councils grow their membership attend our Council meeting.  District Deputy Swing noted that St. George’s Council of Long Lake has been working hard in the membership area.

2.  Our Lady Help of Persecuted Christians Icon – The State Council has delivered the icon, one of seven being circulated across the state, to the District for residence among the councils on a rotational basis.  The icon is intended to raise awareness of the plight of Christians persecuted for their faith.  The icon is to reside in Holy Name December 10 through December 20.

3. Special Olympics bowling tournament – The Special Olympics bowling tournament will be held December 1st at Bowlero Bowling Center, 7545 Brooklyn Boulevard, Brooklyn Park.  The Districts’ service time is 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM.  The registration link for volunteers is available through September 24th, and thereafter it was opened up to the public.  It was noted the Davone Yang had volunteered for the event.

4.  First Degree and Major Degree  schedules – Our Council will sponsor a First Degree Exemplification November 13 at 6:00 PM.  District Deputy Swing noted that it is now time for the District to host a major degree exemplification and seeks a council to volunteer to host the event.

Major degrees include:  Mary Mother of the Church in Burnsville – First Degree Exemplification December 1 at 9:00 AM with Second and Third Degree Exemplifications thereafter.  St. Timothy in Blaine – First Degree January 12 at 9:00 AM with Second and Third Degrees thereafter.

5.  Habitat for Humanity – District Deputy Swing has scheduled a local project for the District. The specifics are:  Date – Saturday, October 27th from 8:30 AM to PM; Location – 3015 Thomas Avenue North, Minneapolis.  The signup deadline is October 13th.   It was noted that Tom, Carol and Nathan Lee had volunteered to help.  Bill Swing will send out an email blast to the Council advising of the event.

6.  Memorial Mass – The Memorial Mass will be hosted by the Wayzata Council.  It is to be held Friday, November 2 at 6:00 PM at St. Mary’s of the Lake Catholic Church.  Names of deceased Council members are to be forwarded to District Deputy Swing.  At this point it appears the deceased are:  Deacon Sam Catapano, Ed Ayd and Roman Schuh.  It was agreed that it would be good to have Jan Ayd light the memorial candle on behalf of the Council if she is so inclined.  She is to be invited to do so by District Deputy Swing.

It was noted that the Holy Name Council is to provide a sheet cake and liquid refreshments (water and coffee) for the modest after Mass gathering.

7.  Free Throw competition – The Wayzata, Holy Name and Golden Valley Councils appear to be participating in the upcoming competition.  Wayzata will be using the St. Bart’s gym, so we may be able to join with them.  The biggest challenge is getting the word out to the students, and discussion ensued as to how that could be done successfully.

The District competition will occur February 2 at Good Shepherd Catholic School in Golden Valley.

8.  Council visits – District Deputy Swing will visit the Medina Council on October 9.

9.  Coats for Kids – District Deputy Swing noted that the “Coats for Kids” campaign is again open and invited members to sign up to attend the “Faith in Action – Mass of the Holy Spirit – Coats for Kids Collection” that is to be held at US Bank Stadium on October 10.  It is reported 15,000 Catholic school children will be bringing donated coats, etc. to the Mass.  Dan Cincoski reported there is to be a 4th Degree honor guard for the event.

10. Supreme Convention – Scheduled for 2019.

28.  Good of the Order:

  • Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan
  • Dick and Mary Alice Hargarten
  • Jerry Sisk
  • George Laurance
  • Tom Silver
  • Earl Forrence
  • Dave Brinza
  • Paul Silver (Tom Silver’s brother)
  • Bill Rudolph
  • Paul Rode (John Rode’s brother) on his recent loss of employment
  • Davone Yang and family
  • Father Steve and Father Evans
  • Roman Schuh (Joni Gibbs father) on his passing
  • Those suffering from the effects of natural disasters
  • Those preparing for marriage
  • Those in troubled marriages
  • The unborn and pro-life
  • Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis
  • All Cardinals, Bishops, Priests and Religious
  • The unemployed and those seeking work
  • Troubled youth
  • In thanksgiving for prayers answered
  • For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers
  • Candidates for vocations
  • Police Officers
  • Armed Forces
  • All 1st responders

29.  Closing Prayer:  The closing prayers were offered at 8:55PM.

30.  Closing Ode:  The Council dispensed with the closing ode.

31.  Meeting Adjourned:  The meeting was adjourned at 8:56 PM.

Closing Reminders:

  • Coats for Kids event – October 10
  • Habitat for Humanity – October 27
  • Memorial Mass – November 2

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Grube

Knights of Columbus Council Meeting Minutes of September 11, 2018

1.   The September 11, 2018 Council meeting was called to order at 7:36 PM by Grand Knight Rode

2.  Warden’s Report on Membership Cards by Dan Cincoski

3.  Opening Prayer offered by Grand Knight Rode

4.  Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

5.  Roll Call of Officers

Office              Name                   Pres            Office                         Name                    Pres  

Chaplain         Vacant                Vac           Advocate            Tom Silver                 P    

Grand Knight   John Rode       P             Warden                Dan Cincoski            P

 Dep.Grand      Eugene  Dust  P             Inside                    Jose                             A                Knight                                                                  Guard            Rodriguez-Belerrari                 

Chancellor     Tom Murphy     P             Outside Guard     Pat Karn                  P 8:26

Recorder        Jim Grube            P             Trustee 3 Year     Dave Stumpf      P  

Financial         Ed Hagerty        A              Trustee 2  Year Bill Swing                 A   Secretary

Treasurer      Mark Mertens  A              Trustee 1 Year    Earl Forrence       P

Lecturer         Marty Dehen     A

Present:  9     Absent:  5

6.  Non-Officer Council Members in Attendance (9 members present for votes): 

7.  Knights of Columbus Guests: 

8.  Opening Ode:  The Council dispensed with the opening ode.

9.  Chaplain’s Report:  None

10.  Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting:  The record of the Council finances and actions of the August 14, 2018 General Membership meeting was approved. 

11.  Report of Admission Committee and Reading of Applications: 

12.  Balloting for Membership (new, readmission. reapplications, transfers): 

13.  Initiations:

14.  Grand Knight’s Report:  

15.  Treasurer’s Report:  In the absence of Treasurer Mertens, Recording Secretary reported that the Council account balance was $4,572.68 as of September 11, 2018.  No action was taken on the report given it did not come from the Treasurer.

16.  Financial Secretary’s Report:  No report

17.  Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouchers for Deposit – See Financial Secretary’s Report #16 above.

18.  Report of Auditors and Trustees – No report

19.  Chancellor’s Report on Vocations – No report

20.  Service Program Committee Reports

Noted:  The following are newly named positions fashioned to coincide with the new “Faith in Action” motto of the Knights of Columbus – effective July 1st 2018.

  • Program Director:  Dave Stumpf – No report
  • Faith Director:  Earl Forrence – No report
  • Vocations Chairman: Tom Silver – No report.
  • Community Director:  Chris Kostelc – No report
  • Life Director: Pat Karn – No report.
  • Health Services: Dr Stephen Johnson – No report
  • Public Relations: Matt Mamura – No report
  • Family Director: Jim Grube – No report.
  • Membership Director: John Rode – No Report.
  • Recruitment Committee 1:  Dan Cincoski – No report
  • Recruitment Committee  2: Dave Stumpf – No report.
  • Recruitment Committee 3: Mark Mertens – No report.
  • Retention Chairman: Ed Hagerty -No report
  • Insurance Promotion: Tom Murphy – No report.
  • Chaplain: Unassigned
  • Lecturer:  Marty Dehen – No report

21.  Report of the Round Table Chairman – Not applicable

22.  Report of Standing Committees

HNOJ Life Commission – Earl Forrence reported that Parish committees return from summer hiatus on September 20th.  Earl noted that the Welcoming Committee (with a membership of 8) is being joined with the Parish Life Committee to form a larger “Welcoming & Parish Life Commission”.  This commission will be taking over the responsibilities for the Big/Small Dinners.  Earl recommended we use Anne Benson as the contact for the Big/Small Dinners.

23.  Unfinished Business

Elevate Life gala dinner – Grand Knight Rode advised the Council that Brother Murray Wolf, a director of Elevate Life has invited Council members to attend its September 22 gala dinner at the Bloomington DoubleTree Hotel at no cost to attendees as Murray has purchased a table.  It was noted that the ticket price is $75 and that a free will donation is sought so the $150/couple save could be given as a donation to Elevate Life.  Matt Birk will be the guest speaker at the gala.  Grand Knight Rode indicated that interested members should contact Murray.

Fall Festival – Grand Knight Rode reminded the Council that the Parish Fall Festival will be on September 15.  He indicated an email blast will go out to the membership seeking volunteers for the event, and advise the members that the sign-up is not on the Parish website this year.  Instead, volunteers will be asked to contact Dan Cincoski who is heading leading our effort and seeks our help.

24. New Business

Pancake breakfast – The first pancake breakfast of the fraternal year is scheduled for October 7th with proceeds to be given to pro-life organizations.  Grand Knight Rode indicated there will be an email blast to the membership seeking volunteers to help.

Big/small dinner – Grand Knight Rode reminded the membership that the next big/small dinner will be October 4th.  Jim Grube will line up membership volunteers for the event.

Coats for Kids – Grand Knight Rode indicated that the 2018 Coats for Kids drive is about to get underway.  Motion to provide up to $600 for the purchase of 12 coats each for boys and girls was approved.  Discussion ensued regarding seeking support from the women’s knitting club to provide caps and mittens.  Motion to provide up to $160 to the knitting club for yarn to knit caps and mittens for boys and girls was approved.

4  Fine Dining – Wednesday night Fine Dining is to begin on September 26th.

25.  Report of the Fourth Degree –  Dan Cincoski reported that the fall exemplification will occur October 26/27 at the Hampton Inn in Lino Lakes.  Dan reported that first through third degree exemplification will occur on October 26.  The fourth degree exemplification will begin at noon on October 27.  Registration cost is $70 and $35 for spouses and includes the dinner after the exemplification.  Dan also reported the spring exemplification will occur in Bloomington.

Dan also showed the Council the new fourth degree uniform, noting that an individual Knight’s rank will be reflected on the insignia on the beret.

26.  Field Agent’s Report – John Egan is the new District 53 Field Agent.  John’s contact information is:  email – [email protected] cell phone – 763-234-1477 and address – 8920 100th Avenue North, Maple Grove, MN 55322.

27.  District Deputy’s Report – District Deputy Bill Swing had issued a written report earlier.  Issues addressed in the report were:

1.  First Degree schedule – 6:00 PM on November 13, 2018 – Good Samaritan Council will hold in the Emmaus Room

2.  Memorial Mass for deceased Knights – The Wayzata Council will sponsor the Mass at a date in November to be determined.

3.  Habitat for Humanity – Five Knights from the District attended Trinity Lutheran’s August 24th Habitat informational meeting on their project in El Salvador.  District Deputy Swing is seeking to find someone from the Twin Cities office of Habitat for Humanity to discuss with us local projects.  While District Deputy Swing would like to have this be a district social event, Council members discussed the difficulty we would have hosting such an event at Holy Name due to the competition for rooms.

4. Special Olympics bowling tournament – The Special Olympics bowling tournament will be held December 1st at Bowlero Bowling Center, 7545 Brooklyn Boulevard, Brooklyn Park.  The registration link for volunteers is available through September 24th.

5.  Free throw competition – The District competition is February 2nd, meaning the Council contests need to be done before then.  The Wayzata and Holy Name Councils appear to be the primary organizers.

6.  Recruitment – Supreme is asking Councils to conduct formal recruitment in October.  A one hour webinar was held August 24th, but it can be viewed on demand.

7.  Supreme website update – Supreme’s website is being updated to incorporate “Faith in Action “.  Resources can be accessed by visiting:

8.  Metro area major degrees – September 22 at St. Joseph Parish in Delano.  Frist Degree will begin at 9:30 AM, Second Degree will begin at 10:00 AM, followed by Third Degree.

9.  Coats for Kids – District Deputy Swing noted that the “Coats for Kids” campaign is again open and he provided information on the quantity of coats that need to be distributed by a Council to qualify for credits in the Community section of the Columbian Award.

10. Recruitment – District Deputy Swing indicated that State Deputy Marc Peters and State Membership Chair Jesse Kosloski have been relentless in delivering their message to “Grow the Order”, or GTO.

28.  Good of the Order:

  • Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan
  • Dick and Mary Alice Hargarten
  • Jerry Sisk
  • George Laurance
  • Tom Silver
  • Earl Forrence
  • Dave Brinza
  • Paul Silver (Tom Silver’s brother)
  • Bill Rudolph
  • Paul Rode (John Rode’s brother) on his recent loss of employment
  • Davone Yang and family
  • Father Steve
  • Supreme Court Justice Nominee Brett Kavanaugh
  • Bill Murphy – Golden Valley Council Field Agent who is having surgery to remove brain tumors
  • Those suffering from the effects of natural disasters
  • Those victims and survivors of mass shooting incidents
  • Those preparing for marriage
  • Those in troubled marriages
  • The unborn and pro-life
  • Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis
  • All Cardinals, Bishops, Priests and Religious
  • The unemployed and those seeking work
  • Troubled youth
  • In thanksgiving for prayers answered
  • For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers
  • Candidates for vocations
  • Police Officers
  • Armed Forces
  • All 1st responders

29.  Closing Prayer:  The closing prayers were offered at 8:45PM.

30.  Closing Ode:  The Council dispensed with the closing ode.

31.  Meeting Adjourned:  The meeting was adjourned at 8:46 PM.

Closing Reminders:

  • Fall Festival – September 15
  • Big/small dinner – October 4
  • Pancake breakfast – October 7

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Grube

Knights of Columbus Council Meeting Minutes of August 14, 2018

1.   The August 14, 2018 Council meeting was called to order at 7:38 PM by Grand Knight Rode

2.  Warden’s Report on Membership Cards by Dan Cincoski

3.  Opening Prayer offered by Grand Knight Rode

4.  Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

5.  Roll Call of Officers

Office              Name                   Pres            Office                         Name                    Pres  

Chaplain         Vacant                Vac           Advocate            Tom Silver                 A    

Grand Knight   John Rode       P             Warden                Dan Cincoski            P

 Dep.Grand      Eugene  Dust  P             Inside                    Jose                             A                Knight                                                                  Guard            Rodriguez-Belerrari                 

Chancellor     Tom Murphy     A             Outside Guard     Pat Karn                  A

Recorder        Jim Grube            P             Trustee 3 Year     Dave Stumpf      P  

Financial         Ed Hagerty        P              Trustee 2  Year Bill Swing                 P   Secretary

Treasurer      Mark Mertens  P              Trustee 1 Year    Earl Forrence       A

Lecturer         Marty Dehen     A

Present:  8     Absent:  6

6.  Non-Officer Council Members in Attendance (10 members present for votes):  Tom Lee, Nathan Lee

7.  Knights of Columbus Guests: 

8.  Opening Ode:  The Council dispensed with the opening ode.

9.  Chaplain’s Report:  None

10.  Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting:  The record of the Council finances and actions of the July 10, 2018 General Membership meeting was approved. 

11.  Report of Admission Committee and Reading of Applications: 

12.  Balloting for Membership (new, readmission. reapplications, transfers): 

13.  Initiations:

14.  Grand Knight’s Report:  

15.  Treasurer’s Report:  The Council account balance was $6,758.62 as of August 14, 2018.  Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was approved.

16.  Financial Secretary’s Report:  Total Receipts reported for the period:  $30.00 (1 batch).  Total Disbursements reported for the period:  $2,466.00 (4 Vouchers – $1,016.00, $700.00, $500.00 and $250.00).  Motion to accept the Financial Secretary’s report was approved.

Motion to pay the Council bills was approved

17.  Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouchers for Deposit – See Financial Secretary’s Report #16 above.

18.  Report of Auditors and Trustees

19.  Chancellor’s Report on Vocations – No report

20.  Service Program Committee Reports

Noted:  The following are newly named positions fashioned to coincide with the new “Faith in Action” motto of the Knights of Columbus – effective July 1st 2018.

Program Director:  Dave Stumpf – No report

Faith Director:  Earl Forrence – No report

Vocations Chairman: Tom Silver – No report.

Community Director:  Chris Kostelc – No report

Life Director: Pat Karn – No report.

Health Services: Dr Stephen Johnson – No report

Public Relations: Matt Mamura – No report

Family Director: Jim Grube – No report.

Membership Director: John Rode – No Report.

Recruitment Committee 1:  Dan Cincoski – No report

Recruitment Committee  2: Dave Stumpf – No report.

Recruitment Committee 3: Mark Mertens – No report.

Retention Chairman: Ed Hagerty -No report

Insurance Promotion: Tom Murphy – No report.

Chaplain: Unassigned

Lecturer:  Marty Dehen – No report

21.  Report of the Round Table Chairman – Not applicable

22.  Report of Standing Committees

HNOJ Life Commission – No report

23.  Unfinished Business

Elevate Life Fundraiser update – It was noted that the Council received an email of thanks from Murray Wolf for the $250 sponsorship the Council provided for the Elevate Life golf tournament.  Murray included a photo of the hole sponsorship sign that advised people of the Council’s support.  The Council also received a thank you card from Jane Riley Best, the Elevate Life Development Director.

Program officers update – Grand Knight noted that the titles for many programs have been revised by the Supreme Council.  District Deputy Swing noted that certain security updates are needed for two service areas – see #27, the District Deputy report.

Council calendar update – Grand Knight Rode reviewed for the members the planned activities for 2018/2019.  He noted that he has been in communication with Barb Seliski on the reconciliation of a few items that appear to still be unresolved.

Help needed for the 2018/2019 fraternal year – Grand Knight Rode read a list of Council member responsibility assignments for the year.  During the discussion that ensued, Tom Lee and Mark Mertens expressed willingness to work with Jim Grube on the Big-Small Dinners.

District Deputy Swing mentioned that the Council needs to identify someone to help coordinate the Special Olympics bowling tournament on November 29.  During the discuss that ensued it was noted that communication from the state Council is lacking and thus local members are unaware of the activity.  It was agreed communication needs to improve.

5  Fall festival update – Dan Cincoski reported that everything is set for the upcoming Fall Festival.  600 ears of corn have been ordered and an adequate warming oven has been located.  Dan indicated that Steve Zylla and Chuck Gonderinger will be helping with food preparation.  Volunteer signup is through the Parish website, not the Council website.

24. New Business – No new business was brought forward.

25.  Report of the Fourth Degree –  Dan Cincoski reported on the  Fourth Degree Exemplification was held July 28 at St. Vincent Parish in Brooklyn Park.  Dave Stumpf and Tom Murphy went through the exemplification and became Fourth Degree Knights.  During discussion regarding the activities, Dan provided a brief summary of the new garb the Fourth Degree Knights will be wearing effective July 1, 2019.

Dan reported that the fall exemplification will occur in Lino Lakes and the spring exemplification will occur in Bloomington.

26.  Field Agent’s Report – John Egan is the new District 53 Field Agent.  John’s contact information is:  email – [email protected] cell phone – 763-234-1477 and address – 8920 100th Avenue North, Maple Grove, MN 55322.

27.  District Deputy’s Report – District Deputy Bill Swing had issued a written report earlier.  Issues addressed in the report were:

July 12, 2018 District 53 meeting held at Holy Name of Jesus:

Faith in Action:  The new Knights of Columbus motto, “Faith in Action”, was discussed.

2017-2018 membership and insurance membership numbers:  In the past year the District realized a net gain of three members, while there was a net loss of three insurance members.

2018-2019 goals:  A round table discussion occurred during which attendees shared ideas for increasing membership and improving programs.  A list of ideas was included.

District activities:  A list of suggested District activities was generated and District Deputy Swing asked that anyone with other suggestions contact him.

State awards:  Our Council was recognized for 2017-2018 Program & Membership Excellence; Pennies for Seminarians; Jim Campbell Scholarship Fund support; and the following individuals were recognized for membership recruitment – Dan Cincoski, Dave Stumpf, Tom Lee.

Service program title changes:  A number of service areas have been assigned new names by the Supreme Council and provided a list of the new titles.

Safe Environment Program training & background check requirements:  The Council must submit a program director, family director, and community director.  Youth Environment Training and Background check must be completed by the community director, and family director.  Youth Environment Training only must be completed by the program director and the grand knight.

Metro Area Major Degrees:  August 20th at Transfiguration Church 6133 15th Street North, Oakdale, with First Degree at 5:30 PM, Second Degree at 6:30 PM and Third Degree immediately thereafter.

Mary’s Meals fundraiser dinner: To occur September 27th at St. Joseph of the Lake, 171 Elm Street, Lino Lakes (adults – $15 & children – $10).

US Bank Stadium Coats for Kids drive with Catholic schools:  To occur at the US Bank on October 10th.

2019 Knights of Columbus Supreme Convention:  The convention will be held in Minneapolis, August 5-8, with preconference events beginning August 3rd.

28.  Good of the Order:

  • The family of Ed Ayd on his passing
  • Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan
  • Dick and Mary Alice Hargarten
  • Jerry Sisk
  • George Laurance
  • Tom Silver
  • Earl Forrence
  • Dave Stumpf
  • Dave Brinza
  • Paul Silver (Tom Silver’s brother)
  • Bill Rudolph
  • John Egan as he begins his new role as the District Field Agent and for John’s family as they await the safe return of their son from deployment in Afghanistan
  • Davone Yang and family
  • Father Steve
  • Supreme Court Justice Nominee Brett Kavanaugh
  • Bill Murphy – Golden Valley Council Field Agent who is having surgery to remove brain tumors
  • Students heading to college
  • Those suffering from the effects of natural disasters
  • Those victims and survivors of mass shooting incidents
  • Those preparing for marriage
  • Those in troubled marriages
  • The unborn and pro-life
  • Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis
  • All Bishops, Priests and Religious
  • The unemployed and those seeking work
  • Troubled youth
  • In thanksgiving for prayers answered
  • For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers
  • Candidates for vocations
  • Police Officers
  • Armed Forces
  • All 1st responders

29.  Closing Prayer:  The closing prayers were offered at 8:59 PM.

30.  Closing Ode:  The Council dispensed with the closing ode.

31.  Meeting Adjourned:  The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Closing Reminders: 

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Grube

Knights of Columbus Council Meeting Minutes of July 10, 2018

1.   The July 10, 2018 Council meeting was called to order at 7:36 PM by Grand Knight Rode

2.  Warden’s Report on Membership Cards by Dan Cincoski

3.  Opening Prayer offered by Grand Knight Rode

4.  Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

5.  Roll Call of Officers

Office              Name                   Pres            Office                         Name                    Pres  

Chaplain         Vacant                Vac           Advocate            Tom Silver                 P    

Grand Knight   John Rode       P             Warden                Dan Cincoski            P

 Dep.Grand      Eugene  Dust  A             Inside                    Jose                             A                Knight                                                                  Guard            Rodriguez-Belerrari                 

Chancellor     Tom Murphy     P             Outside Guard     Pat Karn                  A

Recorder        Jim Grube            P             Trustee 3 Year     Dave Stumpf      P  

Financial         Ed Hagerty        P              Trustee 2  Year Bill Swing                 A   Secretary

Treasurer      Mark Mertens  P              Trustee 1 Year    Earl Forrence       A

Lecturer         Marty Dehen     A

Present:  8     Absent:  6

6.  Non-Officer Council Members in Attendance (  9 members present for votes):  Murray Wolf

7.  Knights of Columbus Guests: 

8.  Opening Ode:  The Council dispensed with the opening ode.

9.  Chaplain’s Report:  None

10.  Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting:  The record of the Council finances and actions of the June 12, 2018 General Membership meeting was approved. 

11.  Report of Admission Committee and Reading of Applications: 

12.  Balloting for Membership (new, readmission. reapplications, transfers): 

13.  Initiations:

14.  Grand Knight’s Report:  

15.  Treasurer’s Report:  The Council account balance was $7,307.05 as of July 10, 2018.  Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was approved.

16.  Financial Secretary’s Report:  Total Receipts reported for the period:  $65.00 (1 batch).  Total Disbursements reported for the period:  $ 1,363.50(4 Vouchers – $500.00, $500.00, $20.00 and $343.50).  Motion to accept the Financial Secretary’s report was approved.

Motion to pay the Council bills was approved

17.  Grand Knight Reading of Treasurer’s Receipts, Financial Secretary Vouchers for Deposit – See Financial Secretary’s Report #16 above.

18.  Report of Auditors and Trustees

19.  Chancellor’s Report on Vocations – No report

20.  Service Program Committee Reports

Program Director:  Dave Stumpf – No report

Church Director:  Earl Forrence – No report

Vocations:  Tom Silver – No report

Council Service Director:  Vacant – No report

Culture of Life Director:  Unassigned – No report

Public Relations:  Unassigned – No report                                                 Communications Subcommittee:  Matt Mamura

Family Service Director:  Jim Grube – No report

Youth Activity Director:  John Rode – No report

Membership:  Dan Cincoski –  No report

Recruitment:  John Rode – No report

Retention:  Financial Secretary Hagerty reported that 9 members still have dues outstanding.

Lecturer:  Marty Dehen – No report

HNOJ Life Commission – No report

21.  Report of the Round Table Chairman – Not applicable

22.  Report of Standing Committees – Not applicable

23.  Unfinished Business

HNOJ rummage sale update – Although no Council member present was aware of the gross profit experienced by the Parish, it was speculated that the profit was in the range of $14,000.  This compares to previous years’ profits of approximately $18,000.  It was observed that there was an absence of large furniture this year.

Columbian Award application – Grand Knight Rode reported that the application was submitted in late June, and that he was confident the Council would be an award recipient.

District 53 meeting – Grand Knight Rode reported that the next District 53 meeting is to be held July 12 at 7:00 PM in the Fireside Room at Holy Name.

4  Food shelf financial support – Motion to provide $700.00 to the Interfaith Outreach food shelf and to provide $500.00 to the West Tonka food shelf was approved.

24. New Business

Elevate Life presentation – Murray Wolf made a brief presentation on  the Elevate Life program to the Council.  This is the new name for the former Total LifeCare Centers program that started in 1974 after the Supreme Court ruled on Roe v. Wade.  Murray reported that Elevate Life supports 33 affiliate locations across the state.  Elevate Life brings staff of the affiliates together for training and overall support.  They provide a master website from which the affiliates are provided links to their websites, together with overall marketing and grant distribution to write down affiliate costs.  The program receives time donations from lawyers for legal services and receive professional assistance from doctors and nurses who also donate time.

Murray reported the program is sponsoring its 32nd annual golf tournament at Crystal Lake Golf Club in Lakeville on August 6.  Murray asked the Council to consider sponsoring a hole at the tournament for $250.00.  Motion to sponsor a hole at the 32nd annual Elevate Life golf tournament for $250.00 was approved.

Officer meeting – Grand Knight Rode advised that he would like to have an officer meeting to review the schedule for the fraternal year.  It was agreed the meeting will occur July 24 at 7:00 PM at Lund’s.

Meeting with Father Steve – Grand Knight Rode reported that Bill Swing met with Father Steve.  One calendar item that was not resolved was the date for the 2019 District 53 officer installation.  Insofar as Father Steve directed our attention to July as a possible time of the installation, the Council decided to set aside July 11, 2019.

Fall Festival update – Dan Cincoski reported he had no update of significance since his last report.

RSVP thank you note – Tom Silver reported the Council received a thank you note from Deacon Louis Floeder for the $500.00 financial support we provided through the RSVP program.  Tom also noted that Deacon Floeder has a younger brother in the Seminary.

25.  Report of the Fourth Degree –  Dan Cincoski reported the next Fourth Degree Exemplification will be  July 28 at St. Vincent Parish in Brooklyn Park.  The cost of the meal, etc. is $55.00.  Dave Stumpf and Tom Murphy indicated they would both be attending the exemplification to enter the fourth degree.

26.  Field Agent’s Report – John Egan is the new District 53 Field Agent.  John’s contact information is:  email – [email protected] cell phone – 763-234-1477 and address – 8920 100th Avenue North, Maple Grove, MN 55322.

27.  District Deputy’s Report – District Deputy Bill Swing had issued a written report earlier.  Issues addressed in the report were:

District 53 officer installation – Congratulations to all newly installed officers, and may the Holy Spirit guide them during the fraternal year.  District Deputy Swing also attached a copy of a thank you card sent to Fr. Andrie, of St. Therese Parish, on behalf of the District 53 Councils.  The Good Shepherd Council gave a $100 stipend to Father Andrie, which was not in the Council’s budget.

Holy Family Prayer Program and Icon – The Icon has been in the District since May 5th and has now been returned to the State Program Chair.

District 53 meeting – The meeting is to be held in the Fireside Room at Holy Name at 7:00 PM July 12.  District Deputy Swing asked that agenda items get to him before the meeting.

District Deputy Swing will be attending the Wayzata Council meeting on July 9 and the Golden Valley Council meeting on July 10.

Service Program Personnel Report – The report is due August 1.

Faith in Action – This is a new Program Service Model, replacing the Surge with Service Model.

Metro Area Major Degree – On August 20 at the Transfiguration Church in Oakdale, with 1st Degree at 5:30 PM, 2nd Degree at 6:30 PM and 3rd Degree following thereafter.

28.  Good of the Order:

The family of Ed Ayd on his passing

Christopher “Kip” Walker and wife Susan

Dick and Mary Alice Hargarten

Jerry Sisk

George Laurance

Tom Silver

Earl Forrence

Dave Stumpf

Dave Brinza

Paul Silver (Tom Silver’s brother)

Bill Rudolph

John Egan as he begins his new role as the District Field Agent and for John’s family as they await the safe return of their son from deployment in Afghanistan

Davone Yang and family

Father Steve

For those of the St. Paul Seminary as they continue their search for a new Rector for the Seminary

Supreme Court Justice Nominee Brett Kavanaugh

Those suffering from the effects of natural disasters

Those victims and survivors of mass shooting incidents

Those preparing for marriage

Those in troubled marriages

The unborn and pro-life

Prayers of thanks for Pope Francis

All Bishops, Priests and Religious

The unemployed and those seeking work

Troubled youth

In thanksgiving for prayers answered

For all Brother Knights and their families in need of our prayers

Candidates for vocations

Police Officers

Armed Forces

All 1st responders

29.  Closing Prayer:  The closing prayers were offered at 8:43 PM.

30.  Closing Ode:  The Council dispensed with the closing ode.

31.  Meeting Adjourned:  The meeting was adjourned at 8:44 PM.

Closing Reminders: 

District 53 officer meeting – July 12

Officer meeting to review fraternal year schedule – July 24

Fourth Degree exemplification – July 28

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Grube

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